Great Attractor

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RJ Emery
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Great Attractor

Post by RJ Emery » Fri Sep 22, 2006 11:56 pm

What has the most recent observations and research uncovered about The Great Attractor, that spot in the universe where most observable galaxies seemed to be heading?
RJ Emery

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orin stepanek
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Post by orin stepanek » Sat Sep 23, 2006 3:50 am

Andromeda, Great Attractor: when do we collide?
Goto page 1, 2, 3 Next

We discussed a topic on the great attractor back in January! I dont know if this would help or not?

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Post by astro_uk » Sat Sep 23, 2006 9:30 am


The latest on the great attractor is summed up nicley in this paper

Having spoken to the authors the deal is that they have found several new clusters and filaments which lie on the far side of the MW, and hence are difficult to detect. They now reckon that over 70% of the mass of the great attractor is accounted for, the rest is presumably mostly directly through the disc of the MW and very difficult to see.

The mystery of the great Attractor seems to be mostly solved, though there is still some work to be done tracking down what is responsible for the infall onto the GA from the far side.

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Post by BMAONE23 » Sat Sep 23, 2006 4:08 pm

I was looking through the paper you had linked to your post and noticed something interesting. The velocity graphs resemble spectral charts. So I looked up this for comparison and it reminded me of DNA charts. A question popped into my head about this.

If DNA markers can be utilized to run tests to determine parentage of offspring and to determine sibling status, could spectral markers be used to determine sibling status with respect to stars? (Would 3rd or 4th generation stars which collapse from the same cloud of gas that was expelled from the same prior generation parent star have the same spectral markers?) It almost seems like a spectral fingerprint might be similar to a DNA fingerprint.

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Post by astro_uk » Sun Sep 24, 2006 8:36 am

Potentially you can do something like that, though it is much more complicated than a DNA analysis, because the vast majority of the DNA will be the same from generation to generation, but in stars the different sizes of stars present in the population will lead to different enrichments due to the different elements they can fuse up to.

Stars that form from the same gas cloud do generally have the same composition, the best example of this is the stars of globular clusters, which all seem to have formed at the same time from the same material. Some people recently did an analysis on GCs like you suggest here

so they look at the ratio of alpha elements to iron, which is usually understood as the ratio of elements made in type 1a to type 2 supernovae (i think its that way round). This ratio tells you about how quickly the stars formed from gas previously enriched by a previous generation of stars. This is because Type 2 supernovae are caused by giant stars that run out of fuel and explode, they do this rapidly, within about 100Myr of the start of the star formation event. Type 1a supernovae take much longer to occur becuase they are due to material from a companion star piling onto a white dwarf (eventually pushing the star over the chandrasekhar limit), this usually doesnt happen for several Gyr after the burst of star formation.

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Post by harry » Mon Sep 25, 2006 9:40 am

Hello All

Most elements from Hydrogen to Iron, nickel,silicon are made from fusion within the solar envelope.

The extra ordinary energy expelled during a supernova produces the heavy elements that are allowed to remain in their atomic state away from a star solar envelope which ususally breaks down elements larger than Iron.
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Post by Nereid » Fri Sep 29, 2006 2:23 am

harry wrote:Hello All

Most elements from Hydrogen to Iron, nickel,silicon are made from fusion within the solar envelope.

The extra ordinary energy expelled during a supernova produces the heavy elements that are allowed to remain in their atomic state away from a star solar envelope which ususally breaks down elements larger than Iron.
Are you referring, perchance, to the thoroughly debunked "Iron Sun" idea (Dr Manuel, Michael Mozina)?

If so, would you be prepared to defend this idea, in terms of its internal consistency and consistency with good observational and experimental results?

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Post by harry » Fri Sep 29, 2006 8:04 am

Hello Neried

Mate what is your opinion?

Others give their opinions.

As for the iron star. Our sun has not been dominated by Iron.

You said
If so, would you be prepared to defend this idea, in terms of its internal consistency and consistency with good observational and experimental results
Yes 100%. We are here to discuss issues. But never close doors on ideas, that some people think are wild.

Where did you hear that Prof Manuel has been thoroughly debunked with respect to the Iron sun. If you have info please forward them to me or respond here.

I have an open mind. All doors open and none closed.
Harry : Smile and live another day.

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Post by astro_uk » Fri Sep 29, 2006 12:58 pm

As for the iron star. Our sun has not been dominated by Iron.
That is strange Harry because that is exactly what O Manuel claims in his paper

Check out figure 7. and this line from the next page
The Sun formed on the collapsed core of a supernova (Fig. 2) and consists mostly of elements (See right side Fig. 7) produced in the SN interior - Fe, O, Ni, Si, and S
Sounds pretty iron dominated to me, if you look at the plots, which are logged, you see that Manuel is in fact claiming that the sun has 1000 times as much Iron as hydrogen. Although this depends on what he actually means by abundance, still, he is saying the Sun has more Iron than Hydrogen.

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Post by Nereid » Sun Oct 01, 2006 1:55 am

harry wrote:Hello Neried

Mate what is your opinion?

Others give their opinions.

As for the iron star. Our sun has not been dominated by Iron.

You said
If so, would you be prepared to defend this idea, in terms of its internal consistency and consistency with good observational and experimental results
Yes 100%. We are here to discuss issues. But never close doors on ideas, that some people think are wild.

Where did you hear that Prof Manuel has been thoroughly debunked with respect to the Iron sun. If you have info please forward them to me or respond here.

I have an open mind. All doors open and none closed.
Re Manuel and Mozina ("Sun has a solid iron surface"), I've already posted some opinions (you may need to read the threads in my post to get an appreciation of my opinion), in the Inner Core of our Sun thread.

For some other opinions, I really do wonder why much crackpot, pseudo-science (and even anti-science) material appears in internet discussion fora that are explicitly (and sometimes avowedly scientific in their approach) about astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology, and space science.

For the genuinely curious, my opinion is that it is, most of the time, fairly easy and straight-forward to work out why this crackpot and pseudo-science is flawed ... just apply the native critical thinking that almost all Homo sapiens individuals are equipped with.

For those who choose to abandon critical thinking, I offer these three opinions*:

When was the last time you jumped off the top of a 20 storey building, without a parachute (etc), and expected to not go splat on the ground below? You've never done that? So remind me again why you think General Relativity does not describe, to a high degree of accuracy, how the universe works?

When you read these words, on the monitor of your PC, with the help of the internet, do you think those words are merely a figment of your imagination? No? So remind me again why you think that Quantum Mechanics (or the Standard Model of particle physics) does not describe, to the highest degree of accuracy that any theory in science has been tested, how the universe works?

How often do you think (or read, or hear) "1 plus 1" and conclude "5"? That's not happened to you? So remind me again why you think {insert your favourite crackpot or pseudo-science theory of astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology or space science here} is wholly consistent, with math, equations, numbers and stuff?

*this is a WIP (work in progress); these three seek to highlight three killer inconsistencies - with GR, with quantum theory (QED in the example above, but the Standard Model works too), and mathematical. If any reader has a pithier, punchier way of cutting to the chase, with respect to 'wild' ideas in astronomy (etc) that are internally inconsistent, inconsistent with well-established theories whose domains of applicability overlap (i.e. GR and/or QM, or some subsets), or (above all) with good experimental or observational results ... I'd love to hear it! :D

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