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Re: APOD: Red Sprite Lightning with Aurora (2013 May 22)

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 9:37 pm
by DavidLeodis
Chris Peterson wrote:
DavidLeodis wrote:Thanks neufer and Chris for your replies.

You state Chris "These sprites are produced by thunderstorms that are a few hundred miles away- typically, over the horizon. If that isn't seeing a storm from the side, I don't know what is!". I did not know, which is why I was trying to seek help which you have given but I did not need what seems to be the condescensive tone. :(
Sorry, there was no intent to be condescending at all. The sentence was intended to be purely exclamatory.
Thanks Chris for your kind apology, which is appreciated. I do realise that without face to face contact it can be easy to create a wrong impression of what is being said. :)

Re: APOD: Red Sprite Lightning with Aurora (2013 May 22)

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 10:04 pm
by neufer
DavidLeodis wrote:
Chris Peterson wrote:
DavidLeodis wrote:
You state Chris "These sprites are produced by thunderstorms that are a few hundred miles away- typically, over the horizon. If that isn't seeing a storm from the side, I don't know what is!". I did not know, which is why I was trying to seek help which you have given but I did not need what seems to be the condescensive tone. :(
Sorry, there was no intent to be condescending at all. The sentence was intended to be purely exclamatory.
Thanks Chris for your kind apology, which is appreciated. I do realise that without face to face contact it can be easy to create a wrong impression of what is being said. :)
I personally would never accuse Chris of being condescending :!:
CONDESCENDING, Yielding to inferiors; courteous; obliging.
CONDESCEND, v.i. [F. condescendre, LL. condescendere, fr. L. con- + descendere.]

1. To descend from the privileges of superior rank or dignity, to do some act to an inferior, which strict justice or the ordinary rules of civility do not require. Hence, to submit or yield, as to an inferior, implying an occasional relinquishment of distinction.

2. To recede from ones rights in negotiation, or common intercourse, to do some act, which strict justice does not require.

3. To stoop or descend; to yield; to submit; implying a relinquishment of rank, or dignity of character, and sometimes a sinking into debasement.

Re: APOD: Red Sprite Lightning with Aurora (2013 May 22)

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 10:17 pm
by Chris Peterson
neufer wrote:I personally would never accuse Chris of being condescending :!:
CONDESCENDING, Yielding to inferiors; courteous; obliging.
Quite so, I never feel obliged to yield to my inferiors (although I try to be polite). But you've provided an incomplete definition; my dictionary includes: to assume an air of superiority. I suspect that's the meaning David was seeing in my choice of words.

As an educator, I sometimes tread a fine line between assuming an air of superiority in a positive way, as we expect from a teacher, and coming off as a condescending jerk. Honestly, I never intend to sound like the latter, but as David quite correctly pointed out, in the absence of face-to-face communication, it can sometimes be difficult to read intent.

Re: APOD: Red Sprite Lightning with Aurora (2013 May 22)

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 12:32 am
by neufer
Chris Peterson wrote:
neufer wrote:
I personally would never accuse Chris of being condescending :!:
CONDESCENDING, Yielding to inferiors; courteous; obliging.
Quite so, I never feel obliged to yield to my inferiors (although I try to be polite). But you've provided an incomplete definition; my dictionary includes: to assume an air of superiority. I suspect that's the meaning David was seeing in my choice of words.

As an educator, I sometimes tread a fine line between assuming an air of superiority in a positive way, as we expect from a teacher, and coming off as a condescending jerk. Honestly, I never intend to sound like the latter, but as David quite correctly pointed out, in the absence of face-to-face communication, it can sometimes be difficult to read intent.

Re: APOD: Red Sprite Lightning with Aurora (2013 May 22)

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 2:23 am
by mjimih
sprite also spright (sprt)
1. A small or elusive supernatural being; an elf or pixie.
2. An elflike person.
3. A specter or ghost.
4. Archaic A soul. ???
5. Meteorology A large, dim, red flash that appears above active thunderstorms in conjunction with lightning.

Does it look like a ghost? uh sort of I guess. how did it get it's name?

Re: APOD: Red Sprite Lightning with Aurora (2013 May 22)

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 3:07 am
by neufer
mjimih wrote:
Does it look like a ghost? uh sort of I guess. how did it get it's name?
    • The Tempest Act 2, Scene 2
    CALIBAN: These be fine things, an if they be not sprites.
    • That's a brave god and bears celestial liquor.
    • The Comedy of Errors Act 2, Scene 2
    DROMIO OF SYRACUSE: This is the fairy land: O spite of spites!
    • We talk with goblins, owls and sprites:
      If we obey them not, this will ensue,
      They'll suck our breath, or pinch us black and blue.

Re: APOD: Red Sprite Lightning with Aurora (2013 May 22)

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 4:27 am
by mjimih
the letter i with it's red spiked dot above it looks strangely similar to the apod photo.


What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.
- William Shakespeare

Re: APOD: Red Sprite Lightning with Aurora (2013 May 22)

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 6:21 pm
by bystander

Re: APOD: Red Sprite Lightning with Aurora (2013 May 22)

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 7:08 pm
by geckzilla
Haha, nice! Mike seems disappointed that he missed the world first by 11 days. I think I would be too.