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Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 10:47 am
by cosmo_uk
the spectral signatures of neon plasma are seen in X-ray spectra (probably not as obvious in the broad band images you are discussing, in fact the spectra would help see through the coronal loops to the underlying X-ray spectra of the photosphere). So you would see a massive spectral feature for neon if the photosphere is a neon plasma and you don't.

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 11:45 pm
by cosmo_uk
As far as I can tell, the photosphere does absorb most x-ray that try to pass through it

Well the definition of the photoshere is just the point in the solar atmosphere where the opacity drops to a point where you can see the photons emitted from it so the X-rays would be visible from here because thats the definition of a photosphere.
and I've seen thousands if not millions of x-ray images of the sun,
Forget about looking at images- I'm on about spectra, i've seen thousands of images of galaxies but only when you look a the spectra can you get a real handle on whats going on.

If there is a neon photosphere there will be a neon Xray spectra in the data, even if this is swamped by the coronal emission there may well be very simple ways to extract the neon signal. Also the neon spectra may well be lower in energy than the processes going on in the corona making neon spectra extraction fairly simple. after all the guys in the paper I quoted found a neon spectra in the photosphere
You should make a model of what kind of spectra you expect from your coronal loops and then what you would expect from a neon plasma and then see if it could be observed. If it can then you can prove the sun is as you say it is and collect your nobel prize, although I'd obviously like an acknowledgement:)
the x-ray light is concentrated inside of the coronal loops.
just because the images look like this doesn't mean there isn't signal in the dark spaces. use some form of image processing software like IRAF to find out.

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 12:00 am
by harry
Hello All

Thank you for the link Micheal
Stardust Findings Override Some Commonly Held Astronomy Beliefs ... 091106.htm

One of the small wedges that holds back cosmology and siceince is the standard models that entrap many thoughts.

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 7:26 am
by harry
Hello All

I was just thinking aloud

What holds the photosphere in place?
Is it the solar envelope or the inner core.
Where does the energy come from?
Again the solar envelope or the inner core. I should say originate from.

and yet another question.

Where do the atomic particals come from to make the atoms from Hydrogen to Iron?

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 10:12 am
by cosmo_uk
anyway, have a think about my suggestions and see if there is a way to prove your idea through this kind of direct observation. Like i say it may be more straight forward than you think

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 7:59 am
by harry
Hello Michael

If the sun's origin is from a supernova and the resulatnt core was a neutron core. What is the superfluid made from and its density now.

I see the inner core being the centre of the solar system.
Its density would hold together

The solar envelope
The remaining planets and misc matter.
Control the heat release to the solar envelope.

Does the standard model give us a true density of the inner core.

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 4:50 am
by harry
Hello All

G11.2-0.3: A Textbook Supernova Remnant
G11.2-0.3 is a circularly symmetric supernova remnant that contains a dense, rotating dead star at its center, representing a textbook case of what the remnant of an exploding star should look like after a couple thousand years. When a massive star collapses, the outer layers of the star are blown away in an extremely energetic explosion. Depending on the mass of the original star, a dense object such as a neutron star or a black hole, can form and be left behind at the explosion's center. Such a neutron star, known as a "pulsar" when it rapidly rotates, can be kicked by the thermonuclear shock wave created when the star exploded, causing it to race through space at millions of miles per hour

Question about the Sun ...

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 4:29 pm
by Nereid
Specifically for harry and Michael Mozina: what is the power output of the Sun (expressed in watts)?

Clarification: as measured at a reasonable distance from it, say anywhere from 0.3 au to 30 au.

(The textbook answer is ~3.8 x 1026 W)

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 3:44 am
by harry
Hello Nereid

What is the point?

As if text book answers are the way to go.

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 5:59 am
by Nereid
harry wrote:Hello Nereid

What is the point?

As if text book answers are the way to go.
Simple - if that's what the power is, how can the Sun have a solid surface?

Or, if you prefer, what is it that emits the Sun's power?

Quick homework exercise for you harry: if you have a sphere of radius 695,000 km, and it emits as a blackbody, how is the emitted power related to the blackbody temperature?

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 10:09 am
by harry
Hello Nereid

Nereid said
Simple - if that's what the power is, how can the Sun have a solid surface?
I never said that the sun has a solid surface.
Or, if you prefer, what is it that emits the Sun's power?
What emits the Sun's power?

That is something that will need further research in the up coming years.

More study needs to be focused on compact cores and the varies phases of stars.

Attention needs to be placed on how a star keeps its shape for billions of years without expanding and without over heating.

The gravity at the core must be extreme to control over heating and to keep the shape of of the solar envelope for billions of years.

For now we can treat it as a black box until we get more information.

Read the following links ... uidity.pdf ... rFinal.pdf

There are many points that I do not understand and may question, but! until I will have to wait for my knowledge to catch up.

The standard model refers to hydrogen core and hydrogen fuson as the energy driver.

Hydrogen has a limiting compaction,I think about 10^5
This compaction is not enough to control the heat flow from the inner core and not enough to keep the shape of the solar envelope.

The inner core must have some form of density over 10^15 to achieve this.
We know that Neutrons can compact to this density by changing Hydrogen to Protons to Neutrons.

In the next few years, we shall see.

One thing that I have learnt in the last few years is that MAN, knows very little of what is actually happening out there.

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 8:54 am
by harry
Hello All

See link

Sun Storm: A Coronal Mass Ejection

What drives to make this image?. In my opinion it is the inner core, the main power house of the sun. It reminds me of a pulsar star.

The symmetry of the image lends itself to a pulsar.

How much matter is ejected out and how much matter is sucked back?

How the Undivided showers us with seemingly endless energy.

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 2:55 am
by kovil
So overall the sun is losing mass and energy, via these displays and ejections. It is melting and evaporating ! Nice that we can bask in its inefficiency and be parasites on its expenditures. Such is the nature of a food chain. Amazing that gravity is the source for the force to make all this happen, in a way. And then the particles, energy's special state, convert into an energy release as a byproduct of gravities squeezing so much. Quite an amazing design, eh? !!! It's like the energizer bunny, it keeps going and going and going . . . !!!

I'm still doing my 'homework', Harry.

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:01 pm
by Nereid
harry wrote:Hello Nereid

Nereid said
Simple - if that's what the power is, how can the Sun have a solid surface?
I never said that the sun has a solid surface.


For now we can treat it as a black box until we get more information.

Read the following links

[...] ... rFinal.pdf


There are many points that I do not understand and may question, but! until I will have to wait for my knowledge to catch up.

Here is a quote from that document:

"Fig. 1 shows four images [...] of a rigid, iron-rich structure below the Sun’s fluid photosphere. [...] led Mozina to conclude that the Sun’s iron-rich subsurface rotates uniformly, from pole to equator, every 27.3 d [14]."

And what is [14]? Why none other than MM's own website!

Are you, perhaps unknowingly, promoting the very idea you claim to have "never said"?

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 6:48 am
by harry
Hello All

Hello Kovil,,,,,,,,,,The sun keeps going and going.

The reasons why is the Billion dollar question.

I think the answer lies in the composition of the inner core.


Hello Nereid

I have made my statement.

Are you trying to fish something out of context.

As for a rigid Iron structure, In my opinion a rigid structure cannot exist.
But! some type of matter is held in position as the sun rotates.

I think it is worth investicating.

If I refer links, and I do so frequently.

It does not mean I agree with those links.

In many cases I would like others to express their opinion and maybe gain some info.

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 9:41 am
by cosmo_uk
I think you'll find the answer is nuclear fusion Harry:)

Harry/Michael how does your Solar model explain the Herzsprung Russel diagram?

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 12:19 pm
by harry
Hello Cosmo

Fusion is part of the answer
so is

so is degenerated matter.

The process is more complicated than the standard model of fusion.

Please read some of the papers from

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 10:59 pm
by harry
Hello All

I have been told that the links from Prof Oliver are crank links.

I do not think so,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,maybe its just me

Can someone give me an opinion other than moderators.

The information and ideas are scientific, but are not in line with the standard model. Does this make it a crank theory.

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 4:47 am
by Doum
To me it look like babbling.Time will tell. lt is clear that there is no neutron star inside the sun. Free for you to think something else. Just dont bother me with it. It's what i told ya before. I still hope that student wont beleive you when you say wild thing like that cause they will fail their exam. Dont ask us anymore cause we might vote to get you kick. I usualy ignore you, But you ask for an opinion, so you got it. Closing my opinion file now. By the way you write so much to yourself in some topic that it look like you are talking to yourself :shock: . Scary it is. :?

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 9:28 am
by harry
Hello All

Hello Doum

Your right, time will tell. the rest of your statement belongs in the rubbish bin.

Scienc has gone wrong.

It will take a few more years, more research is been done as we speak.
I will smile over the silly comments in the future.

Imagine stopping a person in this forum, because of his opinion. Worse of all, not discussing topics because of a difference in opinion.

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 2:42 pm
by kovil
Hi Doum,

In Galileo's day when one went to the University, they taught what was allowed by the Church. It is still the same today, the "Church" favors the BBT uberalles, thus one must be independent to find truth.

Hi Harry,

This am's meditation before clambering out to start the day involved the vision of 'what caused that solar tsunami' of a few weeks ago.

To follow the thought, it was either something external, like a 1 mile in diameter iron meteorite vapored down 30% in mass before impacting the solar envelope and doing a major vaporization when it hit the 'more solid' solar mantle surface a few thousand kilometers below the visible surface (the 'solid' surface MM sees in his unprocessed images from the earlier posting);

Or it is an interior event that has risen to the surface and for some reason decided to occur there rather than deeper. On the interior theory, what would happen if a golfball sized bubblette of inner core superdense material got loose in like a volcano lava splattering of lazily ejected material as gasses percolate up through the liquid and pop upon reaching the surface and spit globs of hot lava from the puddle of lava in the volcano caldera. But in this case it was a glob of superdense core material that got loose and somehow floated? up towards the surface. On second thought this doesn't follow reason as the density would cause it to sink, as the solar mantle (lets call the region between the dense core and the gassy atmosphere the mantle just for arguments sake) as the solar mantle is segregated/sorted by the magnetic field action into specific gravity/density layers, any core material would sink back down before ever reaching the surface. Scratch that idea :-) ;

So it might be something that traveled up the magnetic field line. The location of the tsunami causing explosion was in a hot spot? , yes, as it appeared brighter than the surroundings. Sunspots usually are darker indicating a cooler temperature, this was in the opposite, perhaps a returning magnetic field line, or opposite polarity to a sunspot polarity. It was then an externally caused event, as something was traveling down the field line and into the surface; like you ask, how much material is being sucked back toward the solar surface even while material is being thrown out. Could a large volume have the 'just right conditions' for a hydrogen fusion event to take place and it was a 'bomb' to use a rather spinney word?

I havent' the mathematical chops to workup the setup for what kind of conditions would be necessary and how much clean hydrogen or deuterium perhaps, necessary for those conditions to occur and trigger a spontaneous ignition.

It sure was one heck of a pop !

- - -
Upon clicking 'submit' the arrival of awareness that the english muffins in the toaster oven had been baking at 185 F since before beginning this posting! A proper crunchy by now eh what? hah indeed.

Peter O'Toole was on the Late Late Show, with your host TV's own Craig Ferguson last night, it was good to see the old boy once again, tho I tread softly that it might be near the last time to see him, God Bless.
In 1988 I happened by complete chance of irrelevant fortune to be in Paisley Scotland when QEII and PP visited at Chruch and the street was lined 1 person deep to watch them leave via sedate Vandenplas limo upon the celebration day commemorating the 500th Anniversary of Paisley's founding.