Submissions: 2023 June

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Submissions: 2023 June

Post by bystander » Mon Jun 05, 2023 3:27 pm


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Mars in the Beehive

Post by MrRat » Mon Jun 05, 2023 8:50 pm

Mars in the Beehive

Shot this June 3rd, 2023. 60 shots at 15 seconds each from my Bortle 4 backyard in Hartford Alabama with a ZWO ASI533MC Pro camera, William Optics RedCat 51 telescope, and Move Shoot Move NOMADe star tracker.
230603 M44 Beehive & Mars ASI533MC RedCat51 60@15.jpg

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Re: Submissions: 2023 June

Post by isultan » Mon Jun 05, 2023 11:57 pm

Plane transiting Strawberry Moon

Equipment: Orion XT8, Nikon 1 J1
Location: Des Plaines, Illinois
Date: June 3, 2023
Copyright Imran Sultan

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Granulation Time-lapse

Post by marcovaccari » Tue Jun 06, 2023 11:47 am

The conditions were ideal for imaging the Sun on May 29th 2023, 100 km north of Venice, Italy.
In those precious 14 minutes the atmosphere didn't play any tricks on the Sun light that travelled to my telescope and I was able to collect 20 x 5000 frames high quality videos of AR13315 and put together this animation:

Hope you enjoy it!

Victor Lima
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Re: Submissions: 2023 June

Post by Victor Lima » Tue Jun 06, 2023 12:39 pm

Category: Panorama
Social IG: victorlimaphoto
In this panoramic shot captured on the Stokksnes peninsula we can see in the sky a lower green/yellow arc of the aurora borealis over Vestrahorn mountain, a larger and more diffuse arc in red/pink tones and the arc of the Milky Way crowning this amazing night view from Iceland.
We also highlight some elements of the night sky visible in the image, such as: the planet Mars, the Andromeda galaxy, the North America nebula and the stars Vega, Deneb, Capella and Menkalinan.
This image is a single-exposure panoramic, when the sky and terrain are captured at the same instant. To make this image, 16 captures were made, divided into 2 lines of 8.
22/02/2023 - 01:58h
Canon 6Da | EF 16-35mm f/2.8L II
16x 16mm | f/2.8 | 10 sec | ISO 8000

ImageIcelandic Sky by Victor Lima, no Flickr
ImageIcelandic Sky by Victor Lima, no Flickr


Re: Submissions: 2023 June

Post by Marion » Tue Jun 06, 2023 2:06 pm

ImageMille fleurs de l'Eden by Marion Kabac, sur Flickr

"I broke the mirror, I gone through the wave of an inverted world, and I gathered the thousand flowers of Eden."
Once upon a springtime, the starry sky was reflected in the mirror waters of lake, like thousand water lilies flowers. The idea came to me to create a nightscape with the lake alone, not the sky itself.
The foreground - grass and water - was in complete darkness, so a 30 seconds exposure was necessary. I chose to wear a white dress, so I could light up the scene. The lying-down posture makes it possible for me to stay perfectly still for the long exposure.

Canon 6d markii + Sigma 35mm f/1.4
single shot : 30s at f/1.6, iso 3200
selfportrait shot with a remote + 10s timer
Lac de Roue, Queyras, french Alps.

Have a nice day everyone ! :)

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Re: Submissions: 2023 June

Post by kwalker » Tue Jun 06, 2023 6:43 pm

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Re: Submissions: 2023 June

Post by Hytham » Wed Jun 07, 2023 12:13 am

ISS Solar Transit - 2023-06-04
Copyright: Hytham Abu-Safieh
From: California, USA

Using two different telescope and filter combinations I was able to capture the ISS as it transits the solar surface in high detail. Using white light to capture the ISS detail, and more importantly to have a shutter speed fast enough to freeze the ISS given its speed of 59.7'/s. Along with a hydrogen alpha double stacked telescope configuration I'm able to capture the Sun's chromosphere to highlight some beautiful detail of our beautiful star.


Higher resolution: ... _v2-X2.jpg

Bonus white light animation: ... ght-X2.gif

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Re: Submissions: 2023 June

Post by Sergio » Wed Jun 07, 2023 1:14 am

Vela Molecular Ridge

The Vela Molecular Ridge are interstellar clouds covering the north western side of the constellation of Vela and the eastern side of Puppis. From left to right we have Gum 17, Gum 15 and Gum 14. Part of the gas in the clouds are ionized by the ultraviolet radiation coming from massive stars associated with the complex, constituting H II regions of great extent. At the lower right we have some filaments wich are part of the Vela Supernova Remnant.

Image taken from Entre Rios, Argentina

More info at

Best Regards
Canon EF 200 mm lens stoped at f 4.5 and QSI 583 WS. NEQ6
Canon EF 200 mm lens stoped at f 4.5 and QSI 583 WS. NEQ6

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Re: Submissions: 2023 June

Post by Sergio » Wed Jun 07, 2023 1:26 am


Also known as the Kappa Crucis Cluster or Caldwell 94. NGC 4755 is a brigth open cluster in the constellation Crux. Originally discovered by French astronomer Nicolas Louis de Lacaille in 1751–1752. This cluster was later named the Jewel Box by John Herschel when he described its telescopic appearance as "...a superb piece of fancy jewellery". It is easily visible to the naked eye as a hazy star some 1.0° southeast of the first-magnitude star Mimosa (Beta Crucis)

Image taken from my home backyard in Buenos Aires, Argentina

More info at

Best Regards
6&quot; Orion Optics UK; QHY183 Mono; NEQ6
6" Orion Optics UK; QHY183 Mono; NEQ6

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Re: Submissions: 2023 June

Post by galaxycalls » Thu Jun 08, 2023 5:05 pm

52 hours of Andromeda Galaxy (M31)

Please find attached my image for consideration for APOD, Facebook Sky, or Instagram “Universe View Screen.”

Software used Astropixel Processor, Adobe Photoshop CC, Adobe Lightroom.

Data acquired September 2022.

This image is 12 hours of Luminance, 11 hours of RGB, 8 hours of color, 21 hours of Ha data. Totaling 52 hours.

Tech Specs
Telescope: Takahashi FSQ85
Mount: Skywatcher Eq6r pro
Controller: ASIAIR plus
Main camera: ZWO ASI 2600MM & MC Pro
Guidecam: ZWO ASI120MC
Filters: Chroma 3nm Ha, Luminance + OSC & RGB
Location: Backyard, Bortle 4, NE USA
Total integration: 52 hours

Thanks for considering ,
Gil Ching
Instagram @galaxycalls

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Re: Submissions: 2023 June

Post by barretosmed » Thu Jun 08, 2023 8:36 pm



Esprit 150mm triplet
zwo asi 6200mc
Mount CEM120
Frames 168X300"

LOCATION: Munhoz - MG - Brazil
DATES: From 03/18/2023 to 05/25/2023

Adobe Photoshop, ASTAP, SGP, PHD2 and PixInsight

Author: Fernando Oliveira de Menezes
(Organizing author of the book Amateur Astrophotography in Brazil) ... -no-brasil


Hickson 68 and NGC 5371 in Canes Venatici

Post by Dan » Fri Jun 09, 2023 8:11 am


Here is an image of the compact galaxy group Hickson 68 (lower left),
about 100 million l.y. away, containing the barred spiral NGC 5350 as well
as 4 lenticular galaxies (NGC 5353, NGC 5354, NGC 5355 et NGC 5358),
close to a mag. 6.5 star. The other interesting galaxies in the field are
the intermediate spiral NGC 5371, about 130 millions l.y. away (top right)
and the small PGC49480 near the top.


I imaged it two weeks ago, over two nights, from my backyard near Paris (Bortle 7/8) with an
8" f/4 Newtonian astrograph. There is overall 7 hours of luminance and
90min of RGB data.

best regards,

Dan Israel

Technical details
200/800 custom Newtonian astrograph with Romano Zen optics
AP900 mount
TS 2.5" Riccardi-Wynne corrector
ZWO ASI183mm monochromatic camera
ZWO LRGB filters
Guiding : ZWO OAG + ASI120mm mini + AsiairV1
Luminance : 420 *60sec with the ASI183mm
Chrominance : 30*60sec for each R, G and B filter
Conditions : Bortle 7/8 skies in Paris' suburbs (20km from the Eiffel
Processing with Pixinsight

Victor Lima
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Re: Submissions: 2023 June

Post by Victor Lima » Fri Jun 09, 2023 6:50 pm

Category: Single Shot
Social IG: victorlimaphoto
Vestrahorn Mountain, located in Iceland, is a breathtaking natural wonder. With its imposing black rock ridges and black sand beach, it captivates visitors with its unique beauty. The stark contrast between the dark mountain peaks and the black sand creates a visually striking scene. Vestrahorn is a popular destination for nature lovers and photographers seeking to capture the magnificence of this fascinating landscape, offering a truly memorable experience.
The Aurora Borealis, also known as the Northern Lights, is a mesmerizing celestial phenomenon that graces the night skies in polar regions. This dazzling display of lights is a result of interactions between the Earth's magnetic field and charged particles from the sun. One of the most enchanting aspects of the Aurora Borealis is its vibrant array of colors. The dancing lights can appear in hues of green, blue, red, yellow, and even purple. The green color, the most common, comes from oxygen molecules approximately 60 miles above the Earth. The different colors are produced by variations in altitude and the type of gas particles involved in the collision. Each color adds its own magical touch to the spectacle, painting the night sky with an ethereal and ever-changing palette. Witnessing the vivid colors of the Aurora Borealis is a truly awe-inspiring experience that leaves a lasting impression on all who have the privilege to see it.
Canon 6Da | EF 16-35mm f/2.8L II
16mm | 5 sec | f/2.8 | ISO 5000

ImageVestrahorn by Victor Lima, no Flickr

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Re: Submissions: 2023 June

Post by salvatorecerruto » Fri Jun 09, 2023 7:50 pm

Circumhorizontal arc over Modica

I am thrilled to share with you a collection of photographs showcasing the wondrous phenomenon of the circumhorizontal arc gracing the panoramic view of Modica. These images beautifully merge scientific intrigue with the inherent beauty of this charming city.
The circumhorizontal arc, affectionately known as the "smile of the sky," forms an arc resembling a radiant grin above Modica. This celestial phenomenon, resulting from the intricate science of light diffraction, adds an extra layer of enchantment to Modica's allure.
In these photographs, the circumhorizontal arc unveils itself as a celestial masterpiece. Its vibrant hues, ranging from intense blues to soft pastels, blend harmoniously with Modica's architectural wonders and rich heritage. It is as though nature collaborates with the city, creating a breathtaking fusion of art and science.
As sunlight dances through ice crystals within cirrostratus clouds, the ethereal arc suspends itself above the zenith, establishing a celestial connection between the heavens and the earthly splendor of Modica. The arc's graceful curve complements the city's historic skyline, accentuating its architectural treasures. It is as if nature pays homage to Modica's cultural significance, UNESCO world heritage.

Location: Modica, Italy
Technical data: Oneplus Nord (AC2003), 1/2500s, ISO-125
Date: 2023-06-09

ImageCircumhorizontal arc over Modica by Salvatore Cerruto, su Flickr

ImageCircumhorizontal arc over the garden by Salvatore Cerruto, su Flickr

ImageCircumhorizontal arc over the blooming tree by Salvatore Cerruto, su Flickr

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Re: Submissions: 2023 June

Post by Naztronomy » Sun Jun 11, 2023 10:34 pm

Crescent Nebula in Cygnus
Copyright: Nazmus Nasir
Higher resolution image here: ... a_2022.jpg (even higher can be provided)

Taken in June 2022 over 4 nights, this is about 11 hours of photons collected from a bortle 8 zone using a DSLR, 60mm refractor, and L-eNhance filter from right outside of Boston, MA. (Some processing how to here:

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Re: Submissions: 2023 June

Post by barretosmed » Mon Jun 12, 2023 1:01 am

Valentine's day illuminated by the milky way


Canon 6D
Canon lens 24mm 1.4
smarteq pro
1 x 59"
1 x 59" with sky traking
ISO 3200 f3.5

LOCATION: San Pedro de Atacama - Chile
DATE 04/18/2023
Author: Fernando Oliveira de Menezes
(Organizing author of the book Amateur Astrophotography in Brazil) ... -no-brasil
eu ana15x21.jpg

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Re: Submissions: 2023 June

Post by isultan » Mon Jun 12, 2023 4:38 am

Image Image

The North America Nebula with the Cygnus Wall. Captured from Bortle Class 8-9 city skies with an 80mm doublet refractor and dual-band (H-alpha and O-iii emission) filter, with an integration time of a little over 3 hours.

Location: Des Plaines, Illinois
Date: June 9, 2023

Roi Levi
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Re: Submissions: 2023 June

Post by Roi Levi » Mon Jun 12, 2023 12:30 pm

Title of image - Summer Milky Way Rising Above Mono Lake California
URL of website -
Copyright: Roi Levi

✨Summer Milky Way Rising Above Mono Lake California ✨

My Tour To The South West USA to the most darkest places california
one of the Most Darkest Skies in the world is in Mono Lake with outstanding
sky quality metering magnitude scale of 21.99!
keep in mind that a number of 22.00 represents the least luminance—in other words, the least light pollution in the world.

Mono Lake Sand Tufa is a saline soda lake in Mono County, California, formed at least 760,000 years ago.Mono Lake Tufa State Natural Reserve is located near Yosemite National Park within Mono County, in eastern California the tufa,. Tufa is a highly porous, sedimentary rock (limestone) composed of calcium carbonate, CaCO3. It is formed by biological and chemical precipitation of Calcite or aragonite from cold, supersaturated surface or ground waters All tufa at Mono Lake forms underwater. Beneath Mono Lake, calcium-rich freshwater springs seep up from the lake bottom and mix with lake water rich in carbonates , a tufa tower will grow. Tufa towers can grow to heights of over 30 feet underwater.

i managed to capture AirGlow in mono lake, Airglow Is normallyey green and red and yellow, commonly visible in Bortle 1 Dark sky i was lucky to capture it in an amazing green airglow in a dark night in the new moon of may 2023

Gear & Exif
Canon Ros R Astrodone astromodiefied camera
Ioptron - Sky guider Pro
72 minuts of total integration

RGBHA 6 min X 12 frames iso 1600
45 sec X 6 feams iso 1600
California - Mono Lake Panorama APOD.jpg
Last edited by Roi Levi on Mon Jun 12, 2023 9:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Victor Lima
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Re: Submissions: 2023 June

Post by Victor Lima » Mon Jun 12, 2023 6:14 pm

Category: Panorama
Instagram: @victorlimaphoto
Devil's Throat - Iguazu Falls - Brazil
Registering the Milky Way Arch over the Devil's Throat, at Iguazu Falls/Brazil, was an incredible experience. In addition to the great adventure of walking through the Iguaçu National Park at night, home of jaguars and pumas, being close to the most impressive waterfalls in the world and feeling all the power and beauty of nature was an experience of a lifetime.
Panoramic Shot
Canon EOS 6Da / Canon EF 16-35mm f/2.8L II USM
8x 16mm / f:2.8 / 10sec / ISO 6400

ImageIguassu Falls by Victor Lima, no Flickr

Victor Lima
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Re: Submissions: 2023 June

Post by Victor Lima » Mon Jun 12, 2023 6:20 pm

Category: Panorama
Social IG: victorlimaphoto
In this panoramic shot we can admire the majestic view of the Milky Way arch hovering over the magnificent Iguassu Falls/Brazil. The southern hemisphere night sky reveals a dazzling celestial tapestry, filled with twinkling stars that dot the sky. The bright, spiraling band of the Milky Way crosses the sky like a river of starlight, creating a fascinating contrast with the towering waterfalls, which gush with overwhelming energy. In this perfect combination of nature and cosmos, we are enveloped by a sense of infinity and wonder, witnessing the grandeur of the skies of the southern hemisphere.
Canon 6Da | EF 16-35mm f/2.8L II
16mm | 10sec | f/2.8 | ISO 6400

ImageIguassu Falls by Victor Lima, no Flickr

Roi Levi
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Re: Submissions: 2023 June

Post by Roi Levi » Mon Jun 12, 2023 9:02 pm

Title of image - Summer Milky Way Rising Above Mono Lake California
URL of website -
Copyright: Roi Levi

✨Summer Milky Way Rising Above Mono Lake California ✨

My Tour To The South West USA to the most darkest places california
one of the Most Darkest Skies in the world is in Mono Lake with outstanding
sky quality metering magnitude scale of 21.99!
keep in mind that a number of 22.00 represents the least luminance—in other words, the least light pollution in the world.

Mono Lake Sand Tufa is a saline soda lake in Mono County, California, formed at least 760,000 years ago.Mono Lake Tufa State Natural Reserve is located near Yosemite National Park within Mono County, in eastern California the tufa,. Tufa is a highly porous, sedimentary rock (limestone) composed of calcium carbonate, CaCO3. It is formed by biological and chemical precipitation of Calcite or aragonite from cold, supersaturated surface or ground waters All tufa at Mono Lake forms underwater. Beneath Mono Lake, calcium-rich freshwater springs seep up from the lake bottom and mix with lake water rich in carbonates , a tufa tower will grow. Tufa towers can grow to heights of over 30 feet underwater.

i managed to capture AirGlow in mono lake, Airglow Is normallyey green and red and yellow, commonly visible in Bortle 1 Dark sky i was lucky to capture it in an amazing green airglow in a dark night in the new moon of may 2023

Gear & Exif
Canon Ros R Astrodone astromodiefied camera
Ioptron - Sky guider Pro
72 minuts of total integration

RGBHA 6 min X 12 frames iso 1600
45 sec X 6 feams iso 1600
California - Mono Lake Panorama 2 APOD.jpg

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Re: Submissions: 2023 June

Post by vanamonde81 » Tue Jun 13, 2023 1:22 pm

O and I
Copyright: György Soponyai

If we look up and follow the path of the Sun's position, usually we can draw a letter "C" to the sky. However there are locations on the Earth (the Polar Regions and the Equator) where sometimes you can draw other letters than "C" by using the same process.

The left picture -- depicting a letter "O" -- was taken atop Storsteinen mountain near Tromsø, Norway in June, 2019. The city lies 350 kilometers North of the Northern Polar Circle where the Sun does not set between 20th May and 22nd July. Standing at a mountaintop 24 hours for observing and capturing the Midnight Sun was not easy and comfortable but I guess it was worth it.. The foreground photo was taken at local midnight (00:45).

The right picture -- a letter "I" -- was taken three days before Spring Equinox in 2023 from Singapore. This small city-state lies in the proximity of the Equator, where celestial objects rise and set vertically, and where the Sun climbs to the Zenith on the days of Spring/Autum Equinox. (On this photo the Sun climbed "only" to 89° instead of 90° but I did not see my shadow)

The "dots" of the solar disk were taken with the help of a solar eclipse watching filter in every 20 minutes.


Photo details:
2019.06.13-14. Tromsø, Norway
2023.03.17. Singapore

Canon EOS 5D Mark II + Sigma EF 8/4.0 (+ Baader AstroSolar filter)


Re: Submissions: 2023 June

Post by rheuer22 » Wed Jun 14, 2023 6:35 pm

Image Description:
The Pelican Nebula lies 1800 lightyears away located in the constellation of Cygnus. The nebula gets its name from its resemblance to the pelican, with its long "neck", and rounded "head", extending from a bright "eye" region. This object is an emission nebula full of ionizing gases and dust that make it very bright. It has a very active mix of star formation and gas clouds that are constantly evolving.

Basic Image Capture Details:
- 7 hours of exposure across two nights
- Ha, O3, and S2 narrowband filters used
- Processed in PixInsight


Pelican Nebula
Copyright: Ryan Heuer ... 8b4e_o.jpg
Last edited by bystander on Thu Jun 15, 2023 10:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Submissions: 2023 June

Post by sydney » Wed Jun 14, 2023 7:17 pm

M90 and IC 3583 (Arp 76)

M90 (also known as NGC 4569) is a spiral galaxy that is part of the Virgo cluster. It is sometimes referred to as an anemic galaxy because of a dearth of star formation in its spiral arms. This is related to the stripping away of interstellar gas and material (ram pressure stripping) from interactions with the intracluster medium. A January 2016 paper by Boselli, Cuillandre, Fossati, using the MegaCam at the Canadian-French-Hawaii Telescope describes the presence of “spectacular tails” of diffuse ionized gas extending from the disc of the galaxy (available at:

M90 is one of the few galaxies that exhibit a blue-shifted spectrum indicating a net motion in our direction within the Virgo cluster. M90 is about 59 million light-years away from Earth.

Irregular galaxy IC 3583 is visible to the right of M90 in this image. IC 3583 is about 30 million light-years away and may be gravitationally interacting with M90. Together the pair is listed in Halton Arp’s Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies as Arp 76. Many other galaxies are also visible in the image.

I hope you like the image!

Nick Pavelchak
Pavelchak M90 copy.jpg

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