What's out there? Speeding through the universe (09 Mar2008)

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Post by apodman » Tue Mar 18, 2008 10:42 pm

I was okay with batrachomyomachia, but I can't even pronounce "chthonic". I think it makes a good mix with gin and lime.

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Post by Sputnick » Fri Apr 11, 2008 10:33 pm

'The heavens and the earth flee from the throne of God'. Sorry - I cannot provide chapter and verse. Genesis tells what's beyond the stars though -water - Ch. 1 verses 6 to 17- a careful read will reveal water above the sun, moor and stars, and water below the sun, moon and stars. Also - could the univese resemble the bubble which in lab experiments is suspended in water and caused by sound waves expand and contract and to flash light from within at 30,000 times per second? Note that in Genesis there was no light until God spoke. Is this entire universe simply one flash of light?
If man were made to fly he wouldn't need alcohol .. lots and lots and lots of alcohol to get through the furors while maintaining the fervors.

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