harry wrote:Hello All
Wadsworth said
what makes the rate of decay decrease as speed/motion increase!?
Does it?
Gawd Harry!
The experiments that prove this are too mumerous to mention. They involve things like cosmic ray obsevations, synchronised (atomic) clocks, even the corrections required for the GPS system to work are a similar effect due to a somewhat different cause.
No, I'm not going to provide lnks. Many others have provided you with links to articles regarding these issues. You obviously don't read them, don't believe them (why would these people lie?), or I don't know what.
It's all of a piece. If SR, GR and QM don't work you better stop posting to the forum. Because the internet and even the PC you are using
cannot work and are therefore figments of your imagination.
If you want some cedibility, take a course in SR and start asking some real questions.
All right. Rant over. It's just that
Robert Heinlein wrote:some brands of stupidity ought to be a capital offense
No, really. The rant is over now....
As to Wadsworth's question, I don't know if there is a real answer to "what." Special Relativity explains the observations and the
Lorentz-Fitzgerald equations fairly well (BTW, Fitzgerald's contraction conjecture was first proposed in 1889). Asking this question is kind of like asking "what makes water wet" (hold on, there is a good answer for that one...).
Cheers all,
(Exits stage left still muttering into beard)