My "BSN"...with my Celestron Evolution 6. Taken with my Meade DSI 2 color camera, with 2x Barlow lens. It was the first time I had seen it... I think it turned out great for a first time shot. These are 8 or 9, 8 second frames, stacked in Registax 6.
I'd had a boot error, and today got the PC connector cable for the hand controller. It worked fine with my USB to RS-232 male adapter.
Took it out to test the scope, perfect night, but a tad chill in the air... got a not so good shot of Mars, maybe it was the other side of the planet or something, the 8" LX-90 Scope got a clearer image. Maybe it was just a sudden up surge in the storm???
Any who... got this shot of the BSN and called it a good night out.
Thanks for dropping by....
:---[===] *