Submissions: 2015 May

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Re: Submissions: 2015 May

Post by Wolfgang » Tue May 05, 2015 10:19 am

Antares Region
Copyright: Wolfgang Promper[/i]

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Re: Submissions: 2015 May

Post by Wolfgang » Tue May 05, 2015 10:21 am

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Re: Submissions: 2015 May

Post by Wolfgang » Tue May 05, 2015 10:22 am

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Re: Submissions: 2015 May

Post by Wolfgang » Tue May 05, 2015 10:24 am

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Re: Submissions: 2015 May

Post by Wolfgang » Tue May 05, 2015 10:26 am

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Re: Submissions: 2015 May

Post by Wolfgang » Tue May 05, 2015 10:27 am

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Re: Submissions: 2015 May

Post by Wolfgang » Tue May 05, 2015 10:29 am

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Re: Submissions: 2015 May

Post by Wolfgang » Tue May 05, 2015 10:30 am

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Re: Submissions: 2015 May

Post by novik » Tue May 05, 2015 11:51 am

Sh2-240 (Simeis 147)
Copyrights: Viktor Linnik and Alexander Radionov
Full size: ... 5229d4.jpg
Last edited by novik on Wed May 06, 2015 9:20 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Submissions: 2015 May

Post by thomas_appere » Wed May 06, 2015 6:43 am

The canyons and hills of Mount Sharp - Gale crater, Mars

Mosaic of MastCam 100mm pictures taken by Curiosity rover on sol 952 at 11h00 local time.
This image shows stratified hills of Mount Sharp carved by canyons.
Colors were adjusted for a more natural look.
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS/Thomas Appéré


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Re: Submissions: 2015 May

Post by vanamonde81 » Wed May 06, 2015 11:00 am

Crescent Moonrise over Budapest
Copyright: György Soponyai


On 1st December 2013 the dawn sky promised a wonderful phenomena with the rising crescent Moon (43 hours before New Moon phase), Saturn and Mercury. Three days after the perihelion of comet ISON - I had been planning to capture this photo for a long time. ISON had disintegrated during the rendezvous with the Sun however the "remaining" scene was still marvelous with the rising Budapest in the foreground. The bank of river Danube with the Chain Bridge (Lánchíd - the oldest bridge of the city) is an UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Photo details:
2013.12.01. Budapest
Canon EOS 5D Mark II + Canon EF 50/1.4
5 sec, F8, ISO 400

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Re: Submissions: 2015 May

Post by amyth91 » Wed May 06, 2015 11:39 am

Parallel Worlds

copyright : Amit Kamble Photography (Amit Kamble Photography -, Auckland Astronomical Society -

Can i jump in the water and be in a parallel world ? Sure, looks like it, would have tried, but the pool wasn't deep enough. That night was surprisingly calm and just before the water rushed in to disturb the pool, i managed to get the reflections. Being there, one could easily see the milkyway reflecting in the water.

This is a 2 x 2 panorama shot from Pakiri Beach back in February. Pakiri Beach is an amazing dark spot around Auckland region, the light pollution from auckland is blocked by pakiri hills which lets you enjoy the milkyway better than any other location.


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Re: Submissions: 2015 May

Post by zonalunar » Wed May 06, 2015 2:27 pm

Painting IC434 "The HorseHead Nebula"
Copyright: Julia Piqueras Moya (Observatorio Zonalunar)

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Chook’s Beak – IC2872

Post by IanP » Thu May 07, 2015 3:51 am

Chook’s Beak – IC2872

Center (RA, hms): 11h 28m 49.208s
Center (Dec, dms): -62° 45' 26.867"
Orientation: Up is 93.7 degrees E of N

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Re: Submissions: 2015 May

Post by Astromontufar » Thu May 07, 2015 4:23 pm

Third Quarter Moon Panel (53%)

This 23 image Moon Panel was constructed using 23 videos processed using Registrax6 for 23 frames, I used Registrax6 waveleth for some detail adjustments for each image, then, the Panel and final process was performed using photoshop.

I used the finderscope of The "Gran Ecuatorial Gautier", the Gran Ecuatorial has more than 100 years, and its being used by "Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofisicas de La Plata" for public observations of planets, moon and some other celestial objects to show people the beauties of our nightskies. (in the past it was used for science)

The dimensions of the Telescope are: 43 cm and a f 9.06m.

The finderscope, which was the one I used is: 12cm and f 110cm. I attached an Imagesource camera to the finderscope the night of November 16th, 2014 and it took more than 4 hours to finish gathering the data, it was hard because of the size of the telescope.

Please read about the Telescope: ( ... ORIAL.html) only in spanish.
This is a video of me gathering the data: ( ... =2&theater )

By: Sergio Emilio Montúfar Codoñer
Sergio Emilio Montúfar Codoñer

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Re: Submissions: 2015 May

Post by Ezequiel » Thu May 07, 2015 10:53 pm

Progress M-27M - 05/07/2015 21h51m42s UT - Between Canopus & Clouds
Copyright: Ezequiel Bellocchio
Location: 34º30'S 58º56'W - Pilar, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Canon 6D - Canon 50mm F1.8 @F3.5 - Five seconds single image
Progress M-27M
Progress M-27M

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Re: Submissions: 2015 May

Post by Astromontufar » Fri May 08, 2015 3:41 am

Zodiacal Light, Light pollution from Guatemala City and Antigua City, The Milky way and Guatemalan Volcanic Chain.

I took this image, before sunrise, Feb 28 2014. at the top of Volcán Santa Maria.

Zodiacal light.jpg
Sergio Emilio Montúfar Codoñer

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Submissions: 2015 May

Post by tignasse » Fri May 08, 2015 3:22 pm


Panoramical view from Swiss,Chasseral nationnal park,1600m alt.
60 images.

Hope you'll enjoy!



HD size:

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Re: Submissions: 2015 May

Post by SpookyAstro » Fri May 08, 2015 5:49 pm

Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex with POSS-II data added

Copyright Tom Masterson

ImageRho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex with POSS-II data added by tompmasterson, on Flickr

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Re: Submissions: 2015 May

Post by randallx200 » Sat May 09, 2015 8:32 am

The pass through Polaris star of the ISS.
04/18/2015. 20:30 (UT). Cáceres, Extremadura (Spain)

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Great Carina Nebula

Post by IanP » Sat May 09, 2015 9:19 am

Great Carina Nebula - L(95%Ha)+NB+RGB

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Re: Submissions: 2015 May

Post by Rothkko » Sat May 09, 2015 9:07 pm

mérida, spain. 2015-05-09
mérida, spain. 2015-05-09

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Re: Submissions: 2015 May

Post by vanamonde81 » Sat May 09, 2015 9:07 pm

Budapest by Night
Copyright: Soponyai György


This 360 degree startrail panorama photo was taken between 06th and 08th of March this year from Budapest, Hungary. The look-out tower in József Hill is an excellent viewpoint in Winter: the whole city center is visible from here (from late Spring to Autumn the phenomena is hidden behind the leaves of the trees in the foreground).
Every night I started the photo sessions four minutes earlier using the same camera settings so the visible position of stars were identical.

Photo details:
2015.03.06-08. Budapest, Hungary
Canon EOS 5D Mark II + Samyang EF 8/3.5
3 x 90x60 sec, ISO 800

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Re: Submissions: 2015 May

Post by amyth91 » Sun May 10, 2015 11:33 am

Beauty of the night sky
Photo Credit: Amit Ashok Kamble

This is a milkyway rising shot taken from Pakiri Beach last night. This is a bit different from my usual shots, as this is a combination of 3 images.

1) With Light Pollution Filter (Tracked)
2) Without LIght Pollution Filter (Tracked)
3) Without Light Pollution Filter (Untracked)

Light Pollution filter, takes away any light pollution being reflected off the clouds and atmosphere but makes the image a green / blue cast, which is hard to fix in post process, so i shot an image without the filter and median stacked in Photoshop, i was amazed at the result, as the final image had details from the image with filter and sky / colour from the unfiltered image.

Added the foreground later from the untracked image. The blue line on the left is actually the waves crashing on the shore, it is the Bio-luminescence making the waves look blue.

The image shows some details in the nebulous regions which are not usually captured from this location in a 2 minute exposure.

Even the SH2-27, The Zeta Ophiuchi Nebula, around the star Zeta Ophiuchius is visible which is a really faint object.

In the comment will upload images comparing images with and without filter straight out of camera.

Exif: 120sec, ISO 3200, f2.8 (Tracked with Light Pollution Filter)
Exif: 120sec, ISO 1600, f2.8 (Tracked / Untracked without Light Pollution Filter)

Using Samyang 24mm on Canon 6D, tracked using Jonathan's Vixen POLARIE

High Res : ... 85b5_k.jpg


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