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Orion and Running man

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 7:07 pm
by alcarreño
Copyright: Raul Villaverde Fraile (Alcarreño)

ImageOrion y El paseante by astrocentejo, on Flickr

Re: Submissions: 2015 February

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 10:19 am
by Emperorkc
Planetary light Vs. City light

The light of Venus vs. the city lights from Kuala Lumpur, pictured atop of a hill side.
Copyright: Kwang Chun Gan
Click to view full size image

Re: Submissions: 2015 February

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 12:28 pm
by MaPa
M34 and nearest neighborhood
Copyright: Marcin Paciorek

Full picture: ... 4_2500.jpg
Click to view full size image

Milky Way Sagittarius Region

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 8:10 pm
by SpookyAstro

Re: Submissions: 2015 February

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 10:04 pm
by Astromontufar
<iframe src=" ... 68/player/" width="500" height="500" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen></iframe>

Re: Submissions: 2015 February

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 12:52 am
by Astromontufar
Pillars of Creation

The new version of Pillars of Creation was released back in 2014, inspired by my Hubble Image process teacher I went ahead and checked the avialable data to create my own version ( I used two infrared filters.

hlsp_heritage_hst_wfc3-ir_m16_f110w_v1_drz Blue
hlsp_heritage_hst_wfc3-ir_m16_f160w_v1_drz Red

The Image credit are for all the Hubble, Nasa and ESA team.
The process and assemble of the data was done by ME.

Jupiter and Satellites setting behind the Marmarole

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 1:10 pm
by gioyhofer
That's a simple but extraordinary event, Jupiter and its satellites while they were setting behind the Marmarole, Dolomiti (Italy). Happened this morning (February 4, 2015) at 6:50 am. I used a simple telephoto for taking this scene ... =1&theater

Jupiter and Satellites setting behind the Marmarole

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 1:37 pm
by gioyhofer
That's a simple but extraordinary event, Jupiter and its satellites while they were setting behind the Marmarole, Dolomiti (Italy). Happened this morning (February 4, 2015) at 6:50 am. I used a simple telephoto for taking this scene ... 075864.jpg

Re: Submissions: 2015 February

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 6:46 pm
by rcolombari
M106 - HST / Subaru / Amateur data

This image is the composition of frames from the Subaru telescope (R+ band) and Hubble Space Telescope observations for the galaxy core (assembled and processed by Robert Gendler).
The overall luminance has been colorized with a former image by Giovanni Paglioli.

Data: NASA/ESO/NOAJ/G.Paglioli
Processing: R. Colombari and R. Gendler
Click to view full size image

Re: Submissions: 2015 February

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 11:16 pm
by Sandgirl
Barnard's "E" Dark Nebula
Copyrights: Ron Brecher
B142 172m LRGB Feb 2015_.jpg
March of the moons
Image credits: NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope
An article:
Dawn Gets Closer Views of Ceres
Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA/MPS/DLR/IDA/PS
An article:
Mercury and Venus over Mount Fuji
Copyrights: Johann Nishant
Huge Solar Filament
Copryights: John Chumack
Orion's Sword
Copyrights: Ron Brecher
Orions Sword 1hr35m LRGB Feb 2015_small.jpg
Messier 78
Credits and copyrights: Data: POSS-II and WISE Archives; Image Assembly and Processing: Oliver Czernetz
Larger size:
IC2118 (Witch's Head) With Rigel
Copyrights: Terry Danks

Re: Submissions: 2015 February

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 4:31 am
by Kinch
ImageBubble Nebula - HSHO by Kinch-Astro, on Flickr

Bubble Nebula - HSHO
3 x SII + 3 x Ha + 3 x OIII.
Total = 9x900 seconds: 2 hrs 15Mins.

Tak FS106ED on Tak EM200 Mount. ATIK 460EX camera.

Re: Submissions: 2015 February

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 11:30 pm
by Sandgirl
The Horsehead and Flame Nebulae (IC434, B33, NGC2024)
Copyrights: Terry Hancock
Larger size: ... /lightbox/
Comet Lovejoy
Image credits: MASTER-Tunka Telescope
Image credits MASTER South Africa Telescope
Bicolor NGC2244
Copyrights: Arno Rottal
Jupiter & Ganymede at Opposition
Copyrights: John Chumack
Protoplanetary disk Proplyd 106-417 in Orion
Copyrights: Ralf Vandebergh
Vela Supernova
Copyrights: Harel Boren
Vela SNR SII-OIII-Ha-RGB 2000x1337 pixels_small.jpg
C/2014 Q2 Lovejoy
Copyrights: Philippe Durville
unnamed (1)_small.jpg
Propeller Nebula - DWB111
Copyrights: Eric Coles
DWB111, The Propeller Nebula in Cygnus, Hubble Palette with POSS2 Luminosity for APOD_small.jpg

Re: Submissions: 2015 February

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 11:29 pm
by Sandgirl
Comet Lovejoy and the Double Cluster in Perseus
Copyrights: Ian Sharp
Full size: ... 13_ids.jpg
Full size: ... 37_ids.jpg
Helix Nebula
Copyrights: Francesco Antonucci
Full size:
Credits and copyrights: Data: NASA/ESO/NAOJ/Giovanni Paglioli; Assembling and processing: R. Colombari and R. Gendler
Full size:

Rosette Nebula
Copyrights: Fényes Lóránd
Larger size: ... dal080.php
Clavius area
Copyrights: Juan Luis Canovas
AREA OF CLAVIUS 09-05-14_smal.jpg
M51, The Whirlpool Galaxy (NGC 5195-94) composite: radio and visible light
Credits and copyrights: Data@ Subaru Telescope (NAOJ), Hubble Space Telescope Digitized Sky Survey, NRAO (National Radio Astronomy Observatory); Image Assembly and Processing : Robert Gendler and Roberto Colombari
More sizes:

Venus and Mercury conjunction
Copyrights: Daniele Cipollina
Venere e Mercurio_small.jpg
Sh2-112 Emission Nebula
Copyrights: Ron Brecher
Sh2-112 8hr25m HaRGB Feb 2015_small.jpg

The Andromeda Galaxy and Comet 2014 Q2 Lovejoy

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 6:19 pm
by DanielEHerron
The Andromeda Galaxy, M31, and Comet 2014 Q2 Lovejoy taken last night from my home in Canton, Ga. This was taken right after sunset.

Stacked from 21 individual Images using DeepSkyStacker
Image Specs: ISO 1600, f/5.6, 30 sec exp, FL 55mm.

Link to image:

Andromeda and Coment LoveJot 2-10-2015 HDR_ by simdan42, on Flickr

Re: Submissions: 2015 February

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 11:07 pm
by Sandgirl
Copyrights: Peter Prendergast
NGC 3521 - the "Technicolor" Galaxy
Credits: SSRO-South (Steve Mazlin, Warren Keller, Jack Harvey, and Steve Menaker) & PROMPT/UNC
Full size: ... ?imgID=497
IC 5067 Pelican Jet
Copyrights: Larry Van Vleet
Full size: ... 7-full.jpg
ISS Transit of the Moon, 6th Feb 2015
Copyrights: James West
ISS Moon Full v2_small.jpg
Orion's Belt
Copyrights: Leonardo Orazi
Larger size:
Larger size:
Spring Galaxies M65, M66
Copyrights: Philip Perkins
Omega Centauri
Copyrights: Marco Verstraaten
Credits and copyrights: Data: WISE IRSA and Francesco Antonucci; Image processing: Francesco Antonucci
Full size:

Re: Submissions: 2015 February

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 11:30 pm
by Sandgirl
Astronomers Catch Multiple-Star System in First Stages of Formation
Image credits: Bill Saxton, NRAO/AUI/NSF
An article: ... em-forming

Moon and Saturn
Copyrights: Andre Potgieter
Trifid Nebula
Copyrights: Andre Potgieter
Comet C/2014 Q2 Lovejoy
Copyrights: Adriano Valvasori
Grand Canyon - Winter Milky Way Arch from Orion to Winter Triangle
Copyrights: Wally Pacholka
GC-MatherPoint-Winter Milky Way Arch from Orion to Winter Triangle-1500wp.jpg
Jupiter and the dancing moons
Copyrights: Daniel Leclerc
Jupiter Phemu Ganymede over Europa7-20cs-NoStop.gif
Sharpless 129 (Sh2-129) - Flying Bat Nebula
Copyrigths: Jeff Johnson
Full size:

IC443,IC444,NGC 2158 and M35

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 12:08 pm
by alcarreño
Copyright: Raul Villaverde Fraile.

ImageIC443 La Medusa v2 by astrocentejo, on Flickr

Re: Submissions: 2015 February

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 3:12 pm
by angelaros
Click to view full size image
In the eve of Saint Valentine's Day, let me send you this picture, with a love story related to it:

It is told that a long time ago, many years before the arrival of the spanish conquerors, there lived in the western coast of Benahoare (the name of the island before the conquest) a young guanche (native people) prince which fell in love with a young lady from the eastern coast. This relationship was forbidden by the sacred law, but unable to resist, one night the young prince sneaked out of his village and thought of evade the guards by climbing up and down the cliffs of the Taburiente Caldera. But the devil (called Roberto by the inhabitants of the island nowadays) was aware of his intentions, and erected a stone wall in the middle of his path. When the prince arrived, found himself unable to pass and offered his soul to Roberto in return: "There goes the soul"-he said. Nothing happened, since it was not enough. "There goes the soul and the body"- he insisted. Then, flames erupted from the earth and broke a section of the wall, which the prince finally could pass through, himself turned into a ball of fire which fell to the bottom of the caldera. The young lady was found dead the following day, and her family buried her body close to the wall. Nowadays, blue flowers called Pensamientos (Viola Palmensis) grow in the place, dominated by the intimidating sight of the broken wall.

That is the legend. I went to the Roberto Wall the one night, past summer. My intention with this picture was to replicate the drama. To do that, I used a red light to colour both sides of the broken wall, and waited the moment when the Milky way aligned with the gap, looking like a thunder or a flame, breaking the wall, as Roberto could have done.

Ángel R. Arós

M106 in the highest detail ever shown.

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 11:00 pm
by avdhoeven
ImageM106 Highest resolution ever... by Andre vd Hoeven, on Flickr

Credits: Processing: André van der Hoeven Data: Hubble Legacy Archive, Canadian Astronomy Data Center, Japanese National Observatory, Tzec Maun Foundation

This image shows M106 in the highest detail ever obtained in such a field of view as far as I could find on the internet.

About 2 years ago I worked on a mosaic of Messier 106, made using images of the Hubble Space Telescope.

Recently I found some new data sources on the internet, including some huge telescope databases with data from professional telescopes. That's when I decided to see it there would be more field of view possible for this image.

Finally I found highres (0.18"/pix) data from the Canadian-French-Hawaii Telescope, located at Mauna Kea.

Processing of this image has cost me over 4 weeks, but I think the result is quite unique. As far as I could tell there has never been made such a high resolution image of M106 at this field of view.

The image shows galaxies up to a magnitude of +25. Literally thousands of galaxies can be observed in the background.

Data used:

R,G,B (r,g,u) data from the CFHT telescope (about 15 Gb!)

M106 core and NGC 4248 (lower right) were made using Hubble Space Telescope data.

Colors of the M106 core were imaged by the 1m telescope of the Tzec Maun Foundation in Cloudcroft, NM.

Several details made by the 8.2m Subaru telescope in Hawaii.


Pierre Méchain discovered this galaxy in July 1781. He wrote a letter in 1783 to Bernoulli mentioning the discovery. He also sent his discovery to Charles Messier, but he never added it to his famous Messier catalogue. It was only in 1948 that this object was added as M106 to the catalogue.

In 1788 this galaxy was independently discovered by the famous astronomer William Herschel, who described it as follows:
“Very brilliant. Bright Nucleus. With faint milky branches north preceding and south following. 15’ long and to the south following running into very faint nebulosity extending a great way. The nucleus is not round.”

M106 is accompanied by the much smaller galaxy NGC 4248 (just below M106).

M106 is at a distance of about 25 million light-years from our own galaxy in the
constellation Canes Venatici. It is a spiral type galaxy and has a diameter of about 135 000 light-years. The spiral arms extend clearly out of the bright core and active star formation areas can be recognized in the arms.

M106 has been classified as a Seyfert galaxy with an active nucleus, showing emissions in the X-ray spectrum. The core probably contains a massive black hole with a mass of over 40 million solar masses. This is about ten times the mass of the central black hole in our own Milky Way.

Recent images acquired by the Chandra X-ray observatory have revealed two extra spiral arms previously hidden from optical observations.


This data was obtained using the facilities of the Canadian Astronomy Data Centre operated by the National Research Council of Canada with the support of the Canadian Space Agency.

Based on observations made with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, and obtained from the Hubble Legacy Archive, which is a collaboration between the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI/NASA), the Space Telescope European Coordinating Facility (ST-ECF/ESA) and the Canadian Astronomy Data Centre (CADC/NRC/CSA).

Thanks to the Tzec Maun Foundation for sharing their data and telescope time.

Thanks to the Subaru Telescope data archive.

Re: Submissions: 2015 February

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 11:37 pm
by Sandgirl
NGC 6992 and surrounding galaxies
Copyrights: Paolo Demaria
Velo elab def 3000 2_.jpg
VLA Finds Unexpected "Storm" at Galaxy's Core
Credits: C. Harrison, A. Thomson; Bill Saxton, NRAO/AUI/NSF; NASA.
An article: ... laxy-storm
The Andromeda Galaxy and Comet 2014 Q2 Lovejoy
Copyrights: Daniel Herron
NASA's Crawler-Transporter 1
Copyrights: Erion Cuko
Comet Lovejoy with NGC 891 (Feb 4th.)
Copyrights: Damian Peach
DSCOVR launch
Copyrights: Spacex
Perseus-Pisces supercluster
Copyrights: Johan Hidding
Mont-Megantic Observatory
Copyrights: Sebastien Guillot
Lunar Halo, Auroras and Jupiter Conjunction
Copyrights: Stephane Vetter
Larger size:
unnamed (1).jpg
Mismatched Twin Stars Spotted in the Delivery Room
Copyright Robert Gendler and Josch Hambsch 2005
An article:
Copyrights: Anne Pearn

Re: Submissions: 2015 February

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 7:14 am
by Astromontufar
Omega Centauri & The Great Jaguar

Tikal, Peten, Guatemala, The Great Jaguar is an important Mayan Temple.

C. Sergio Montúfar

Re: Submissions: 2015 February

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 10:17 am
by felopaul
new processing : Mosaic done with 3 pictures with TEC140 and ODK 20"

full size :
Copyright: Jean-Claude CANONNE, Philippe BERNHARD, Didier CHAPLAIN, Laurent BOURGON

Re: Submissions: 2015 February

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 5:59 pm
by mdieterich
Here is an image of the winter Milky Way from Brackney, Pennsylvania.


Here is the photo on my website: ... #h20b3c6aa

Thank you for considering my photo!

Best regards,

Matthew Dieterich

Re: Submissions: 2015 February

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 1:17 pm
by lup974
Jupiter & the volcano
Copyright: Luc Perrot
Click to view full size image
Since 4 February, the volcano Piton de la Fournaise at Reunion Island is erupting again. This picture was taken last Thursday at 8:35 p.m.. The bright object is Jupiter.
Other photos of the eruption here:

Re: Submissions: 2015 February

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 4:06 pm
by Savio Fong