No Evidence of Time Dilation in Gamma-Ray Burst Data

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Re: No Evidence of Time Dilation in Gamma-Ray Burst Data

Post by THX1138 » Sat Apr 11, 2009 2:52 am

Amazing, to me, is the fact that the vast majority of the worlds cosmologists are hung up on the ever expanding big bang universe. The static universe…..Impossible ! Why so?
Because no matter where you look everything is moving outward and away from the good old milky way….Disregarding a few minor items such as Andromeda coming towards us and etc. None the less the universe is expanding……We can see it and test the fact scientifically, “ red shift “.The holy grail of cosmology, the red shift.
Furthermore “ For all of you underachievers who also think the earth is round “ when all can see that it is obviously very flat. If we follow everything backwards along its trajectory it’s easy to SEE that everything that there is started in one place.
Was there a big bang ? Maybe. Was everything there is in one place originally until dark energy started pulling it towards infinity, Maybe. For that matter did the entire universe spew out of the exhaust pipe of an exhausted black hole .Seems as likely as any other hypothesis to me..
Personally I lean towards the static universe simply because it’s the easiest explanation, per Occam’s Razor. ( With emphasis added ) I could try to explain and might even be able to show someone that dark energy has gravitational pull, can anyone on this planet
Lend reason to what made the precious big….go bang, in the first place

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Re: No Evidence of Time Dilation in Gamma-Ray Burst Data

Post by apodman » Sat Apr 11, 2009 4:29 am

THX1138 wrote:dark energy ... pulling ... towards infinity
Pulling? I thought it was pushing.
THX1138 wrote:show someone that dark energy has gravitational pull
Gravitational(?) push?
THX1138 wrote:it’s the easiest explanation, per Occam’s Razor
Occam's razor isn't about the easiest explanation, it's about the easiest explanation that works.
harry wrote:ultra dense plasma matter ... cake
Don't break a tooth!

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Re: No Evidence of Time Dilation in Gamma-Ray Burst Data

Post by THX1138 » Sat Apr 11, 2009 6:38 am

It seems that apod has a very good point, dark energy is pushing not pulling and this must be true because he has said so. “ Among others “ Here we go full circle . So it seems that everyone should discount the possibility that dark energy could have ever acted differently at any time because at the moment it seems to be holding galaxies together.
I’m not buying into the push only or buying into the bang, Am I wrong? Maybe. Or is the pull then push idea a more likely possibility? Maybe. Or the exhaust pipe of a black hole……………Or finally, was the beginning of everything made possible by something no one has yet even come up with, Maybe.

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Re: No Evidence of Time Dilation in Gamma-Ray Burst Data

Post by The Code » Sat Apr 11, 2009 7:20 am

How compacted does matter/energy have to be, before gravity reverses to the point where the total mass can no longer with stand the internal reverse? And if this was the reason for the bb would this not explain why some matter is still in a reverse gravity state and still pushing outwards?

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Re: No Evidence of Time Dilation in Gamma-Ray Burst Data

Post by harry » Sat Apr 11, 2009 8:00 am

G'day from the land of ozzzzzzz

Mark swain said
How compacted does matter/energy have to be, before gravity reverses to the point where the total mass can no longer with stand the internal reverse? And if this was the reason for the bb would this not explain why some matter is still in a reverse gravity state and still pushing outwards?
I do not think Its a matter of how much density matter is, its the magnetic reconnection ratio with the central core mass and the infalling matter. To create a vortex that can escape a so called black hole whether it starts from the core or around the core it requires a magnetic field that can keep it stable. The stronger the magnetic field the greater is the stability and some of these jets can go for millions of light years and some like the ones on the surface of the sun will fizz off very quickly.

Sun Jet movies ... ayjets.htm

Galaxy jets ... 00pic.html ... 11008.html

'Death Star' Galaxy Black Hole Fires at Neighboring Galaxy ... 21707.html
"We've seen many jets produced by black holes, but this is the first time we've seen one punch into another galaxy like we're seeing here," said Dan Evans, a scientist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and leader of the study. "This jet could be causing all sorts of problems for the smaller galaxy it is pummeling."
and so on.

Magnetic reconnection is the Key Process.
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Re: No Evidence of Time Dilation in Gamma-Ray Burst Data

Post by JimJast » Sat Apr 11, 2009 12:50 pm

Chris Peterson wrote:If you're unpublished, or they have some reason to doubt your veracity, you may need an endorser.
Unfortunately all endorsers that I've ever managed to talk into endorsing my paper get cold feet when it turns out that I'm showing that Einstein's general relativity predicts that in "Einstein's universe" of density 6E-27kg/m^3 there is an illusion of expansion od space with Hubble constant H=70km/s/Mpc and acceleration dH/dt=-H^2/2 (both things observed + some others, like acceleration of Pioneers, and near quasars). Professors are afraid to endorse such a paper regardless of its veracity. They told me that they can't risk their careers by endorsing a paper without being sure that there are no undetected errors in it. Catch 22 :( .

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Re: No Evidence of Time Dilation in Gamma-Ray Burst Data

Post by apodman » Sat Apr 11, 2009 2:09 pm wrote:... when a report ... indicated that dark energy behaves even more strangely than researchers had suspected, it garnered extraordinary publicity - as well as vehement reactions among researchers.

... The study ... indicates that dark energy varies over time. The work suggests that dark energy put the brakes on cosmic expansion in the past but is now accelerating it.

... The implications ... are so provocative ... that for now, "no one believes it."

... the most important aspect of the new study ... is not the result but the method used to get it. This is the first time that gamma-ray bursts, the most powerful explosions in the universe, have been used to analyze dark energy.

... findings aren't as precise as those from more-established methods for studying dark energy.

... Because gamma-ray bursts can be seen at much greater distances than supernovas can, they could, in theory, be used to probe cosmic expansion at earlier times. Gamma-ray bursts vary in brightness much more widely than supernovas do, making it more of a challenge to use them. To compensate, Schaefer took into account five properties of 52 gamma-ray bursts to gauge their intrinsic brightness.

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Re: No Evidence of Time Dilation in Gamma-Ray Burst Data

Post by apodman » Sat Apr 11, 2009 2:28 pm wrote:Unlike some mysteries, where nobody has any idea how to solve it, the problem with dark energy is that scientists have developed too many possible solutions. It's possible that one of their ideas is correct, but so far the scientific community has not settled on a single explanation. Here are three of the leading contenders:

1 The Energy of Empty Space
Scientists have known for decades that even supposedly "empty" space could have energy. The energy contained in this vacuum, known as the cosmological constant, could be providing the oomph that is pushing galaxies apart from one another at an ever-faster rate.

2 Modified Gravity
Our theory of gravity, based on the laws of Newton and Einstein, is very well tested on the scale of the solar system. But perhaps over very large distances, such as those between galaxies, our understanding breaks down. A new law of gravity may naturally explain why cosmic expansion is speeding up.

3 A Dynamical Energy Field
Some theorists think that an invisible energy field known as quintessence pervades our universe, and that the nature of this field varies with time. At the moment, quintessence is causing cosmic acceleration. But in the future, it may reverse itself, leading to a big crunch.

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Re: No Evidence of Time Dilation in Gamma-Ray Burst Data

Post by Chris Peterson » Sat Apr 11, 2009 2:31 pm

Seems like another thread that has fallen into unscientific nonsense unrelated to the original topic, and which probably ought to be shut down.

Chris L Peterson
Cloudbait Observatory

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Re: No Evidence of Time Dilation in Gamma-Ray Burst Data

Post by apodman » Sat Apr 11, 2009 2:38 pm

Chris Peterson wrote:Seems like another thread that has fallen into unscientific nonsense unrelated to the original topic ...
Chris Peterson wrote:... and which probably ought to be shut down.
And just when I was launching the last ditch rescue mission. Probably futile anyway.

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Re: No Evidence of Time Dilation in Gamma-Ray Burst Data

Post by Chris Peterson » Sat Apr 11, 2009 2:41 pm

apodman wrote:And just when I was launching the last ditch rescue mission. Probably futile anyway.
Sadly, they usually are.

Chris L Peterson
Cloudbait Observatory

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Re: No Evidence of Time Dilation in Gamma-Ray Burst Data

Post by apodman » Sat Apr 11, 2009 3:08 pm

Seriously, why do we even bother naming topics? I come to this forum, and I can't tell one set of content from another from the titles. All the threads end up looking the same. Instead of making some kind of effort to comment on the subject at hand, a handful of contributors look at anything only as an opportunity to say what they always say regardless of relevance.

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Re: No Evidence of Time Dilation in Gamma-Ray Burst Data

Post by Chris Peterson » Sat Apr 11, 2009 3:17 pm

apodman wrote:Seriously, why do we even bother naming topics? I come to this forum, and I can't tell one set of content from another from the titles. All the threads end up looking the same. Instead of making some kind of effort to comment on the subject at hand, a handful of contributors look at anything only as an opportunity to say what they always say regardless of relevance.
Good point. I frequently skip entire threads because they are all over the place. Maybe this "anything astronomical" forum requires more active moderation to keep on topic, with topics closed more quickly once they drift. (I know, moderation isn't supposed to be a full time job <g>).

The APOD forum seems to work pretty well.

Chris L Peterson
Cloudbait Observatory
