Submissions: 2022 June

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Re: Submissions: 2022 June

Post by Kinch » Wed Jun 08, 2022 7:29 pm

An interesting comparison. Because of the colours I guess (and perhaps also due to OIII being in two channels)......The HOO version on the left, (rather than the HSHO image on the right), better shows the details we are after in imaging this target.
WR 134 with FSQ130ED and ZWO ASI2600MM & Astrodon 3nm filters.
Click on above to enlarge.

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Re: Submissions: 2022 June

Post by Kinch » Wed Jun 08, 2022 10:30 pm

A crop from a previous image:

Tulip Nebula
Click on above to enlarge

Full info @

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NGC 2237,2238,2239,2244 & 2246

Post by alcarreño » Sat Jun 11, 2022 8:39 am

Copyrights : Raul Villaverde, Domingo Pestana & Nicolas Romo

ImageRoseta_todaslasfrecuencias_2022V2 by Raul Villaverde, en Flickr

Jean-Baptiste Auroux
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Re: Submissions: 2022 June

Post by Jean-Baptiste Auroux » Sat Jun 11, 2022 3:13 pm

NGC 6914 : Emission and reflection nebulae in Cygnus ... 2EQU70.jpg

NGC 6914 is a complex of nebulosities in emission and reflection in the constellation of Cygnus, at about 5000 light-years distance.
The reflection nebulosities, of bluish color, contrast in a very spectacular way with the omnipresence of the Ha signal, in red, in this region...

Takahashi TSA-102 f/6 - AZEQ6 - Atik 16200 mono
Filters : Baader LRGB + Ha 3,5nm
Ha : 44 x 900s bin 1
L: 30 x 600s bin 1
RGB : 60 x 300s bin2
Total : 21h
Processing: Pixinsight & Photoshop
6, 7, 8 & 21 August 2019
Olmeto - Corsica (France)

Copyright: Jean-Baptiste Auroux

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Re: Submissions: 2022 June

Post by ejhebert » Sun Jun 12, 2022 9:05 am

My first attempt with NGC-7380 and the Hubble Pallet...

Target: NGC-7380 / The Wizard Nebula
Imaging Telescope: Explore Scientific ED127 CF
Imaging Camera: ZWO ASI2600MM-Pro
Guide Scope: Explore Scientific ED127 CF
Guide Camera: ZWO 290mm-Mini
Focus: MoonLight Focuser w/ ZWO EAF
Mount: Sky Watcher EQ8-R Pro
Polar Alignment: ASIAir Plus
Bortle Class: 6
Filters: Chroma 3nm SHO
24 x 300s (Ha)
24 x 300s (SII)
24 x 300s (OIII)
Integration: PixInsight
09 Jun 2022

Full Resolution:
NGC7380_SHO Signed.jpg

Antonio Grizzuti
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Re: Submissions: 2022 June

Post by Antonio Grizzuti » Mon Jun 13, 2022 1:36 pm

Four friends sitting on the shores of the Oceanus Procellarum

These four craters seem like four old friends sitting and having good times on the quiet shores of the Oceanus Procellarum, one of the large seas of the Moon.

From top to bottom: Cavalerius (59,35 km), Hevelius (113,87 km), Lohrmann (31,25 km) and Grimaldi (173,49 km).

Trivia: Oceanus Procellarum in Latin means "Ocean of Storms".

Gear and technical data:

Maksutov-Cassegrain 150/1800 Meade M6 LX65
Camera: ZWO Asi224MC
UV/IR cut Svbony Filter
ROI: 823×855
Place: Sassari, Sardegna, Italia
June 12th, 2022
60% of 3.000 frames with Sharpcap Pro
Stacking: Autostakkert
Processing: Registax – Photoshop
Link Astrobin:
Last edited by Antonio Grizzuti on Mon Jun 13, 2022 2:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Submissions: 2022 June

Post by WolfHeart » Mon Jun 13, 2022 2:23 pm

Galactic Love Car from BW Sahara SkyCamp
BW Sahara Sky Camp is a an astro hotel located in a bortle 2 location in the Black Desert of Egypt. This abandoned car is placed on a small hill above the camp. This is a composite were the car was imaged just after sunset and the sky image was taken in the White desert the next night and final image was composed in same orientation as actual milkyway rise!

ImageGalactic Love Car by Ahmed Waddah, on Flickr

Nikon Z6 - Stock
SWSA - Unguided
Nikon 14-24mm f/2.8 S
Sky: 30*90" @14mm f/2.8 , 45' Total Integration Time
Foreground: Blue hour HDR, 3 frames Bracketed @f/8 and ISO 100
Date: 28-May-2022


Copyright: Ahmed Waddah/ Waddah Photography


Antonio Grizzuti
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Re: Submissions: 2022 June

Post by Antonio Grizzuti » Mon Jun 13, 2022 2:51 pm

Gassendi & Mare Humorum

Gassendi is 110 km large lunar crater located in the northern shores of Mare Humorum. The lava inundated the crater during its formation, hence the ground is quite smooth, except for the peak and the rim.

Gear and technical data:

Maksutov-Cassegrain 150/1800 Meade M6 LX65
Camera: ZWO Asi224MC
UV/IR cut Svbony Filter
ROI: 823×855
Place: Sassari, Sardegna, Italia
June 10th, 2022
60% of 3.000 frames with Sharpcap Pro
Stacking: Autostakkert
Processing: Registax – Photoshop
Astrobin link:

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Re: Submissions: 2022 June

Post by sendhilchinnasamy » Mon Jun 13, 2022 5:07 pm

Rho Ophiuchi cloud complex

The Rho Ophiuchi cloud complex is a beautiful, gigantic cloud of colorful cosmic dust and gas located 460 light-years from Earth in the constellation Ophiuchus. It's one of the closest stellar nurseries to the solar system and one of the most-photographed objects in the night sky.

Total exposure: 20 hours (4 panel mosaic)
Location: Georgetown Texas


Antonio Grizzuti
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Re: Submissions: 2022 June

Post by Antonio Grizzuti » Tue Jun 14, 2022 9:44 pm

Clavius and friends

With its 230.77 km in diameter, Clavius ​​is the third largest crater on the Moon, to the point of being visible to the naked eye. Its formation dates back to the Nectarian period (3,920-3,850 million years ago), and therefore has an age of just under 4 billion years-

Clavius ​​is dotted with craters all around. To the northwest Scheiner (110 km), to the west Blancanus (105 km), to the southwest Moretus (114 km), to the north-east Maginus (194 km). The Porter (52 km) and Rutherfurd (48 × 54 km) craters are located on the east and south sides respectively.
Gear and technical data:

Maksutov-Cassegrain 150/1800 Meade M6 LX65
Camera: ZWO Asi224MC
UV/IR cut Svbony Filter
ROI: 823×855
Place: Sassari, Sardegna, Italia
June 10th, 2022
60% of 3.000 frames with Sharpcap Pro
Stacking: Autostakkert
Processing: Registax – Photoshop
Astrobin link:

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Re: Submissions: 2022 June

Post by iro » Tue Jun 14, 2022 9:52 pm

From Zeta to Rho Ophiuchi

As the Rho Ophiuchi is a well known celebrity itself in the sky I'm most impressed with the complexity of the Zeta Ophiuchi nebula (Sh2-27) which I thought to be just a powerful field of ionized red-glowing hydrogen only, and it turned out to be an interesting festival of red glow heavily obscured and shining through the dust of the Great Rift.

The 3 pannel mosaic was taken with Samyang 135m/2 lens and modded Nikon D610.
Acquisition Time: April of 2022
Location: Bieszczady Mountains in southern Poland
zeta-rho-final copy-20.jpg
Credit: Ireneusz Nowak

Astrobin location of the full size picture:
Author Astrobin link:

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Re: Submissions: 2022 June

Post by perezfotografia » Tue Jun 14, 2022 10:48 pm

In Peru there is a place not much seen in pictures but of an immense beauty. This is the Huayhuash mountain range, situated 13 hours from Lima. It is a place which is not very accessible, as you have to take several transports to get here.
This is Carhuacocha lake at almost 4,200 masl, one of the most beautiful lakes I have ever seen. Due to its nature, you can contemplate mountains such as Carnicero, Siula Grande, Yerupajá Grande, Yerupajá Chico and Jirishanca reflected on the lake. Almost every one of them above 6,000 masl (meters above sea level).

The wild trekking took me 8 days to complete, where you have to pass through different mountains passes (even above 5,000 masl) and had to sleep in the mountains for the whole duration of the adventure.


© Copyright: Álvaro Pérez Alonso

Photo in HD: ... 0.jpg?dl=0

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Re: Submissions: 2022 June

Post by sydney » Wed Jun 15, 2022 4:45 am

Arp 271 - Preview of Milkomeda

Nick Pavelchak
Pavelchak Arp 271.jpg

Jean-Baptiste Auroux
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Re: Submissions: 2022 June

Post by Jean-Baptiste Auroux » Wed Jun 15, 2022 8:50 pm

IC5146 - Cocoon nebula (LRGB-Ha) ... Kre60d.jpg
Full version : ... 2EQU70.jpg

The "Cocoon" nebula is aptly named: it is a magnificent nursery of stars, located about 3500 light-years away in the constellation Cygnus.

Takahashi TSA102 - AZEQ6 - Atik 16200MM
Filters Baader LGRB-Ha (3,5nm)
L : 62 x 900s bin1
Ha : 37 x 900s bin1 + 20 x 600s bin2
RGB : 108 x 300s bin2
Processing: Pixinsight & Photoshop
Summer 2020 (8 nuits)
Corse & Fouras (17).

Copyright: Jean-Baptiste Auroux
Last edited by bystander on Wed Jun 15, 2022 9:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: No hot links to images > 500 kb.

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Re: Submissions: 2022 June

Post by rhess » Thu Jun 16, 2022 9:15 am

Messier 106 (also known as NGC 4258) is an intermediate spiral galaxy in the constellation Canes Venatici

Telescope: ASA EQ1000 f7 - ASA 1 m equatorial telescope
Location: Vega Observatory - House of Nature Salzburg, Austria
Camera: FLI Microline 16803
Exposure time: 11 x 20min H-Alpha and 42x10min H-Alpha, 52x7min. Luminance, 27x7min.RGB all unbinned, total 26hrs
Data: Rochus Hess, Bernd Wallner, Andreas Riegler, Wolfgang Krispler
Processing: Rochus Hess

Copyright: Rochus Hess larger resolution ... _large.jpg


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Re: Submissions: 2022 June

Post by astrosama » Thu Jun 16, 2022 2:55 pm

Super Strawberry Moon
The Moon rising Over Cairo Nileriver, Egypt 14 June (5:30 UTC )
The Moon Illumination is 99.8 % at distance around 357486 Km from the earth near its perigee so it is called Super Moon

Gears: Nikon Z6 (Mod), RedCat51 250 mm, Samyang 85 mm

1/5, 1/2 , 1/3 sec , ISO 1000, f4.5 Panorama

ImageSuper Strawberry Moon Over Cairo by osama Fathi, on Flickr

Software :
Adobe Photoshop for Color enhancing , HDR, and Panorama

Credite: Osama Fathi

Cairo, Egypt

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Re: Submissions: 2022 June

Post by Joel17 » Thu Jun 16, 2022 4:03 pm

Supermoon of the 14th June setting behind the cathedral of Saint-Gatien in Tours, France
Shot @ 4:47 local time.

ImageSupermoon at Saint-Gatien by Joel Klinger, sur Flickr

Last Thursday's morning, I have been to the Mirabeau bridge in Tours (France) to catch the Moon setting right between the two towers of the Saint-Gatien cathedral. :-D
I had planned the right location to get the Moon exactly in between, and I had to be very quick and precise since the Moon moves really fast (especially when targeted with a 400mm lens!). Actually I should have done this shot the 16th May during the total Moon eclipse, yet the clouds rolled in just during it ... :-|
This picture is a blending of two shots taken in a row - one for the cathedral and one for the Moon (which is far brighter that the building).

Moon: 400mm, 1/500s, f/6.3, ISO100
Cathedral: 400mm, 1/2s, f/6.3, ISO3200

Julien Looten
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Re: Submissions: 2022 June

Post by Julien Looten » Thu Jun 16, 2022 4:31 pm

Super Strawberry Moon (with a small green flash)
Copyright: Looten Julien During the first days of the week, the last full moon of spring was visible, also called "Super Strawberry Moon", a name given by Native Americans because it coincides with the strawberry season.
The Moon was closest to the Earth, it is said to have reached its perigee. It therefore appears brighter and larger than a normal full moon.
. In this photograph, the Moon is behind two wind turbines (which flood the horizon). There is even a "green flash"!
Image taken with a Newton 200/1000 telescope on a Neq6 pro Goto mount.
- France (Arras)
- 06/14/22 - 22h50
- Canon 6d II - one shot
Thank you in advance :)

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Re: Submissions: 2022 June

Post by jarmoruuth » Thu Jun 16, 2022 7:18 pm

Dark nebulas of Chamaeleon I, II & III.

ImageChamaeleon I, II & III by Jarmo Ruuth, on Flickr

Processed from Telescope Live data.
Last edited by jarmoruuth on Thu Jun 16, 2022 7:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Submissions: 2022 June

Post by jarmoruuth » Thu Jun 16, 2022 7:20 pm

Two panel mosaic of Orion belt including Horsehead Nebula and Orion Nebula.

ImageOrion Belt by Jarmo Ruuth, on Flickr

Processed from Telescope Live data.

Manel Martín Folch
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Re: Submissions: 2022 June

Post by Manel Martín Folch » Fri Jun 17, 2022 8:41 am

The colors of the moon.
Image taken with two setups, the luminance with Celestron C8 and zwo 1600mm (180") and the color taken with Takahashi FSQ refractor and zwo 2600mc (180").
Location in Àger on May 11 from the AAS Sabadell observatory.

Manel Martín Folch
Lluna C8 color 2000.jpg

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LoTr5 Planetary Nebula in Coma Berenices

Post by cfm2004 » Fri Jun 17, 2022 7:36 pm

LoTr5 is a large, weak planetary nebula in the constellation of Chioma Berenice. LoTr 5 has the highest galactic latitude of any known planetary nebula, being only 1.5 degrees from the Galactic North Pole.

March 2021/ March 2022
Location: San Romualdo - Ravenna
Technosky Apo 130/900
Avalon M1 - QHY5III 174M on OAG Celestron
CCD QSI 520wsi cooled -20
Astrodon RGB GenII I-Series and Narrowband 5nm Filters
HA-OIII-RGB: H-alpha 44x15min, OIII 35x15min, R 30x5min, G 26x5min, B 30x5min
Acquired: MaximDL5 - Calibrated with Dark, Bias and Flat.
Processing: MaximDL5, Astroart8,Starnet2, Paint Shop Pro2022, Plugin Topaz and Nik.
Cristina Cellini

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Re: Submissions: 2022 June

Post by YSTY » Sat Jun 18, 2022 5:59 am

Hubble 20th Anniversary Image without Hubble palette colors (HOO)


I was curious to see how it will look to get an Hubble image without Hubble palette colors, so I tried an HOO version of the Hubble datas of this legendary target.

Hubble palette is :
R -> Sii
V -> Ha
B -> Oiii

I did :
R -> Ha
V -> Oiii
B -> Oiii

A big part of the work was to enhance the stars by reducing halo and correct some artefacts.

Acknowledgements :

Mutchler, M., Livio, M., Noll, K., Levay, Z., Frattare, L.,
Januszewski, W., Christian, C., Borders, T.


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Re: Submissions: 2022 June

Post by exaxe » Sat Jun 18, 2022 2:19 pm

M108, or the Surfboard Galaxy, is a barred spiral galaxy about 28 million light-years from Earth in the northern constellation Ursa Major.
It was discovered by Pierre Méchain in February 1781. This galaxy is an isolated member of the Ursa Major cluster of galaxies in the Local Supercluster.
It is a barred spiral galaxy with somewhat coiled arms. The galaxy's maximum angular size in the optical band is 11′.1 × 4′.6, and it is tilted 75° to the line of sight. From Earth, this galaxy is seen almost edge-on . It houses about 330 globular clusters.

Materials used:
TN 300f4 on an Atlas (EQ6)
Koma Korrektor Coma Corrector 0.95x
Qhy290MM for luminance :36000x1s
Player one Neptune colorII for color:7200x2s +1000x5s

Copyright:Stephane gonzales

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Re: Submissions: 2022 June

Post by asro8042 » Sat Jun 18, 2022 7:18 pm

A fuzzy bubble in Monoceros- PaRasMoMi-1
Copyright: Jonathan Talbot

A fuzzy bubble of Oxygen III emission lies in Monoceros. This objects is close to the famous Rosette Nebula. PaRasMoMi-1 (PN G 206.2+00.6) is a potential planetary nebula in the constellation Monoceros. It was discovered in April 2021 by Dana Patchick, Sakib Rasool, Sankalp Mohan and Utkarsh Mishra and lies some 5900 light years distant. This object lies close to the Rosette Nebula/NGC 2237 and is around 26 arc minutes in size which is close to the size of the full moon. The area here is full of faint HII emission (red) and an area of faint doubly ionized Oxygen (OIII) emission (blue/green) which exhibits a circular appearance and what looks like a bowshock front. This faint and circular area of OIII emission is the potential planetary nebula. The image was taken during the months of Feb, Mar, and Apr 2022 from my backyard under Bortle 5 skies using a 6" Stellarvue SVX 152T refractor and ZWO ASI 6200 camera. The image is a HOO composite with RGB stars. 36.5hrs of exposure time.

Higher res image here: ... MoMi1.html


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