Submission: 2019 April

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Submission: 2019 April

Post by bystander » Mon Apr 01, 2019 4:04 pm


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Re: Submission: 2019 April

Post by Chris-PA » Mon Apr 01, 2019 4:50 pm

Jones-Emberson 1 / PK 164+31.1 / The Headphones Nebula Copyright Christopher Sullivan
Full resolution, equipment and capture data available here:

(To Bystander: The original image I uploaded was 313 kb. 313 < 500. ... hqkGbg.jpg)
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Re: Submission: 2019 April

Post by » Mon Apr 01, 2019 10:56 pm

47 Tucanae or NGC 104

Copyright: Mark Hanson, S. Mazlin, R. Parker ,W. Keller, T. Tse, P. Proulx, R. Vanderbei, M. Elvov; SSRO/PROMPT/CTIO
NGC 104 LRBB70smallAPOD.jpg
47 Tucanae is the second brightest globular cluster after Omega Centauri, and telescopically reveals about ten thousand stars, many appearing within a small dense central core. The cluster may contain an intermediate-mass black hole.

Everything you ever wanted to know about this cluster here: 47 Tucanae

Image taken at SSRO in 2015, 4hours each LRGB

Full and different versions are available here:

Thank you,


Václav Hýža
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Re: Submission: 2019 April

Post by Václav Hýža » Wed Apr 03, 2019 2:14 pm

M45, ISS and Mars
location: Jeseníky Mountains in the Czech republic.
in the picture is: ISS, M45 and Mars.
date: 30.3.2019, 20:59 (Central European Time)
Processing Information: Panorama from 17 shots. 20x Dark Frame, ISO 800, f/2.8, 60 sec. Nikon D500, Tamron 70-200, Star Adventurer.
Full resolution

Efrain Morales
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Sunspot AR2737

Post by Efrain Morales » Wed Apr 03, 2019 6:38 pm

Sunspot AR2737 and some Prominences on April 1st, 18:52ut.

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Re: Submission: 2019 April

Post by Kinch » Wed Apr 03, 2019 6:57 pm

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Re: Submission: 2019 April

Post by DWillasch » Wed Apr 03, 2019 8:16 pm

The Great Carina Nebula in H-alpha and O[3] Mapped Colors
This overwhelming Emission Nebula is surely the crown of the Carina Milky Way, if not of the whole Southern Sky. The central part of the nebula is located around the Keyhole Nebula and the Giant Star Eta Carinae in the center of the image.

For more detailed information see: ... ng=english

Efrem Frigeni
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Re: Submission: 2019 April

Post by Efrem Frigeni » Thu Apr 04, 2019 7:10 am

Details into IC1396
Copyright: Efrem Frigeni ... ed-public/
IC 1396 DETAIL LD.jpg

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Re: Submission: 2019 April

Post by B_Delsaert » Thu Apr 04, 2019 11:58 am

The many galaxies of Abell 2199
Copyright Bart Delsaert
Hi res image: ... 6_lrgb.jpg


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Re: Submission: 2019 April

Post by HHV » Thu Apr 04, 2019 4:39 pm

Intermediate-luminosity red transient in Messier 51 found:

A quite new phenomenon - see the article: ... Transients

I've used images from 2017 and recently taken in 2019 to mark the ILRT:

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Re: Submission: 2019 April

Post by tango33 » Thu Apr 04, 2019 8:44 pm


A few new images....

Full resolution:


Kfir Simon

The Cone nebula in closeup:


The "Fisher King" nebula


The Tarantula nebula - RGB


The Tarantula nebula - Narrowband


NGC 2247 region:


NGC 1555:


NGC 5189:


Messier 33 closeup:


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The Polar Hunter

Post by rechejaro » Thu Apr 04, 2019 9:53 pm

This shot was captured in the Sierra Nevada National Park, in Granada. A mountain chain in the south of the Iberian Peninsula with peaks above 11,000 feet. The abandoned astronomical observatory of Mojón del Trigo (1902) also appears in the background.
Polar _Hunter_APODsubmission.jpg
Image Credit & Copyright: Antonio Román Reche (Sociedad Astronómica Granadina, SAG) Acknowledgment to VeraGAZ Team (G. Román; S. Alonso).

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Re: Submission: 2019 April

Post by G.Chatzifrantzis » Fri Apr 05, 2019 11:12 am

M82 Cigar Galaxy

Equipment :
OTA : Meade 14 SCT & C11 XLT
Mount : Skywatcher EQ8 & EQ6
Camera : Atik 460ex & 460exc
Filters : Astronomik cls ,Baader Ha
Guiding : OAG via Lodestar X2

Software : Dss - Pix - Ps

Exposure :
Ha : 11h15min
L : 5h30min
RGB : 2h

Location : Greece

Photographer : George Chatzifrantzis
m82 Final sm.jpg

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Re: Submission: 2019 April

Post by f.lorand » Fri Apr 05, 2019 6:41 pm

Cigar Galaxy - in natural RGB
Copyright: Lóránd Fényes

hi-res image: ... es_m82.jpg

300/1200 Newtonian
Fornax 52
Televue Paracorr Type-II
140 x 360 LRGB
27 x 900 Ha
Balatonalmádi, Hungary

Hermann von Eiff
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Re: Submission: 2019 April

Post by Hermann von Eiff » Fri Apr 05, 2019 8:43 pm

Abell 1656 - Coma galaxy cluster
Copyright: Hermann von Eiff
Herchenhainer Höhe, Vogelsberg Germany
Date: 2019.03.29
Telescope: Astro-Physics Starfire EDF 155 mm
Camera: Canon 5D Mark II with Baader UV/IR filter
75 x 5 minutes at ISO 1600
Image processing with PixInsight and Photoshop CC


Re: Submission: 2019 April

Post by musubk » Sat Apr 06, 2019 7:04 am

These are some shots taken early this morning (April 06) of the AZURE (Auroral Zone Upwelling Rocket Experiment) rocket launch from Andøya Space Center, Norway. I was a scientist working with this launch and took these from nearby Alomar Observatory. Briefly, the AZURE mission used sounding rockets to release these glowing tracer clouds in the upper atmosphere, from around 100km to up to 250km altitude. Observers at the ground sites (like me) then use optical instruments - which are mostly off-the-shelf dSLR cameras - to track the way the clouds move over the next ~30 minutes. This allows investigators to learn about the winds and magnetic fields at these altitudes.

As a bonus, it also looks spectacular.

ImageLights in the sky by Jason Ahrns, on Flickr

ImageLights in the sky by Jason Ahrns, on Flickr

ImageAzure rocket #2 by Jason Ahrns, on Flickr

There is also a short timelapse video of the clouds being deployed and evolving here -

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The Vela Supernova Remnant

Post by Astroshed » Sat Apr 06, 2019 9:23 am

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Colourful Apennines

Post by Astroshed » Sat Apr 06, 2019 9:25 am

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Post by litobrit » Sat Apr 06, 2019 9:59 am

10 hours of Ha OIII RVB with ASA20 of Chilescope
The full is here ... hqkGbg.jpg
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Maicon Germiniani
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Re: Submission: 2019 April

Post by Maicon Germiniani » Sun Apr 07, 2019 8:02 pm

Maicon Germiniani
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Re: Submission: 2019 April

Post by Maicon Germiniani » Sun Apr 07, 2019 8:03 pm

The King Cluster!

Omega Centauri

[img3]ImageOmega Centauri NGC 5139 by maicon germiniani, no Flickr[/img3]

Maicon Germiniani
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Re: Submission: 2019 April

Post by Maicon Germiniani » Sun Apr 07, 2019 8:04 pm

Jewels of southern sky

[img3]ImageRunning Chicken Nebula by maicon germiniani, no Flickr[/img3]

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Re: Submission: 2019 April

Post by astroavani » Mon Apr 08, 2019 3:42 am

This may seem like a simple picture, but in fact, besides counting on luck, it had to be very well planned.
Planned to catch the precise moment the HD 168233, of magnitude +9.25, was exactly between the ring of Saturn and the globe of the planet. A little before, or shortly after, she would be covered up. . .
To count on luck, so that the atmospheric conditions would allow the capture at the exact moment. . .
The truth is, luck always provides persistence, and persistence can bring us unusual results.

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Re: Submission: 2019 April

Post by astroavani » Mon Apr 08, 2019 3:48 am

Mars this year gave a real Show. . .
That being so, I could not fail to register it.
This composition, made with an approximate interval of 10 to 15 days between the photos, starts on July 31 when the planet reaches the largest apparent diameter (24.3 "arc) and ends on December 5 when it was with only 8.9 "of arc.
Three things are quite evident in such a work: first, the sharp reduction of the diameter as the planet departs; secondly, the phase decrease as it approaches the quadrature and, finally, the marked reduction of the Southern Polar Cap, which, in the last photo, is reduced to a small point. . .
Like Nike the Greek Goddess of Victory, the source of my inspiration, Mars has won my expectations, won my longings and brought me the feeling of having witnessed an unforgettable epic event. . .
"The planetary arrangement was inspired in the shape of the wing of the Nike Goddess"

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