APOD: Moon, Venus, and Planet Earth (2013 Sep 19)

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Re: APOD: Moon, Venus, and Planet Earth (2013 Sep 19)

Post by Nitpicker » Sat Sep 21, 2013 1:24 pm

JohnD wrote:In Old Country, "В огоро́де бузина́, а в Ки́еве дя́дька."
I love Russian proverbs. If Google Translate is any good, I'd say you were suggesting that angular degrees and degrees Fahrenheit are "apples and oranges". Am I close?

Apologies to all short-armed, fat-thumbed and cold-blooded readers out there. That ought to cover it.

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Re: APOD: Moon, Venus, and Planet Earth (2013 Sep 19)

Post by JohnD » Sat Sep 21, 2013 1:50 pm

Pah! Bing stooge of capitalist lackey lickspittles.
Try Old Soviet Google Translate.

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Re: APOD: Moon, Venus, and Planet Earth (2013 Sep 19)

Post by Beyond » Sat Sep 21, 2013 2:03 pm

Well said, JohnD, i think.
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Re: APOD: Moon, Venus, and Planet Earth (2013 Sep 19)

Post by Nitpicker » Sat Sep 21, 2013 10:19 pm

JohnD, are you a fan of P.G. Wodehouse? From his short story "The Clicking of Cuthbert":

Vladimir Brusiloff proceeded to sum up:
"No novelists any good except me. Sovietski -- yah! Nastikoff -- bah! I spit me of zem all. No novelists anywhere any good except me. P.G. Wodehouse and Tolstoi not bad. Not good, but not bad. No novelists any good except me."

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Re: APOD: Moon, Venus, and Planet Earth (2013 Sep 19)

Post by JohnD » Sun Sep 22, 2013 7:31 pm

Is second saying in Old Country:
Я не я, и ло́шадь не моя.

I translate for you:
I am not I, and the horse is not mine.


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Re: APOD: Moon, Venus, and Planet Earth (2013 Sep 19)

Post by Beyond » Sun Sep 22, 2013 7:59 pm

JohnD wrote:Is second saying in Old Country:
Я не я, и ло́шадь не моя.

I translate for you:
I am not I, and the horse is not mine.

Is that Иван Грозный :?:
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Re: APOD: Moon, Venus, and Planet Earth (2013 Sep 19)

Post by JohnD » Sun Sep 22, 2013 8:05 pm

But maybe not that Ivan.
And not that Terrible.

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Re: APOD: Moon, Venus, and Planet Earth (2013 Sep 19)

Post by neufer » Sun Sep 22, 2013 10:41 pm

http://www.kateemersonhistoricals.com/TudorWomen3.htm wrote:
<<MARY HASTINGS (c.1552-1584+) was the youngest daughter of Francis Hastings, 2nd earl of Huntingdon (1514-June 20,1561) and Katherine Pole (d. September 23, 1576). In 1562, Mary's brother contracted a marriage for one of his sisters, either Lady Elizabeth or Lady Mary, to Lord Bulbeck, Edward de Vere. The agreement provided for a dowry of 1000 marks and a jointure of £1000. Edward de Vere was supposed to marry one of the sisters within a month of his eighteenth birthday. Before that date, however, the 16th earl of Oxford died and the new earl became the ward of William Cecil, Lord Bughley. He married Burghley's daughter, Ann Cecil, instead. Lady Mary, still unmarried and in her late twenties, may have been a maid of honor at the court of Queen Elizabeth in 1581 when Dr. Atkins, an English physician living in Muscovy, suggested her name to Tsar Ivan the Terrible of Russia in reponse to his interest in beginning negotiations for an English bride of royal blood. Mary qualified, being a Plantagenet descendent distantly related to the queen. It is uncertain when she was told of her role in the matter, but if she knew anything about Ivan, she cannot have been enthusiastic. He was at that time married to his seventh wife, a woman he planned to discard if the match with an English "princess" could be arranged. Ivan sent an ambassador, Theodor Andreevich Pissemsky, to England to negotiate the marriage and an alliance against the king of Poland. He was to report on the height, complexion, and measurements of the proposed bride and procure a portrait of her. Ivan was looking for a stately appearance, and would also require that Mary and all her attendants convert to the Orthodox religion. Queen Elizabeth, who wanted exclusive English access to the port of St. Nicholas, deliberately delayed committing herself with the ambassador, who arrived in England in September 1582, at first telling him that Mary Hastings had recently had smallpox and that a face-to-face meeting and a portrait would be intrusive. In May 1583, however, she could put him off no longer. There are two accounts of the meeting, one from the ambassador himself (translated) and one by Sir Jerome Horsey, who was not present. They differ widely in some areas but agree that the meeting was in the Lord Chancellor's garden. The Lord Chancellor was Sir Thomas Bromley, but while the ambassador's account says the garden was at Bromley's country house, Horsey places it in the gardens at York House, near Charing Cross in the city of Westminster. According to the ambassador, he was allowed only an interpreter, Dr. Roberts, and did not actually speak to Lady Mary. There was a party of ladies in the garden and Lady Mary was pointed out to him. She was walking at the head of the group, between the countess of Huntingdon (her brother's wife, born Katherine Dudley) and Lady Bromley (Elizabeth Fortescue). The two groups circled the garden several times, passing each other, so that the ambassador could get a good look. Horsey's version, in which the ambassador throws himself on the ground before the Tsar's betrothed and declares she has the face of an angel, seems unlikely. What the ambassador did say was, "It is enough." He reported to the Tsar that "The Princess of Hountinski, Mary Hantis is tall, slight, and white-skinned; she has blue eyes, fair hair, a straight nose, and her fingers are long and taper." Some translations make her eyes grey. The long-awaited portrait was completed in time for him to take it with him when he returned to Russia. He embarked on June 22, 1583 along with England's new ambassador to Russia, Sir Jerome Bowes. Bowes's instructions were to dissuade the Tsar on grounds of Mary's poor health, scarred complexion, and reluctance to leave her friends. Until Ivan's death on March 18, 1584, Mary (at least according to Horsey) had to put up with being called "the Empress of Muscovia." Mary herself died, still unwed, before 1589, by which date a bequest in her will was being contested. One source says her death came was shortly after a visit to her brother in Ireland but, so far, I've found no record that any of her brothers were ever sent to that country, let alone were serving there in the 1580s.>>
  • Love's Labour's Lost Act 5, Scene 2
BOYET: They do, they do: and are apparell'd thus.
  • Like Muscovites or Russians, as I guess.
    Their purpose is to parle, to court and dance;
    And every one his love-feat will advance
    Unto his several mistress, which they'll know
    By favours several which they did bestow.
ROSALINE: Good madam, if by me you'll be advised,
  • Let's, mock them still, as well known as disguised:
    Let us complain to them what fools were here,
    Disguised like Muscovites, in shapeless gear;
    And wonder what they were and to what end
    Their shallow shows and prologue vilely penn'd
    And their rough carriage so ridiculous,
    Should be presented at our tent to us.
Last edited by neufer on Mon Sep 23, 2013 1:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
Art Neuendorffer

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Re: APOD: Moon, Venus, and Planet Earth (2013 Sep 19)

Post by Nitpicker » Sun Sep 22, 2013 11:24 pm

Me thinks Ivan is barber Ivan Yakovlevich, from Nikolai Gogol's short story "The Nose".

JohnD, I like your style.

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