Submissions: 2023 March

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Re: Submissions: 2023 March

Post by brookwassall » Tue Mar 28, 2023 4:28 pm

Hi there!

Attached is a couple of recent images I captured, and I thought you might enjoy them.

Details below.

Images: Both images are a single exposure of the phenomenon know as STEVE during a strong aurora storm, in-line with the setting moon and Venus just above. Taken at Jurby Beach, on the Isle of Man, over the Pasages steam trawler which shipwrecked in December 1931.

Date & time taken: 23rd March 2023, 8:30pm

Location: Jurby Beach, Isle of Man

Sony A7III
Tamron 17-28mm @ 28mm
15 second shutter
ISO 3200
(Same setup for both images)

My website:

Thanks for taking the time to look! ... 776768287/ ... 777550454/
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Re: Submissions: 2023 March

Post by WolfHeart » Wed Mar 29, 2023 9:21 am

Galactic Core Rises Over The Valley of Whales

ImageGalactic Core Rises Over The Valley of Whales by Ahmed Waddah, on Flickr

Galactic Core Rises Over The Valley of Whales on the 16th of March.

Sky: 9x180" Z6II Astromodified + Astronomik CLS filter
Foreground: single exposure - blue hour


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Re: Submissions: 2023 March

Post by rkas12 » Wed Mar 29, 2023 3:05 pm

Messier 17 - The Omega Nebula or the Swan Nebula

Messier 17 – also dubbed the Omega Nebula or Swan Nebula – is one of several brilliant deep sky marvels targets located in the constellation Sagittarius. The nebula is an HII region (emission nebula) which lies somewhere between 5000-6000 light years from the solar system. The Omega Nebula is considered one of the brightest and most massive star-forming regions of our galaxy.

The image is obtained by combining narrowband filters together, namely Ha, Sii, & Oiii filters. Rather than applying the traditional “Hubble Palette”, I first created a SHO version which I then blended with an HOO image. Weighting applied is as follow: SHO*0.6+HOO*0.4. Given the very bright core of the nebula, thorough stretch has been ensured to keep the brightness within an acceptable range. Other tips and tricks have been applied to obtain the final rendering.

Copyright: Aygen Erkaslan / @ae_astrophotons
Data obtained via the telescope live network – Planewave CDK 24”
Total Integration time: 14H

Please find below two images that feature the Omega Nebula but from different angles.

Flickr: ... ool-apods/

Flickr: ... ool-apods/
Last edited by rkas12 on Thu Mar 30, 2023 9:45 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Submissions: 2023 March

Post by Galactic-Hunter » Wed Mar 29, 2023 3:30 pm

This is a galaxy that is not often photographed known as IC 342, or... the Hidden Galaxy. This is because it lies behind clouds of Milky Way dust, a lot of stars, and other gases.

This picture was taken in RGB+HA and totals 34 hours. I think the added HA adds so much to this object as it is so rich in star-forming regions.

Chroma RGBH filters
34 hours from Bortle 2

Antoine and Dalia Grelin


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Re: Submissions: 2023 March

Post by astrosirius » Wed Mar 29, 2023 9:58 pm

NGC 3628 The Hamburger Galaxy/b]
Copyright: Lluís Romero
Lluís Romero Ventura

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Re: Submissions: 2023 March

Post by isultan » Wed Mar 29, 2023 10:05 pm


Image Image

I had the pleasure of viewing the planetary alignment this week shortly after the sun set into Lake Michigan. In this photo I captured the Moon, three planets, and a few deep sky attractions using a wide angle 10mm lens . The reflection of Venus in the lake is also prominent.

Location: Sawyer, Michigan
Date: March 28, 2023
Copyright: Imran Sultan

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Re: Submissions: 2023 March

Post by starsoverbucks » Wed Mar 29, 2023 11:45 pm

Messier 81 and 82 two galaxies in the constellation Ursa Major. These galaxies are relatively close at 12 million light years away and the big one, M81 or Bode’s Galaxy, is 90,000 light years in diameter. It also has a massive black hole at its core with a mass 70 million that of the sun. M82 (also known as the Cigar Galaxy), a starburst galaxy, is undergoing very high star formation due to interaction with M81. It measures 37,000 light years in diameter and its center is 100 times brighter than our own Milky Way. Surrounding the pair are a couple of smaller satellite galaxies and the very faint Integrated Flux Nebula (IFN). Unlike other star forming nebulas in our galaxies spiral arms, this wispy nebula lies away from our galaxies and is energized by all the stars in our galaxies. It’s mainly composed of dust, hydrogen and carbon monoxide and is very prevalent around the Celestial Pole where you find this galaxy pair.
m81-82 Spilios Asimakopoulos.jpg

Victor Lima
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Re: Submissions: 2023 March

Post by Victor Lima » Thu Mar 30, 2023 2:21 pm

Category: Stacked Shot
Social IG: @victorlimaphoto
The Atacama sky is considered one of the best in the world for astrophotography for several reasons:
- Altitude: Much of the Atacama Desert is located at an altitude of around 2,400/4000 meters above sea level. The less amount of atmospheric air at this altitude means there is less distortion and turbulence in the atmosphere, which results in sharper, clearer images.
- Climate: The Atacama is the driest desert in the world, with an average of just 15mm of annual precipitation. This means there is little moisture in the air to absorb light and create distortions in the image. In addition, the sky is generally free of clouds, which allows for exceptional visibility.
- Geographic location: Atacama is located in a remote area of ​​Chile, far from city lights and far from bright light sources. This makes the sky much darker and ideal for stargazing.
- Air quality: the air in Atacama is clean and pure, with low atmospheric combustion and little human activity. This means there are fewer particles in the air that could interfere with image quality.
Due to these factors, the Atacama sky is considered one of the best in the world for astrophotography and stargazing. It's an amazing place to capture sharp and stunning images of the night sky, including the Milky Way, nebulae and distant galaxies.
Canon 6Da | Sigma 20mm f/1.4 Art
7x 25sec | f/1.8 | ISO 2500

ImageVallecito - Atacama Desert by Victor Lima, no Flickr

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Re: Submissions: 2023 March

Post by tommasostella » Thu Mar 30, 2023 2:27 pm

M62 Globular Cluster
Copyright: Tommaso Stella
From: Matera - Italy
Total integration: 1 hour

Technical data
Sky: SQM 21,28
Lights: 59x60s
Telescope: Skywatcher Quattro 250P + GPU Coma corrector
Camera: Omegon VeTEC571C
Mount: Sky-Watcher AZ-EQ6 GT
Filters: Optolong Astronomy Filter LCCD
Processing: DeepSkyStacker, Photoshop CC, PixInsight

Victor Lima
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Re: Submissions: 2023 March

Post by Victor Lima » Thu Mar 30, 2023 2:52 pm

Category: Stacked Shot
Social IG: @victorlimaphoto
Monjes de La Pacaña, Atacama Desert in Chile.
Highlighted in the sky is the southern arm of the Via Lactea, the Large Magellanic Cloud and a colorful Air Glow.

The Southern Arm of the Milky Way is one of the most distinct structures in our galaxy, extending towards the South Celestial Pole. It contains an abundance of fascinating astronomical objects, including nebulas, star clusters, and supernovas. The region is also rich in giant molecular clouds, where new stars are being formed. This intense star-forming activity makes the Southern Arm a natural laboratory for studying the evolution of stars and galaxies.
Airglow is an atmospheric phenomenon that occurs when gas molecules in the upper atmosphere are excited by sunlight and emit visible light. This diffuse glow can be seen above the horizon, as a faint band of light that stretches across the entire sky. Airglow is particularly visible in the Southern Arm of the Milky Way, where atmospheric conditions are favorable for its observation. It is an interesting phenomenon for astronomers as it can affect the quality of astronomical observations as well as provide information about the composition of the Earth's atmosphere.
The Magellanic Clouds are two small satellite galaxies of the Milky Way, the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds. They are visible to the naked eye in the southern hemisphere and are one of the closest astronomical objects to Earth. The Large Magellanic Cloud is particularly interesting as it contains several bright stars, nebulas, and star clusters that are visible to the naked eye or with a small telescope. These galaxies are an important object of study for astronomers as they can help understand the evolution of galaxies and how stars form and evolve in different environments.

04/May/2022 23:52h
Canon 6Da | Sigma 20mm f/1.4 Art
8x 20 sec | f/2 | ISO 4000

ImageMonjes de La Pacaña by Victor Lima, no Flickr

Julien Looten
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Re: Submissions: 2023 March

Post by Julien Looten » Thu Mar 30, 2023 6:46 pm

A starry night at the Château de Commarque (France, Dordogne) ... en-public/

Copyright: Looten Julien


I arrived at the Château de Commarque last Tuesday evening (21/03/2023), in the company of Clément Bouynet, a journalist for Sud Ouest (French regional newspaper). We were both eager to discover the wonders of this medieval fortress and to capture it under a starry sky.

To visit the Château de Commarque is to take a trip back in time. Nestled in the Beune Valley, whose site has been occupied since the Palaeolithic era, this 12th century fortress was the scene of a great epic involving 6 great families of the Périgord. I won't tell you any more, just go for it!

It is 8 pm. Night falls on the small valley. A few hooting night birds emanate from the surrounding woods. Slowly, the keep built by the Beynac family in the middle of the Hundred Years' War, and culminating at more than 60 metres, plunges into the darkness. I had to be quick, as the Milky Way sets early at this time of year... so I quickly made this image of the Milky Way over this castle, with an incredible zodiacal light as a bonus. This 180° panorama shows the castle topped by the Milky Way, our galaxy, composed of hundreds of millions of stars and numerous nebulae, including the Orion Nebula, Barnard's Loop, the Rosette Nebula and California. Other galaxies such as Andromeda and the Triangulum Galaxy are visible on the horizon.

But at this point, the excitement was just beginning... Guided by Jean-Sébastien Wemmert, the castle's passionate history keeper, we ventured into the dark and mysterious corners of the medieval fortress, cameras in hand. Every night, he even lights a few candles in the chapel. Their faint glow, perceptible against the great panorama, adds soul to the image.

The stars shone above us as we walked in the footsteps of the lords who lived here centuries ago. The centuries-old stone walls seemed to come alive under the camera lens, revealing unexpected details in the darkest corners.

In the end, this night photography session at the Château de Commarque, guided by Jean-Sébastien, offered us a unique and unforgettable experience. We captured spectacular images and created memories that will last a lifetime.

On the technical side, 180° panorama from south (left) to north (right) of 27 photographs (3 rows) of 13 seconds each (6 minutes in total). Canon 6D Astrodon (modified, scaled for astrophotography) and Sigma 28mm f1.4.

Instagram : j.looten
Facebook : julien.looten.photographie

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Re: Submissions: 2023 March

Post by rahusga » Fri Mar 31, 2023 7:55 am

Humans on the Moon

Date: 29/03/2023
Location: Valencia (Spain)
Copyright: Raúl Hussein

Image ... TZ0INm.jpg

As we stand here on Earth, gazing up at the vast expanse of the night sky, we cannot help but wonder what lies beyond our planet. The Moon, our closest celestial neighbor, has always held a special place in our imaginations and our history. And now, it is time for us to return.

NASA's mission to recapture the Moon is not just a scientific endeavor, but a human one. It is about pushing the boundaries of what we can achieve, exploring the unknown, and expanding our horizons as a species. By establishing a sustainable presence on the Moon, we can unlock new knowledge, technologies, and opportunities that will benefit us all.

But this mission is not just about what we can gain, it is about what we can give. It is about inspiring future generations, igniting the curiosity and imagination of young minds, and showing them that anything is possible if we work together and dare to dream big.

So let us embrace this challenge with open hearts and open minds. Let us honor the legacy of those who came before us, who dared to reach for the stars, and let us pave the way for those who will come after us, who will carry on our quest to explore and conquer the universe. The Moon awaits us, and we must answer its call.

Technical information:
- Mosaic 56MP (6000 frames, 4 videos)
- Telescope: Celestron C9,25 XLT
- Camera: Player One Uranus-C
- Mount: EQ6R-Pro
- Filter: Baader UV/IR cut (CMOS optimized)
Last edited by bystander on Fri Mar 31, 2023 8:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Victor Lima
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Re: Submissions: 2023 March

Post by Victor Lima » Sat Apr 01, 2023 1:17 am

In the photo, we can contemplate an incredible night panorama, where various celestial phenomena are visible: the Magellanic Clouds, the arc of the Milky Way, the zodiacal light, the Andromeda Galaxy, Jupiter and the airglow.

The Magellanic Clouds, which appear as bright spots in the left side of the image, are two satellite galaxies of the Milky Way and contain billions of stars, nebulas, and star clusters. The Milky Way arch, in turn, is the bright band that crosses the image, formed by the light of stars and interstellar gas and dust.

The zodiacal light, which extends diagonally in the image, is the diffuse band of light caused by the reflection of sunlight on particles of dust in interplanetary space. The Andromeda Galaxy, one of the closest to the Milky Way, appears as a diffuse spot and contains billions of stars, being an important object for the study of the formation and evolution of galaxies.

Finally, the airglow is the reddish band of light that extends along the horizon in the image, caused by the emission of light by oxygen and nitrogen molecules in the high Earth's atmosphere.

This image is an invitation to marvel at the immensity of the universe and the beauty of its celestial phenomena. It is definitely a vision that inspires us to contemplate the universe and to seek to understand more and more the complexity and grandeur of the cosmos.

Atacama Desert
Panoramic Shot
21/10/2022 23:14h

ImageAtacama Desert by Victor Lima, no Flickr

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Re: Submissions: 2023 March

Post by barretosmed » Sat Apr 01, 2023 1:19 am

The Little Beehive Cluster (Messier 41)


Esprit 150mm

DATE: 03/22/2023 and 03/23/2023

Location: Munhoz - MG - Brazil
Adobe Lightroom Classic · Adobe Photoshop · Pleiades Astrophoto PixInsight

Author: Fernando Oliveira de Menezes
(Organizing author of the book Astrofotografia Amadora no Brasil)
[ ... -no-brasil]( ... -no-brasil)

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Re: Submissions: 2023 March

Post by astrohokie » Sat Apr 01, 2023 1:32 am

Waxing Gibbious Mineral Moon

Copyright: Mark Hoffman

Imageby mark h, on Flickr

Waxing Gibbious 69%

Explore Scientific ED102
TeleVue 2" 2x Powermate
Televue 2" and 3.5" Extensions
Pegasus Pocket Powerbox
2" Astronomik UV/IR filter

18 panel mosaic using Moon Panorama Maker and Firecapture. 2000 frames per panel, 6.1ms exposure, gain 85. Processed with PIPP, AS3, RS6, and Photoshop.

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Re: Submissions: 2023 March

Post by maxifalieres » Sun Apr 02, 2023 1:36 am

NGC 3372 - Carina Nebula

NGC 3372 - Nebulosa de Carina
by Maximiliano Falieres, en Flickr

One of the best regions of the southern skies, is the Carina Nebula, where massive stars are born. In this case I wanted to take a picture of the center region of the nebula, because there's a lot of gas, dust and Bok's globules, like the "finger of God", where stars are forming.

This picture was taken the 28-03-2023 in my backyard using this setup:

Telescope GSO 200mm F4
ZWO 533 MC Pro + Coma Corrector + L-Extreme 1.25" filter
Skywatcher NEq6 mount
96 Lights de 3' Gain 101 -10°C
100 Darks
ZWO 290 mm + SvBony Guider F4
ASIAir Plus
Light Pollution: Bortle 6/7
Location: Backyard, Chivilcoy, Buenos Aires, Argentina


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Re: Submissions: 2023 March

Post by the_astronomy_enthusiast » Mon May 01, 2023 3:48 pm

NGC 6888: The Crescent Nebula by William Ostling, on Flickr

Full write-up here: ... nt-nebula/
This is another image from telescope live: the Crescent Nebula. It was a tough dataset to stack, as there were a bunch of dead pixel lines from the CCD. However, once the dataset was stacked, it was quite fun to process. The Oiii data was extremally strong, and it was really interesting to see the extent of the wispiness around the nebula. I’ve been experimenting with a new “natural” pallete made from SHO emissions, and I think it turned out pretty accurate!

NGC 6888, also known as the Crescent Nebula, is a cosmic bubble about 25 light-years across, blown by winds from its central, bright, massive star. This beautiful portrait of the nebula is from the Isaac Newton Telescope at Roque de los Muchachos Observatory in the Canary Islands. It combines a composite color image with narrow band data that isolates light from hydrogen and oxygen atoms in the wind-blown nebula. The oxygen atoms produce the blue-green hue that seems to enshroud the detailed folds and filaments. NGC 6888’s central star is classified as a Wolf-Rayet star (WR 136). The star is shedding its outer envelope in a strong stellar wind, ejecting the equivalent of the Sun’s mass every 10,000 years. The nebula’s complex structures are likely the result of this strong wind interacting with material ejected in an earlier phase. Burning fuel at a prodigious rate and near the end of its stellar life this star should ultimately go out with a bang in a spectacular supernova explosion. Found in the nebula rich constellation Cygnus, NGC 6888 is about 5,000 light-years away.


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