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Re: Quiz: Cellular or Celestial -- can you tell the differen

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 6:21 pm
by geckzilla
Tuesday's is really tricky... :)

Re: Quiz: Cellular or Celestial -- can you tell the differen

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 6:27 pm
by owlice
vivien.parmentier wrote:It's not possible to vote again ?
No, just once. Did you want to change your selection?
geckzilla wrote:Tuesday's is really tricky... :)
We'll see!

I'll be curious to see which of the five days' people find the hardest. I'd have had a hard time with all of them, I think, were I on the other side of this quiz!

Re: Quiz: Cellular or Celestial -- can you tell the differen

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 6:45 pm
by Ann
Number one is easy. Number two is much harder.


Re: Quiz: Cellular or Celestial -- can you tell the differen

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 9:02 pm
by Guest
owlice wrote:
vivien.parmentier wrote:It's not possible to vote again ?
No, just once. Did you want to change your selection?
geckzilla wrote:Tuesday's is really tricky... :)

The problem is that if we voted yesterday, we can't vote today!

Re: Quiz: Cellular or Celestial -- can you tell the differen

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 9:08 pm
by owlice
Guest wrote:
owlice wrote:
vivien.parmentier wrote:It's not possible to vote again ?
No, just once. Did you want to change your selection?
The problem is that if we voted yesterday, we can't vote today!
OH! I had no idea; I'm sorry and dangfraznabbit! Thank you for letting me know! Let me see whether I can fix that...

Re: Quiz: Cellular or Celestial -- can you tell the differen

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 9:15 pm
by TNT
Dangfraznabbit :?: :shock: I've heard of dangnabbit but not with the fraz :!:

Re: Quiz: Cellular or Celestial -- can you tell the differen

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 9:39 pm
by geckzilla
Yeah, I think we've inadvertently discovered a bug in phpBB that only affects guests. If you have a strong desire to vote in the poll, you may register an account at the Asterisk and then you should be able to vote. Tomorrow hopefully you'll be able to vote. I'm afraid I might do more harm than good if I try to fix the current poll.

Re: Quiz: Cellular or Celestial -- can you tell the differen

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 9:43 pm
by owlice
Thanks, geckzilla.

My apologies to those who have been frustrated by not being able to vote! Tomorrow, those guests who have already voted will definitely be able to vote; we'll work something out to ensure that. Thank you for your patience, and wow, I'm really sorry! I had no idea this would be an issue.

In the meantime, you are welcome to simply post your selection by replying to the thread; I'll add those selections into the totals from the poll. Thank you!

Re: Quiz: Cellular or Celestial -- can you tell the differen

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 12:32 am
by Guest
option 5 for me. :) thx.

Re: Quiz: Cellular or Celestial -- can you tell the differen

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 4:51 am
by owlice
Wednesday's images are up; answer selection can be made here.

Re: Quiz: Cellular or Celestial -- can you tell the differen

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 5:06 am
by owlice
Thursday's images are up; answer selection can be made here.

I'm surprised at how even the voting eventually because for Wednesday image. Did you select an answer? Why did you select the one you selected?

Re: Quiz: Cellular or Celestial -- can you tell the differen

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 6:53 am
by TNT
I never would have guessed that the Tuesday image 2 was a supernova! It seriously looked like a virus or bacterial object.

Wednesday's image 1 was a little obvious (where can you find that in space :?: ), but image 2 was tricky. It looked like a combination of an infrared image and a gamma ray image of a planetary nebula. Glad to say, though, that I got both of them correct! :ssmile:

Re: Quiz: Cellular or Celestial -- can you tell the differen

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 3:12 pm
by owlice
HA! TNT, I think the opposite! I thought the Tycho supernova remnant looked like a cell in that image; even though I knew what it was (because I selected the image), I still had trouble looking at the image and thinking "celestial" rather than "cellular." (So I'd have been right there with the 53% who selected option 1 were I eligible to vote.) And I thought the Wednesday image 1 looked wickedly celestial, though what the red blobs would be, I don't know. I'm pretty surprised at Wednesday's selections being so evenly tied, especially since one option had had such a large lead early on.

It'd be good to know what others think of this type of quiz, whether we should do something like this again. Are people having fun with this? Would they like Asterisk to run a couple of images every month or so and ask whether/which are celestial/cellular? Can it be improved, and if so, what would make it better? Would people like to nominate images for possible future use?

But maybe those questions are premature, since we still have today's and tomorrow's images to view and ponder!

Re: Quiz: Cellular or Celestial -- can you tell the differen

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 6:27 pm
by Guest
This is really annoying. I just found this quiz today, and apparently there's no way to go back (or at least no way I've been able to find) to the previous days' quizzes without seeing the answers first. Completely spoils the fun. Really dumb.

Re: Quiz: Cellular or Celestial -- can you tell the differen

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 6:41 pm
by neptunium
I really like this quiz. It shows us many different objects that many of us may never have seen or heard of, and makes me wonder if it is one or the other. I haven't seen many (or any) of these cellular objects, which makes the quiz fun for me. Each time I see the answer, I learn something new. I would like to see this quiz go on for a while, if not longer. Thank you for taking the time to post new images each day.

Guest, the poll ends each night at around midnight EST, so a new one can take its place. The answers are posted at that time. Just take today's quiz. Tomorrow, there will be a new one with different images.

Re: Quiz: Cellular or Celestial -- can you tell the differen

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 9:24 pm
It is interestint how things in nature are vastly similar appearing whether in Micro-scale or Macro-scale

Re: Quiz: Cellular or Celestial -- can you tell the differen

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 10:46 pm
by Ann
I think this quiz is fun. What makes it so difficult to me is that the colors are wrong (mostly... I think at least one of Thursday's entire may have been moderately "true"...).

Personally I use colors to understand celestial objects, and I usually ascribe a color to them right when I here them mentioned. Sirius? Sparklingly white and many-colored, but bluish all the same. Jupiter? Striped white and orange-brown. The Andromeda galaxy? Pale yellowish. The North America nebula? Pink. Venus? White. The Moon? Gray. Asteroids? Gray... (and here is where I'm losing interest).

In this quiz the celestial objects are the "wrong color", which makes it hard for me. But of course, if a quiz wasn't hard, it wouldn't be worth doing, would it?


Re: Quiz: Cellular or Celestial -- can you tell the differen

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 5:41 am
by TNT
I had no idea at all. I chose option 5, though, for the fun of it.

Re: Quiz: Cellular or Celestial -- can you tell the differen

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 5:47 am
by owlice
For which day's quiz, TNT? Friday's?

Re: Quiz: Cellular or Celestial -- can you tell the differen

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 6:08 am
by TNT
Thursday's, actually. I thought that was the hardest quiz. Image 1 looked a lot like a nebula with hydrogen gas and dust, but it looked an awful lot like a cell, too. And image 2 was either another nebula or an underwater microscopic organism. But honestly, I didn't know if those were even the right objects.

Re: Quiz: Cellular or Celestial -- can you tell the differen

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 11:05 am
by Ann
Friday's quiz is so hard! The first picture looks like nothing to me.


Re: Quiz: Cellular or Celestial -- can you tell the differen

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 10:17 pm
by TNT
Friday's quiz was posted a little early, don't you think?

Re: Quiz: Cellular or Celestial -- can you tell the differen

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 2:51 am
by owlice
I moved the Friday quiz into production at 11:44 PM EST; means you had perhaps an extra 16 minutes to figure out the images. I hope you used that time wisely! :D

Re: Quiz: Cellular or Celestial -- can you tell the differen

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 5:15 am
by owlice
And apparently everyone did! Friday's results and answers are available here. Just couldn't fool people with those images, I see!

Re: Quiz: Cellular or Celestial -- can you tell the differen

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 5:33 am
by TNT
TNT wrote:Friday's quiz was posted a little early, don't you think?
And the answers were a little late! :mrgreen: :roll:

I really liked the quizzes, though! It was fun to learn new things about these objects and the world we live in. I hope there will be another quiz like this soon! :D