Void in Space-Problems: Image Set to Conclusion(2008 Aug 27)

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Void in Space-Problems: Image Set to Conclusion(2008 Aug 27)

Post by TimeTravel123456789 » Mon Aug 27, 2007 4:42 pm

Could be just a cold area of space.

A close up area of cold

area passing through cold gas

area passing though cold dust

I am not really clear on what basis void is concluded.

Clearly there are many great voids seen, but I think clarity needs to be established in these studies. one pass of WMAP showing some kind of region does not mean there is a void. It could be just some kind of distinct area of space. It is notable that several previous voids have been seen at far distances. Why far distances for voids? do not know.

the color scheme is also not clear to me from the image. Why is blue attached to cold in that image; is the image associating traditional blue with higher frequencies and higher energy or what is the association?

I find voids interesting again because they mean an area of inhomogeneity. The CMBR is said to be homogenous and isotropic on a microscopic scale but large scale structures are varied and inhomogeneous. I find the image interesting, but not the conclusion. It says to me that the WMAP image shows inhomogeneity and that is about all I learned from a quick glance at the image.
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Post by iamlucky13 » Tue Aug 28, 2007 7:03 pm

The weak signal in the CMBR is backed up by a lack of radio sources in that direction of the sky.

I tried perusing the paper linked to in the APOD caption for answers to some of your questions, but it was pretty heavy stuff...it uses lots of acronyms I'm not familiar with and refers to quite a few previous papers on this anomaly.

I guess that at least tells us the interpretation of this as a hole is fairly well corroborated within the astronomy community.

Good luck with your legal stuff.
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