Submissions: 2022 December

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Manel Martín Folch
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Re: Submissions: 2022 December

Post by Manel Martín Folch » Sat Dec 10, 2022 7:13 pm


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Re: Submissions: 2022 December

Post by Ann » Sat Dec 10, 2022 8:18 pm

mdieterich wrote: Fri Dec 09, 2022 5:59 am NGC 55
Copyright: Matt Dieterich
Wow, that's amazing, Matt Dieterich! Is that a bipolar outflow of ionized hydrogen from the center of NGC 55?

NGC 55 looks like relatively smallish galaxy, and its (somewhat faint) yellowish bulge appears to be "pushed to one side". But in your image, the outflow appears to originate from the exact center of the galaxy, as if it emerges from a perfectly centrally located black hole with an accretion disk, or, alternatively, a centrally placed large site of star formation with accompanying supernovas. The Wikipedia article does indeed show us a large site of star formation at the center of NGC 55.

I don't know what your image is showing us, but it sure is fascinating!

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Re: Submissions: 2022 December

Post by martinkonrat » Sat Dec 10, 2022 8:26 pm


Tarantula Nebula in Duo Narroband OSC, 200mm Newtonian. Reprocessed, wider version

This is the third production of mine with the new Newtonian Astrograph described in the specifications.
It´s been a quite hard learning curve, but I am proud of my progress so far.

🗓 December, 07th. 2022
📍 Giruá, RS, Brazil. Bortle 4.
🔭 FótonAstro/Astropipe 200mm f4 Newtonian Astrograph
📷 asi2600mc
🕶 Antlia ALP-T Duo-Narroband filter
78 x 180s
for a total of 3,9h integration.
🧑‍💻 pixinsight, photoshop

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Dancing Sprites Event

Post by shutterwizard » Sun Dec 11, 2022 4:15 am

This is a dancing sprite event that I captured from Puerto Rico. A dancing sprite event is defined as multiple sprites appearing in a sequence during the discharge of some powerful positive cloud to ground lightning strokes. In this event, the lightning, and the resulting sprites, were heading towards the location of my camera. Usually, these dancing sprites will appear side by side, or horizontal, but in this event they were vertical. The vertical capture means that the flash sequence of this very powerful lightning stroke was heading in the direction of my camera. The first sprite was low, so that means the sprite was further away from my camera, and then the proceeding sprites were appearing higher up, which means they were getting closer to my camera's location. This is rare and has never been documented before. ... 120640.jpg

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Re: Submissions: 2022 December

Post by barretosmed » Sun Dec 11, 2022 11:53 pm

Cetus' dynamic duo: Squid Galaxy (m77) and the beautiful galaxy NGC1055


Esprit 150mm triplet
ASI 6200mc
Mount CEM120


LOCATION: Munhoz - MG - Brazil
DATES: 08/01/2022 to 10/24/2022

Author: Fernando Oliveira de Menezes
(Organizing author of the book Amateur Astrophotography in Brazil)

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Re: Submissions: 2022 December

Post by Hytham » Mon Dec 12, 2022 7:51 am

Solar Prominence Animation - 2022-12-07
Copyright: Hytham Abu-Safieh
From: California, USA

Additional Details:
Lunt 100mm Double Stack
ASI 290mm
5000 frame sequence * 80 = 400,000 frames captured
Solar%20Prominence%20Animation[1].gif ... -RVRQBQx/A ... mation.gif
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Re: Submissions: 2022 December

Post by -daggy- » Mon Dec 12, 2022 6:42 pm

Great Orion nebula M42 ... ed-public/
Copyright: Jan Gajdos
Great Orion nebula M42
Great Orion nebula M42
Photographed under worse conditions - haze, disturbing moonlight, tree branches. So I have quite a few usable images left.
Equipment: EQ5Pro, DIY Newton 100/500, GSO 2" coma corrector, QHY 8L-C, SVbony UV/IR cut, guiding QHY5L-II-C, SVbony guidescope 240mm.
Software: NINA, DSS, Siril, Adobe photoshop
79x120 sec. Lights gain5, offset115 at -10°C, master bias, 30 flats, master darkflats, master darks.
Belá nad Cirochou, northeastern Slovakia, bortle 4

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Re: Submissions: 2022 December

Post by ethanwastrophotography » Tue Dec 13, 2022 2:45 pm ... l)-png.png Copyright: Ethan Wong

Higher resolution here:

| A Bristle in the heart of the Heart |

Cosmic clouds form fantastic shapes in the central regions of emission nebula IC 1805. The clouds are sculpted by stellar winds and radiation from massive hot stars in the nebula's newborn star cluster, Melotte 15. The cluster stars (which are at least 1.5 million years old) are toward the right in this colorful skyscape, along with dark dust clouds in silhouette against glowing atomic gas. A composite of narrowband and broadband telescopic images, the view spans about 30 light-years and includes emission from ionized hydrogen, sulfur, and oxygen atoms mapped to green, red, and blue hues in the popular Hubble Palette. Took just over 2 months to complete this image.

Tried out a new processing workflow which was meant bring more emphasis on the dark and central gas structures while keeping the highlights toned down. I made a few variants of the Hubble palette but eventually settled on the good ol' traditional Hubble Palette colour grading. I finally created my own Luminance layering technique, which also brought out the sharp and cripsy details in the dark nebula region. The use of good masks were crucial for selective sharpening of the Luminance layer while the final layering was done traditionally in Photoshop CS 6.

Technical Details:

Location: Imaged from Central London
122 x 180s 3.5nm Ha
41 x 180s 3nm Oiii
80 x 180s 3.5nm S2

Location: Imaged from Central London
Scope/Lens: Skywatcher Quattro Series 8" F/4 newtonian
Camera: QHY 294M-pro
Mount: Skywatcher AZ-EQ6 GT
Edited in Pixinsight and final touches in Photoshop CS6.

Hope you enjoy it and Clear Skies!
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Re: Submissions: 2022 December

Post by astronomonogdl » Tue Dec 13, 2022 11:15 pm

Crop OF crecent nebula REGIÓN (NGC 6888) In Cygnus
ZWOASI6200MM HOO palette
22x300 H
16x300 OIII
guide ZWO30f4 zwoasi120mm mini
APP / Astropanel process
jalisco México November 2022
Author : Astronomono
grapod crecent.jpg

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LDN 1235 Shark Nebula Lum B/W version

Post by themis85_GR » Wed Dec 14, 2022 5:57 am

Some astrophotography objects are very impressive in B/W version. I hope you like it.

Telescope: Skywatcher Esprit 100ed
Camera: QHY 268M
EqMount: Skywatcher EQ6-R
Filter: Baader 36mm unmounted.
Location: Grevena-Filipaioi
Bortle Scale: 2

LDN 1235 Shark Nebula Lum B/W version by Efthymios Karteris, on Flickr

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Re: Submissions: 2022 December

Post by Herbert_Walter » Wed Dec 14, 2022 6:29 am

NGC 7090 - small, but beautiful :D


More infos:

NGC 7090 is a barred spiral galaxy in the constellation Indus in the southern sky and was discovered in 1834 by the English astronomer John Herschel. It has an apparent magnitude of +10.7 mag and an angular extent of 7.8' × 1.3'. We see it exactly in edge-on position, the spiral arms appear here as dark dusty clouds, illuminated by the bright centre of the galaxy. What I like about this image is the apparent outline of the bright foreground stars, which really bring out the galaxy.


Re: Submissions: 2022 December

Post by mascha.samkova2 » Thu Dec 15, 2022 1:30 am

Dear Professor Robert J. Nemiroff, dear Professor Jerry T. Bonnell,

I hope you are both well.

By means of this email, I would like to submit an image for the NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD):
The photo was taken on 13 December 2020, 07:35 am CET, on the Pont des Arts, overlooking the Pont Neuf and Ile de la Cite, 75006 Paris, France. The photo was taken before the sunrise, which was scheduled at 08:36 am on 13 December 2020.

I read and re read the NASA article "What's Up - December 2020", and from what Mr. Tony Greicius writes, I am extrapolating that in this photograph, I was able to magically capture 4 planets at once: Jupiter and Saturn (in the top left, closer in the sky than they have appeared in 2 decades) and the old crescent Moon and the planet Venus (on the top right).

Doing more background research I came across another photograph in the NASA Archive for Astronomy Picture of the Day listed on 14 November 2020, that is similar to mine, taken on 13 December 2020. It is the image labelled "Venus, Mercury and the Waning Moon":

Is it possible that my photo, in the quality in which it is attached, could be enhanced?

Is it also possible that it could be labeled as "citizen science"?

Best regards,

Mascha Samkova

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Re: Submissions: 2022 December

Post by mdieterich » Thu Dec 15, 2022 5:32 am

The Running Chicken Nebula
Copyright: Matt Dieterich

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Re: Submissions: 2022 December

Post by vanamonde81 » Thu Dec 15, 2022 3:20 pm

Eclipse During Eclipse
Copyright: György Soponyai

On the evening of 2022-11-08 I successfully observed and photographed the total Lunar eclipse from the capital of Japan.
This eclipse had a once-in-a-lifetime speciality as during the event the Moon was conjugating with planet Uranus. And by viewing it in East-Asia, the Moon passed in front of the planet, so there was a Uranus-eclipse by the eclipsed Moon.
The photos were taken in every 15 minutes.


2022-11-08 Tokyo, Japan
Canon EOS 5D Mark II + Tamron EF 150-600 @600mm
1/3 sec, f/6.3, ISO 1000

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Re: Submissions: 2022 December

Post by jarmoruuth » Thu Dec 15, 2022 8:18 pm

Vela Supernova Remnant

A three panel mosaic of Vela Supernova Remnant including nearby Gum/RCW objects.

ImageVela Supernova Remnant by Jarmo Ruuth, on Flickr

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Re: Submissions: 2022 December

Post by rjansen » Fri Dec 16, 2022 7:24 am

A JWST Field of Extragalactic Pearls Studded with Galactic Diamonds
Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, R. Jansen (ASU) and A. Pagan (STScI)

The Prime Extragalactic Areas for Reionization and Lensing Science (PEARLS) GTO program released one of the first medium-deep wide-field images combining different colors of near-infrared light captured by James Webb Space Telescope's Near-InfraRed Camera (NIRCam), augmented with 3 colors of ultraviolet and visible light from the Hubble Space Telescope. This beautiful color image unveils in unprecedented detail and to exquisite depth a Universe full of galaxies to the furthest reaches of our Universe, as well as an assortment of stars within our own Milky Way Galaxy. A Zoomable version of the main image was made available by ESA at:

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Re: Submissions: 2022 December

Post by atomo » Fri Dec 16, 2022 4:48 pm

Hi guys,M78 region.
Telescope: SharpStar 150 f2,8
Guide Scope:Evoguide
Mount : Skywatcher HEQ5
Imaging camera: ZWO 2600MC
Guiding camera: ZWO 290 MC
Filters: Lpro/IDAS NBZ
Plate solving: SGpro
Imaging software: Sgpro
Guiding software: PHD2
Processing software: Pixinsight
Lpro: 48x600s exposure @ 0 Gain
IDAS:12x600s exposure@ 0 Gain
Integration: 10 hrs
Copyright@Davide Mancini

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Re: Submissions: 2022 December

Post by tango33 » Fri Dec 16, 2022 8:17 pm


I finally had some time to process...
Here are a few new images.
Since the images here are extremely downsized please see the full resolution and details here:

Thanks for looking!

Kfir Simon

R Corona Australis region: Lord of the Ring: The hungry worm (AKA CG4...): Messier 4: The sword: Jonas 1: And a closer look: NGC 7331 with the quintet: NGC7331 stand alone:

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Re: Submissions: 2022 December

Post by martinkonrat » Sat Dec 17, 2022 3:01 pm


Orion Nebula (M42) and the Running Man Nebula (NGC1977) Newtonian Astrograph version

Still in the process of discovering the best workflow for this fast newtonian.
I´ve tried since I started in astrophotography to achieve a decent M42. Well, the term "decent" has different meanings for each one.
I am indeed very pleased with my result, it´s not perfect, but my best so far.

🗓 December, 15th. 2022
📍 Giruá, RS, Brazil. Bortle 4.
🔭 FotonAstro Astropipe 200MM F4 Newtonian Astrograph / AM5 Eq Mount
📷 asi2600mc camera
🕶 Optolong UV/IR filter
- 99 x 120s
- 25 x 10s (for M42´s core)
🧑‍💻 pixinsight, photoshop


Re: Submissions: 2022 December

Post by chrislunder » Sat Dec 17, 2022 9:31 pm

California Nebula

Taken from my camera van in the outback under -25c/-13f norwegian winter skies. This night was so cold I broke a power cable in two when unrolling it :lol2:

The plan was a different project but had to go for something easier due to the chilly working conditions :wink:

Happy with the result. About 95x300s exposures through a SW Esprit 120ed and a 6200mm pro

ImageCalifornia Nebula (NGC 1499) by Chris-Alexander Lunder, on Flickr

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Re: Submissions: 2022 December

Post by astrohokie » Sat Dec 17, 2022 10:54 pm

NGC 7822

"NGC 7822 is a young star forming complex in the constellation of Cepheus. The complex encompasses the emission region designated Sharpless 171, and the young cluster of stars named Berkeley 59. The complex is believed to be some 800–1000 pc distant, with the younger components aged no more than a few million years. The complex also includes one of the hottest stars discovered within 1 kpc of the Sun, namely BD+66 1673, which is an eclipsing binary system consisting of an O5V that exhibits a surface temperature of nearly 45,000 K and a luminosity about 100,000 times that of the Sun."

Copyright: Mark Hoffman

With Stars
Image by mark h, on Flickr

Without Stars
Image by mark h, on Flickr

Equipment/Capture Details:
Celestron Edge HD8 w/ 0.7x reducer
Celestron Autofocuser
ASI 294MM Pro
ASI 7 position EFW
1.25in Chroma 5nm Ha, 3nm O3, 3nm S2 filters
Total Integration Time = 40 hours
Ha Integration Time = 75 * 600sec
O3 Integration Time = 84 * 600sec
S2 Integration Time = 83 * 600sec
Virginia, USA
Bortle 7

Capture dates: 11/20/2022, 11/21/2022, 11/22/2022, 11/23/2022, 11/24/2022, 11/25/2022, 11/26/2022, 12/1/2022, 12/2/2022, 12/4/2022, 12/9/2022, 12/10/2022, 12/13/2022, 12/14/2022, 12/16/2022, 12/17/2022

NoiseXterminator and deconvolution SHO linear images. LRGB combination in Pixinsight. Generalised Hyperbolic Stretch script. Autocolor script. StarXterminator, color masks and range masks with curves, saturation. Photoshop Hue/Saturation/Luminance.

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Re: Submissions: 2022 December

Post by AaronW » Sun Dec 18, 2022 12:59 am

It's increasingly difficult to find shots of emission nebulae that haven't been published many times already.  I've tried to do so with the attached photograph.

Taken over 10 nights in early September, I present a small section of the Sharpless 132 complex, which contains a veritable zoo of deep sky objects.  Here, I've isolated what appears to be a divine light blinding a cosmic sea horse that perhaps swam a bit too far into the deep end.

H-alpha, S2, and O3 signals are all quite strong here, and with nearly 70 hours of data, their rich interplay shows me something different every time I look at this chaotic scene.
The image comprises 66.5 hours of integration (roughly equal parts of H-alpha, S2, and O3), and was taken from my backyard in Santa Monica, CA under Bortle 7 skies.  Processing was done entirely in PixInsight, and the gear used was as follows:

Camera: ZWO ASI6200MM-pro
Scope: William Optics Fluorostar 132mm Refractor
Mount: Astro-Physics Mach2GTO
Filters: Chroma 3nm Ha/S2/O3 50mm 
Guide Camera: ZWO ASI174MM-mini
Accessories: ZWO OAG-L, Pegasus Powerbox Advance 

Full-resolution image is available at the following link: ... ouY30K.png

I hope you enjoy! 

Respectfully submitted,
Aaron Wilhelm
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Re: Submissions: 2022 December

Post by mftoet » Sun Dec 18, 2022 12:28 pm

M33, Triangulum Galaxy | Hα-RGB
Copyright: Maurice Toet

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Re: Submissions: 2022 December

Post by martinkonrat » Sun Dec 18, 2022 3:36 pm


M78 nebula, NGC2071 Newtonian Astrograph Version. OSC camera. Newtonian Astrograph.

About the Target:

M78 It's a reflection nebula (clouds of interstellar dust that shine due to reflected and scattered light from nearby stars) that's part of the Orion Molecular Cloud Complex, a large cloud of gas and dust around the famous M42 nebula.
Also included in this grouping are NGC 2064, NGC 2067 and NGC 2071 and other nebulae. M78 has an apparent size of 8.0 x 6.0 arc minutes. At a distance of 1,600 light-years this corresponds to a maximum spatial diameter of about 4 light-years.

🗓 December, 14th to 16th. 2022
📍 Giruá, RS, Brazil. Bortle 4.
🔭 FotonAstro Astropipe 200MM F4 Newtonian Astrograph / AM5 Eq Mount
📷 asi2600mc camera
🕶 Optolong UV/IR filter / Antlia ALP-T duo narrowband
- 60 x 180s UV/IR filter
- 37 x 300s with antlia duo narrowband filter
🧑‍💻 pixinsight, photoshop

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Re: Submissions: 2022 December

Post by ImNewHere » Sun Dec 18, 2022 5:12 pm

NGC 3201

ImageNGC 3201 by Scotty Bishop, on Flickr

Full size and more info is here:

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