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Re: No Alien Visits or UFO Coverups

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 4:51 am
by mjimih
i'm not a scientist. the truth sets me free. Any idea is worth hearing.

When I first thought of directed microwaves, I was thinking of a hand held device, where another person would follow behind and touch up the design after the stalks are softened by the first person with the device (set to defrost instead of cook)

Re: No Alien Visits or UFO Coverups

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 5:21 am
by bystander
I think the more complicated you try to make it, and the higher the technology required, the less likely it is to be the correct solution. Crop circles are most likely all made by man using simple tools and mathematics. It has been demonstrated, in daylight, on film, using very intricate designs.

Re: No Alien Visits or UFO Coverups

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 5:36 am
by mjimih
bystander wrote:I think the more complicated you try to make it, and the higher the technology required, the less likely it is to be the correct solution. Crop circles are most likely all made by man using simple tools and mathematics. It has been demonstrated, in daylight, on film, using very intricate designs.
ok :| sigh. that makes too much sense for me to ignore. case closed.

are most likely all made by man
...ah skip it. I'll wait 'till I'm abducted, they can explain it to me then.

Re: No Alien Visits or UFO Coverups

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 11:41 am
by rstevenson
One thing I expect to be true if we meet other intelligent beings: they won't have inexplicable motives. Or, at least, their motives won't be any more inexplicable than yours or mine. Given that thought as a starting point, I have a hard time taking seriously the notion that aliens visit Earth, hide from all our high tech detection abilities, make patterns in our cereal crops, and then leave without waiting for the applause.

Human beings are well known to have a sense of humour, and some have an odd desire to confound their neighbours. That's enough of a reason to assume that human beings are making these crop circles. There's no need to invent aliens to do the work for us.


Re: No Alien Visits or UFO Coverups

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 12:49 pm
by owlice
mjimih wrote:Any idea is worth hearing.
There are many many ideas that are patently stupid and should not be uttered, much less actually foisted upon others' ears.

Re: No Alien Visits or UFO Coverups

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 1:32 pm
by mjimih
owlice wrote:
mjimih wrote:Any idea is worth hearing.
There are many many ideas that are patently stupid and should not be uttered, much less actually foisted upon others' ears.
Not a Fox News fan I suppose? me neither.

If they think something stupid, it doesn't mean they are stupid, just ignorant (unless they continue to ignore facts after they've heard them, bc that IS stupid). I should have said "Any idea is worth hearing/reading once." It fosters discussion, which is how we learn from each other what's right and wrong. Plus you can feel good knowing you helped someone who is just ignorant, to see the light, leaving them with a hopefully more happy and fulfilling life.

Re: No Alien Visits or UFO Coverups

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 1:37 pm
by Chris Peterson
owlice wrote:
mjimih wrote:Any idea is worth hearing.
There are many many ideas that are patently stupid and should not be uttered, much less actually foisted upon others' ears.
I take it that means you don't want to hear about my idea that dark energy can be explained by the unique radiation emitted by Rudolph's nose as it interacts with auroral currents during his annual superluminal circumnavigation of the Earth?

Re: No Alien Visits or UFO Coverups

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 1:38 pm
by neufer
geckzilla wrote:
mjimih wrote:
scientifically what do you think of my microwaves directed down at the crops from a hovering helicopter idea?
The idea lends itself to either Man or E.T.
You really want to know what we think about this?
Microwaves or any sufficiently strong EM radiation would burn the crops, not flatten them neatly...
Be on the lookout for popcorn circles.

Re: No Alien Visits or UFO Coverups

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 2:17 pm
by owlice
Chris Peterson wrote:
owlice wrote:
mjimih wrote:Any idea is worth hearing.
There are many many ideas that are patently stupid and should not be uttered, much less actually foisted upon others' ears.
I take it that means you don't want to hear about my idea that dark energy can be explained by the unique radiation emitted by Rudolph's nose as it interacts with auroral currents during his annual superluminal circumnavigation of the Earth?
My eyes!! Oooooh, my eyes!!!!!

Re: No Alien Visits or UFO Coverups

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 2:37 pm
by bystander
Chris Peterson wrote:I take it that means you don't want to hear about my idea that dark energy can be explained by the unique radiation emitted by Rudolph's nose as it interacts with auroral currents during his annual superluminal circumnavigation of the Earth?
So now you are telling us Rudolph is guilty of light pollution?
And it's causing the expansion of the universe to accelerate?

Say it isn't so!

Re: No Alien Visits or UFO Coverups

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 3:27 pm
by geckzilla
Rudolphism is a scam.

Re: No Alien Visits or UFO Coverups

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 4:01 pm
by Ann
geckzilla wrote:Rudolphism is a scam.
Well, when Rudolphism begins to sweep across the world, remember that you read about it here first!


Re: No Alien Visits or UFO Coverups

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 4:11 pm
by geckzilla
I'll never believe it!! Consensus be damned.

Re: No Alien Visits or UFO Coverups

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 4:34 pm
by bystander

Re: No Alien Visits or UFO Coverups

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 5:28 pm
by neufer
geckzilla wrote:
Rudolphism is a scam.
You're talking about my grand-pappy there :!: :evil: wrote:
Name: Rudolph Carl Neuendorffer
Spouse: Esther Neuendorffer
Birth: abt 1887 - New York
Residence: 1935 - Mount Pleasant, Westchester, New York
Residence: Mount Pleasant, Westchester, New York

Re: No Alien Visits or UFO Coverups

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 6:51 pm
by geckzilla
This conspiracy runs deeper than I previously thought. My paternal grandmother's name was Esther.

Re: No Alien Visits or UFO Coverups

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 7:08 pm
by Chris Peterson
geckzilla wrote:This conspiracy runs deeper than I previously thought. My paternal grandmother's name was Esther.
So what does the fact that our new baby goat is named Esther mean? What if she develops a red nose as she matures?

Re: No Alien Visits or UFO Coverups

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 8:46 pm
by geckzilla
I'll run through the streets and shout that it's a miracle!

Re: No Alien Visits or UFO Coverups

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 9:10 pm
by neufer
Chris Peterson wrote:
geckzilla wrote:
This conspiracy runs deeper than I previously thought. My paternal grandmother's name was Esther.
So what does the fact that our new baby goat is named Esther mean?
That you're just kidding :?:

Re: No Alien Visits or UFO Coverups

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 9:21 pm
by MargaritaMc
Chris Peterson wrote:
geckzilla wrote:This conspiracy runs deeper than I previously thought. My paternal grandmother's name was Esther.
So what does the fact that our new baby goat is named Esther mean? What if she develops a red nose as she matures?
Oh my goodness! We are talking about something seriously spooky here.
Because - neither of my grandmothers was named Esther - NOR do I have a goat called Esther!
And I am not called Esther either.
There really is some conspiracy going on. :shock:

THEY hush it all up, you know,

Re: No Alien Visits or UFO Coverups

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 9:39 pm
by geckzilla
These coincidences are too much to bear. Obama must answer for this.

Re: No Alien Visits or UFO Coverups

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 10:13 pm
by mjimih
it seems more plausible that aliens would secretly make crop circles rather than just flying aimlessly around all over the place looking silly doing nothing but getting spotted occasionally.

One thing I see in most of the ufo vids with spots of moving lights, is that imo they tend to use a sheet of glass in front of the camera, and shine a light source on it from behind the camera. The glass can be moved around along with the light source to simulate the expected movements of a "flying" object. With some practice they can make it look pretty realistic.

Re: No Alien Visits or UFO Coverups

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 10:53 pm
by Beyond
This whole Rudolphism thing is just a cover up to hide the fact that Chris' goat Esther, when grown, will be out to *get-all-our-goats* :!: And it's starting already. :yes: :lol2: :lol2:

Re: No Alien Visits or UFO Coverups

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 11:44 pm
by bystander
Click to play embedded YouTube video.

Re: No Alien Visits or UFO Coverups

Posted: Sat May 04, 2013 1:02 am
by mjimih
Thanks! I hadn't seen that one yet.

Ok if they are all man made (99.9% probability)<---up from 78.2% a few days ago

then all teams are so far avoiding detection by those who are not known to them who would try to go out and find them to post their video on youtube.
there must be at least a few teams, or a team, that can make very refined huge circles efficiently, bc some are so very big and beautiful. Amateurs and professionals at work, you can generally tell the difference.
I have seen no pictures of circles half finished, or that have obvious mistakes in them. All I've seen is apparent perfection.
The big teams have so far kept their secret hidden. Hundreds of people making the circles, and not one is squealing?

Same exact phenomena, but totally different looking
They used the word phenomena in the documentary a lot. I found an ugly alien monster singing about it.
Click to play embedded YouTube video.