Submissions: 2023 October

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Re: Submissions: 2023 October

Post by The3D_ » Sun Oct 22, 2023 1:04 pm

NGC90 and very deep field


This photo is a 110+ hours effort to uncover a rarely imaged area of the space. Thanks to the integration time hundreds of thousands of very distant fuzzies popped out, an initial annotation showed the most distant object to be the quasar SDSS J002147.97+221101.3 with a red shift of 2.979, which should place it at around 11B LY distance (in light travel terms) or 18B LY in actual terms. Pretty sure there is something even farther away in there as i barely managed to annotate 1% of the object

the full res version on astrobin includes the annotated revision
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Re: Submissions: 2023 October

Post by starsurfer » Sun Oct 22, 2023 9:55 pm

The3D_ wrote: Sun Oct 22, 2023 1:04 pm NGC90 and very deep field


This photo is a 110+ hours effort to uncover a rarely imaged area of the space. Thanks to the integration time hundreds of thousands of very distant fuzzies popped out, an initial annotation showed the most distant object to be the quasar SDSS J002147.97+221101.3 with a red shift of 2.979, which should place it at around 11B LY distance (in light travel terms) or 18B LY in actual terms. Pretty sure there is something even farther away in there as i barely managed to annotate 1% of the object

the full res version on astrobin includes the annotated revision
What an amazing image of the area around Arp 65! You should try Abell 1367 in Leo.

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Re: Submissions: 2023 October

Post by emmanuel_joly » Mon Oct 23, 2023 9:18 am

NGC 7635 and its companions

Dive into the heart of the Milky Way, halfway between Cassiopeia and Cepheus. Here, you'll find a multitude of celestial objects, such as the Bubble Nebula (NGC 7635) and the Lobster Claw Nebula (SH2-157), but there are other emission nebulae as well. In the center at the bottom, you can observe NGC 7538, SH2-159 in the middle, and one as large as the claw, SH2-161, to the right of the image. That's a total of five emission nebulae, not to mention a large number of both bright and dark nebulae. Additionally, there are two open clusters, one of which is part of the Messier catalog: M52, in the upper right. The other, more modest one, NGC 7510, can be found in the lower left. Unlike the other objects mentioned in the Cassiopeia constellation, this little one belongs to Cepheus.

This image was created over five nights, from October 7th to 11th, 2023, accumulating a total of 45 hours of exposure time. The equipment used includes an ASI 1600mm Pro camera coupled with an Askar 400 telescope and its x0.7 reducer, which shortens the focal length to 280mm with an aperture of F/3.9. These five nights were spent in my garden in Le Cannet-des-Maures, southeastern France, under a Bortle 5 sky.

I chose the SHO palette to highlight the different layers of hydrogen, sulfur, and oxygen present in this part of the sky. It's a palette that I particularly appreciate because it blends colors ranging from brick red to blue, with hints of yellow and green.

I hope you enjoy it, and clear skies!

full on my astrobin :

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Re: Submissions: 2023 October

Post by AaronW » Mon Oct 23, 2023 10:42 pm

IC 443 & IC 444: Violent Deaths and Humble Beginnings
Instagram: ... _source=qr
Astrobin: ... TZ0INm.jpg

This image was shortlisted in this year's Astronomy Photographer of the Year competition.

Taken over 10 nights last winter, this image contains 61 hours of integration (equal parts Ha/SII/OIII), and was taken from my backyard in Santa Monica, CA under Bortle 7 skies. Processing was done in the Hubble palette in PixInsight, and the gear used was as follows:

Camera: ZWO ASI6200MM-pro
Scope: William Optics Fluorostar 132mm Refractor
Mount: Astro-Physics Mach2GTO
Filters: Chroma 3nm Ha/SII/OIII 50mm
Guide Camera: ZWO ASI174MM-mini
Accessories: ZWO OAG-L, Pegasus Powerbox Advance

Additional detail/commentary is available at the following links:

Instagram: ... c2ODk2ZA==

Respectfully submitted,
Aaron Wilhelm
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Re: Submissions: 2023 October

Post by jesselichtenberg » Tue Oct 24, 2023 1:52 am

This image was shot on a friend's farm property outside of Omaha, NE in early October of 2023.

Full size and additional details on Astrobin

29x300s Ha
28x300s OIII
30x300s SII

ES ED127 w/ 0.8x Reducer
RisingCam IMX571 Mono
EQ6-R Pro
Antlia 3nm filters
Processed in PixInsight
Cederblad-214 (small).png
Cederblad-214 (small).png (126.72 KiB) Viewed 117090 times

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Re: Submissions: 2023 October

Post by mjwunderlich » Tue Oct 24, 2023 2:35 am

Messier 63: The Sunflower Galaxy
Copyright: Mario J. Wunderlich
Captured over many nights from my backyard in Guatemala City, Guatemala ... -light.jpg
Capture Info:
• Red: 300s x 30 + 900s x 6 (4 hours total)
• Green: 300s x 30 + 900s x 6 (4 hours total)
• Blue: 300s x 30 + 900s x 6 (4 hours total)
• Luminance: 300s x 30 + 900s x 6 (4 hours total)
• H-Alpha: 300s x 30 + 900s x 6 (4 hours total)

Total integration time: 20 hours

• GSO 12" Ritchey-Chretien truss-tube telescope
• ZWO ASI6200MM Pro mono camera
• ZWO EFW 2" 7-slot filter wheel
• Astronomik DeepSky 2" RGB filters, Astronomik 2" CLS-CCD filter, and Antlia 2" 3nm H-Alpha narrowband filter
• ZWO OAG-L with ZWO ASI174MM guide camera
• CEM120 mount
• Berlebach Planet tripod

PixInsight for subframe selection & pre-processing, registration, integration, and post-processing.
Adobe Lightroom for finishing touches.

Location: Guatemala City, Guatemala

All the best & clear skies!
Mario J. Wunderlich
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Re: Submissions: 2023 October

Post by Wolfgang » Tue Oct 24, 2023 8:54 am

Copyright: Wolfgang Promper

Bruno Cirillo
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Re: Submissions: 2023 October

Post by Bruno Cirillo » Tue Oct 24, 2023 4:41 pm

H-alpha and OIII regions in the Andromeda Galaxy (M31)

Image ... b955_o.jpg
© 2023 Bruno Cirillo. All rights reserved.
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Re: Submissions: 2023 October

Post by astrodarks » Tue Oct 24, 2023 7:23 pm

A Lion in Space!

SH2-132, also known as The Lion Nebula, is a rich HII region with star clusters, emission nebulae, and dark dust regions. Located in the southern portion of the constellation Cepheus, the Lion Nebula is roughly 10,00 light-years away in the Perseus Arm of the MilkyWay Galaxy.

Acquisition Details:
Scope: Orion 115mm EDT
Mount: skywatcher EQ6-R Pro
Imaging Camera: zwoasi ASI294MMPro
Filters: Astronomik 7nm SHO
Bortle 7
Total Integrated Exposure: 17 hrs
90 X 300s Ha
75 X 300s Oiii
44 X 300s SII

Devesh Pande

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Re: Submissions: 2023 October

Post by jlndfr » Tue Oct 24, 2023 10:22 pm

The rotten fish nebula

Image ... TZ0INm.jpg
Credit : Julien Dufour, Christophe Vergnes, Nicolas Martino

LDN1251 is one of the numerous dark nebula in Cepheus.
It is around 1000 light years away.
Such dusty molecular clouds are known to be places of star formation.

This image is a collaboration of Julien Dufour, Christophe Vergnes & Nicolas Martino :

At first there should have been 2 images, the one of Nico & Christophe (FSQ / 2400MC) and the one of Julien (Epsilon 160ED / 2600MM).
But through a chance discussion, Christophe had the idea of this collaboration. The idea was to benefit from the colors of the 2400MC and the luminance and stars of the Epsilon.
Christophe captured the color layer from his backyard, Julien captured the luminance and the color layer of the stars in Aisne and Nièvre.
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Re: Submissions: 2023 October

Post by Harles99 » Tue Oct 24, 2023 11:20 pm

IC 63 - The Ghost of Cassiopeia.

About 550 light-years away in the constellation of Cassiopeia lies IC 63, a stunning and slightly eerie nebula. Also known as "The Ghost of Cassiopeia", IC 63 is being shaped by radiation from a nearby unpredictably variable star, Gamma Cassiopeiae, which is slowly eroding away the ghostly cloud of dust and gas.

Shot on a ZWO ASI 2600 MC Duo with a TS Optics 90mm CF APO Refractor telescope. I used .030 welding wire stuck on the front of the lens to make the star spikes that are commonly associated with newtonian style reflectors.

This was imaged over multiple nights, resulting in 24hrs 45mins worth of integration time. For one of the nights I used my Optolong L-Extreme filter to gather more Ha data.

Thanks for looking!


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Re: Submissions: 2023 October

Post by Galactic-Hunter » Wed Oct 25, 2023 4:49 pm

ImageThe Hidden Beauty Behind Messier 15

Here is an image I would like to submit for APOD! I think it’s a very unique image that shows the M15 cluster like never seen before.

I imaged the M15 cluster for three hours at first and realized there was IFN around it. I did research on Astrobin and other sites to find what the best picture of M15 with IFN was, and there was just a few with only a bit of IFN visible.

I decided to spend 14 hours on it from Bortle 2 skies to reveal as much gas and IFN as possible. To my surprise, there was also Hydrogen Alpha visible going from the cluster itself towards the left! All of these colors are real and I made sure to use a very natural workflow when processing the image.

I like working on these types of image because it shows that even the most “boring” or “overlooked” clusters can hide something incredible.

I hope you like it!

Telescope: RASA 8
Camera: ASI2600MC
No filter
Exposure time: 14 hours
Bortle 2 at Utah Desert Remote Observatories

Antoine and Dalia Grelin

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Re: Submissions: 2023 October

Post by jarmoruuth » Wed Oct 25, 2023 8:24 pm


Dust around M78.

ImageM78 by Jarmo Ruuth, on Flickr

Processed from Telescope Live data.

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Re: Submissions: 2023 October

Post by astrosama » Thu Oct 26, 2023 9:22 pm

Arrow of the Hunter (Meteor Over the Black Desert)

The Orionid Meteor Shower produced the great meteor that is penetrating the night sky and arcing across the constellation of Orion like a spear or arrow.

Additionally, a satellite route is visible next to the comet.

ImageArrow of the Hunter (Meteor Over the Black Desert) by osama Fathi, on Flickr

Black Desert, Egypt

Nikon z6 Mod
Nikkor 14-24 mm
Skywatcher Staradventurer 2i

Sky (Single Shot ) 15 Sec, ISO 8000, F2.8
Foreground: 5 sec, Iso 1000, f2.8 at the blue hour

Osama Fathi

Black Desert , Egypt

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Re: Submissions: 2023 October

Post by Mohamedusama19 » Thu Oct 26, 2023 10:19 pm

The Majestic Sh2-126 in HaRGB
Copyright: Mohamed Usama Ismail/Ursamo Astrophotography
Location: Al Sadeem Observatory/UAE
Imaging Telescope: William Optics ZenithStar 61ii / ZS61ii
Imaging Camera: ZWO ASI2600MC DUO
Mount: ZWO AM5
Filter: IDAS LPS-P2 · Radian Triad Tri-band 2"
Dates: Oct. 1, 2023 · Oct. 2, 2023 · Oct. 4, 2023 · Oct. 5, 2023 · Oct. 7, 2023 · Oct. 8, 2023
Frames: IDAS LPS-P2: 54×620″(9h 18′) . Radian Triad Tri-band 2": 121×620″(20h 50′ 20″)
Integration: 30h 8′ 20″

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Re: Submissions: 2023 October

Post by barretosmed » Fri Oct 27, 2023 12:15 am

The Diamond Cluster - NGC 2516


Esprit 150mm triplet
Zwo asi 6200mc
Mount CEM120
Frames 66X100"

LOCATION: Munhoz - MG - Brazil
DATE: 04/30/2023

Adobe Photoshop, ASTAP, SGP, PHD2 and PixInsight

Author: Fernando Oliveira de Menezes

Meiying Lee
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Re: Submissions: 2023 October

Post by Meiying Lee » Fri Oct 27, 2023 5:30 am

Sunspot Mirage, Green Flash and Inversion Layer
Photo description:
During sunset, a distinct green flash occurs when the Sun passes through the temperature inversion layer. If there are sunspots at this time, a sunspot mirage will appear. On January 30, 2023, while witnessing a sunset on Taiwan's Hehuan Mountain, the sunspot mirage and green flash appeared in succession. After comparing these photos side by side, it's clear that the sunspot mirage and green flash both appear on the same horizontal line. These horizontal lines represent the position of the temperature inversion layer in the atmosphere.
Equipment Details:Canon R7 + 600mm Lens
Post-processing Details: Use PowerPoint to compare 6 photos side by side.
Location : Mount Hehuan, Nantou, Taiwan
Time: 5:42:10 PM to 5:45:14 PM
Photographer : Meiying Lee (李美英)  

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Re: Submissions: 2023 October

Post by lcbarcat » Fri Oct 27, 2023 4:26 pm

Composition with 17 phases of the annular solar eclipse on October 14, 2023.

Photo Description:
The images were captured at the Brazilian Space Agency event at Natal Air Base (BANT) in Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The images were captured between the times of 3:29 pm and 5:13 pm (GMT-3). The equipment used was a 50mm Guider with tripod, planetary camera and a baader filter, as well as other accessories that helped maintain a good camera temperature and a tripod to support all the equipment. A 3D-made adapter was used to securely fit the filter. After recording in capture software, the frames were extracted to create the composition. In Brazil we had a historic and very important day for Brazilian astronomy.


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Re: Submissions: 2023 October

Post by WolfHeart » Fri Oct 27, 2023 6:35 pm

NGC7822 - SHO

ImageNGC7822 - SHO by Ahmed Waddah, on Flickr

NGC7822 AKA The Question Mark Nebula Also looks like an Ape's head or skull
Redcat 51

Filters: Antlia SHO 3NM Antlia RGB

Antlia 3nm Narrowband H-alpha 2": 99×300″(8h 15′)
Antlia 3nm Narrowband Oxygen III 2": 52×300″(4h 20′)
Antlia 3nm Narrowband Sulfur II 2": 55×300″(4h 35′)
Antlia V-Pro Blue 2": 20×90″(30′)
Antlia V-Pro Green 2": 20×90″(30′)
Antlia V-Pro Red 2": 20×90″(30′)

Integration: 18h 40′
Dates: Sept. 8, 2023 · Sept. 9, 2023 · Oct. 12, 2023 · Oct. 14, 2023


I had imaged the target over the last two month till I was finally able to get enough data to bring all the narrowband data to life.

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Re: Submissions: 2023 October

Post by JPeirce » Fri Oct 27, 2023 9:32 pm

Arp 273 “A Rose Made of Galaxies” UGC 1810 & UGC 1813 Higher resolution: ... _hr_sa.png
Link: or
Copyright 2023 James Peirce

Date: 2023-10-09 (published 2023-10-27)
Site: Skull Valley, Utah
Telescope: Celestron EdgeHD 8" (0.7x Reducer)
Camera: ZWO ASI2600MM Pro
Filters: Astronomik UV/IR L2, Astronomik Deep-Sky RGB
Mount: Rainbow Astro RST-135E
Exposures: LRGB comprised of 25x180s/ea RGB and 98x120s Lum
Software: PixInsight & Adobe Photoshop

I have been excited to image these “tiny” galaxies for years, and finally got a chance with an exceptional night, galaxies high overhead, no moon, no wind. And I am delighted with the outcome. What a treat in a sometimes punishing hobby.

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Re: Submissions: 2023 October

Post by carlosdn » Sat Oct 28, 2023 3:22 pm

Auroras in Iceland

1-Photograph taken a few kilometers north of Nesjahverfi, southeast Iceland on 10/13/2023. The auroras appeared very visibly and with a predominant reddish color captured by the camera. Green/yellow is produced at an energetic wavelength of 557.7 nm, while the redder and purple color is produced by a less frequent wavelength at 630.0 nm.
Canon 6D camera, Canon 17/40 lens in 17mm, exposure time 15 seconds, ISO 6400, f4.5

Carlos Di Nallo
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Re: Submissions: 2023 October

Post by carlosdn » Sat Oct 28, 2023 3:28 pm

Ursa Major in aurora - Iceland

Ursa Major in aurora

The constellation of Ursa Major and Aurora Borealis

Canon 6D camera, Canon 17/40 lens in 17mm, f4.5 ISO 3200 25 second exposure

Carlos Di Nallo
Last edited by carlosdn on Sat Oct 28, 2023 3:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Submissions: 2023 October

Post by carlosdn » Sat Oct 28, 2023 3:30 pm

Osa Mayor en aurora - Islandia

Osa Mayor en aurora

La constelación de la Osa Mayor y la Aurora Boreal

Cámara Canon 6D, lente Canon 17/40 en 17mm, f4.5 ISO 3200 25 segundos de exposición

Carlos Di Nallo

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Re: Submissions: 2023 October

Post by Ayiomamitis » Sat Oct 28, 2023 10:48 pm

Partial Lunar Eclipse (PLE 2023)
Copyright: Anthony Ayiomamitis


Although the depth was only 12.4% for my location (Athens, Greece), I was very much looking forward to pursuing this eclipse as is the case for all eclipses. Regrettably, cirrus clouds were coming and going and my best catch occurred 15 minutes before the partial eclipse maximum.

Further details at .
Anthony Ayiomamitis

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Re: Submissions: 2023 October

Post by vanamonde81 » Sun Oct 29, 2023 12:44 am

The Edge of Darkness
Copyright: György Soponyai

The photos of the partial Lunar eclipse were taken in every 20 minutes.


2023.10.28-29. Mogyoród, Hungary
Canon EOS RP + Tamron EF 150-600 + 2x extender @1200mm
1/200 sec, F 13, ISO 100

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