Submissions: 2023 November

See new, spectacular, or mysterious sky images.
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Re: Submissions: 2023 November

Post by moladso » Mon Nov 27, 2023 7:58 pm

Black Friday Offer: cheap flights to the moon...
Hi resolution (4236x4296 pixels) 97.4% Moon and Plane.
Jaime Fernandez

Click on image for full sized, hi-res (4236x4296 pixels), moon image or the following link: ... =582_3.jpg

Click on image for animation or the following link: ... 01-060.gif

No, flights to the Moon are not yet offered on Black Friday, but who knows in the coming future... :wink:

From time to time, during our photo and video captures of celestial objects, an airplane or satellite comes between our telescope and the sky object.

In this case, an Airbus 320-112 with registration EC-NBD of the Volotea company, covering flight V72487 from Lanzarote (Spain) to Bordeaux (France), was pictured while taking videos for the hi resolution moon picture shown above.

How can we know those flight details? By knowing the exact moment when our image/video was captured, we can look applications on the Internet that inform about the flights (flightradar) and satellites (heavensabove) that fly over us at a given moment and location.

In this case it is just for fun, but it shows us the importance of collecting and reviewing all the data from our images systematically, because you never know when you may have captured an astronomical event (a TLP, Transient Lunar Phenomena for example) and it would be needed.

Capture and processing details:
Telescope LongPerg ED80 + Vixen Tele-extender f/7.5 (x1.9), camera ASI 178MM, UV/IR Neodymium Baader filter, captured with ASICap 2.9.1, mosaic of 6 x 4000 frames SER video @30fps (16bit), processed with Autostakkert 3.1.4, Registax 6 and PixInsight 1.8 Ripley. Taken on 25/nov/2023 from Madrid (Spain), at an height 811 mts ASML.

Credit: Jaime Fernandez

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Re: Submissions: 2023 November

Post by Psnarf » Tue Nov 28, 2023 6:54 pm

NASA’s Webb Reveals New Features in Heart of Milky Way ... milky-way/

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Re: Submissions: 2023 November

Post by DrChaos » Wed Nov 29, 2023 1:36 am

Orion Molecular Cloud Complex

Wo RedCat 51 + ZWO EAF
Sky Watcher StarAdventurer GTI
QHY 268C + Antlia L
151x180s, -10°, Gain 0, Offset 50,
Darks, flats, dark-flats
Wadley, SLP , México, Noviembre 2023

Copyright: Fernando Peña
fdopc, on Instagram
drcaosastrophoto on Flickr
DrChaos, on Astrobin


The Mighty Tarantula Nebula

Post by strongmanmike » Wed Nov 29, 2023 3:30 am

One of the largest star forming regions in our local group of galaxies

Full resolution version here:
Copyright: Michael Sidonio

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Re: Submissions: 2023 November

Post by WolfHeart » Wed Nov 29, 2023 3:22 pm

Pleiades - LRGB - The Seven Sisters

ImagePleiades - LRGB - The Seven Sisters by Ahmed Waddah, on Flickr

Got to revisit one my early targets this season.

"While not strictly a constellation, the Pleiades, comprise a striking open star cluster visible to the naked eye. They are located at the shoulder of Taurus the Bull and appear to the naked eye as a miniature dipper. On a clear, dark night, a person with good eyesight can easily see six stars, and with a little patience, seven and perhaps more. (The record is said to be 19.) The cluster takes on even greater beauty when viewed through binoculars." - The Mythology of the Night Sky

Redcat 51

Antlia V-Pro Blue 2": 30×30″(15′)
Antlia V-Pro Blue 2": 40×90″(1h)
Antlia V-Pro Green 2": 30×30″(15′)
Antlia V-Pro Green 2": 40×90″(1h)
Antlia V-Pro Luminance 2": 20×180″(1h)
Antlia V-Pro Luminance 2": 40×90″(1h)
Antlia V-Pro Red 2": 30×30″(15′)
Antlia V-Pro Red 2": 40×90″(1h)
Integration: 5h 45′

Dates: Oct. 14, 2023 · Nov. 17, 2023


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Re: Submissions: 2023 November

Post by matuutex » Wed Nov 29, 2023 6:23 pm

Desolate trees and galactic center.
Copyright: Marcelo Maturana Rodríguez (@matuutex)
Location: LLanquihue National Reserve, Lakes Region, Chile
Date: 22 June 2022
Instagram: @matuutex
Nikon d5600, Tokina lens 14/20mm f2
20mm f2 iso 1600 20 segs
Vertical Panorama (3 Photos)

The Llanquihue National Reserve is one of the oldest protected wild areas in the country, it was created in 1912 and is located in the Andes mountain range, in the province of Llanquihue, communes of Puerto Varas, Puerto Montt and Cochamó, in the Region . of Los Lagos. Geographically it is located west of the Reloncaví estuary, in the mountainous area it extends north of Lake Chapo.
It is part of the Temperate Rain Forests of the Southern Andes Biosphere Reserve.

We can appreciate the impact on the vegetation and its erosion, resulting from the eruption of the Calbuco volcano in 2015.

Desolate trees and galactic center. by Marcelo Maturana, en Flickr ... 0ad7_h.jpg
Last edited by bystander on Wed Nov 29, 2023 11:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Submissions: 2023 November

Post by adrien » Thu Nov 30, 2023 1:17 am

Sh2-157 - The Lobster Claw Nebula
Copyright: Adrien Keijzer ... SSeuJN.jpg

Lobster Claw Nebula in SHO palette, it tooks me more than 22 hours to get it, and maybe the same time to process it :)

Within this cosmic tapestry, the Bubble Nebula reveals itself in an explosion of colors, while the celestial jewels, NGC 7538 and NGC 7510, twinkle in the background. The image captures the moment when the Lobster Claw appears poised to devour these celestial prey, creating a fascinating astral ballet where beauty and voracity converge in the infinite expanse of the universe.

camera : zwo 1600mm
refracting : TS 102/714 doublet
SHO filters
Last edited by bystander on Thu Nov 30, 2023 5:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Submissions: 2023 November

Post by Richardwhitehead » Thu Nov 30, 2023 5:21 am

The California Nebula
this is my " first light" image taken at Dark Sky New Mexico on my Takahashi FSQ106/A-P 1100 combo
The California Nebula (NGC 1499) is an emission nebula about 1000 Light years from Earth.
Its name comes from the fact that the central most often imaged portion looks (a bit) like the outline of the state of California.
So maybe I should call this image "the West coast Nebula" as it does extend a fair bit further as its brightness diminishes.
This is a two-pane mosaic to capture the full width, and actually it was quite a 'pain' to process as Pixinsight's Mosaic process introduced artifacts and I eventually separately processed both images all the way through and merged the jpegs in PS.
The nebula is principally "excited" by the nearby star super energetic star Xi Persei (Menkib) the bright star in the image.
Tech stuff:
Telescope Takahashi FSQ 106 EDX4
Mount A-P 1100 GTO AE
QHY 600 camera and QHY Filter wheel
Chroma 3nm Filters SHO 20-26 x 15min ( 20min for OIII)for each filter and each pane
Nitecrawler Focuser
Eagle 4 Pro computer
Ha 15 x15 min, OIII 12 x 15 min, SII 5 x 15 min
Location : Animas , NM, USA
Processed in Pixinsight and Photoshop
completecali1 copyFB.jpg

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Re: Submissions: 2023 November

Post by Groovynight » Thu Nov 30, 2023 2:13 pm

The Center of CED 214 / NGC 7822

As part of the 'Cosmic Question Mark', CED 214 & NGC 7822 are widely known. After capturing a wide-field image of this area some time ago, I've been intrigued to take a deeper look into the center of this region through a complete reprocessing. Hope you like it!

(Thumb only)

>>>High Resolution: ... s_Horn.jpg

Equipment & Capture Info:

Celestron RASA 8
Celestron Motorfocus
EQ6-R Pro
TS 2600 MP (Gain 100, Offset 200, -10°)
Baader H-Alpha Highspeed 3.5nm: 178 × 120″ (5h 56′)
Baader O-III Highspeed 4nm: 174 ×120″ (5h 48′)
Baader S-II Highspeed 4nm: 176 × 120″ (5h 52′)
Total: 17h 36′
Bortle 5 (19.50 SQM)
N.I.N.A., Guiding with ZWO ASI 120MM and PHD2
Astropixelprocessor, Photoshop, Pixinsight

Date: September 7, 9 & 10, 2023

Location: Hannover, Germany (Bortle 5-6)

Instagram: @astrophoto_hannover

Victor Lima
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Re: Submissions: 2023 November

Post by Victor Lima » Thu Nov 30, 2023 5:58 pm

Category: Panoramic Shot
Social IG: victorlimaphoto
The Atacama Desert is renowned for its exceptional conditions that make it a prime location for astrofotography. The region's high altitude, averaging around 2,400 meters, results in a thin and dry atmosphere with minimal light pollution. This combination creates remarkably clear and stable skies, offering astronomers and photographers an unparalleled view of celestial objects. The absence of urban development in the surrounding areas further contributes to the pristine conditions, making the Atacama Desert one of the world's premier sites for capturing the wonders of the night sky.
Moreover, the Atacama boasts an arid climate, receiving minimal precipitation throughout the year. This low moisture content in the atmosphere minimizes the presence of clouds, ensuring extended periods of clear skies for astronomical observations. The combination of high altitude, low light pollution, and arid climate collectively establishes the Atacama Desert as an extraordinary haven for astrofotographers seeking optimal conditions to capture the beauty of the cosmos.
In addition to its atmospheric advantages, the Atacama hosts cutting-edge observatories, such as the European Southern Observatory (ESO) facilities, which further underscores its significance in the field of astrophysics. These state-of-the-art observatories leverage the pristine sky conditions to conduct groundbreaking research and capture stunning images of the universe, solidifying the Atacama Desert's reputation as a celestial paradise for astrofotography enthusiasts.
15/sept/2023 9:36pm
Canon 6D Ha-mod / Rokinon 12mm f/2.8 Fisheye
15sec / f:2.8 / ISO 10000

ImageAtacama Desert by Victor Lima, no Flickr
ImageAtacama Desert - Noted by Victor Lima, no Flickr

Victor Lima
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Re: Submissions: 2023 November

Post by Victor Lima » Sat Dec 02, 2023 11:22 am

Category: Single Shot
Social IG: victorlimaphoto
Immerse yourself in the cosmic wonder of our Atacama Desert astrophotograph.
Against the pitch-black canvas of the Atacama night sky, the Milky Way unfurls its luminous arms, adorned with ethereal nebulas that paint the heavens with hues of celestial artistry.
The subtle glow of the zodiacal light adds a mystical touch, as the stars pierce through the velvety darkness, creating a celestial symphony.
At the horizon, the otherworldly palette of a volcanic twilight bathes the desert in surreal colors, providing the perfect backdrop for an unforgettable astrophotography expedition.
Join us in capturing these mesmerizing moments and unlocking the secrets of the Atacama's celestial wonders.
15/sept/2023 8:23pm
Canon 6D Ha-mod / Rokinon 12mm f/2.8 Fisheye
30 sec / f:2.8 / ISO 6400

ImageAtacama Desert by Victor Lima, no Flickr

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ngc 1491

Post by chassaigne » Sun Dec 03, 2023 4:59 pm

NGC 1491, also known as LBN 794 or SH2-206, is a bright emission-type nebula located approximately 9,800 light-years from Earth in the constellation Perseus. The nebula obtains its dark red coloring due to Many massive stars (such as BD+50 866) embedded in NGC 1491 produce lots of ultraviolet radiation energizing/ionizing the hydrogen gas that makes up the nebula.
Full data
Full image ... en-public/
ngc 1491 SHO 24hV4x500.jpg

Jean-Baptiste Auroux
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Re: Submissions: 2023 November

Post by Jean-Baptiste Auroux » Thu Dec 14, 2023 9:43 pm

SH2-106 "Celestial Snow Angel" nebula
Full version : ... TZ0INm.png

For Team OURANOS' first image, today we're taking a look at an intriguing object, the SH2-106 nebula, located around 2000 light-years away in the constellation Cygnus.
At the center of the nebula is a massive young star emitting jets of hot gas from its poles, giving the nebula its shape, which extends over about 2 light-years.
This image was taken with both RGB and SHO exposures, for a total of ~39h.

AstroSib 360 - AP 11000GTO - G4-16000 - Chroma Filters (3nm)
Ha : 146 x 600s
OIII : 53 x 300s
SII : 58 x 300s
RGB : 105 x 180s
Total : 38h50
28 May to 18 July 2023 - Corsica (France)
Pixinsight & PS

Copyright: Team OURANOS (Jean-Baptiste Auroux, Jean Claude Mario, Mathieu Guinot & Matthieu Tequi).

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