One more thing,

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One more thing,

Post by paynesmanor » Fri Apr 13, 2007 7:19 am

Sorry for filling up the boards with my theorys.. But I have always wanted to find a place to talk back... And this seems like the perfect place. If someone knows a better place please reply to this, and tell me to go to ...... LOL,,

As far as multi dimensions in theory. I heard somewhere that there is a quest to find the 4th Demension, and in theory there are infinate demensions. Time to step outside the box people call society, Because the 4th demension is behind you. See humans need to stop looking at dimensions in 3D, and start thinking of it as all demensions. I mean think if your at a point in space, how many different dimensions could you travel away from the starting point? Only three?? No, there would be a infinate number of directions you could travel.

Totally off that subject..

One of the most problematic theorys in science is the equation of time. People need to be able to step outside the box society has created for them and look at the big picture...
This is where I think scientists get confused because the reality of time does not exsist. And to use it as a measurment of astronomical speed, is inaccurate for a stellar scale. I mean time is purely a imaginary measurement of the speed at which the earth is spinning. Imagine if we were to visit a planet that has a orbit three times as fast as the Earth, And the beings there measured years based on the speed of there planet orbiting there sun, and they also measured lights speed the same way as we do, the distance light travels in a year. There perception of lightspeed would make light appear to move slower. Think if you were a huge giant, looking at the solar system through a microscope, the Earth would be rotating on axis at spectacular speeds. Turning lights speed into nothing more then molasses....

And thats about all I got to say about that....

Enjoy, Peace!
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Post by cosmo_uk » Fri Apr 13, 2007 4:15 pm

I'll leave the first part on extra dimensions to someone who may know something about them

with regard to the second part I think your getting a bit confused by time in the absolute sense, time in the GR/SR sense and a beings mental perception of time.
"light speed" and a "light year" are 2 different beasts.

light speed is the actual speed of light in whatever units you choose (feet per hour, m/s , inches / decade) and it is always the same for every observer in vacuo.

a light year is just the distance which light travels in one year and is an entirely man made concept - you are right that aliens with a different length year would have a longer / shorter light year distance.
Think if you were a huge giant, looking at the solar system through a microscope, the Earth would be rotating on axis at spectacular speeds. Turning lights speed into nothing more then molasses.
This is not an argument that holds water I'm afraid. perception of time may change from being to being (huge giant to human) but relatively the giant would still observe that the speed of light is faster than the speed of the earths rotation.

It is however possible to make something travel faster than the speed of light as long as no information is carried.

for example a spinning torch illuminating a cloud/distant wall it is possible to move the light across the cloud/wall faster than c but of course no info can be carried in the transverse direction.

w=(v/r) where w is the angular velocity and v is the transverse speed and r is the radius of the spin.

so v=wr so at an arbitrarily large r (distance to cloud) v can exceed c.

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Post by paynesmanor » Sat Apr 14, 2007 4:59 am

I would have to argue the point "light speed is the actual speed of light in whatever units you choose (feet per hour, m/s , inches / decade) and it is always the same for every observer in vacuo."
The problem with this statement is the measurments used are all earth based. Remember think outside the box..

Think of yourself as the giant, one thats looking at everything we can see in our skys through a microscope (A very very large being). Observing mortals examining the speed of light in a lab. Now put the speed the light across the vast distance of the giants world using the giants measurements, of his foot size..... Light would appear to move much slower.. Its a comprehension theory.. Yes the speed of light would stay the same, to us, however, our perception of the speed of light, is based on the speed at which the earth is spinning. Now if you step outside the universe on a larger scale and compare the speed at which light travels to something much larger say a trillion universes, (everything that we can see from one end to the other, times a trillion) then measure the speed at which light travels. it would appear much slower.. And if the being were large enough, then it would be very possable to walk faster then the speed of light. (unless light does not have a speed and is instant.) But if the speed of light does have a limit then yes it is perfectly possable for something much larger to travel faster.

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Post by BMAONE23 » Sat Apr 14, 2007 3:55 pm

While you make some valid arguements about perception the basic fact remains that no matter how you measure (observe) it light still travels at the same relative speed.
To use your "Giant" analogy: (if the giant were say 186,000 times larger than us)
Human = 12" foot (12" long feet roughly size 13 shoes) light speed = 186000 miles per second or 982,080,000 feet per second. = 186000 mps as percieved by us.
Giant = 2,232,000" foot or roughly a size 2,418,000 to us (still a size 13 to him) light would still travel at 186,000 mps but as viewed by this being it wluld travel at 1mps 5820 fps but the actual speed hasn't changed juse the percieved speed.

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