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Re: Weather!

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 6:28 pm
by MargaritaMc
I thought I'd join in!

Tenerife is just a tad north of the tropic of Cancer so, down here at sea level, snow and frost is unheard of. (They get it up on Mount Teide, tho.) But the last few days have been cold by Tenerife standards, with about two days of non-stop rain. Because this seizes up my polio- affected muscles, I had to stay in bed for those two days.

But today we are back to proper Tenerife weather: blue sky, sun. Bliss! I've been in the garden all day, reading Patrick Moore and hoping that the weather might become suitable for me to be out after dark and look at some stars.


Re: Weather!

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 1:48 am
by TNT
orin stepanek wrote:Oh my! We are to be blessed with temperatures in the upper 40's today and the 50's Friday and Saturday! :D Thunder showers are predicted for Saturday! Then after a day or two of 40's it is supposed to get into the 60's! I like the warmer weather but I hope it doesn't get too warm too fast! :) I think Spring fever just set in really good! :mrgreen:
Temperatures are going to be around the same as yours here, Orin! The snow is melting really fast, a little surprising considering there were nearly twenty inches of snow on the ground. We're going to have rain tonight along with a few rumbles of thunder, but after that we'll have quite the warmup - temps could reach 70 degrees! I think I have spring fever! :)

Re: Weather!

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 8:39 am
by MargaritaMc

Re: Weather!

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 11:09 am
by orin stepanek
We got about an inch of snow yesterday; but it should all be gone by tomorrow night! The expected temperatures should reduce that to a little dampness! :!:

Re: Weather!

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 4:32 pm
by Ann
Winter has made a merciless comeback in Sweden. This morning it was -7C and a strong gusty wind here. It was terribly cold.

The cold is going to stay for at least a week, with nary a "positive degree Celsius" in sight. It's going to stay below freezing all the time. Then, in ten days' time or so, temperatures will slowly, reluctantly creep upwards.


Re: Weather!

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 4:51 pm
by Moonlady
Same here Ann! Its snowing right now which is not bad comparing to the wind, feels like cutting my face .

Re: Weather!

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 5:00 pm
by Ann
:ohno: :ohno: :ohno: :ohno:

(...but you gotta love all those little snowmen...)


Re: Weather!

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 5:17 pm
Ann wrote::ohno: :ohno: :ohno: :ohno:

(...but you gotta love all those little snowmen...)

I like those little snowmen too. They were placed by Anti-CAGW protesters at the COP15 meeting in Copenhagen in 2009. I guess it was too cold to stand there protesting so they built thousands of standins that preferred the cold environment.

Re: Weather!

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 6:20 pm
by Ann
Because it was so cold, I had some hot soup (salmon and root crops) for lunch. The soup was pretty good, but too salty, so afterwards I needed something sweeter to wash away the saltiness. I went into a juice bar and ordered a hot blueberry, apple and cardamom drink. It was good, and after the hot salmon soup and the hot blueberry soft drink, I felt warmer!

(Hey... I was looking for the num num num thread to post this little tidbit in, but I couldn't find it. Is it gone?)


Re: Weather!

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 6:25 pm
by Beyond
Ann wrote:Because it was so cold, I had some hot soup (salmon and root crops) for lunch. The soup was pretty good, but too salty, so afterwards I needed something sweeter to wash away the saltiness. I went into a juice bar and ordered a hot blueberry, apple and cardamom drink. It was good, and after the hot salmon soup and the hot blueberry soft drink, I felt warmer!

(Hey... I was looking for the num num num thread to post this little tidbit in, but I couldn't find it. Is it gone?)

NOPE :!: :!: Page #2, near the bottom. You probably didn't recognize it because it hasn't eaten for a while is kinda thin. :lol2: :lol2:

Re: Weather!

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 12:48 am
by Ann
Thanks, Beyond! Maybe I can feed it again some time in the future.


Re: Weather!

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 5:28 pm
by orin stepanek
The (snow storm) we had Sunday is pretty much evaporated! :shock: Birds are singing! 8-) So let Spring begin! :D

Re: Weather!

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 5:29 pm
by orin stepanek
It is supposed to get up to 62F today and near 70F tomorrow! 8-) That makes a good day to clear the thatch out of the flower beds; and get them ready for Spring. :D Cooler weather is going to move in after that but should still stay in the 40's and 50's! :D Yup; Spring is on the way! :wink: Hopefully we'll get some decent rainfall this season!

Re: Weather!

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 6:52 am
by Moonlady
It is - surprise surprise- snowing...I think we will skip experiencing spring, summer and jump toward fall...

Re: Weather!

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 12:10 pm
by orin stepanek
I rained last night; just enough to get things wet! I hope we get more!

Re: Weather!

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 11:43 am
by rstevenson
This photo was taken a half-hour ago, about 5 minutes before Spring officially arrived here -- that is, almost at the moment of Vernal Equinox. This is not how my front steps are supposed to look on the first day of Spring! :cry:
"The Arrival of Spring"
"The Arrival of Spring"

Re: Weather!

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 1:12 pm
by Beyond
On the bright side, Rob, you can tell where your front steps are. :lol2: Yesterday morning, i had rain, sleet, hail and snow, all at the same time, in a little breeze. I've seen it change back and forth before, but don't ever recall all four happening at the same time.

Re: Weather!

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 1:55 pm
by rstevenson
Is Beyonder land near the sea? We get that sort of thing here once or twice a year, most years. But it doesn't get any more pleasant with repetition.

The storm last night was odd mostly because the wind was blowing hard from the south-east. Usually, when weather comes from there it's a lot warmer. In fact the weathercritters say there was rain just off shore, but the warm, wet low-pressure system ran into a pile of cold air hanging over the land, so we got snow this time. It's already wamer and raining a bit, so this won't last long. But I had to shovel it anyway because I have to go out shortly. Drat!

Re: Weather!

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 2:05 pm
by Beyond
rstevenson wrote:Is Beyonder land near the sea? We get that sort of thing here once or twice a year, most years. But it doesn't get any more pleasant with repetition.

The storm last night was odd mostly because the wind was blowing hard from the south-east. Usually, when weather comes from there it's a lot warmer. In fact the weathercritters say there was rain just off shore, but the warm, wet low-pressure system ran into a pile of cold air hanging over the land, so we got snow this time. It's already wamer and raining a bit, so this won't last long. But I had to shovel it anyway because I have to go out shortly. Drat!
Well... i can't really tell you where Beyonder land is, because it's...well, Beyond. But the sate of Rhode Island (such as it is) is between me and the ocean. Yup!, living on the upper east side of this continent makes for some interesting weather sometimes.

Re: Weather!

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 2:13 pm
by bystander
Rain, freezing rain, sleet, and snow together are common in Oklahoma and we are far from the coast. It's what we call "a wintry mix". Hail with it is less common as weather conditions are usually too cool to provide the mixing necessary to produce hail. However, in recent years "thunder snow" has become more common and hail is common in severe thunderstorms.

Re: Weather!

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 2:49 pm
by Ann
Rob Stevenson wrote:
It's already wamer and raining a bit, so this won't last long.
No? Here it's snowing, and it has been snowing for some 36 hours. The weathercritters(!) promise us snow for another 24 hours or so. Tomorrow temperatures will vary between -2 and -4C; on Friday it will be between -2 and -6C; on Saturday, -2 to -9C; Sunday, -9 to 0C(!!!); on Monday, -6 to 0C, Tuesday, -5 to +1C (!!!!), Wednesday, -6 to 0C, Thursday, -5 to +½C (and some snow), and Friday, March 29, -2 to +2C!!!! Can you believe it!!!
Moonlady wrote:
It is - surprise surprise- snowing...I think we will skip experiencing spring, summer and jump toward fall...
I feel the same, Moonlady! :(


Re: Weather!

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 12:46 am
by Ann
This morning the weathercritters have changed their minds. They say it will be a little colder than I wrote in my post above, and more snow. :evil: :twisted:

I guess Moonlady's snowman really is going to eat us.


Re: Weather!

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 12:21 pm
by orin stepanek
It's been teens to 40'sF almost every nigh/day; with an icy wind making it seem a lot colder! We are supposed to get some snow showers the next three days and stay fairly cold; (in the 30'sF) til next Thursday Where the forecast reaches in the 50's!

Re: Weather!

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 12:57 am
by TNT
Just got back from skiing in Winter Park, CO, and guess what I am greeted with? Snow. And to think that I was literally surrounded by it for the past six days. About half an inch accumulated so far, and we will get more over the weekend - around four to six inches. This is really starting to get :old: . Where is spring?!

Re: Weather!

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 3:46 am
by Ann
Living very close to Denmark and the Danish capital of Copenhagen, I regularly check out the Danish weather service and its predictions for the weather in Copenhagen.

So this is what the Danish weatherpeople have been saying for a week now:

Seven days ago: Okay people, ten days from now it will get warmer. :arrow:

Six days ago: Okay people, we were wrong yesterday when we said that it would get warmer nine days from now, which was ten days into the future from the point of view of yesterday. Instead, it will get warmer ten days from now. :arrow:

Five days ago: Okay people, we were wrong yesterday when we said that it would get warmer nine days from now, which was ten days into the future from the point of view of yesterday. Instead, it will get warmer ten days from now. :arrow:

Four days ago: Okay people, we were wrong yesterday when we said that it would get warmer nine days from now, which was ten days into the future from the point of view of yesterday. Instead, it will get warmer ten days from now. :arrow:

Three days ago: Okay people, we were wrong yesterday when we said that it would get warmer nine days from now, which was ten days into the future from the point of view of yesterday. Instead, it will get warmer ten days from now. :arrow:

Two days ago: Okay people, we were wrong yesterday when we said that it would get warmer nine days from now, which was ten days into the future from the point of view of yesterday. Instead, it will get warmer ten days from now. :arrow:

Yesterday: Okay people, we were wrong yesterday when we said that it would get warmer nine days from now, which was ten days into the future from the point of view of yesterday. Instead, it will get warmer ten days from now. :arrow:

Today: Okay people, we were wrong yesterday when we said that it would get warmer nine days from now, which was ten days into the future from the point of view of yesterday. Instead, it will get warmer ten days from now. :arrow:


Well, we haven't seen tomorrow yet, but I think I can predict what they will say:

Okay people, we were wrong yesterday when we said that it would get warmer nine days from now, which was ten days into the future from the point of view of yesterday. Instead, it will get warmer ten days from now. :arrow:
Child: Mommy, where are the stars?
Mom: They are ten days ahead of you, darling. :arrow:
That is spring for us this year. It stays forever ten days into the future. No matter how we chase it, it is always ten days ahead of us, beckoning, teasing and illusive.

Grasping for spring this year is like grasping for the stars.
