STScI: JWST Early Science Observations Revealed

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STScI: JWST Early Science Observations Revealed

Post by bystander » Mon Nov 13, 2017 4:42 pm

James Webb Space Telescope Early Science Observations Revealed
NASA | GSFC | STScI | HubbleSite | 2017 Nov 13
Astronomers around the world will have immediate access to early data from specific science observations from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, which will be completed within the first five months of Webb’s science operations. These observing programs were chosen from a Space Telescope Science Institute call for early release science proposals, and include examining Jupiter and its moons, searching for organic molecules forming around infant stars, weighing supermassive black holes lurking in galactic cores, and hunting for baby galaxies born in the early universe. ...

The resulting observations will comprise the Director’s Discretionary Early Release Science (DD-ERS), and cover the gamut of Webb science targets, from planets in our solar system to the most distant galaxies. The program provides the entire scientific community with immediate access to Webb data so they have the opportunity to analyze the data and plan follow-up observations. ...

The observations will also exercise all four of Webb’s science instruments, so that the astronomical community can explore Webb’s full potential. Webb has a minimum scientific lifetime of five years, so the scientific community will have to rapidly learn to use its advanced capabilities. ...
Credit: NASA, ESA, and A. Feild (STScI)
Credit: NASA, ESA, and A. Feild (STScI)
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Re: STScI: JWST Early Science Observations Revealed

Post by sallyseaver » Mon Nov 13, 2017 7:51 pm

The potential for images from the James Webb Space Telescope is very exciting. I am especially interested in more detailed images of young star objects and galaxies.

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