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Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 October 1-4

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 6:02 pm
by Wolfgang

Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 October 1-4

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 6:43 pm
by Ann
Nice image of the Omega Nebula, Wolfgang!

I checked out your homepage, and I love this image of yours of the Lagoon Nebula:

The image is most definitely color enhanced, but that just makes it more beautiful, according to me! :mrgreen: Also, the enhanced color brings out some real but subtle color differences across the fact of the Lagoon. For example, I had previously noted blue reflection nebulosity in exactly those places where it is so prominent in your picture. Also, I had noted that the Lagoon is at its most pinkish-red at exactly the places where your image brings out that color, in a sort of "ring" or "wreath" around the bright cluster and star forming center of the Lagoon. I had also noted the color difference between the magenta hue of the main Lagoon Nebula and the brick-red large patch to the left. Also note the many intensely red "streamers" to the north and west (right) of the main nebula.

That sure is a delightful image!


Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 October 1-4

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 8:47 pm
by whwiii
Propeller Nebula

Copyright: William Warden
Click to view full size image
this is my first post so apologies if this is the wrong thread or forum.

above is an image of the propeller nebula (aka DWB 111, Simeis 57), part of an extended HII region in cygnus. as far as i can tell the phenomena causing this unusual nebula are not well understood. it doesn't look like a typical emission nebula with a bright star(s) causing emission from the surrounding gas, nor does it look like a random shockwave in space.

can anyone help explain this nebula?

imaging details:
FS 102 @ f/6 (2.14"/px); Astrodon 5nm Ha, IDAS LPR filters, SX H9/H9c
Ha 57 x 10 min, RGB 52 x 5 min, 7/22-23,8/8-9 2010, los alamitos, ca
(reduced to approximately 3.5 "/px).

larger size: ... 1280-3.jpg

RGB only ... B-800w.jpg

Ha only ... 800w-2.jpg

-Bill W

Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 October 1-4

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 10:18 pm
by ashtree
Bloody Heart Nebula - IC 1805
Copyright: Adam Jesionkiewicz
Click to view full size image
There is a bigger version of my latest picture (4 mpix): ... _4mpix.jpg ... e-ic-1805/

– Adam Jesionkiewicz

Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 October 1-4

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 3:55 am
by Jeremy Perez
Destinations Along the Winter Milky Way
Belt of Venus - Image Details
Copyright: 2010 Jeremy Perez
Click to view full size image
Hi, this is my first submission here. Although I shoot wide field images from time to time, I'm primarily a visual observer and sketch the wonders of the deep sky as I view them through my telescope. Photographs bring out the amazing and beautiful detail in our galaxy and universe, while sketches can present what is actually visible to the human eye.

This photograph of the winter Milky Way setting over Sunset Crater National Monument is supplemented by 24 sketches that highlight just a few of the captivating deep sky objects that reside in this richly adorned stretch of our galaxy. I originally set this up to work as a rollover graphic (with & without callout lines). The second image below leaves the callout lines out.

Kind regards,
Jeremy Perez
Flagstaff, AZ
The Belt of Venus - Amateur Astronomy Website
Astronomy Sketch of the Day
Click to view full size image

Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 October 1-4

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 1:57 pm
by Ann
Thank you for your lovely sketches, Jeremy Perez!

You captured exactly the grey-green color that I myself have seen in M42. Thank you!

As for blue stars, many blue stars look as intensely colored to me as the blue component does in your sketch of STF 747. What star is that, though? Do you have an HD or an SAO designation for it, or at least some good coordinates?

To me, Lambda Orionis looked exactly as blue last time I observed it as the blue component of STF 747 apparently did to you! I agree with you, though, that Rigel, for some reason or another, often doesn't look very blue.

Anyway, thank you very much for your delightful sketches!


Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 October 1-4

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 7:00 pm
by Jeremy Perez
Hi Ann, thank you!

It's fascinating how subjective color perception is at the eyepiece. Sometimes when doing outreach observing, I'll point the scope at Albireo and ask visitors to look at the stars and tell me what colors they see. Some see the gold/blue combo well, while others see color in only one or the other of the stars, and then some see no color at all.

Doubles in the Struve catalog that don't have a Flamsteed/Bayer designation can be a pain to find sometimes. Struve 747 can be found at 05 35 02.682 -06 00 07.30
The A/B Components are catalogued as:
HD 36960/36959
SAO 132301/132298
ADS 4182

I hope you get a chance to take a look!


Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 October 1-4

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 7:21 pm
by wolfrayet
LBN 468 yulbudaghian's Nebula ... N468g.html
Copyright: Pieter Vandevelde
Click to view full size image

Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 October 1-4

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 7:24 pm
by moladso
Nice sketches, Jeremy.
Thanks for sharing.
