Submissions: 2022 September

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Re: Submissions: 2022 September

Post by Stevemr2t » Sun Sep 25, 2022 3:51 pm

Andromeda Galaxy

RASA 8 - 80 hours of integration time (Borle 8) North Texas
120s Subframes
Ioptron CEM40
(c) Steve Duke

Astrobin High Res:

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Location: Ravenna (Italy)

IC1318 Butterfly nebula

Post by cfm2004 » Sun Sep 25, 2022 7:29 pm

July 2022
Location: San Romualdo - Ravenna (Italy)
Tecnosky AG 70/350 - Avalon M1 - QHY174M on Celestron OAG
CCD QSI 540ws cooled -10
Astrodon RGB Gen2 E-series and Narrowband 3nm filters
HA-OIII-RGB: HA 31x15min, OIII 19x15min, R 50x3min, G 50x3min, B 50x3min.
Acquired with: MaximDL5 - Calibrated with Dark, Bias and Flat
Processed with: MaximDL5, Astroart8, StarTools1.8, Paint Shop Pro2022, plug-in Topaz e Nik
Cristina Cellini

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Bubble Nebula, Northern Lagoon Nebula, and Messier 52 Star Cluster

Post by HellaScope » Sun Sep 25, 2022 10:30 pm


Bubble Nebula, Northern Lagoon Nebula, and Messier 52 Star Cluster
Copyright: Adam Wong-Brooks

The Bubble Nebula (bottom-left corner), the Northern Lagoon Nebula (bottom-right corner), and the Messier 52 Star Cluster (top-left corner) can be found by continuing the line running from stars Schedar to Caph in the constellation Cassiopeia. They are located approximately 7,100, 4,100, and 4,600 light-years, respectively, from Earth. This trio of deep-sky objects was photographed from my backyard through a telescope for over 16 hours across four nights between September 5-23.

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Re: Submissions: 2022 September

Post by galaxycalls » Mon Sep 26, 2022 1:15 am

Please find attached my image for consideration for APOD, Facebook Sky, or Instagram “Universe View Screen.”

This image of M20 is from Martin Pugh’s Observatory data that I processed.

Software used Astropixel Processor, Adobe Photoshop CC, Adobe Lightroom.

Trifid Nebula in Narrowband (Messier 20)

Credit: Image processing by me. Data acquisition by Martin Pugh, El Sauce Observatory, Chile.
Telescope: Planewave CDK17
Acquisition Date: April 2020. Processed 9/16/2022
Processing SHO

Thanks for considering.
Gil Ching

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Re: Submissions: 2022 September

Post by deckardbr » Mon Sep 26, 2022 6:38 am

Credit: Andrea Bergamini and Sameer Bharadwaj
"Helping hand" - a nebula close to Cassiopeia.

About ~14 hours in LRGB. Tech details and plate solve here:


nazareno kurriger
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Re: Submissions: 2022 September

Post by nazareno kurriger » Mon Sep 26, 2022 12:23 pm

jupiter ascending #1


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nazareno kurriger
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Re: Submissions: 2022 September

Post by nazareno kurriger » Mon Sep 26, 2022 12:25 pm

jupiter ascending #2



nazareno kurriger
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Re: Submissions: 2022 September

Post by nazareno kurriger » Mon Sep 26, 2022 12:28 pm

jupiter ascending #3



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Re: Submissions: 2022 September

Post by AstroLibrarian » Mon Sep 26, 2022 1:38 pm

Falcon 9 Launch from the Connecticut Star Party 2022!

While attending the Connecticut Star Party on Saturday September, 24th, those of us there were pleasantly surprised to see the Falcon 9 launch that evening. This image was shot with at iPhone 13, and is time stamped 7:41pm.


Re: Submissions: 2022 September

Post by Mathieu80 » Mon Sep 26, 2022 2:25 pm

ImageTrio NGC7582, NGC7590 & NGC7599 from the Grus Quartet by Mathieu Guinot, sur Flickr

Located in the Grus Constellation, these 3 spiral galaxies are members of the Grus-quartet. The 4th member of this group is NGC7552, which is not inside this field of view.
The high starburst activity of NGC 7552 and NGC 7582 is thought to be a result from an interactions between these members. The distance to the galaxies is estimated to be between 55 and 70 millions light-years.
At the top the galaxy cluster Abell 1111 is dominated by two giant elliptical galaxies : PGC 71042 and PGC 71043.

Data from Telescope Live taken at El Sauce Observatory, Chile, from 2022/08/21 to 2022/09/20.

Telescope CDK24
Camera FLI PL9000
LRGB : 14/14/14/14 x 600s

Processing : Pixinsight & Photoshop

Tommy L.
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Re: Submissions: 2022 September

Post by Tommy L. » Mon Sep 26, 2022 3:31 pm

Target: M33 aka The Triangulum Galaxy in HOO/LRGB
This is my first time doing an HOO/LRGB Blend in Pixinisght, I'm very happy with how this one came out. It's crazy to me that I was able to pull the detail out of the nebulae detail in another galaxy! I've included a couple of close-up shots of the nebulae details, hope you enjoy!
Antlia 36mm LRGB, 3nm Ha, 3nm OIII filters
Orion 8" f/4 newt
SW Quattro CC

Image Details:
Ha-46x300s, gain 100, -10c
OIII-46x300s, gain 100, -10c
L-60x120s, gain 100, -10c
R-60x120s, gain 100, -10c
G-60x120s, gain 100, -10c
B-60x120s, gain 100, -10c

Total integration: 15 hrs

Acquired in NINA, Processed in Pixinsight and Photoshop
M33 crop 2.jpg
M33 crop.jpg
M33 Triangulum 2600 8 newt 1 small.jpg

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Re: Submissions: 2022 September

Post by astrosama » Mon Sep 26, 2022 6:15 pm

Sun at the Equinox above the great pyramid of Giza
Sep 23rd 2022

The sides of the great pyramid are oriented to the cardinal directions in a very accurate way, the sun at the equinox rises from the true east point so the observer can easily see the sun rise aligned with the east west line along the northern or the southern sides of the great pyramid .

in this photo you can see the northern and eastern sides of the great pyramid, and the sun at the noon 23 sep 2022 few hours after the autumn equinox of 2022

ImageEquinox 23 9 2022 by osama Fathi, on Flickr

Nikon z6 , nikkor 14-24 mm
single shot (ISO 125,1/8000 sec, f 13 )

Credit :
Osama Fathi :

Cairo, Egypt

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Re: Submissions: 2022 September

Post by astrosama » Mon Sep 26, 2022 7:01 pm

Jupiter is at its Closest approach above the Pyramids of Giza

After an amazing night inside the Great Pyramid complex we shot this amazing shot for the closest approach of jupiter to the earth as a closet one in the last 6 decades

Date : 25 sep 2022 at 9 pm ( GMT+2)
Location: Giza, Egypt

The ancient Egyptians observed the five naked eye planets (Mercury, venus, Mars, Jupiter and Satutn), ancient Egyptian named the planets after Horus ( god of kingship and the sky), also they had known Jupiter and called it " Horus who illuminates the two lands "

To enter the Great Pyramid at night, you need a special permission and many procedures to take such photos

ImageJupiter-Close-Great-Pyramid-annotated-Final-- by osama Fathi, on Flickr

ImageJupiter-Close-Great-Pyramid-Final- by osama Fathi, on Flickr

Nikon z6 , Nikkor 14-24 @24 mm

Settings :
Single shot 2sec , Iso 125, f3.2
another shot added to enhance HDR, 1/8 sec ، iso 1000

Softwares :
Adobe Photoshop, Topaz DN

Credit :
Osama Fathi :

Cairo, Egypt

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Re: Submissions: 2022 September

Post by WolfHeart » Tue Sep 27, 2022 10:33 am

Majestic Orion - Horsehead, Flame and M78 Nebulae side framed by Barnard's Loop. Orion is back in the late hours of the night sky.
Nikon Z6II - Ha Modified
Redcat 51
Total Integration: 3h 3'
Valley of Whales, Egypt
Bortle 2

ImageHorsehead in the Majestic Orion by Ahmed Waddah, on Flickr

Copyright: Ahmed Waddah/ Waddah Photography


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Messier 45

Post by alcarreño » Tue Sep 27, 2022 5:19 pm

Copyrights. Raul Villaverde, Domingo Pestana & Nicolas Romo
25x100" B
Takahashi FSQ 106ED
ImageM45_2022_LRGB by Raul Villaverde, en Flickr

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Re: Submissions: 2022 September

Post by gambinoa » Tue Sep 27, 2022 7:28 pm

The Stephan's Quintet and NGC 7331
Copyright: Angelo F. Gambino, Giuseppe Guerrera & Claudio Antinoro

The field of view contains the NGC 7331 galaxy and the Stephan’s Quintet, already famous due to the recent images acquired by the cameras onboard the James Webb Space Telescope.
Using our modest amateur equipment we obtained a detailed image that shows many features that characterize the morphology of the galaxy cluster. Many small and evanescent galaxies are also observable in the background, almost confused with the stars.
The emission from these objects reached us after millions of years travelling at the speed of light. For this reason we are observing them as they were when the first dinosaurs started to populate the Earth, as in the case of NGC 7317 (one of the galaxies in the Quintet), that has a distance of about 350 millions of light-years.

The data were acquired in Castelbuono (Sicily, Italy) during the XXII Star Party delle Madonie organized by ORSA-Palermo, held between 1-3 July 2022.

Technical Details:

- Angelo F. Gambino: 52x300s, Celestron C8 reduced @f/6.3 on Skywatcher HEQ5-pro, QHY268 Mono (T=-10°C, offset=12, gain=35), no filters
41x180s, Celestron C8 reduced @f/6.3 on Skywatcher HEQ5-pro, QHY268 Mono (T=-4°C, offset=12, gain=35), no filters
- Giuseppe Guerrera: 82x120s, Skywatcher 200/800 F/4 reflector telescope on Skywatcher EQ6-R Pro + Skywatcher F/4 coma corrector, ZWO ASI 294 MC PRO (T=-4°C, offset=30, gain=140), no filters
- Claudio Antinoro: 95x90s, Celestron C8 reduced @f/6.3 on Skywatcher AzEq6GT, Canon Eos 1100D Super Uv-Ir cut (1600 ISO) ... muqi8S.jpg
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Re: Submissions: 2022 September

Post by Harles99 » Tue Sep 27, 2022 9:28 pm

M33 - Triangulum Galaxy. A a great fall galaxy!

M33 is apart of the local group of galaxies that include our Milky Way and Andromeda. Like Andromeda it is visible with the naked eye in clear dark skies.M33 is also on a collision course with the Milky Way and Andromeda and in several billion years time they will all be merged into one galaxy.

Shot on a ZWO ASI 2600 MC PRO and TS Optics 90mm F6 APO CF Refractor Telescope.
45x600" Exposures. Shot in a Bortle 2 zone in central Texas.

ImageM33 - Triangulum Galaxy by Harley Grady, on Flickr


Re: Submissions: 2022 September

Post by Mathieu80 » Wed Sep 28, 2022 8:47 am

ImagePavo Triplet by Mathieu Guinot, sur Flickr

The Galaxy Triplet NGC 6769, NGC6770 & NGC6771 is a gravitational interacting triplet of galaxies, located about 190 million light years away in the southern constellation of Pavo (the Peacock).
There are many others remarquables galaxies in the FOV, the most important ones are IC 4842 at the bottom and IC 4845 on the top corner left.

Data set from Telescope Live taken at El Sauce Observatory, Chile, from 2022/08/27 to 2022/09/13.

Telescope CDK24
Camera FLI PL9000
LRGB : 10/10/10/10 x 600s
Processing Pixnsight & Photoshop

Copyright : Mathieu Guinot & Telescope Live

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Re: Submissions: 2022 September

Post by tinmar_g » Wed Sep 28, 2022 8:49 am

Rho Ophiuchi under La Palma sky by Martin Giraud

Instagram :

Rho Ophiuchi under La Palma sky

Hello I’m glad to share my picture of Rho Ophiuchi. Rho Ophiuchi is one of my favorite part of the sky because of its colors ! I already tried to catch it before but the result was quite less good. Since I acquired the RedCat 51 this target was on the top of my todo list. In June I went for an astrophotography trip in La Palma and at this occasion I did my photography.

La Palma island in Canary, is a very well known location by the astrophotographers. Indeed the sky conditions are outstanding enough that it’s considered as one of the best spot of the north hemisphere for astronomy. It’s a Volcanic island that hosts several international telescopes regrouped into a park called Roque de los Muchachos that is located on the top of the caldeira at 2400m.

The sky was so good there that the process was very easy. I use the Sky Adventurer mount with the Redcat 51, and It was only my second attempt with this equipment so I decided to not expose too long (45 sec) to avoid any star trail. Now that I have experimented it a little more I know that I can expose until 3 minutes. I shot 211 pictures in total and I took 90% of the best pics which give a final photo with 2h22 exposure.

Equipement : Canon 6D modified - Star Adventurer - Redcat 51 (250mm)
Data : 211 pictures - 124 darks - 55 flats - 31 offsets
Settings : ISO 8000 - f/4.9 - 45 sec
Last edited by tinmar_g on Wed Sep 28, 2022 10:02 am, edited 1 time in total.

Roi Levi
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Re: Submissions: 2022 September

Post by Roi Levi » Wed Sep 28, 2022 9:35 am

“ Goodbye Milky Way “
Location: Paran Valley, israel
Date : Aug 27
Gear – Canon Eos RA
Instegram - @astroi_levi
Copyrights - Roi Levi
RM Mushroom APOD.jpg
Story - The milky way core is visible during the summer over a huge mushroom rock in the middle of the desert, saying good bye to milkyway core when the winter comes, in the image its is shown the nebulosity around the milky way featuring Zeta Ophiuchi, Rho Ophiuchi, blue horse nebula, trifid nebula,cats pow,nebula .lagoon nebul,the eagle and more...

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Re: Submissions: 2022 September

Post by litobrit » Wed Sep 28, 2022 11:42 am

Hello, Cygnus clouds and Wolf Rayet 134.
About 15 hours of Ha and RGB with my ASA10, Moravian16200 and AZEQ6.
I hope you enjoy ! The full is here :

nazareno kurriger
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Re: Submissions: 2022 September

Post by nazareno kurriger » Wed Sep 28, 2022 4:15 pm

last minute of the partial lunar eclipse
05:30hs, 19/11/2021
Roldan, Santa Fe, Argentina

Alson Wong
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Re: Submissions: 2022 September

Post by Alson Wong » Wed Sep 28, 2022 6:52 pm

Barnard 150
Copyright: Alson Wong

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Re: Submissions: 2022 September

Post by lucam_astro » Wed Sep 28, 2022 10:33 pm

The Lion Nebula (Sh2-132)
Data acquisition and processing by Luca Marinelli

Takahashi FSQ106EDX4
ZWO ASI6200MM Pro and FLI ML16200
Chroma 3nm Ha, SII, OIII and RGB filters
Astro-Physics Mach2GTO

Total integration time: 29 hours

Full data acquisition and processing details:

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