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Re: APOD: Home from Above (2010 Nov 15)

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 10:17 pm
by GordonMcD
From 350 Km up, the curvature we are seeing must be being enhanced by the camera lens, is it not? The same effect can be seen in the amateur-balloon-to-space videos on Youtube.

Re: APOD: Home from Above (2010 Nov 15)

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 2:41 pm
by Amien
It's France! I can see the Eiffel Tower!

Re: APOD: Home from Above (2010 Nov 15)

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 9:10 am
by Benibouftou
I think that, all of us, have seen , in this picture , every parts of The Earth , from East to West and from South to North ... Nobody thought that just could be Xmas Father searching for a dropping zone before Thanksgiving ? :-D . Don't you thought ?
Cheers for all of you .

Re: APOD: Home from Above (2010 Nov 15)

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 7:05 pm
by JohnD
In fact, not all the earth has been picked!
Sad man that I am, I've just taken a poll of the places chosen. I only listed the first place mentioned, and some were rather wide, like 'Pacific Ocean, Califonia, Mexico'. "Pacific Ocean" is bit big, all by itself.

Seas & Oceans
Pacific Ocean: 17
Atlantic Ocean: 8
Indian Ocean:4
Gulf of Mexico:12
San Francisco Bay: 2
Others, one each: Phillipine Sea, Bering Sea, Red Sea, Coral Sea.

Lands & Countries
Himalayas: 2
Mexico: 4
Central America: 2
India: 2
Italy, N.Canada, Florida, Hellespont (more land than sea), New Zealand, Texas, Cornwall, Pyranees: 1 each.

So, if anyone would like to choose their own area because they recognise it or out of pure chauvenism, you can choose from all of Europe, except France, Spain and Italy, the whole of Africa, Australia, China and South America, and Russia from St.Petersburg to the Sea of Okhotsk. Antarctica anf the Arctic Sea are choice free at present too.

So get picking in this stupendous lottery!


Re: APOD: Home from Above (2010 Nov 15)

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 7:30 pm
by Chris Peterson
JohnD wrote:So, if anyone would like to choose their own area because they recognise it or out of pure chauvenism, you can choose from all of Europe, except France, Spain and Italy, the whole of Africa, Australia, China and South America, and Russia from St.Petersburg to the Sea of Okhotsk. Antarctica anf the Arctic Sea are choice free at present too.
The highest latitude that would be just visible on the horizon from the ISS is 70°. So basically, you can exclude all arctic and antarctic regions from consideration.

Re: APOD: Home from Above (2010 Nov 15)

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 11:05 pm
by JohnD
That narrows it down a bit!

Re: APOD: Home from Above (2010 Nov 15)

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 11:30 pm
by getdam
Flatpackhamster wrote:@Getdam: I'd guess that red spot you can see is a star, not a balloon.
Hello Flatpackhamster! the object i am referring to is not a star. It is almost straight down and probably
only 1 to 5 miles above a cloudy area. It is not in the blackness of space nor near the harizon.

Re: APOD: Home from Above (2010 Nov 15)

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 11:42 pm
by getdam
Flatpackhamster wrote:@Getdam: I'd guess that red spot you can see is a star, not a balloon.
Sorry! Sorry! I sent every looking out the wrong window for what appears to be a balloon.
it is actually the lower part of the left window. Sorry! Again.

Re: APOD: Home from Above (2010 Nov 15)

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 1:40 am
by getdam
I am still trying to convince myself that the balloon type object just above the clouds in the
top left viewport has some significance with the location. WHERE or WHY are such things launched from.
Scientific outpost--weather study or forcast--AREA 51--launch sites--etc.
I do not know if they are launched near observatories or not but i am guessing they are over the Hawian islands.

Re: APOD: Home from Above (2010 Nov 15)

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 2:31 am
by apeguero
Where ever they may be they certainly don't have time to clean their lenses :) That is one dirty picture.

Re: APOD: Home from Above (2010 Nov 15)

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 4:10 am
by Chris Peterson
getdam wrote:I am still trying to convince myself that the balloon type object just above the clouds in the
top left viewport has some significance with the location. WHERE or WHY are such things launched from.
It's not a balloon. It's just a reflection on the glass from inside, or maybe a smudge. Nothing outside at all.

Re: APOD: Home from Above (2010 Nov 15)

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 6:15 pm
getdam wrote:
Flatpackhamster wrote:@Getdam: I'd guess that red spot you can see is a star, not a balloon.
Sorry! Sorry! I sent every looking out the wrong window for what appears to be a balloon.
it is actually the lower part of the left window. Sorry! Again.
I say it is a fly on the outside of the window. Them pesky things are always messing up NASA's fakeed pictures :roll:

Re: APOD: Home from Above (2010 Nov 15)

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 2:53 am
by x00x
Wow. An iconic image for the images. If I had to choose just one picture that captures all that APOD yearns to convey about the wonders of the Universe, this has to be it, retitling it Rodin's Thinker Meets Thus Spoke Zarathustra.

Re: APOD: Home from Above (2010 Nov 15)

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 4:00 pm
by Star*Hopper
SO, when do we get to see the answer??


Re: APOD: Home from Above (2010 Nov 15)

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 4:11 pm
by Chris Peterson
Star*Hopper wrote:SO, when do we get to see the answer??
I doubt it can be determined by looking at the picture. Unless the astronaut who took it noted the ISS location, the only way to figure it out is to hope the image timestamp is accurate, and then propagate the ISS orbit to figure out where it was at the time.

Re: APOD: Home from Above (2010 Nov 15)

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 5:15 pm
by neufer
Chris Peterson wrote:
Star*Hopper wrote:
SO, when do we get to see the answer??
I doubt it can be determined by looking at the picture.
This must rank among the silliest of Q & A Asterisk threads.
Click to play embedded YouTube video. wrote:
<<Max Q is a Houston-based rock band whose members are all NASA astronauts. It was formed in early 1987 by Robert L. Gibson, George Nelson and Brewster Shaw. Gibson named the band after "max Q," the engineering term for the maximum dynamic pressure from the atmosphere experienced by an ascending spacecraft. He joked that like the Space Shuttle, the band "makes lots of noise but no music."

The band's rotating line-up often changes due to flight crew assignments, training, and the occasional retirement. Current members include:

* Ricky Arnold – rhythm guitar
* Dan Burbank – lead vocals and guitar
* Tracy "TC" Caldwell Dyson – lead vocals
* Ken "Taco" Cockrell – keyboards and background vocals
* Chris Ferguson – drums
* Drew Feustel – lead vocals and lead guitar
* Kevin A. Ford – drums
* Chris Hadfield – lead vocals and bass guitar
* Greg "Box" Johnson – keyboards and background vocals
* Dottie Metcalf-Lindenburger – lead vocals
* Steve "Stevie Ray" Robinson – lead guitar>>

Re: APOD: Home from Above (2010 Nov 15)

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 12:19 am
by Star*Hopper
neufer wrote:
Chris Peterson wrote:
Star*Hopper wrote:
SO, when do we get to see the answer??
I doubt it can be determined by looking at the picture.
This must rank among the silliest of Q & A Asterisk threads.

If it needs reminding, Neuf & Chris, my question comes from the prompt footer posted below the APOD that day - to wit, "Challenge: Can you identify which part of Earth is visible in the background? "

So now, we've had plenty of's about time (past it actually) when the Challenge Author gave the "Big Reveal" and demonstrate his cleverness with how the answer is discerned. I mean, what's the intent of issuing a 'Challenge' if it's only to remain an infinite mystery? If we're to cooperate by playing these things, why can't he by doing his part & following up?


Re: APOD: Home from Above (2010 Nov 15)

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 12:37 am
by Chris Peterson
Star*Hopper wrote:If it needs reminding, Neuf & Chris, my question comes from the prompt footer posted below the APOD that day - to wit, "Challenge: Can you identify which part of Earth is visible in the background? "

So now, we've had plenty of's about time (past it actually) when the Challenge Author gave the "Big Reveal" and demonstrate his cleverness with how the answer is discerned. I mean, what's the intent of issuing a 'Challenge' if it's only to remain an infinite mystery? If we're to cooperate by playing these things, why can't he by doing his part & following up?
There is a long history on APODs of challenging discussion about issues for which there is no answer known. The idea is that somebody might be able to come up with an answer... but I don't think that has happened here. The APOD author can chime in, but my guess is that he doesn't know what part of the Earth is seen, either.

Re: APOD: Home from Above (2010 Nov 15)

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 10:54 am
by Star*Hopper
Aah....I see. And I agree with it not being one of the ones where an unknown answer's being sought, but rather, a prima facie 'quiz' question. WELL then - perhaps next time I'll just answer, "Yes I can, neener neener!" & be done with it rather than wasting my precious remaining time on this blue marble following a silly taunt without end, after realizing the author's just a Troll.


Re: APOD: Home from Above (2010 Nov 15)

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 7:09 pm
by JohnD
Click to view full size image
Just thought I'd show you what I meant. Cupola picture with superimposed map of Europe; South-west France and North-east Spain, with the Pyranees along the border. Cloud over the Balerics.


PS can't get the picture to download to this post. Advice, please? J.

PPS Oh! It does load! Blurry, but shows what I mean if you compare. J.

Re: APOD: Home from Above (2010 Nov 15)

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 4:07 am
by Chris Skinner
I think it is the island of Madagascar.

Re: APOD: Home from Above (2010 Nov 15)

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 4:35 pm
by Beyond
That's the view from THAT window, but the Astronaut is looking out another window. She may just be looking at the good ole' U.S.A. Don't-cha-think?

Re: APOD: Home from Above (2010 Nov 15)

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 3:50 am
by Patrick1264msn
Hopefully we get the answer before this goes fisticuffs!

Re: APOD: Home from Above (2010 Nov 15)

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 9:41 am
by Ozwald_Copperpot
What is she resting herself on? There's a flesh-coloured 'arm' underneath her, and it looks like it's wearing a watch. Is this a romantic moment on the space station?

Or does she have three arms?

Re: APOD: Home from Above (2010 Nov 15)

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 9:58 am
by owlice
Ozwald_Copperpot wrote:What is she resting herself on?
Screen shot 2010-11-27 at 4.53.13 AM.png
That cropped from here and brightened: ... e_crop.jpg