How fast can we go?

The cosmos at our fingertips.
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Post by harry » Sun Aug 19, 2007 12:30 am

Hello All

So it is written, so it shall be done.

What movie?
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Post by craterchains » Sun Aug 19, 2007 10:04 pm

Harry may be correct about the expanding universe.

I think I have read that the universe, at it's current known age, would have had to go far faster than light speed to reach it's current size of expansion.
"It's not what you know, or don't know, but what you know that isn't so that will hurt you." Will Rodgers 1938

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Post by harry » Mon Aug 20, 2007 2:47 am

Hello All

The expansion is not the actual distance,,,,,,its time and space.

Observations show us that galaxies collect in clusters, stars collect in clusters, star glusters collect and form galaxies and so cluster galaxies form super clusters of clusters of galaxies and in turn form clusters and so when does this pattern stop.

The big question is:

What is actually expanding?

The universe itself cannot expand. How can infinity expand?
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Post by BMAONE23 » Mon Aug 20, 2007 4:22 am

harry wrote:Hello All

So it is written, so it shall be done.

What movie?
The Ten Commandments

Cecil B Demill

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Post by harry » Mon Aug 20, 2007 10:47 am

Hello BMAONE23

Smile,,,,,,,,,,you get the million dollars
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Post by zeilouz » Mon Aug 20, 2007 11:08 am


The world is full of absolutes:
1) The world is absolutely flat. (if you travel too far west, you'll fall off the edge)
2) Man never traveled to the moon. (It was all done in Hollywood, everyone knows that)
3) Man cannot travel faster than 35 mph or his skin will be torn off.(whoops, WRONG on that one)
4) Man will never travel faster than sound or his skin will be torn off. (whoops, WRONG on that one too)
5) Man will never travel faster than light! (maybe.......maybe not)
6) Big Bang...Steady state...Big Bang...Steady state...Big Bang...Steady state...(still up for debate??? Nothing has been proven ABSOLUTELY)

Regarding to the 2nd never travelled to the moon?

Hmm..what about neil armstrong n his comrades..?did they went to the moon?

I also read some books that nasa wants to build a space lift from earth to the moon,i dont think its really possible n the cost would be very expensive n will bring all the world to inflation..=(
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Post by zeilouz » Mon Aug 20, 2007 11:09 am

Omg sorry off topic..~.~
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Post by harry » Wed Aug 22, 2007 7:08 am

Hello Zeilous

Smile,,,,,,,,,,,,,you must be interested in cosmology.

So what is your point?
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Post by THX1138 » Wed Aug 22, 2007 12:51 pm

Slow down zeilouz, your posting all over the place and then some, come on now.........Do you really need someone to here to tell you we have been to the moon, stop it! / Thanks.
Now zeilouz, are you refering to the space elevator ? Start a new thread if you like, who knows you may get some replies ?
But the topic of this thread is ( HOW FAST CAN WE GO ) If you continue to post things that have nothing to do with what the topic implies you are going to bring the wrath of the Neried upon you, you don't want that.

Good day all

And thanks to all who have been considerate enough to post replies for our friend zieluoz, obviously a good kid.

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Post by FieryIce » Wed Aug 22, 2007 1:24 pm

THX1138 wrote:Slow down zeilouz, your posting all over the place and then some, come on now stop it! things that have nothing to do with what the topic
...our friend zieluoz, obviously a good kid.
OH Really?
It's just another a**hole on a mission.
Tic Toc

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Post by harry » Wed Aug 22, 2007 1:34 pm

Hello Zeilous

People are going to tell you how to suck eggs.

Do not loose interest.

Some will call you names, such as ,,,,,,,,,

But! it is a good idea to pick on one topic and work through it.

Stay Cool
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Post by FieryIce » Wed Aug 22, 2007 1:51 pm

FieryIce wrote:
craterchains wrote: Some know it is all ready a reality.

We Have Broken The Speed Of Light

Even back to 19 July 2000

Scientists Claim To Break Speed-of-Light Barrier
Leave it to harry to step in to sooth a Zeilot when this information in the quotes is important for how fast we can go.
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Post by zeilouz » Thu Aug 23, 2007 1:42 pm

sorry for such ridiculous question,

Yeah,maybe i am an a**hole in a mission,thx for such compliment
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Post by harry » Fri Aug 24, 2007 6:53 am

Hello Zeilous

Do not take notice of negative ramarks.
It will stop you from learning.

Keep smiling and have fun with it, and if people talk negative, thats life.
Harry : Smile and live another day.

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Post by orin stepanek » Mon Nov 19, 2007 8:48 pm

I don't think breaking the speed of light will do much for space exploration! Man may send expeditions out for exploration but by the time a probe got to a nearby star; we may have learned more from observation with more modern telescopes. Space travel to nearby star-systems may be needed someday for population purposes but coming back would be unlikely. If man could control space-time bending than speed may not be necessary. Right now it doesn't seem likely. :roll: But what do I know? :lol:

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Post by makc » Tue Nov 20, 2007 12:46 pm

what about something as rimitive as space tourism?

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Post by orin stepanek » Tue Nov 20, 2007 1:48 pm

makc wrote:what about something as rimitive as space tourism?
I don't think it would be practical. You'd have to have a lot of 'credit,' so to speak. :)

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Post by GOD » Wed Jan 02, 2008 6:49 am

orin stepanek wrote:I don't think breaking the speed of light will do much for space exploration! Man may send expeditions out for exploration but by the time a probe got to a nearby star; we may have learned more from observation with more modern telescopes. Space travel to nearby star-systems may be needed someday for population purposes but coming back would be unlikely. If man could control space-time bending than speed may not be necessary. Right now it doesn't seem likely. :roll: But what do I know? :lol:
Orin: Humanity's knowledge of space exploration will explode exponentially when they join the Alliance of Worlds this century.

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Post by orin stepanek » Wed Jan 02, 2008 2:34 pm

God has spoken???????????????????? :?: :?: :roll: :?: :?:

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Post by orin stepanek » Thu Jan 24, 2008 6:04 pm

GOD wrote:
orin stepanek wrote:I don't think breaking the speed of light will do much for space exploration! Man may send expeditions out for exploration but by the time a probe got to a nearby star; we may have learned more from observation with more modern telescopes. Space travel to nearby star-systems may be needed someday for population purposes but coming back would be unlikely. If man could control space-time bending than speed may not be necessary. Right now it doesn't seem likely. :roll: But what do I know? :lol:
Orin: Humanity's knowledge of space exploration will explode exponentially when they join the Alliance of Worlds this century.
If this occurs and I'm still here; I may consider acknowledging you! OK?
But I won't hold my breath.

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Post by GOD » Fri Jan 25, 2008 3:36 am

orin stepanek wrote:
GOD wrote:
orin stepanek wrote:I don't think breaking the speed of light will do much for space exploration! Man may send expeditions out for exploration but by the time a probe got to a nearby star; we may have learned more from observation with more modern telescopes. Space travel to nearby star-systems may be needed someday for population purposes but coming back would be unlikely. If man could control space-time bending than speed may not be necessary. Right now it doesn't seem likely. :roll: But what do I know? :lol:
Orin: Humanity's knowledge of space exploration will explode exponentially when they join the Alliance of Worlds this century.
If this occurs and I'm still here; I may consider acknowledging you! OK?
But I won't hold my breath.
Orin: Ye of little faith... :)

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Post by orin stepanek » Fri Jan 25, 2008 1:31 pm

GOD wrote:
orin stepanek wrote:
GOD wrote: Orin: Humanity's knowledge of space exploration will explode exponentially when they join the Alliance of Worlds this century.

If this occurs and I'm still here; I may consider acknowledging you! OK?
But I won't hold my breath.
Orin: Ye of little faith... :)
Actually my faith is pretty strong; but if you were God you would know that! Besided, God said " Thou shall have no other Gods beside him."

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Post by GOD » Sat Jan 26, 2008 2:25 am

orin stepanek wrote:Actually my faith is pretty strong...
Not as strong as it needs to be. You lack faith in the infinite.
orin stepanek wrote:...God said " Thou shall have no other Gods beside him."
Nothing is without GOD. WE are all part of the ONE. Humanity does not yet comprehend the implications of this.

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Post by orin stepanek » Sat Jan 26, 2008 1:36 pm

Infinity I believe in; God I believe in; you I don't

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Post by GOD » Sat Jan 26, 2008 5:52 pm

orin stepanek wrote:Infinity I believe in; God I believe in; you I don't
Orin: In time, you will...
orin stepanek wrote:
GOD wrote:
orin stepanek wrote:Right now it doesn't seem likely. But what do I know?
Orin: Humanity's knowledge of space exploration will explode exponentially when they join the Alliance of Worlds this century.
If this occurs and I'm still here; I may consider acknowledging you!

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