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Re: Perception

Post by Moonlady » Sat Aug 25, 2012 3:19 pm


My definition of M-Theory: the theory of MINDGAME

Interesting way of explaining 10th dimension!
It's a good overview to watch before watching each video for each dimensions.
Click to play embedded YouTube video.
he is explaining each dimension in extra video:

Click to play embedded YouTube video.
Click to play embedded YouTube video.
Click to play embedded YouTube video.
Click to play embedded YouTube video.
Click to play embedded YouTube video.
BBC has a video where they try to explain the 11th dimension, it's rather long video,
if you want to train your British accent, you can watch it full :D
summary: matter is made of strings. String theory and Big Bang theory complement each other. Theory of everything.
Before Big Bang is called Singularity, where Physical Laws are not existing. And String theories were called dead end.
Many string theories were made, till reached to the idea of parallel universes.
Idea of Supergravity was born but not welcomed much.
Numbers of dimensions of universe are discussed.
5th: spacial
6t etc going more smaller and smaller dimensions

till to 10th dimensional space: 9 dimensions plus time
Supergravity would make 10 dimensions plus supergravity= 11th dimension is born.

the 5 competing string theories were part of 11th dimension.
they complete eachother.

A theory about the string itself was connectod to membrane.
M-theory. Can it explain everything?

M-theory: extrem small existing: a trillionth , is it bubbling or smooth or vibrating?

Gravity force: how weak is it?

Could gravity leaking into space into 11th dimension?

Comes gravity leaking from another space into our universe?

From one Membrane to another Membrane (where we are)

From another universe to our universe? A paralles universe!

11th dimension host parallel universes, where gravity and light laws are still there.

Membrane theory was more getting accepted.

Membranes move like waves, to or from eachother, or colliding?

Where did the universe come from? From which Membrane?
What caused the Big Bang?

No mathematical answers.

One idea: a collision of membranes! Like clapping hands.
Big Bang is aftermath of parallel universe clashing.

How could the collusion create matter?

Membranes , branes, are rippling, like waves and can turn into matter.

Birth of universe.

Infinit numbers of universes with different physical laws, our universe bubble is swimming with other universe bubbles.

Before singularity: time was there before singularity, in branes area.

End of video.

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Re: Perception

Post by angelt1 » Sat Sep 15, 2012 12:18 pm

Moonlady wrote:I believe I can fly la la la
float through this tunnel an touch the universe la la la
This kind of picture always makes me dizzy.

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Re: Perception

Post by Moonlady » Wed Oct 10, 2012 8:29 am

the view of an opportunist (credit vips)
the view of an opportunist (credit vips)

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Re: Perception

Post by Moonlady » Tue Jan 15, 2013 12:44 am

math is easy!
math is easy!
imagesCAQQZS9T.jpg (6.79 KiB) Viewed 364 times
roman logic
roman logic
images.jpg (4.35 KiB) Viewed 364 times

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Re: Perception

Post by Ann » Tue Jan 15, 2013 1:41 am

:lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2:

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Re: Perception

Post by BMAONE23 » Wed Feb 06, 2013 2:56 pm

here are some interesting optical illusions

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Re: Perception

Post by Moonlady » Mon Feb 25, 2013 2:51 pm

BMAO I like the fast forward floor!
bake it by 120° (credit vips)
bake it by 120° (credit vips)

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