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Re: Missing Link Found?

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 3:28 pm
by The Code
Chris Peterson wrote:I'm not saying that (if you're responding here to me). Black holes are not largely unknown subjects. Many aspects of them are well understood, described by high quality theories that produce testable (and tested) predictions. Most discussion of the interior of black holes is highly speculative, is not well described by theory, and is currently difficult or impossible to test. As such, the physics of black hole interiors is weak. Just because it is speculative now doesn't mean it will always be that way, nor that science will come to a dead end. But it is important to distinguish between strong, well supported science and ideas that aren't yet well developed.
Its just a case of a new form of physics that is needed. to understand extreme laws. but to say something is speculative and is not science is another way of giving up and walking away from a problem. But i got a warning from a mod not to discuss anything unscientific. So i will not. black holes and how and why they operate ''does not exist''.

Re: Missing Link Found?

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 3:35 pm
by Chris Peterson
mark swain wrote:but to say something is speculative and is not science is another way of giving up and walking away from a problem.
That isn't true. The scientific process often starts with speculation. But it has to be directed in a way that leads to testable ideas. If that can't be done, then the problem isn't framable in scientific terms in the first place, and scientists shouldn't be dealing with it at all.

Re: Missing Link Found?

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 3:38 pm
by The Code
Chris Peterson wrote:That isn't true. The scientific process often starts with speculation. But it has to be directed in a way that leads to testable ideas. If that can't be done, then the problem isn't framable in scientific terms in the first place, and scientists shouldn't be dealing with it at all.
I agree...But to say the Cake is nice,, First you must try the Cake.

Re: Missing Link Found?

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 11:45 pm
by aristarchusinexile
Chris Peterson wrote:
aristarchusinexile wrote:Please remember these words your own when you speak of the theory of black holes as if Black Holes have been proven to exist.
Nothing has been proven to exist. But the existence of black holes is about as well supported by observation as the existence of electrons. From a practical standpoint, both can be treated essentially as facts.
Yeah right. Sounds like religion to me .. but that can't be discussed here.

Re: Missing Link Found?

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 2:29 am
by harry
G'day from the land of ozzzzzzz

Chris I notice that you are very good at using words and yet fall short of understanding the issues with black holes.

You questioned the term condensed matter withouth having any understanding of it.

If you wish to be a critic than be a critic on the science issues and not direct that to the people on this forum.

The term condensed matter is used in many aspects, the reason why I post science papers is to reduce the Chinesse whisper.
To understand the properties of the so called Black Holes is to understand condensed matter that create the zone to trap EMR from escaping, thus create the idea of a black hole.

A theory of highly condensed matter.

The Condensed Matter Physics of QCD

Bose-Einstein Condensation of Dark Matter Axions

QCD against black holes?
Along with compacting baryon (neutron) spacing, two very important factors come into play at once: the lack of self-stabilization within a compact neutron star (NS) associated with possible black hole (BH) horizon appearance and the phase transition - color deconfinement and QCD-vacuum reconstruction - within the nuclear matter. That is why both phenomena should be taken into account side by side, as the gravitational collapse is considered. Since, under the above transition, the hadronic-phase vacuum (filled up with gluon and chiral $q\bar q$-condensates) turns into the "empty" (perturbation) subhadronic-phase one and, thus, the corresponding (very high) pressure falls down rather abruptly, the formerly cold (degenerated) nuclear medium starts to implode into the new vacuum. If the mass of a star is sufficiently large, then this implosion produces an enormous heating, which stops only after quark-gluon plasma of a temperature about 100 MeV (or even higher) is formed to withstand the gravitational compression (whereas the highest temperatures of supernovae bursts are, at least, one order lower). As a consequence, a "burning wall" must be, most probably, erected on the way of further collapsing the matter towards a black hole formation.

Re: Missing Link Found?

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 4:00 am
by Chris Peterson
harry wrote:You questioned the term condensed matter withouth having any understanding of it.
I understand it perfectly. As I said previously, condensed matter is rigorously defined as matter consisting of multiple interacting particles. It does not need to be compact, and usually is not. You seem to misunderstand the term as applying only to compact matter, which is probably why so many of the paper links you post make no sense in supporting your statements. Three of the papers you link are about compact matter, and the paper on Bose-Einstein condensation has nothing to do with black holes or ordinary condensed matter at all.

When you use the term "condensed matter", especially without qualification (note that the three papers about compact matter all qualified the term) you are simply talking about ordinary matter- in astronomy, that's most often dust.

Re: Missing Link Found?

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 9:17 am
by harry
G'day Chris

Mate I think you missed the point by a mile.

Just keep on thinking the way your thinking, be happy.

I hope one day that you will use that smart mind of yours to go beyond, to go the extra mile.