Submissions: 2015 August

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Re: Submissions: 2015 August

Post by Sergio » Sat Aug 15, 2015 9:49 pm

NGC 6200 in Ara

NGC 6200 is an loose open star cluster located in the north-west area of the southern constellation of Ara. Lying in the plane of our Milky Way, this cluster barely stand out because the surrounding star background. The presence of nine OB stars makes NGC 6200 an interesting object for investigation.
There are not much color pictures of this object available, so it was an interesting target to image from my light polluted backyard in Buenos Aires suburbs.

More info at

Cheers to all !!
8" Orion Optics UK; TV Paracorr; QSI 583 WS, SW NEQ6
8" Orion Optics UK; TV Paracorr; QSI 583 WS, SW NEQ6

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Milky Way and Perseids

Post by avdhoeven » Sat Aug 15, 2015 10:49 pm

A horizon to horizon view of the Milky Way taken in Germany at the night of the Perseid maximum.

Milky Way with Perseids - Neroth, Germany by Andre van der Hoeven, on Flickr

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Re: Submissions: 2015 August

Post by goldpaintphoto » Sat Aug 15, 2015 11:43 pm

Perseid Meteor Shower
This is a composite of all the meteors captured on August 13, 2015 from Mount Shasta, CA.
Copyright: Brad Goldpaint
Last edited by goldpaintphoto on Sun Aug 16, 2015 12:03 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Submissions: 2015 August

Post by mdieterich » Sat Aug 15, 2015 11:50 pm


The morning of Thursday August 13th the Perseid Meteor shower peaked. The alignment of our Milky Way was situated perfectly vertical over Mount Rainier, an active volcano so I can capture both the Milky Way and Perseids in this shot. ... #h536f4f8d


Matt Dieterich
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Re: Submissions: 2015 August

Post by behyar » Sun Aug 16, 2015 12:16 am

Cygnus Wide Field
Copyright: Behyar Bakhshandeh

Wide field of Cygnus around Sadr in narrowband

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Re: Submissions: 2015 August

Post by Astromontufar » Sun Aug 16, 2015 5:41 am

Green Halo over the Moon's edge

Photo taken 11/17/2013, re processed today.

Using a reflector 4" telescope without eyepiece and manual support.

1/5s - iso 800

Copyright: Sergio Montúfar
Moon Halo.jpg
Sergio Emilio Montúfar Codoñer

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Aurora Australis

Post by philhart » Sun Aug 16, 2015 10:20 am

We got a treat last night - New Moon, clear skies and a KP7 display of Aurora Australis!

Only my second time capturing the southern version and the first time I have managed it from my home in Mount Glasgow, central Victoria (north of Ballarat) at latitude 37 degrees South.
Pointers, Southern Cross and Coalsack at right, Large Magellenic Cloud at left. ... /i-ZHqxX83


Greg Parker

Kemble's Cascade wide-field

Post by Greg Parker » Sun Aug 16, 2015 4:15 pm

A pair of Canon 200mm prime lenses with M26C 10-Megapixel OSC CCDs grabbed this wide-field image of the Kemble's Cascade region last night.
Higher resolution can be found here:

Greg Parker
New Forest Observatories
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Greg Parker

Supernumerary Rainbow

Post by Greg Parker » Sun Aug 16, 2015 6:03 pm

Double and Supernumerary rainbows over the New Forest Observatories:
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Post by conemmil » Sun Aug 16, 2015 9:46 pm

Last week there was a very intense storm passing by from the city of Thessaloniki slowly but with many thunders going very fast to the ground. I have never seen this speed before and also the number of them in time. Me and my wife, were driving to get some night burgers and I was seeing the flashes in nearby buildings looking very odd because of their speed. Finally we found a spot over a bridge and setup the camera to capture the magnificent view while beeing both thrilled and scared!
Clear skies
Constantine Emmanouilidi
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Re: Submissions: 2015 August

Post by MalcolmPark » Mon Aug 17, 2015 3:05 am

From Starfest, Canada's largest annual starparty and amateur astronomy conference, this is a composite of the Perseid meteor shower showing just the brightest meteors.
An 8mm lens was used on a full frame DSLR camera.
Images captured overnight Aug 12-13 from a dark sky location 2 hours north west of Toronto, Canada.
Two Starfesters (including the photographer) are illuminated by the lcd screen of a DSLR
North is at the bottom, where the aurora can be seen glowing purple and green.

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Re: Submissions: 2015 August

Post by Astromontufar » Mon Aug 17, 2015 4:43 am

Rings of Glory / Brocken Spectre

Above Santa María Volcano, Guatemala.

Copyright: Sergio Montúfar
Sergio Emilio Montúfar Codoñer

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Re: Submissions: 2015 August

Post by astrosirius » Mon Aug 17, 2015 9:42 am

The Triangulum Galaxy Messier 33

Mount: Lomsandy G11 Gemini II (Ovision+Dec)
Telescope: Takahashi Epsilon 180ED f/2.8
Camera: Canon 5D MarkII mod.
Exposure: 35x300sec ISO 800
Guided: MiniTelescope Orion 50 + QHY5
Filter: Without
Software: APT Astrophotografy Tools + Pixinsight 1.8

Lluís Romero Ventura

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Re: Submissions: 2015 August

Post by astrosirius » Mon Aug 17, 2015 9:47 am

Among Oaks

Place: from 3 Km from the Berga City, Barcelona Province.
Exposure: 1 x 20 sec, f/2.8 at ISO 3200
Best Regards
Lluis Romero
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Re: Submissions: 2015 August

Post by astrosirius » Mon Aug 17, 2015 9:49 am

Lluís Romero Ventura

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Re: Submissions: 2015 August

Post by alfredoxa » Mon Aug 17, 2015 11:48 am

Heart Nebula (IC 1805 and IC 1848) are two nebulae in the constellation Cassiopeia at 7500 light years away. Ionization source are the stars of young open cluster Melotte 15 (image center) located inside and have formed therein. These stars ionize the hydrogen and make the nebula shine with reddish light. One of them, the HD15570 is considered one of the more massive and bright stars of the entire Milky Way with a light 3 million times that of our Sun and about 100 times more massive. At the top we see a Perseid meteor pointed directly at the radiant, a little higher in the constellation Perseus, which is very close.

La nebulosa corazón (IC 1805 e IC 1848) son dos nebulosas en la constelación de Casiopea a 7500 años luz de distancia. Su fuente de ionización son las estrellas del joven cúmulo abierto Melotte 15 (centro de la imagen) situadas en su interior y que se han formado en ella. Estas estrellas ionizan el hidrógeno de la nebulosa y hacen que brille con luz rojiza. Una de ellas , la HD15570 es considerada una de las estrellas más masivas y luminosas de toda la Vía Láctea con una luminosidad 3 millones de veces la de nuestro Sol y unas 100 veces más masiva. En la parte superior vemos una perseida apuntando directamente al radiante, un poco más arriba en la constelación de Perseo que está muy cerca.

ImageHeart nebula and Perseid meteor by Alfredo Madrigal, en Flickr

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Re: Submissions: 2015 August

Post by giannikrattli » Mon Aug 17, 2015 1:16 pm


The Milky Way galaxy above the Glarus Alps in Switzerland on August 12th 2015. The narrow valley framed our galaxy.
In the picture you can see two pulsar stars I guess.

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Re: Submissions: 2015 August

Post by mftoet » Mon Aug 17, 2015 8:09 pm

Lynds Dark Nebula 1235 and Van den Bergh 149 & 150

Captured with a Takahashi Epsilon-180ED and Atik 11000 CCD camera over several nights from August 7 to 13.
An annotated version can be found on my website.
Due to its shape, LDN 1235 is sometimes unofficially called the dark shark.
Copyright: Maurice Toet
Last edited by mftoet on Tue Aug 18, 2015 7:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Submissions: 2015 August

Post by c3dr1c » Mon Aug 17, 2015 9:31 pm

14/08/2015 Évora - Portugal

Full Resolution: Plêiades

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Re: Submissions: 2015 August

Post by c3dr1c » Mon Aug 17, 2015 9:45 pm

Perseid - Green Tail
Full Resolution: Perseid
Évora - Portugal

Josh Smith
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Re: Submissions: 2015 August

Post by Josh Smith » Tue Aug 18, 2015 3:21 am

Imagelbn 437 by Onejoshsmith, on Flickr

ImageLBN 437 cropped framed by Onejoshsmith, on Flickr

copyright: Josh Smith
Last edited by Josh Smith on Tue Aug 18, 2015 3:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: Submissions: 2015 August

Post by musubk » Tue Aug 18, 2015 7:48 am

ImageNoctilucent Clouds and Aurora over Twelvemile Summit by Jason Ahrns, on Flickr

Photographer/Submitter: Jason Ahrns

This is a composite of 367 individual photos, with each photo getting about 16 pixels worth of the final image. It spans about 3 hours, with time increasing as you go right-to-left. The noctilucent clouds streak across the image towards the top left, and the green bars near the top right are aurorae.

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Re: Submissions: 2015 August

Post by marctoso » Tue Aug 18, 2015 12:49 pm

The Grand Teton and Perseid
Copyright: Marc Toso I made it up to the Tetons for the peak night of the Perseid meteor shower. We hiked up to the summit of Table Mountain on the western side of the Teton range and set up the camera for an all night long time-lapse.
I was lucky to catch a meteor right over the summit of the Grand Teton. This is an image of two blended photographs. Since it was pitch black with a new moon I took a photo right at sunset and blended it with a photo of a meteor which shot over the Grand around 2am.
Over several hours we watched around 2 dozen meteors shoot across the sky.

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Re: Submissions: 2015 August

Post by zema88 » Tue Aug 18, 2015 1:48 pm

Milky way mirror
Copyright: Paolo Demaria
Canon Eos6D, Samyang 14mm f/2.8, 30s, 3200 ISO, single shot. Valle Stura, Cuneo, Italy.
Full resolution:

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