APOD: Deep Orion Over the Canary Islands (2012 Jan 23)

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Re: APOD: Deep Orion Over the Canary Islands (2012 Jan 23)

Post by DavidLeodis » Tue Jan 24, 2012 8:49 pm

In the explanation it states the image was taken "earlier this year". However, in Juan Carlos Casado's 'Tierra y Estrellas' (Starry Earth) website (found through Juan's section in TWAN) there is a 'P.N. Teide / Teide N.P. - España' section where it states the image was added on February 15 2011 (it could therefore have been taken before then). However, as all the images in that section seem to have been added on February 15 2011 it may be that the section was created on that date but at least some images were added later. I'm confused (easily done I admit!) :?. It's a nice image though, with an interesting annotated version that is brought up when moving a cursor over the image when online. :)

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