Halloween and the Ghost Head Nebula (APOD 31 Oct 2007)

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Halloween and the Ghost Head Nebula (APOD 31 Oct 2007)

Post by DavidLeodis » Thu Nov 01, 2007 1:51 pm

The "above-pictured Ghost Head Nebula" link in the explanation brings up image PIA04226 in the JPL Photojournal website. In the information to PIA04226 it states that image was produced from 3 images taken on March 28 2000. However, elsewhere in the Photojournal website it states that PIA04226 was added to that site on 1999-12-03 (which will be December 3 1999 based on other dates seen in the site). Clearly something spooky on Halloween that an image was added before it was apparently taken! I'm :? but :) ing.

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