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Re: Weather!

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 10:33 pm
owlice wrote:BMAONE23, thanks. He's okay. Sent me an email tonight to let me know he was home, has a soft cast and a bunch of stitches. The neighbor behind him -- they share the driveway -- heats with wood, so it will be put to good use.

That Liquid Amber in your backyard is likely a sweet gum... unusual place for it to be, though; I thought they were eastern trees.
Per the WIKI article I would say you are right.

Re: Weather!

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 12:39 am
by owlice
BMAONE23, they are lovely trees, among my favorites; they are beautiful in every season. (That my then-very-small child once realized it was my birthday and didn't have anything for me so scooped up some sweet gum pods to present to me as his gift might have something to do with my fondness for the trees, too. [I still have the pods.])

Re: Weather!

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:14 am
by Chris Peterson
owlice wrote:BMAONE23, they are lovely trees, among my favorites; they are beautiful in every season. (That my then-very-small child once realized it was my birthday and didn't have anything for me so scooped up some sweet gum pods to present to me as his gift might have something to do with my fondness for the trees, too. [I still have the pods.])
Liquidambar trees are very common in southern California. They lined most of the residential streets in the town I grew up in (Arcadia). Although deciduous, it wasn't uncommon for them to only drop some of their leaves over winter. They always changed color in autumn, but it took a good cold snap (as only happened once every few years) to really produce colorful foliage. I've never heard them called sweetgum; presumably that's a regional thing that did not extend to my part of California.

Re: Weather!

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 12:23 pm
by geckzilla
My dad has a grand old sweet gum in his front yard. He just calls it "that stupid spiky ball tree" and so far I've managed to convince him that it's worth tolerating the spiky balls and not to cut it down. He's almost taken a couple of falls due to stepping on the things.

Re: Weather!

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 7:15 pm
by Moonlady
The thunderstorms are gone! News said, in one evening there were ~150 000 lightnings over Germany!

I visited friends and there I caught a beautiful sight, since I got a mobile phone with me, I can take pictures spontaneausly.

Re: Weather!

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 11:04 pm
by TNT
Swing...and a miss. It hasn't rained at all since a couple weeks ago, but there may still be a chance on Monday. Until then the heat continues.

Re: Weather!

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 2:43 am
by Chris Peterson
TNT wrote:Swing...and a miss. It hasn't rained at all since a couple weeks ago, but there may still be a chance on Monday. Until then the heat continues.
We had two tenths of an inch of rain this afternoon- more than we've had since almost a year ago. Walked the dogs early this evening in wonderful 60° air, which really energized them (and us) after weeks of unbearable temperatures in the low 80s, and even low 70s around sunset- still to warm too comfortably walk.

Still no green to speak of, but it was sure nice to smell moist ground and not sound like we were walking around on potato chips. I sure hope this is the beginning of a strong monsoon season.

Re: Weather!

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 12:58 pm
by orin stepanek
Ohhh! Almost 100F yesterday The darn AC broke down on the 4th of July so I had an AC man come over! By the time he came over it was 85 in the house! Well he got it going again and it took all night for it to get caught up (or down to 76). Any way I got up this morning and it shut off properly. When it started back up I didn't think much about it; but then my wife noticed warm air coming from the vent. So I looked outside and the unit was just humming; Needless to say I'm awaiting the repairman again! :bang: Cooler days are coming!

Re: Weather!

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 1:33 pm
by geckzilla
Chris Peterson wrote:I sure hope this is the beginning of a strong monsoon season.
I looked up your forecast and it says you have over an inch of rain on the way!

Re: Weather!

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 2:26 pm
by Chris Peterson
geckzilla wrote:
Chris Peterson wrote:I sure hope this is the beginning of a strong monsoon season.
I looked up your forecast and it says you have over an inch of rain on the way!
I hope so, although predictions for this area tend to be iffy. Anything over a half inch is problematic now for the burn areas, as that's likely to lead to ash/mud flash flooding. It won't affect us, but people living a the base of the mountains could be in for more grief.

Re: Weather!

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 9:20 pm
by neufer
Click to play embedded YouTube video.
owlice wrote:
The storm was a derecho.

Re: Weather!

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 9:41 pm
by orin stepanek
HOTFrom the Weather Chanel
, 4:05pm CDT
Jul 6

Observed High
3:05 pm
We're supposed to get a break in the heat wave tomorrow; I cant wait! :wink: It's still better that a frigid day in the winter! ( Not much though) :mrgreen:

Re: Weather!

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 5:58 pm
by owlice
Current temperature in my hometown: 100°F
Current temperatures elsewhere:
New York City: 95°F
Philadelphia: 98°F
Houghton: 71°F
Oklahoma City: 90°F
New Delhi: 81°F
Great Barrington: 80°F
Perth: 54°F
San Francisco: 64°F
Houston: 95°F
Bremen: 73°F
Paris: 66°F
Geneva: 82°F

Re: Weather!

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 9:12 pm
by owlice
Now 103°F here. Yee-haw.

Re: Weather!

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 10:04 pm
by Beyond
It's a paultry 80'F with overcast skies in N/E Connecticut. Might even be some rain scattered about. Haven't quite gotten to the point of going from fan to air-conditioning. But if the humidity increases...

Re: Weather!

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 6:13 am
by Moonlady
Beyond wrote:It's a paultry 80'F with overcast skies in N/E Connecticut. Might even be some rain scattered about. Haven't quite gotten to the point of going from fan to air-conditioning. But if the humidity increases...
Beyond, if your current place gets unbearable, you can still go to the beautiful and welcoming BEYONDER LAND anytime! :mrgreen:

My town was about 28°C= 82.4 °F and humid yesterday afternoon. The streets were crowded,
there is a small temporary amusement park going on till monday.
I am glad that we do not have many mosquitos this year, a river is flowing through the city and it is rather slow and has many shallow parts for being
mosquito population friendly.

Re: Weather!

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 7:01 am
by Beyond
moonlady wrote:Beyond, if your current place gets unbearable, you can still go to the beautiful and welcoming BEYONDER LAND anytime! :mrgreen:
ha-ha, Moonlady, there's a few people who think I'm in the BEYOND all the time! :lol2:

Re: Weather!

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 7:51 am
by owlice
It's 88°F here at 3:48 AM. Only 50% humidity, according to Yahoo! Hard to believe that; it's sticky and stifling outside.

Re: Weather!

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 8:28 am
by Beyond
Hey owl, fly up the coast aways. Up here in connecticut, at 4:30am, it's 55'F, and doesn't feel humid at all. Of course I'm out in the country, NOT in a city.

Re: Weather!

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 9:25 am
by owlice
Beyond, oh, what perfect biking weather!

Re: Weather!

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 2:03 pm
by Beyond
For you, yes. You can see good at night! For us non-Strigiformes, not so good. :lol2:

Re: Weather!

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 7:58 pm
by Ann
We had a lovely day today, one of the relatively few we have had this summer. The temperature hit 25 degrees Celsius, and it was delightfully sunny and hardly any wind. People crowded Malmö's beach front and jumped into the 19 degrees Celsius water (brrrr!!).

Well, it is going to rain tonight, and tomorrow we will get little showers and a rather stiff wind. The temperature will drop to barely 20 degrees Celsius, and the weather will stay much like that for most of next week.


Re: Weather!

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 8:47 pm
by orin stepanek
The last couple of days were mid to upper 80's! Much nicer. 8-) :D

Re: Weather!

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 10:20 pm
by rstevenson
We hit a high of 25°C today - about 77 in feet and inches. The weather critters say we can expect 10 more days like this -- no rain or even cloud, and temps in the range of 23 to 25 each day. (We'll see.)

The great advantage of our sea coast climate is that no matter how warm it gets during the day, things cool off quickly each evening. This is so reliable that, years ago when we renovated extensively, we didn't bother putting in air conditioning. We just close the windows in the heat of the day and open them overnight to cool the house down again. If we could export that sea breeze I know a few million people in the US that might buy some. :)


Re: Weather!

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 11:01 pm
by neufer
rstevenson wrote:
We hit a high of 25°C today - about 77 in feet and inches.
77 in feet and inches is pretty high :!: