Sky Report:
Moon is in Sagittarius with a phase of 22%, and is 25.4 days old. New Moon will occur in 4.1 days time. It rises at 03:09, transits at 08:33, and sets at 13:59. It is visible in the morning sky.
Mercury in Pisces with a magnitude of -0.9, a phase of 72%, and a diameter of 6". It rises at 07:38, transits at 13:42, and sets at 19:47. It is visible low in the west after sunset.
Venus is in Aquarius with a magnitude of -3.9, a phase of 99%, and a diameter of 10". It rises at 06:35, transits at 12:23, and sets at 18:11. It is currently too close to the Sun to be observed.
Mars is in Sagittarius with a magnitude of +1.1, a phase of 92%, and a diameter of 5". It rises at 03:38, transits at 09:02, and sets at 14:27. It is visible in the morning sky.
Jupiter is in Virgo with a magnitude of -2.4 and a diameter of 43". It transits at 02:46, sets at 08:39, and rises again at 20:48. It is well placed for observation throughout the night.
Saturn is in Gemini with a magnitude of -0.1 and a diameter of 20". It sets at 03:48, rises again at 14:28, and transits at 21:06. It is visible in the evening sky.
Uranus is in Aquarius with a magnitude of +5.9 and a diameter of 3". It rises at 06:28, transits at 12:15, and sets at 18:01. It is currently too close to the Sun to be observed.
Neptune is in Capricornus with a magnitude of +8.0 and a diameter of 2". It rises at 05:17, transits at 10:53, and sets at 16:28. It is visible low in the east before sunrise.
Pluto is in Serpens with a magnitude of +13.9. It rises at 01:38, transits at 07:16, and sets at 12:53. It is visible in the morning sky.
Report Generated Using Skymap Pro 10
Camera Status: The objects are getting highley exposed. Any problem with cam or atmosphere