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Venus Jupiter and Beehive Cluster Conjunction

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 7:50 pm
by LuigiF
Three objects imaged on Aug. 18th 2014 when the planets were at their lowes angular distance (12 arcmin).
Canon 650D, Telephoto Lens Canon 250 mm
6min total exposition at 800 ISO ON 73 frames staked and processed by DSS and Photoshop
Time 3:00 UT

Copyright Luigi Fiorentino

Submissions: 2014 August

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 8:06 pm
by broca
Widefield of IC 410
Copyright: Steven Coates
IC 410 an emission nebula about 12,000 light-years from Earth in the constellation Auriga. Near the center of the nebulous region is a star cluster ( NGC 1893) and just to the bottom right of this cluster lies two structures that resemble tadpoles. These structures are made of leftover hydrogen and dust from the formation of the star cluster and the "tails" are from the solar wind coming from the stars of NGC 1893.
RGB: 1 hour 18 min Red, 1 hour Green and 1 hour Blue (binned 1x1)
Ha: 5hour 15 min (binned 1x1)
Click here to view Narrowband image
Orion 80mm EON (FL 480mm)
Orion 50mm guide scope with SSAG
QSI 683 ws
Losmandy G-11 with Gemini II
Astrodon Tru-balance E-Series Generation II LRGB filters
Baader 7 nm Ha filter
Click to view full size image

Re: Submissions: 2014 August

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 8:10 pm
by mexhunter
The Horse Head Nebula listed under the designation B33, is a large cloud of cold gas and dust, which is 1300 light years away from Earth, south of the extreme left of Orion's Belt, specifically the bright star shown in the photo, below left, is Alnitak. It measures approximately 3.5 light years. This nebula is visible by contrast, already is ahead of the emission nebula IC434. Its shape is the most popular of the absorption nebulae.
Copyright: César Cantú

Re: Submissions: 2014 August

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 8:16 pm
by Sandgirl
Super Moon 10/08/2014
Copyrights: Moses Sanz Peñalosa
mosaico lunar color dia 10-08 final reducida_small_small.jpg
Fascinating rhythm: light pulses illuminate a rare black hole
Credits: NASA/H. Feng et al.
An article:
black_hole.jpg (18.23 KiB) Viewed 5186 times

Without the rain, there would be no rainbow
Copyrights: Makayla Wheeler
Perseid meteor
Copyrights: William Carney
Perseids meteors from Alabama
Copyrights: David Resuehr
big perseid  composit adjusted_small.jpg
The ISS over Stralsund
Copyrights: Ekkehard Gnadler
Lunar Mosaic from Arzachel to South-Pole on June, 05th 2014
Copyrights: Carmelo Zannelli
Mars' journey accross the night sky
Copyrights: Uğur Ikizler

Re: Submissions: 2014 August

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 8:31 pm
by gkelaher
W. M. Keck Observatory in action under a 50% moonlit sky

Re: Submissions: 2014 August

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 8:32 pm
by gkelaher
Venus - Jupiter conjunction

Re: Submissions: 2014 August

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 8:51 pm
by Sandgirl
Indonesian volcano and Milky Way
Copyrights: Thierry Legault
The Veil Nebula Complex
Copyrights: Oliver Czernetz
Cygnus Loop_DSS_Czernetz_1700x1700_small.jpg
Belt of Venus beach panorama
Copyrights: Joe Thompson
Full size: ... 140814.jpg
Milky Way over St. John Peak, Mount Kinabalu, Malaysia
Copyrights: Tommy Lim Kang Wen
M20 - Trifid Nebula
Copyrights: Jason Jennings
Large size: ... ld_resol=2
Venus & Jupiter Close Conjunction
Copyrights: Ajay Talwar
2014-08-18 Venus Jupiter talwar_small.jpg
2014-08-18 Venus Jupiter Tijara Fort talwar_small.jpg
Summer sunset from Rabat (Malta)
Copyrights: Alexei Pace
Larger size: ... 18_o-1.jpg
This morning's Venus-Jupiter conjunction
Copyrights: Alexei Pace
Larger size: ... g_0017.jpg

Re: Submissions: 2014 August

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 9:12 pm
by Rothkko
another jupiter-venus conjunction, with halos
down jupiter, moon, venus, the pleiades, the bull...
almost two hours later, the pleiades in the great theater of the west, 20"
mérida, spain. 2012-03-14, 26 and 27
mérida, spain. 2012-03-14, 26 and 27

Re: Submissions: 2014 August

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 9:14 pm
by Sandgirl
Venus+Jupiter conjunction
Copyrights: James Lowenthal
Venus and Jupiter Conjunction
Copyrights: Juan Carlos Casado
The North American, Cygnus Wall and Pelican Nebulae
Copyrights: Terry Hancock
Close-up view of Jupiter (&Io and Europa) and Venus
Copyrights: Pete Lawrence
Venus and Jupiter at Dawn
Copyrights: Jimmy Westlake
2821 Venus-Jupiter Conj 081814_small.jpg
Venus-Jupiter, a day before conjunction
Copyrights: Tunç Tezel
Morning conjunction
Copyrights: William Lewis

Closeup Venus-Jupiter Conjunction 08/18/2014

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 11:04 pm
by LuigiF
Venus Jupiter Conjunction as imaged through my SW Equinox (120/900) and a PG Chamaleon Mono in RGB.
The gain set of the camera oversaturated Venus (almost full) but the red spot on Jupiter is clearly visible on the middle of the planet and so the satellites, Io (nearest to Jupiter) and Europa. A different process has been used for the satellites and the planets.

Copyright Luigi Fiorentino

Re: Submissions: 2014 August

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 12:15 am
by marion165
Jupiter and Venus Conjunction of August 18 2014 ... 939872336/
Copyright: Marion Haligowski

Jupiter and Venus Conjunction of August 18 2014 by Radical Retinoscopy, on Flickr

Jupiter and Venus Conjunction in the Brightening Dawn by Radical Retinoscopy, on Flickr

The close paring of Jupiter and Venus was photographed before sunrise on August 18, 2014. This was an amazing pairing of less than 0.5 degrees! A Canon T2i and Canon 100 mm f2.0 lens was used.

Re: Submissions: 2014 August

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 9:44 am
by markg
LMC and I
Copyright: Mark Gee


The Large Magellanic Cloud is one of my favourite night sky object viewable from the Southern Hemisphere. At a distance of 163,000 light years from earth LMC is considered an irregular type galaxy and the third closest galaxy to our own Milky Way.

For the tech specs of this image, it was shot on a Canon 6D with a Canon 90mm tilt-shift lens, which is such a super sharp lens! The exposure was 10 second shutter at f/2.8 ISO 6400. I had to shoot two single exposure frames to get me and the Large Magellanic Cloud in the one shot, and I stitched them together in Auto Pano Giga.

Re: Submissions: 2014 August

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 11:01 am
by ourkind
Fireworks in the Distance
If you didn't know that the Carina Nebula was just rising over the horizon, you could be forgiven for thinking they were fireworks or flares?
Copyright: Carlos Orue
Click to view full size image

Re: Submissions: 2014 August

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 1:06 pm
by Stavros Hios

Re: Submissions: 2014 August

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 8:03 pm
by kodama
Mauna Kea Observatories 2014 Panorama (8/2/2014):


This is a flattened panorama clipped out of a (very large) 360 interactive view which may be seen here:

Larger versions of the static panorama can be seen here:

Re: Submissions: 2014 August

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 1:33 am
by Andromeda 2013

Pickering's Triangle in Narrowband

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 5:21 am
by Mike Siniscalchi
This is an HSO image of Pickering's Triangle.
Click to view full size image
Full image details can be found at:

Thank You,
Mike Siniscalchi

Re: Submissions: 2014 August

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 10:46 am
The Aurora season is finally here
Copyright: Göran Strand
Click to view full size image
Last night I got to see my first Aurora for the season, two days earlier than last year but five days later than my personal record from 2011 (August 14th). It was a faint aurora that lasted for several hours and as you can see it was quite cloudy. The orange/yellow clouds to the right are clouds that are lit up by the street lights from the city of Östersund and Frösön. Finally the dark nights are here so we can enjoy the auroras ahead and let us hope that there will be lots of them during the coming season.

Re: Submissions: 2014 August

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 6:23 pm
by drlane
The Milky Way Wave.

The nighttime mists of Silex Spring in Yellowstone National Park appears to wave goodbye to the summer Milky Way. As the Milky Way rises high in the sky and slowly slips from view, geysers spew and mist caresses its passing. Soon the snow will cover this vista and the galactic center will slumber till spring arrives once again.

This is a 16 image panorama of a the high late summer Milky Way.

Here's a link to a small image and a larger version.

Small 400 pixel image:


Larger size:

Thanks for looking!

Re: Submissions: 2014 August

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 6:42 pm
by pisto92
The Perseids and Iridium Flare

High Resolution:
Copyright: Andrea Pistocchini

Re: Submissions: 2014 August

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 7:06 pm
by danijel
Meteor Perseid above my Sundial.
Click to view full size image

Re: Submissions: 2014 August

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 7:07 pm
by danijel

Re: Submissions: 2014 August

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 12:18 am
by hims1526
When Heart & Soul meet Jacques (two consecutive days)
Click to view full size image
Full information:

Re: Submissions: 2014 August

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 1:07 am
by Kmp9126
drlane's Silex Springs Milky Way is pretty Awesome!!!

Re: Submissions: 2014 August

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 1:12 am
by Kmp9126
drlane wrote:The Milky Way Wave.

The nighttime mists of Silex Spring in Yellowstone National Park appears to wave goodbye to the summer Milky Way. As the Milky Way rises high in the sky and slowly slips from view, geysers spew and mist caresses its passing. Soon the snow will cover this vista and the galactic center will slumber till spring arrives once again.

This is a 16 image panorama of a the high late summer Milky Way.

Here's a link to a small image and a larger version.

Small 400 pixel image:


Larger size:

Thanks for looking!
I think this is totally awesome!!!!!!!!!!!! kmp9126