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Re: Submissions: 2016 April

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 8:11 am
by rwittich_de

Re: Submissions: 2016 April

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 5:29 am
by stringdom42
Titan's Hazy Crescent by Val Klavans, on Flickr
Image taken on April 5, 2016 by the Cassini spacecraft & processed by Val Klavans

Re: Submissions: 2016 April

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 5:35 am
by stringdom42
Titan in the Infrared by Val Klavans, on Flickr
Image taken on April 4, 2016 by the Cassini spacecraft & processed by Val Klavans

Messier 64

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 10:50 am
by alcarreño
Copyrights: Raul Villaverde Fraile

ImageMessier 64_2016 by Raul Villaverde, en Flickr

Re: Submissions: 2016 April

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 10:58 am
by Sternfreund
M81+M82 with IFN - HaLRGB
Copyright: Arno Rottal ... ermark.jpg

M81+M82 with IFN - HaLRGB
Imaged from light polluted observatory 7km near to vienna int. airport.
25x900sec L
8x900sec Ha
each 12x300sec 2x2bin RGB
Moravian G2-8300 on Esprit80.

Occultation of Aldebaran with Moon

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 11:11 am
by Rajneesh Parashar

Re: Occultation of Aldebaran with Moon

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 11:13 am
by Rajneesh Parashar
This image shows trails Aldebaran while occultation with moon on 14th March 2016.
Image has been taken from Hyderabad, India.

Re: Occultation of Aldebaran with Moon

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 6:45 pm
by Ann
Rajneesh Parashar wrote:ImageAldebaran_Trail_Moon by Rajneesh Parashar, on Flickr
I like the colors here. The background is blue, which is absolutely correct, since the moonlit night sky is (dark) blue. The Moon itself is overexposed. And Aldebaran, interestingly, is clearly redder than the Moon. I wouldn't be surprised if the overall hue of the Moon is as red as Aldebaran, but the Moon is so bright that it is hard to see its true color. But for Aldebaran, the color is obvious. By the way, I like the fact that the Moon is overexposed, because we all know how bright the Moon is in the night sky and how hard it is to see stars very close to it. I'm glad and impressed that the reddish color of Aldebaran can clearly be seen next to the brilliantly bright Moon!

This is a nice and interesting image!


Re: Submissions: 2016 April

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 5:11 am
by Rajneesh Parashar
Thank you so much for your detailed observation regarding color..!! I am so glad.

Re: Submissions: 2016 April

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 11:09 am
by Kinch
I much prefer working on Narrow Band images - simply because of the light pollution in my location. But it is now the time for Galaxies and the pretty star clusters.

Messier 3 - just a total of 2 hrs 12 mins RGB - without using the Lum subs that I also had taken.
Final M3 (400 x 283).jpg
Final M3 (400 x 283).jpg (17.67 KiB) Viewed 5991 times

Link to Full Image: ... nal_m3.jpg
Acquisition details :


Sombrero Galaxy

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 11:21 am
by alcarreño
Copyrights: Raul Villaverde Fraile
ImageMessier 104 by Raul Villaverde, en Flickr

Re: Submissions: 2016 April

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 4:29 pm
by Julien QUIRIN

Re: Submissions: 2016 April

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 4:33 pm
by Julien QUIRIN

Re: Submissions: 2016 April

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 4:58 pm
by stringdom42

Re: Submissions: 2016 April

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 5:04 pm
by stringdom42
Saturn on March 27, 2016 by Val Klavans, on Flickr
Image taken by the Cassini spacecraft & processed by Val Klavans

Re: Submissions: 2016 April

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 5:55 pm
by kokehtz

This is a GIF of Crab Nebula (M1). If we compare for example the marked area with an image of the same field taken by DSS (Digitized Sky Survey) 63 years ago we can see how some stars look that they have been displaced, also it can be seen as the nebula has expanded!

Copyright: Álvaro Ibáñez Pérez

Full resolution: ... ea3e_o.gif
Click to view full size image

Re: Submissions: 2016 April

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 6:53 pm
by Sandgirl
Comet 67P
Copyrights: Justin Tilbrook
67p Leotrio 06 04 16 copy_small.jpg
Comet 252P Linear and M14
Copyrights: Gregg Ruppel
Full size: ... 040616.jpg
Venus Moon ocultation during sunrise on 6 April 2016
Copyrights: Daniel López
Collage 3 pictures Venus Moon ocultation 6-4-16.jpg
Eclipse corona
Credits and copyrights: Serge Koutchmy, Jaime Vilinga and Reinhold Wittich
Compo Lasco Ternate Labels Best_small.jpg
IC 434
Copyrights: Sébastien Gozé
IC434 HaRVB finale cp_small.jpg
Lunar/Solar Rainbow
Copyrights: Sam Cornwell
IC 1396 The Elephant's Trunk Nebula
Copyrights: Ezequiel Etcheverry
Southern Pleiades (IC 2602)
Copyrights: Delberson Tiago
Clouds on fire
Copyrights: George Wai
Milky Way over the dome
Copyrights: Sergio Montúfar
objeto en el cielo.jpg
Black hole in NGC1600
Copyrights: Vicent Peris
12/04/2016 - 55th anniversary of the launch of the first human into orbit - inside the Vostok spacecraft
Copyrights: Andrew Bodrov
Linear 252P and Milky Way
Copyrights: Khalil Azar
Cosmic Explorer
Copyrights: Arpan Das

Re: Submissions: 2016 April

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 7:21 pm
by philto
AR 2529 in Ha light
204 mm F/10 refractor pst 1A modified+ bf-15
Image Philippe TOSI
Click to view full size image

Re: Submissions: 2016 April

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 7:55 pm
by Sandgirl
Comet 252P/LINEAR with Messier 14
Copyrights: Derek J Demeter
Flying Angel (Antelia or Glory)
Copyrights: Adolfo Bernalte
North Pole Aurora Panorama
Copyrights: John Chumack
North Pole_Aurora_PanoLRweb_small.jpg
The Planet Jupiter in Leo in the Alaskan Sky
Copyrights: John Chumack
Astrophysicists find triple star system with 'hot Jupiter'
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
An article: ... t-jupiter/
pia03520_ip_300.jpg (60.1 KiB) Viewed 5939 times

Copyrights: Bernard Miller
IC405 (The Flaming Star Nebula)
Copyrights: Bernard Miller
NGC2359 (Thor's Helmet)
Copyrights: Bernard Miller
The Horsehead Nebula
Copyrights: Bernard Miller
Copyrights: Bernard Miller
Mars, Saturn and Antares
Copyrights: Martin Marthadinata
Milky Way raising over the Jade Mountain
Copyrights: Wei-Hao Wang
Night time panorama from Lake Tahoe
Copyrights: Beau Rogers
Venus & Moon
Copyrights: Vlad Dumitrescu
Milky Way, comet and meteors
Copyrights: Eric Benedetti
Swell Milky Well Sunrise_small.jpg
Leo triplet + comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko
Copyrights: Ivan Bosnar
d29a6d8373fd4de71323ae0e610d02fb.1824x0_q100_watermark_watermark_opacity-30_watermark_position-6_watermark_text-Copyright Ivan Bosnar.jpg

Re: Submissions: 2016 April

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 8:33 pm
by Sandgirl
Pickering triangle
Copyrights: Rafael Rodríguez
M96 group
Copyrights: Antoine Grelin
unnamed (1).jpg
Copyrights: Antoine Grelin
unnamed (2).jpg
Copyrights: Antoine Grelin
unnamed (3).jpg
Moon monthly panorma
Copyrights: Antoine Grelin
unnamed (4).jpg
Copyrights: Dory Breaux
The Carina Nebula (NGC 3372)
Copyrights: Martin Heigan
unnamed (5).jpg
Messier 64
Copyrights: Raul Villaverde Fraile
unnamed (6).jpg
Sombrero Galaxy
Copyrights: Raul Villaverde Fraile
unnamed (9).jpg
Leo Triplet: M65, M66, NGC 3628
Copyrights: Oliver Czernetz
Antares, Mars and Saturn
Copyrights: Jiyong Youn
unnamed (7).jpg
Mount Kea green flash
Copyrights; James Westlake
Mauna Kea Green Flash 040716.jpg
Moon setting behing La Cordillera de Los Andes
Copyrights: Sergio Montúfar
Copyrights: Andrea Demarchi
NGC 1893_small.jpg
Jupiter 9 Apr 2016
Copyrights: Alexei Pace
Submission of 67P in Leo Trio
Copyrights: Steve Duffy
Moon passing in front of the Milky Way
Copyrights: Lucas Adler
unnamed (8).jpg
A big sunspot turning towards Earth
Copyrights: Paco Bellido
Sol 16-04-09 12-43UTb.jpg
Celestial Triangle, Zodiacal Light and The Milky Way
Copyrights: Sergio Montúfar

Re: Submissions: 2016 April

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 8:54 pm
by Sternfreund
M81+M82 with IFN - HaLRGB
Copyright: Arno Rottal

Click to view full size image
M81+M82 with IFN - HaLRGB
Imaged from light polluted observatory 7km near to vienna int. airport.
25x900sec L
8x900sec Ha
each 12x300sec 2x2bin RGB
Moravian G2-8300 on Esprit80.

Re: Submissions: 2016 April

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 9:10 pm
by Rothkko
sunspot group 2529, photogram of ... 87#p256287
mérida, spaiin. 2016-04-10
mérida, spaiin. 2016-04-10

Re: Submissions: 2016 April

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 10:52 am
by mewlon300
One of the largest sunspots in recent times. The sun is like an onion, has layers. The image is a composition where the solar photosphere is shown in Visible light and high solar atmosphere in Hydrogen Alpha with swirling plasma. The Earth shown to scale.


Link Full resolution: ... Halpha.jpg

© Eduard Garcia-Ribera (Parc Astronomic Montsec- -

Re: Submissions: 2016 April

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 11:10 am
by Bi2L
Night Sky Dream!!

Night landscape above the sandy beach of Chalikounas, near lagoon Korission, Natura 2.000, Corfu. With the Milkyway Galaxy lighting-up all the nightsky,
Our Cosmic Island Via lactea, our Galaxy Milkyway floting above the Ionian sea, a cosmic island measure some 100,000–120,000 light-years in diameter and with almost 100–400 billion stars. Our Solar System is about 27,000 light years away from the Galactic Center, while we are on the inner edge of the spiral in the Orion Arm. The rotational period at the position of the Sun is about 240 million years.
The capture is from Chalikounas beach, near lagoon Korission a natura 2.000 area, Corfu, Greece, Earth. While in any other picture you’ve seen the Milky-Way from ABOVE is either another galaxy or an artist’s interpretation.
The Milky Way has several satellite galaxies and is part of the Local Group of galaxies, which is a component of the Virgo Supercluster, which is itself a component of the Laniakea Supercluster.

Canon eos 40D, Ef 15mm fisheye, SW Eq6, Iso800, 6X240sec, DSS
Canon eos 700D, Ef 15mm fisheye, Iso800, 6X30sec, DSS

Re: Submissions: 2016 April

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 2:44 pm
by mikiclinic
Copyright: Nobuhiko Miki
Click to view full size image
This picture was taken with 20inch RC & KAF09000CCD.