Submissions: 2016 July

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Submissions: 2016 July

Post by bystander » Fri Jul 01, 2016 4:32 am


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Re: Submissions: 2016 July

Post by moonrocks » Fri Jul 01, 2016 12:32 pm

URL of website, ... our/web-3/
Copyright: Paul C Swift

ImageDWB111 Propeller Nebula in narrowband by Paul C. Swift, on Flickr

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Re: Submissions: 2016 July

Post by Lukasz83 » Fri Jul 01, 2016 12:50 pm

Sun shield in different light bands (CaK, H-alpha and white light)

All material/data collected 24th of May 2016 when we had quite big and interesting sunspot (active region) on the Sun shield.
This region is clearliy visible in CaK light.

Photo is composition of three bands put together in editing program.


Link to full resolution:

Telescopes: Lunt 60 CaK B600, Soligor 500/5,6, Lunt Solar System LS50Tha PT
Camera: Point Grey Chameleon 3 Mono
Mount: Celestron CG-5 ... =3&theater

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The Summer Triangle- Re: Submissions: 2016 July

Post by cosmicwreckingball » Fri Jul 01, 2016 4:22 pm

"The Summer Triangle"

Click here for HD version:

Just stop for a second and look up.

Look at all those points of light. Stars, some Suns like our own, some 100 times the size of our own. Scientists now believe most stars host planets, and even some are capable of containing life.

This makes me feel very tiny, yet so connected.

The Summer Triangle is an "asterism" including the brightest three stars in the constellations Aquila, Cygnus, and Lyra. The stars Altair, Deneb, and Vega usher in the summer Milky Way. The best view of our our galactic core as we swing around on the Orion arm or "Orion Spur", as it's often called. We’re located close to the inner rim of this spiral arm, about halfway along its length. From the constellation Sagittarius at its apex to Cassiopeia at the base, the photo highlights our edge on view of the Milky Way Galaxy.

Photo details:
72 photos stacked and stitched taken with a star tracker (6 photos per 12 panels) and 3 minutes of integration at ISO 800 with a 50mm lens. Calibrated and stacked in Pixinsight. Stitched and exported in PS. Taken during the last quarter moon at Fall Creek Falls State Park. A few clouds streamed overhead and left their mark on the photo, but I felt it added a bit of weight to the photo.


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Re: Submissions: 2016 July

Post by Bi2L » Sat Jul 02, 2016 5:16 am

Moon occults Aldebaran

Minutes just before the Occultation the Waning Crescent Moon is approaching Aldebaran near the crater Pythagoras!

Canon eos 700D, Takahashi Toa 130 Apo, 1000mm, f/7.7, Astrotech Flattener, iso100

Astronomic Society of Corfu

Moon 26,95 days old
distance 365765km
Aldebaran distance 65 light years
05:03UT+3, 02 July 2016

Moon meets Aldebaran above the monastery of Vlacherna, Corfu

Just above the old monastery of Vlacherna, near Pontikonisi Corfu and a little before the Occultation, we can Moon and Aldebaran together with all the Hyades, the half-sisters to the Pleiades and the head of the constellation of Taurus, the bull.

Canon eos 5D mk2, ef 100-400 is usm, 160mm, iso800, 5sec
Moon meets Aldebaran above the monastery of Vlacherna, Corfu
Moon meets Aldebaran above the monastery of Vlacherna, Corfu
Moon occults Aldebaran
Moon occults Aldebaran

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Re: Submissions: 2016 July

Post by varadinagypal » Sat Jul 02, 2016 8:24 am

The Light of the Core
(crop from a 3 panel mosaic at 50mm f/2.2, 2-3 min subs, Canon 1100D mod, Namibia)
Copyright: Pál VÁRADI NAGY
Larger resolution: ... inal_3.jpg

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Re: Submissions: 2016 July

Post by Erictheastrojunkie » Sun Jul 03, 2016 12:54 am

Gate to the Sawtooths
URL of website:
Copyright: Eric Benedetti
Link to fullsize image: ... /lightbox/

This is a shot taken just outside Stanley, Idaho looking towards the Sawtooth Mountains, the airglow that night was by far the most intense I've ever imaged. A total of 12 shots went into this, two rows of 6, shot with a Nikon D600 and Rokinon 24mm f1.4 lens on an iOptron Skytracker mount (turned on for the row of sky shots, off for foreground shots). Each shot is a 3 minute exposure at f2 and ISO 800, after taking the first shots I thought there was something wrong with my camera settings or the sensor, each image was coming out so green and washed out. When I imported for post processing it dawned on me that the sky was actually just exploding with airglow.
This second image was taken a little bit later that night about 5 miles away at Redfish Lake.

Fullsize: ... /lightbox/

This one is 3 rows of 5 images, same settings as before:

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Re: Submissions: 2016 July

Post by MaPa » Sun Jul 03, 2016 10:42 am

Who is hiding behind that dust there in the galaxy center ?
Copyright: MArcin PAciorek Better resolution: ... r_1800.jpg

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Re: Submissions: 2016 July

Post by ildiora » Sun Jul 03, 2016 6:15 pm

Relfected Rainbows Above Vajont Dam, Italy

Copyright: Pictores Caeli as follow
Dario Giannobile (
Giorgia Hofer (
Marco Meniero (
Marcella Giulia Peace (
On May 2016, Pictores Caeli Team have taken a extraordinary picture on Reflection Rainbows above the Vajont Dam: it come as no surprise that rainbows can be seen reflected in water, but more interesting are rainbows from light which has first been reflected off a lake before reaching drops. In this case two arcs are possible: direct rainbow and a reflected, inverted, bow. This means that under conditions of low sun and calm water, a rain sheet is exposed to two suns almost equale brightness. As conseguence two sets of rainbows are created about the two antisolar points. Pictores Caeli Team is an association founded by four friends who share a passion for artistic astrophotography.

EPOD of June 29th 2016

as described in EPOD site:

"It's sometimes easy to misinterpret optical phenomena, especially if a long focus lens is used or if the perspective is unexpected. The photo above is such an example. The colors and color repetition appear to be some sort of corona, but what we're actually seeing is a rainbow. In fact, we see parts of two primary rainbows; the top portion of a normal rainbow and a reflected rainbow -- likely reflected from the water impounded by the dam at the bottom. The Sun was evidently near the horizon when the photo was snapped.

In essence, the Sun has reflected off smooth lake water, and the upward going reflected rays have formed a second rainbow that's centered on a point the same distance above the horizon as the Sun. The normal primary rainbow is centered on the antisolar point below the horizon. If the photo had been taken at exactly sunset, these two points and their corresponding rainbows would have overlapped. However, since it was taken shortly before sunset, the two bows are just slightly separated. Photo taken on May 2, 2016, at Vajont Dam in Italy. To learn more about rainbows see Les Cowley's Atmospheric Optics."

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Re: Submissions: 2016 July

Post by LuigiF » Sun Jul 03, 2016 11:53 pm

Moon approaching Aldebaran

A few minutes before the grazing occultation of Aldebaran by the Moon.
07-02-2016 Monte Pollino (Potenza) - Italy
Canon 650D and Tele Lens Canon EF200mm f/2.8L II USM (f/2.8 - 0.8 sec)
Star Party del Pollino
Photographer: Luigi Fiorentino

link Full Res ... ed-public/

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Re: Submissions: 2016 July

Post by michele.gz » Mon Jul 04, 2016 8:21 am

Milky Way over Trave
Portonovo bay, Italy
Copyright: Michele Guzzini & Michele Montanari

The Trave (literally "girder") is a natural rock that extends for over one kilometer from the Conero reef to the sea. The building is an abandoned human construction used for fishing in the past.
The way to reach this location is very hard and risky due to the common landslides of the clay reef. To achieve this results we had to plan the photo session during a perfect clear sky night, after a rainy day, on 14 June 2016, we was lucky to find a window of pristine sky just after the moonset and after the storm passed by.
The image is the result of 60 shots for a total integration time of 40 minutes. Acquired with Nikon D800, 14-24 F2.8 and our DIY star tracker.


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Re: Submissions: 2016 July

Post by AlexMaragos » Mon Jul 04, 2016 10:09 am

The Milky Way rise in green Airglow last night over the Peloponnese peninsula at the Corinthian Gulf in southern Greece.
Copyright: Alexandros Maragos
The Milky Way and green Airglow over Peloponnese by Alexandros Maragos, on Flickr
Last edited by AlexMaragos on Mon Jul 04, 2016 2:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Submissions: 2016 July

Post by canopia » Mon Jul 04, 2016 12:44 pm

Aldebaran occultation at sunrise
Copyright: Tunç Tezel

The most recent Aldebaran occultation was visible from my hometown Bursa, Turkey around sunrise on 2nd July 2016, so I was ready to catch it at the rooftop of our apartment block. Like with earlier similar occultations, I used my trusty 8" SCT to see the event. The disappearance was actually 13 minutes after the theoretical sunrise, but the Sun did not peek above the higher hills in the ENE direction until a minute after the disappearance of Aldebaran. Thankfully the sky was nice and clear, so it was easy to follow the event in the blue skies of early morning.

This image shows how Aldebaran looked to advance closer and closer to the crescent before the disappearance. Of course, the Moon was drifting to the east to cover Aldebaran. I shot the 7 individual pictures every 2~3 minutes with the 8" SCT and then put them together to get this multi-exposure picture.

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Re: Submissions: 2016 July

Post by marion165 » Mon Jul 04, 2016 2:20 pm

Fireflies and the Flower Patch
Copyright: Marion Haligowski

ImageFireflies and the Flower Patch by Marion Haligowski, on Flickr

A circumpolar star trail was imaged above a field of wildflowers in Lancaster, PA. The firefly activity this evening was amazing! I especially like the loop made by the firefly near the center of the image. The photo was made of 130 twenty second exposures taken with a Canon T6s and a Canon 8-15 mm f/4L lens. (ISO 400, 9mm, f/4.0) The images were stacked using StarStaX.

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Pipe nebula

Post by alcarreño » Mon Jul 04, 2016 5:19 pm

Copyrights : Raul Villaverde Fraile
ImageLA PIPA by Raul Villaverde, en Flickr

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Re: Submissions: 2016 July

Post by shtutik » Mon Jul 04, 2016 9:29 pm

Silver forest(noctilucent clouds)

Author's site:
Copyright: Yuri Zvezndy


Author's site:
Copyright: Yuri Zvezndy

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Re: Submissions: 2016 July

Post by astrochuck » Mon Jul 04, 2016 9:56 pm

Rho Ophiuchi Nebula (IC4604) & friends
copyright: Chuck Manges


Rho Ophiuchi by Chuck Manges, on Flickr

15 panel mosaic-
15x120sec each panel
QHY23M w/Baader Luminance Filter
11" Celestron EdgeHD w/Hyperstar

Color (RGB) data from a single image
4x1200 sec
55mm Canon Lens

There are so many interesting targets in this area in addition to the rho Ophi nebula(upper left). Reflection nebula IC4603, globulars NGC6144 & M4 to name a few

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Re: Submissions: 2016 July

Post by Andromeda 2013 » Tue Jul 05, 2016 4:58 am

M-8 Lagoon Nebula
Lower right M-8 Lagoon Nebula
Upper left M-20 Trifid Nebula
C-11 CGEM-DX Canon 6d Baader Mod
F/2 Hyperstar
lps2 filter
140 lights 20 sec 800 iso
40 darks
40 bias
12 flats
46 minutes 25 seconds total exposure time.
stacked in deepsky stacker 3.3.4
targets to the south just over the roof tops.

clink on link for larger version
Copyright: Daniel Pasternak
daniel pasternak.jpg

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Re: Submissions: 2016 July

Post by astrometbcn » Tue Jul 05, 2016 5:51 am

The veil complex.jpg

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NGC6164/6165 HaOiiiRGB

Post by rickstevenson » Tue Jul 05, 2016 10:54 am

Last edited by rickstevenson on Tue Jul 05, 2016 11:00 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Submissions: 2016 July

Post by moonrocks » Tue Jul 05, 2016 10:57 am

"Stained glass in Cygnus"

URL of website, ... 2000px.jpg
Copyright: Paul C Swift

ImageE mission nebula in the constellation Cygnus by Paul C. Swift, on Flickr
Last edited by moonrocks on Tue Jul 05, 2016 2:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Submissions: 2016 July

Post by Rafeee » Tue Jul 05, 2016 2:05 pm

Milky way with lightning and meteor

copyright: Rafael Schmall
Large version:

A lonely storm under the Milky Way, and a lucky catch... a bright fireball appeared. How about red sprites? Maybe next time...

This is a single shot with Canon 6D + Canon 28-105 USM (ISO8000, f3.5, 28mm, 20sec)
I take this picture from the Zselic Observatory's 25 meter tall tower.

Rafael Schmall
Hungary, Somogy, Zselic Observatory

Jonathan Rosenberry

Re: Submissions: 2016 July

Post by Jonathan Rosenberry » Tue Jul 05, 2016 6:48 pm

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Re: Submissions: 2016 July

Post by Bi2L » Tue Jul 05, 2016 9:49 pm

Waxing Crescent Moon 1,39 days old!!!

Waning crescent moon above Diapontia islands of Greece, Northwest Corfu, Greece.
This capture was an almost seen Moon through camera, it wan't visible with naked eyes. It took a while till I found it.

Canon eos 700D, SW ED80, 600mm, f/7,5, iso800, 1/15sec

2nd image
If you can't found it in almost in the centre of the orange line, just between the "blue cloud" and the "Red cloud"
Canon eos 700D, 100-400 is usm, 100mm, iso800, f/4,5, 1/200sec
Waxing Crescent Moon 1,39 days old!!!
Waxing Crescent Moon 1,39 days old!!!
Waxing Crescent Moon 1,39 days old!!!
Waxing Crescent Moon 1,39 days old!!!

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Re: Submissions: 2016 July

Post by Rafeee » Wed Jul 06, 2016 1:07 pm


copyright: Rafael Schmall
Large version:

"The 8 night project". It is very hard, to gather 22,5 hour light from this nebula in this Summer.

Constellation: Cepheus
Object: NGC 7023

Image Details:
166 x 480 sec - 22,5 hours~ / ISO800 / f4 / 800mm

Telescope: Skywatcher Quattro 200mm f/4 Carbon
Camera: Canon EOS1100D - fullspectrum
Guiding: Lacerta Standalone MGen
Filter: Astronomik IR/UV block
Mount: AZ-EQ-6 Pro GT

Processing: Nebulosity and Photoshop
Darks and Flats applied

Rafael Schmall
Hungary, Somogy, Zselic Observatory

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