C/2009 P1 (Garradd) visits M71
Copyright: Brian Kimball [attachment=3]Garradd_M71.jpg[/attachment]
Comet Garradd and M71
Copyright: Rodrigo Losada Menendez [attachment=2]Garradd50secs.gif[/attachment]
Comet Garradd and Globular Star Cluster M71 in Sagitta http://www.jwestlake.com
Copyright: Jimmy Westlake [attachment=1]C_Garradd-M71-Westlake-082711(sm).jpg[/attachment]
This picture shows how fast comet C/2009 P1 Garradd moves relative to fixed star field background, while passing optically near of M71 globular star cluster in the constalletion of Sagitta, producung a nice perspective of both objetcs.
Comet C/2009 P1 Garradd these days show a 7.2 magnitude and is visible by using binoculars and small telescopes, being the brightest comet in the current sky. Garradd is a giant comet wich absolute magnitude reaches 2.5 (Elenin in comparision reaches 10), not approaching too much to Sun (1.5 AU) nor Earth (1.2 AU). Past august 22th the comet reached their first minimun distance to Earth, 1.3 AU, having a second approach next 4/march/2012. Having two minimun distance to Earth is normal on comet orbits.
The resulting composition of 215 shots during more than two hours following the comet, shows the trace it leaves while moving, making it easy to see it's trayectory and speed based on time the shots were taken. All times are Universal Time, so you have to calculate your local time.
Re: C2009 P1 Garradd Images
Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 12:09 am
by owlice
Comet Garradd http://www.astro-hp.dk/
Copyright: Niels V. Christensen [attachment=6]Gerradd_FullF-resized_33.jpg[/attachment]
Garradd and Messiers
Copyright: Tunc Tezel
Comet Garradd C/2009 P1 http://www.galacticimages.com
Copyright: John Chumack [attachment=3]cometGarrard082211ChumackHRweb.jpg[/attachment]
This 2h13m video shows how fast comet C/2009 P1 Garradd moves relative to fixed star field background, while passing optically near of M71 globular star cluster in the constalletion of Sagitta, producung a nice perspective of both objetcs.
Comet C/2009 P1 Garradd these days show a 7.2 magnitude and is visible by using binoculars and small telescopes, being the brightest comet in the current sky. Garradd is a giant comet wich absolute magnitude reaches 2.5 (Elenin in comparision reaches 10), not approaching too much to Sun (1.5 AU) nor Earth (1.2 AU). Past august 22th the comet reached their first minimun distance to Earth, 1.3 AU, having a second approach next 4/march/2012. Having two minimun distance to Earth is normal on comet orbits.
Comet Garradd with M71
Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 11:15 am
by etiqi
For some days I had thought to take a picture when comet C/2009 P1 Garradd was next to M71, but the day they were together was cloudy!
Yesterday I got it, although they were a little more separated (1º 51'). With a Takahashi FSQ and Orion Starshot pro, they fit in visual field, so here's the picture after an hour of exposure from 60 - one minute images. Captured with Maxim DL Pro 5, stacked with DeepSkyStacker and processed PixInsight STD.
Comet C2009 P1 Garradd and Perseid Meteor Movie available
Copyright: Students using the instruments at Bareket Observatory [attachment=1]comet_gerrard_perseid_meteor.jpg[/attachment]
Comet Garradd & M92 from the (cold) Desert in Southern New Mexico
Copyright: Richard Richins [attachment=1]GarraddM92b.jpg[/attachment]
C/2009 P1 (Garradd) and M92 on 2012, Feb. 3.5 http://remanzacco.blogspot.com
Copyright: Ernesto Guido, Giovanni Sostero & Nick Howes [attachment=0]p2009p1_2012feb03_h10.jpg[/attachment]