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Re: Submissions: 2015 July

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 7:32 pm
by shaunnesy
Having got 33 hours of data on the Rosette , NGC 2244, I have made a final attempt to do it justice with this narrowband Hubble palette image with 10 hours of each band ,Halpha, O111 and S2 together with 3 hours RGB
Full res will be at

IC5070 with Herbig Haro 555

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 7:46 pm
by Christoph Puetz
IC5070 with Herbig Haro 555, Bicolor from Ha and Oiii
URL of website
Copyright: Christoph Puetz
Click to view full size image
Starfire 150mm/1350mm APO Refractor @
3,5h of Ha
3,5h of Oiii
20min subs

Re: Submissions: 2015 July

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 7:50 pm
by Christoph Puetz
Cirrus Nebula near 52cyg, Bicolor from Ha and Oiii
URL of website
Copyright: Christoph Puetz
Click to view full size image
125/1100mmm Fraunhofer Refractor
ATIK 383L+ CCD @-20°C
3h Ha, 20min subs
3h Oiii, 20min subs

Re: Submissions: 2015 July

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 7:53 pm
by Christoph Puetz
The Cave Nebula Sh2-155, Bicolor
URL of website,
Copyright:Christoph Puetz
Click to view full size image
Skywatcher ED80/600mm
4h Ha + 4h Oiii, 30min subs, bicolor technique

Re: Submissions: 2015 July

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 11:28 pm
by vanamonde81
The Zselic
Copyright: György Soponyai

Zselic forrest is part of Duna-Dráva National Park. Locating far away from any light pollution, the Zselic is famous for being one of the darkest place in Europe, the first Hungarian Starry Sky Park was established here in 2007.


Photo details:
2015.07.08. Zselic, Hungary
Canon EOS 5D Mark II + Sigma EF 8/4.0, 42 x 120 sec, ISO1600, F4.0

Re: Submissions: 2015 July

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 6:13 am
by owlice
Milky Way Panorama
Copyright: Jon Lui
J.Lui_Milky Way Panorama - Joshua Treesmall.jpg
​I was spending a weekend this past Spring at Joshua Tree National park and really looking forward to my first opportunity to capture a Milky Way panorama without light pollution. A fellow photographer told me it wouldn't really be visible until late into the night, around 2-3am. I spent the night sleeping in the back of my car and when my alarm woke me I got out, half asleep, and set up to take some photos next to my car. The desert wind was cold that night and began to numb my fingers, and the long exposures left me wanting nothing more than to go back to sleep. But, after getting home, stitching together 6 of the shots, and making some edits in Lightroom, I was really glad I had taken the time to capture the photographs.

Arches Ntl Park - Window Arch
Copyright: Jon Lui
J.Lui_Arches Ntl Park - Window Archsmall.jpg
​The Window Arch photo was from October of last year, during my cross-country roadtrip moving from DC to San Francisco. My favorite stop on the trip was Arches National Park, where I discovered the joy of night photography for the first time. Hiking in the dark through the vast park was scary at first, especially seeing the occasional flashlight in the distance and not knowing who I would run into. Soon I realized that the only people out that late all shared the same interest in night photography. Meeting complete strangers in the dark wilderness who shared this same unspoken passion was a very interesting experience. The first stranger I ran into taught me how to light paint the arches, and helped me take this photo as I stood under the Window Arch with my flashlight. It was the most memorable moment of my trip.

The coat hanger

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 8:29 am
by alcarreño
Copyright: Raul Villaverde Fraile
ImageLa percha by Raul Villaverde, en Flickr

Re: Submissions: 2015 July

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 1:29 pm
by joelshort
This is my first image of a globular cluster.

The Great Hercules Cluster M13
Copyright: Joel Short
Click to view full size image

Re: Submissions: 2015 July

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 2:31 pm
by moonrocks

Re: Submissions: 2015 July

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 5:24 pm
Sunset with sunspots
Copyright: Göran Strand
Click to view full size image
Heres a shot I took on July 12 that show sunspots 2381 and 2385 while the Sun set behind a large building. The air was very stable and I managed to get good detail in the building despite being 13 km away. Focal length used was 1,200 mm.

Pluto - July 14th

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 12:07 am
by Efrain Morales
Pluto on July 14th, 05:02ut. Slightly over six and a half hours prior to New Horizon's closest encounter with Pluto. ( Left Panel latest New horizons image on July 13th. Lower panel past sessions from the 10th. 11th and todays session annotated.)

Re: Submissions: 2015 July

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 11:35 am
by astrojunk
Copyright: Jonathan Bradshaw

In a magical moment looking across Tin Can Bay from Rainbow Beach in Queensland, Australia, Venus shines brightly over the waters surrounded by the faint glow of zodiacal light. It was so pretty I made a video too! (oh, and yes, that's Jupiter below...)

Click to play embedded YouTube video.

Re: Submissions: 2015 July

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 7:23 pm
by Sandgirl
Trilobites in Cabañeros National Park
Copyrights: Dani Caxete
Formax dwarf and Sculptor Dwarf - comparison
Copyrights: Marco Lorenzi
Supernova Remnant Puppis A
Copyrights: Marco Lorenzi
Imaging the Whirlpool
Copyrights: Tom Wildoner
imaging whirlpool.jpg
International Space Station
Copyrights: Fayçal Demri
Venus and Jupiter
Copyrights: Jakob Sagatowski
Saturn on 10/07/2015
Copyrights: John Chumack
The Trifid
Copyrights: Harel Boren

Re: Submissions: 2015 July

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 9:24 pm
by Sandgirl
Comet C/2013 US10 Catalina and NGC 7793
Copyrights: José J. Chambó
Sunset by the lake
Copyrights: Göran Strand
Sh2-124 Emission Nebula
Copyrights: Ron Brecher
Sh2-124 13hr10m HaRGB July 2015__small.jpg
Arches National Park - Window Arch
Copyrights: Jon Lui
Arches Ntl Park - Window Arch_small.jpg
Gamma Cygni Region
Copyrights: Terry Hancock
The Coat Hanger
Copyrights: Raul Villaverde Fraile
unnamed (1).jpg
Rosetta takes a glance at Pluto
An article: ... _auf_Pluto
Jupiter Twin Discovered Around Solar Twin
Image credits: ESO/M. Kornmesser
An article:

Venus and Jupiter
Copyrights: Rainer Kügler
Venus und Jupiter und Monde.jpg
Sh2 86 field
Copyrights: Fabiomassimo Castelluzzo

Re: Submissions: 2015 July

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 11:36 am
by zema88
Milky Way from Colle Fauniera (Cn, Italy)
Copyright: Paolo Demaria
Full resolution:
Canon Eos450D, Tamron 17-50mm f/2.8 @f/3.5, 360s guided, 210s unguided.

Best regards,
Paolo Demaria,
Ass. Astrofili Bisalta, Cuneo, Italy

Messier 8&20

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 1:23 pm
by alcarreño
Copyright. Raul Villaverde Fraile
Imagem8 y m20 by Raul Villaverde, en Flickr

Re: Submissions: 2015 July

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 9:25 pm
by Astromontufar
Lonely tree

Milky Way as seen from General Belgrano, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Copyright: Sergio Montúfar Codoñer

Re: Submissions: 2015 July

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 1:34 am
by daniel chang
2015/04/14 Rho Ophiuchi complex (Wide field)
Full frames :
Camera : Canon EOS 40D (mod) ISO : 800
Lens : Carl Zeiss F/1.4 50mm ZE to F/2.8
Location : Sai Kung Hong Kong
Total Exposure Time : 180s × 11 frames = 33Mins
Mount : Astrotrac TT320X-AG
Process : Dark Frame,Bias Frame,PI,P

Re: Submissions: 2015 July

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 6:58 am
by AlexMaragos
The Milky Way over the Castle of Methoni, Greece (July 16, 2015)
Copyright: Alexandros Maragos

The Milky Way rises over the Castle of Methoni, in Messinia, Greece,
at the southernmost point of the west coast of Peloponnese,
in a place which had been fortified since the 7th century BC.
Until 1204 AD it was used as a fort by the Byzantines,
while in 1209 AD the Venetians became the rulers of the area.

The Milky Way over the Castle of Methoni, Greece by Alexandros Maragos

Re: Submissions: 2015 July

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 11:02 am
by MaPa

Re: Submissions: 2015 July

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 2:25 pm
by davidpearson
Dusty Scorpion
LDN1148 in Cepheus

Note that Gyulbudaghian's Nebula appears as a bright fan-shaped object on the left side of the image near the base of the "scorpion's" tail.
Click to view full size image
Larger version at: ... 7fe9_k.jpg

Re: Submissions: 2015 July

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 12:06 pm
by Petr H.
Fantastic Red Sprites night over the Czech Republic
Copyright: Petr Horálek

As the stormy summer weather over the central Europe is underway, there are many chances to capture the Red Sprites again. I took my camera on the beach of the Seč reservoir late night on 17 July 2015, knowing the strong MCS storm is moving across the central Austria, so about 300-400 km south from my site. I was not optimistic because of the distance of the storm, and the light pollution in that direction as well. I started to capture the southern horizon casually with my 24mm lenses and after a 10 minutes I saw just by my eyes bright and short flash in the starry sky close to the Milky Way. There was no doubt about Red Sprite and the picture just proved it. When other strong flash of Sprite occurred, I removed my lenses immediately, using Pentacon 135mm, f2.8, and tried to focus it in the spot of the sky, where I saw the last Sprites. In that time I started to do very short exposures continually and in half of an hour I captured about „blind“ 500 images. But on 14 of those shots there were captured the amazing phenomena! Such incredibly lucky guess! The most beautiful TLE phenomena are in this mosaic.

More info and the image in small poster resolution (17 MB):
Click to view full size image

Four way solar system conjunction

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 2:34 pm
by philhart
It's the Central West Astronomical Society (CWAS) Astrofest in the town of Parkes, NSW, Australia this weekend and the presentation of the David Malin Astrophotography Awards. As a distraction before the awards, I went out to "The Dish" with Alex Cherney and Babak Tafreshi.

Managed to catch this image of Venus, Jupiter, Regulus and the Moon with Comet C/2014 Q1 PANSTARRS clearly visible just below the Moon. What a nice looking comet coming good!
Click to view full size image
Canon 6D, 50mm lens, 10 secs, f2, ISO400. ... -c6HL9Nz/A


Re: Submissions: 2015 July

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 3:27 pm
by jsines
Eastern Veil Nebula


Eastern Veil Nebula 071115 by Jeffrey Sines, on Flickr

Re: Submissions: 2015 July

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 4:12 pm
by MalcolmPark
There was a stunning display of the solar system at it's best last night.
Venus and Jupiter continue to shine brightly together, along with Regulus after sunset, but not only did a crescent moon make a guest appearance at 7% illumination (with beautiful earthshine) but comet c/2014 q1 Panstarrs was dramatically close to the crescent moon. A beautiful sight from the Atacama desert, San Pedro de Atacama, Chile. This picture was shot through an Explore Scientific 80mm ED refractor with a Nikon D800