Size and Growth Rate Ratio: Galaxies vs Black Holes

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Size and Growth Rate Ratio: Galaxies vs Black Holes

Post by ErnieM » Thu Mar 14, 2013 5:22 am

NASA writes:
Astronomers have unmasked hundreds of black holes hiding deep inside dusty galaxies billions of light-years away.... ... 71025.html writes:
Hundreds of "missing" black holes have been found lurking in dusty galaxies billions of light-years away..... ... holes.html
The Conversation writes:
Scientists Pinpoint Missing Mid-Sized Black Holes.... ... oles-11676
SoftPedia writes: Astronomers peeking at the galaxy three billion light years away with the Hubble Space Telescope, found that there's no central concentration of stars and came up with a couple of explanations..... ... 2592.shtml The Conversation writes: Holding the mass of 17 billion suns, the black hole at the centre of the NGC 1277 galaxy may be the largest discovered to date. It is 250 million light-years from the Earth.... ... 1066[quote][/quote]

New teams of research astronomers in different parts of the world interpreting latest data are showing some doubts on prevailing accepted relationship between the galaxies and the massive black holes in their central bulges. Given the billions of galaxies and the billions of years of galaxy evolution, these new interpretations and discoveries come as no surprise.

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