Where are ANY of the impactors?

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Post by BMAONE23 » Mon Aug 28, 2006 6:04 am

astro_uk wrote: Inventions you may have a point there, if you mean dustbusters or whatever. Perhaps you can name a vital piece of technology from the last 100 years that was invented in someones shed.
Well It wasn't in a shed but the most significant invention ever was created by a man with no formal education. That inventor had no more than 3 months total formal schooling and was home schooled until his parents could no longer answer all his questions concerning mathematics. He was then Self Taught. His name was Thomas Edison and the invention that changed everything was the electric light. (Which eventually became the vaccuum tube that lead to the transistor and onward to the intigrated circuit chips of today.

Oh and the Macintosh was created in a garage

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Post by harry » Mon Aug 28, 2006 6:46 am

Hello All

We should never judge other people.

Both Edison and Einstien suffered from dislexia. Edison had failed his schooling. His mother told him,,,,,,,,,,,,never,,,,,never,,,,,,ever give up, keep trying and than try more and if you think of giving up, turn the other cheek and try again.

So edision tried thousands of times some experiments. His workers would ask. Why try?. we have failed.

Edison would tell them. Look at what we have gained and learnt by trying. These are just stepping stones.

One secret that both had and used is to meditate in the alfa-zone and theta-zone. Extremely powerful in using more of the sub/mind.


Also can we move away from insults and focus on the subjects.
I have enough of this girly discussions with my wife.
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Post by astro_uk » Mon Aug 28, 2006 8:25 am

Edison was a great man, but does not apply in this case for two reasons:

1. The lightbulb was invented more than 100 years ago.

2. He didnt invent it. He merely refined an object that had been investigated for years. Joseph Swan had a working light bulb that used exactly the same approach more than 10 years before Edison, it just wouldnt last as long because of the problems with keeping a good enough vacuum at the time. He also patented a lightbulb 3 years before Edison, which is why Edisons first lightbulb company was "Edison and Swan United Electric Company". Of course Edison has recently been proven to have hidden his knowledge of the prior art during a patent lawsuit with a man called Sawyer.

The Mac is undoubtedly a great piece of technology, Im using one now. But it is not an invention, it was merely a different brand of computer, and of course Steve Wozniak did start at Berkley to study Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences.

I was thinking more along the lines of something truely novel, like the transistor or jet engine.

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Post by astro_uk » Mon Aug 28, 2006 8:55 am

After leading the thread off topic I'll try and bring it back again. :)

You've heard what we believe craterchains, I'd be very interested to hear your theory on what forms craters, if its not comets/asteroids.

If you have a theory it would be great for us to discuss it, maybe we can all learn something new.

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Post by iamlucky13 » Mon Aug 28, 2006 11:37 pm

Craterchains...did you read my earlier post about aerodynamic drag and momentum? I personally thought I explained factors that influence impact velocity pretty well. You don't seem to have come up with any problems in that explanation, but you still reject the idea that a major impactor could be vaporized.

You may find the work of Eugene Shoemaker interesting in regards to identifying meteor craters. The wikipedia article on him is a decent start. Also the article on meteorites has a lot of interesting information on found meteorites.

Also, it's not like we have absolutely no impactors. It's the biggest ones that are missing, which we have explained. Check out these links:

Odessa Crater
Wabar Craters
Willamette Meteorite

I think the Willamette meteorite is particularly interesting because it appears to have been carried several hundred miles by ice age glaciers, a very dramatic example of erosion affecting an impact site. While this is quite large in terms of meteors that have been found, it is much smaller than the impactors that likely formed Barringer and other famous impact craters.

ta152h0, NASA estimates that the earth accumulates around 100 tons per day in mass due to micro-meteorites.
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Post by astro_uk » Tue Aug 29, 2006 7:23 am

Hi iamlucky13

I dont think there's really any point debating this with craterchains, check out the website in his/her/its profile http://www.kingdomofyhwh.com/. Its all in the War in the Heavens bit.

Apparently craters on other planets/moons are due to some war between aliens. I think his/her/its mind is made up on this and a lot of other things.

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Post by iamlucky13 » Tue Aug 29, 2006 6:17 pm

Sweet...did the DC-8's have both rocket engines and bomb-bays?

I honestly thought he had a believable idea like perhaps Shoemaker was wrong and they really are the result of volcanic activity. There's some good "research" on that website though. I quote:
Most will not be able to understand that this Kingdom of the Heavens is an Intergalactic Government. They will not be able to accept that their gods were actually extraterrestrial beings...

With the war in the heavens over, and the losers cast down to earth, we know that the end times are upon us for sure...

...I leave you with this final thought. Do not shoot at the space ships, nor the angels in them...

...All will know that ET and UFO's are very real. And, all will know just where our technological help has been coming from. The bad ET's that were cast down. The losers of that heavenly war.

Oh, but back on topic, I remember reading a news report a couple months ago about an apparent meteor impact or explosion in a remote part of Norway. I haven't heard any updates on whether anyone had located the impact or a blast affected area. Link below.

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Post by astro_uk » Tue Aug 29, 2006 6:31 pm

I know I especially like how its described as "Research" not "mad ravings".

On message though, I think the general explanation for the Tunguska explosion back in 1908 is of a meteor exploding above the ground. Though of course it could have been an alien weapon that went of course. :)

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Post by Martin » Tue Aug 29, 2006 7:13 pm

Maybe if we take all of the myths, religions, legends and science of this world and mix them up in a bowl we could find truths that have been buried, hidden, covered and obscured. Or at least we might find some more science fiction. :wink:

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Post by craterchains » Wed Aug 30, 2006 3:13 am

Yes, I am familiar with drag, weight, density, and so on.
And, yes, the Norway meteor is still a bust on locating it.
Thank you for those links, two we didn't have.
Still on earth though, move on, much more to discover about craters from off planet.

astro and harry
"yawns," Still the same bs games. Don't ask what or I will become indignant. :evil:

You may just find the next thread quite interesting. All are just pieces to the puzzle. :?

Now that I have yah all thinking about craters, lets move on to something a bit more interesting about some craters themselves. Things I personally find mostly intriguing. :D

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Post by astro_uk » Wed Aug 30, 2006 8:59 am

Im sorry craterchains, I just don't see any evidence fo what you suggest. On your site you have two or three pictures (there may be more I didnt search everywhere) that are supposed to look unnatural. Now to my trained I this is simply a perfect example of the human mind looking for order in a random set of points. The fact is, the moon has millions of craters, if you look at them at the right height/angle simple statistics will tell you that some of them will look like they have been arranged.

If you can program at a basic level you can verify this easily, simply write a program that produces randomly arranged circles of a random size. Then examine it dispationately and see how many "false positives" you get, this is the difficult part for such a subjective thing (subconciously you may not be able to do it). This what we do in the world of research to check how much contamination we have in a sample, it effectively acts a control sample.

BTW there's no need to get huffy, the fact is in real science you have to have a very thick skin or you won't get far.

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Post by cosmo_uk » Wed Aug 30, 2006 9:15 am

I'm sorry are these people mentally ill? Aliens? Craters? Whatever next?

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Post by craterchains » Thu Aug 31, 2006 11:39 pm

I haven't suggested anything.
Not sure which site, or subsection, I help manage more than one.
All the rest you posted isn't relevant to discovering the great lack of surviving impactors around our solarsystem, and especially in places where there is very little gravity to do the impacting. :cry:

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Post by astro_uk » Sat Sep 02, 2006 8:54 am

Yes you have suggested something, you have suggested that craters are not formed by impacts of asteroids/comets.

Now that in itself is fine. What is not fine is just stating that and expecting everyone else just to believe you.

You can do yourself a great favour and enhance your standing, all you have to do is offer some evidence. Provide an estimation of the likely hood that these objects are natural (i.e back up you claim that they didnt form naturally), provide the working too.

If you do this and it appears right you will be halfway to proving your claims. Until you can do this, stop wasting everyones time with posts related to these claims.

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Post by orin stepanek » Sat Sep 02, 2006 4:08 pm

Maybe we could make a list of how craters are formed! :?
1 meteorites
2 volcanos
3 sink holes
4 gas rising to surface of molten magma
5 bombs
6 lightning
Feel free to add to the list.

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Post by toejam » Sat Sep 02, 2006 9:51 pm

cosmo_uk wrote:I'm sorry are these people mentally ill? Aliens? Craters? Whatever next?
Probably "Lizard-people". I just left a Forum that was full of them, they said (almost all in Dorset, you better look out!!! ):roll: :D

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Post by craterchains » Sun Sep 03, 2006 12:10 pm

1 meteorites
2 volcanos
3 sink holes
4 gas rising to surface of molten magma
5 bombs
6 lightning

1. meteorites
2. volcanic
3. WMD's or weapons of mass destruction

Sink holes are out for obvious reasons except for the possibility of underground constructs being destroyed by WMD and collapsing.
Lightening is out for obvious reasons also.

The above list, according to earth standards of cratering, should be in this order of listing if one was to list the amount of cratering done by each.
1. WMD
2. Volcanic
3. and meteorites is still mostly assumption on many craters here on earth.

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Post by astro_uk » Sun Sep 03, 2006 1:01 pm

Norval from this quote are we meant to believe that you now accept that craters on other solar system objects are in fact produced by asteroid/comet impacts?
3. and meteorites is still mostly assumption on many craters here on earth.
I'm still waiting for your evidence btw. I guess I'll be waiting a long time.

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Post by craterchains » Sun Sep 03, 2006 2:18 pm


Do your own research, we have. APOD has many resources for great links to orrigional postings of pictures by the agencies that took them. :lol:

I am only questioning the validity that ALL of the craters in our solar system are caused by impactors. :roll:

"It's not what you know, or don't know, but what you know that isn't so that will hurt you." Will Rodgers 1938

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Post by harry » Thu Sep 07, 2006 8:57 am

Hello All

The Largest Impact Crater
What is the largest known impact crater in the Solar System? Over 1300 miles across, the South Pole-Aitken Basin on the farside of Earth's Moon holds that distinction

taken as the Apollo 17 astronauts orbited the Moon in 1972, depicts the stark lunar surface around the Eratosthenes and Copernicus craters
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Post by craterchains » Thu Sep 07, 2006 12:58 pm

, , , and that has to do with what? :roll:

Go ahead and talk about ANYTHING, but the fact there are no impactors showing up in any of the pics from space, hmmmmmm. :?

"It's not what you know, or don't know, but what you know that isn't so that will hurt you." Will Rodgers 1938

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Post by Martin » Thu Sep 07, 2006 4:00 pm

Interesting Craterchains, and what exactly causes you to post replies that imply impactors should be found? :roll:

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Post by Wadsworth » Thu Sep 07, 2006 5:31 pm

craterchains wrote:
but the fact there are no impactors showing up
The impactors are all around us. Did they not bring much of the heavier elements to the earths surface?? Not excluding water?
I could be wrong here, but if comets and asteroids didn't bring these things to us AFTER the earths crust solidified they would only be found close to our core..

If aliens shot earth down there in the Gulf 65 million years ago and killed off the dinosaurs for us, then I think we owe them a thank you.

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Post by BMAONE23 » Thu Sep 07, 2006 9:03 pm

Here is a great image of craters within craters within craters.
http://www.msss.com/mars_images/moc/200 ... 001134.gif

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Post by craterchains » Thu Sep 07, 2006 9:06 pm

, , , right.

Sorry I even mentioned it.

"It's not what you know, or don't know, but what you know that isn't so that will hurt you." Will Rodgers 1938

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