This guy’s star was in Lynx. Unfortunately, Lynx was low in the sky, over suburban lights, and the Moon was waxing gibbous. I am unfamiliar with Lynx, and there was no way I would be able to star hop the constellation under those conditions. The amateur roboscope on hand was not equipped to locate arbitrary coordinates. (The observatory scope could not be used because the recalibration for public viewing was cannibalizing to much research time.) After diplomatically cautioning the guest that the ISR was not an official agency, I told him to return in a couple of months—if public night was scheduled on a moonless night—when Lynx would be higher in the sky.
The guy never showed up again, or if he did, he did not seek me out again.
Then I ran into this video. Skip to 17:52 for the relevant scene; I cannot figure out how post a start time in the video window.