More star trails (APOD 15 Sep 2006)

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More star trails (APOD 15 Sep 2006)

Post by Axel » Fri Sep 15, 2006 3:19 pm

The camera keeps the Earth motionless but speeds up the stars, so they become a vortex that sucks you in.

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11 hour star trail (APOD 15 Sep 2006)

Post by bigbobcat » Tue Sep 19, 2006 4:01 am

In the picture "11 hour star trails" by Josch Hambsch, is there a comet trail visible? If there is, has the comet been named?


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Post by BMAONE23 » Tue Sep 19, 2006 1:48 pm

If the streak you are talking about is the one at the 2:00 position near the middle of the picture, ... sch_f1.jpg I would think it to be either:
The streak of a meteorite grazing the atmosphere,
The streak of a meteorid disintegrating in the atmosphere,
The passage of an Iridium Satalite (less likely)
The passage of an airplane (lesser likely)
The passage of a UFO (least likely)

I would think that if it were a comet, it's image would be rotated too given the length of the exposure.

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