Submissions: 2013 January

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Submissions: 2013 January

Post by owlice » Tue Jan 01, 2013 2:30 pm


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Re: Submissions: 2013 January

Post by Sergio » Tue Jan 01, 2013 3:08 pm

One Million Star Light

Happy New Year to all !!

NGC 104, better known as 47 Tucanae, is the second largest and second brightest globular cluster in the sky, outshone only by another southern globular, Omega Centauri (NGC 5139). As its name "47 Tucanae" indicates, this object was first catalogued as a star and numbered the 47th in Tucana. Becasue it is situated so much south at declination of -72 deg, it was not discovered as a deepsky object before 1751, when Nicolas Louis Lacaille catalogued it in his list of southern objects. Next to observe and catalog it were James Dunlop in 1826, and John Herschel in 1834.

Image in higher resolution at

NGC 104 LRGB.jpg

Maciej Zapiór

Solargraph of the coronagraph

Post by Maciej Zapiór » Tue Jan 01, 2013 4:39 pm

Solargraph of the Large Coronagraph in the Astronomical Observatory in Białków (Poland). Exposition time was equal 5 months (19.07. - 25.12.2012). The picture was taken from the inside of the dome. Each line represents solar motion in the sky during one day. The dome was opened during good weather conditions only hence there are continuous lines only (in contrary to the next picture). There was about 14 observing days in this period. Transparent image of the coronagraph in parking position is visible.

Time lapse video of the coronagraphic observations during one day: ...
Solargraph of the Horizontal Solar Telescope in the Astronomical Observatory in Białków (Poland). Exposition time was equal 5 months (19.07. - 25.12.2012). Each line represents solar motion in the sky during one day. Gaps represent cloudiness. The dome of the telescope in transparent because during few days it was removed and observations were perfermed.

Other solargraphs from the Białków Observatory:


Thierry Legault
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Dancing auroras over Norway

Post by Thierry Legault » Tue Jan 01, 2013 5:54 pm

Hello and happy new year!

Wide angle and circular fisheye views and FullHD time-lapse of auroras mid-december over Komagfjord, Norway:
Click to play embedded YouTube video.
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Re: Submissions: 2013 January

Post by SalvatoreGrasso » Tue Jan 01, 2013 7:02 pm

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Jupiter,Moons Ganymede,IO,GRS,Oval Ba-Dec.31st

Post by Efrain Morales » Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:52 pm

Jupiter on the last day of the year 2012 (Dec.31st) The GRS, Oval Ba and the moons Ganymede coming out of the dark side and Io approaching jovian disc.
Equipment: LX200ACF 12 in. OTA, CGE mount, Flea3 Ccd, TeleVue 3x barlows, Astronomik RGB filter set.

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Galilean moon Io: transit and occultation at the same time?

Post by aldomottino » Wed Jan 02, 2013 4:28 pm

The images correspond to recent Jupiter’s occultation, Dec 25, as seen from Rosario city, Argentina.
Photos were taken with Canon XSi through a 200/1200 Newtonian, at prime focus. They are a composite of different expositions to make, Galilean satellites, planetary details and our Moon geography, all visible at the same time.

Image 1 (23:25 UT aprox): Jupiter just reappears, and the tiny shadow of the Galilean satellite Io can be seen (with certain difficulty) on the planetary disk, just on the upper band. Io itself is not visible yet, but just reappears, together with Jupiter. Europa is visible below Jupiter and was the first to reappear.

Image 2 (23:50 UT aprox): The last of the Galilean moons, Callisto, just reappears. Io is now distinguishable from the planetary disk. Its shadow is still visible on the upper band of Jupiter.

NOTE: Io’s shadow was visible in aprox 10% of all captures, likely thank to occasional vgood seeing.
Copyright: Aldo Mottino

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NGC 1055 and M77 floating together

Post by lynnhilborn » Thu Jan 03, 2013 1:01 pm

Jeff Dai

Re: Submissions: 2013 January

Post by Jeff Dai » Thu Jan 03, 2013 1:23 pm

Galactic Icefall Our home galaxy, The Milky Way and our neighbour, The Andromeda Galaxy, shines in the starry sky of the World Heritage site of Mount Siguniang of China. Being one of the biggest icefalls in the area(height:50m; wildth 20m), it gets frozen up from November to May, making itself the paradise for ice climbers country-wide.

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Re: Submissions: 2013 January

Post by Seantos » Thu Jan 03, 2013 5:20 pm

Quadrantids boneyard  tag smallest.jpg
I drove out to one of the the largest airplane graveyard-bone yard in the world to photograph the Quadrantid’s this morning with hopes of having some kind of access to the yard for photographs. But, I had no luck. The bone yard is ran by the Mathis-Davis Airforce base airforce which requires clearance and is surrounded by 10-foot barbwire fences. But fortunately I have a jeep and a tall tripod – so I drove around numerous spots looking for a place I could pull my jeep close to the fence and take pictures from on top. And I found one. ... bone-yard/

Camera Details:
Canon 5DMKII
Canon 16-35 F/2.8 LII
ISO 500 for 20 Seconds
10 Exposures Stacked

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Re: Submissions: 2013 January

Post by Chris Peterson » Thu Jan 03, 2013 7:31 pm

2013 Quadrantids

My video allsky camera captured 79 Quadrantid meteors on the morning of January 3, and recorded a surge of activity shortly after the predicted peak of UT 10:00. I have more information, and some fireball videos, here.

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Re: Submissions: 2013 January

Post by templec » Thu Jan 03, 2013 9:32 pm

M1 - The Crab Nebula in HST
Copyright: 2013 Craig & Tammy Temple M1 - The Crab Nebula in "modified" HST
Copyright: 2013 Craig & Tammy Temple M1 - The Crab Nebula in CFHT
Copyright: 2013 Craig & Tammy Temple M1 - The Crab Nebula in synthetic RGB
Copyright: 2013 Craig & Tammy Temple

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Lunar Halo

Post by ExitPupil » Fri Jan 04, 2013 12:31 am

I captured this fantastic Lunar Halo while waiting to capture some shots of Quadrantid meteors early this morning (January 3, 2013) from Charlestown, Rhode Island. ... Lunar_Halo

Copyright: Scott MacNeill

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Re: Submissions: 2013 January

Post by Sergio » Fri Jan 04, 2013 2:41 am

CG4 in Puppis: The Hand that grabs the Galaxy?

Well not really... These two objects are not even related and are separated by 118 Million light years. The galaxy on top is ESO 257-19 a Spiral Galaxy that appears smaller but in fact it is far larger that Cometary Globule CG4. Nevertheless both objects are showing a curious picture which can only be seen from the Earth perspective surrounded by a kind of dusty background...

Image in more resolution and additional info at

Southern greetings and happy 2013 !!
CG4 LRGB.jpg

Antonio Costa
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Re: Submissions: 2013 January

Post by Antonio Costa » Fri Jan 04, 2013 8:45 am


The moonlight difficult to take photos. It has not been easy to get a picture of the meteors, and to complicate it more a reflection of the moon on the lens resulted strips of color that give a different touch to the photo. Lower the reflection you can see one of the meteors.
Last edited by owlice on Fri Jan 04, 2013 11:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Submissions: 2013 January

Post by Marco » Fri Jan 04, 2013 10:19 am

a young Moon with Mercury ... d_download

Copyright: Marco Ludwig

May 7 2008 (22:05 MESZ)

On February 11 2013 the young Moon will be right next to Mercury like on my 5 year old photo.

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Re: Submissions: 2013 January

Post by Ayiomamitis » Fri Jan 04, 2013 8:01 pm

Perihelion Sun (2013)
Copyright: Anthony Ayiomamitis Further details available at ... -01-02.htm .
Anthony Ayiomamitis


Re: Submissions: 2013 January

Post by Guest » Fri Jan 04, 2013 9:53 pm

IC 4065 New Year in Scorpio

The Gredos Astrophography Team: link ... llery.html

Copyright: Antonio Cabanillas and William Alvarez

In this image -a crop from IC 4065 region in Scorpio- we tried to achieve a original framing with an strong RGB process, with diferencial stretching and recursive
saturation technique for color and contrast enhancement.

Observation Site: Hoyos del Espino - Avila (Spain)
Equipment: ASA N10, Losmandy G11, STL 11K and RGB Baader filters

Enjoy and happy New Year


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ISS Over Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Post by fitant » Sat Jan 05, 2013 1:55 am

The ISS is passing over our skies over the next week or so. Got this shot at twilight last night (4 January 2013) as it passed through Orion.


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Submissions: 2013 January

Post by broca » Sat Jan 05, 2013 2:29 am

IC 1848 the Soul nebula
Copyright: Coates Astrophotography
IC 1848 the Soul nebula is an emission nebulae in Cassiopeia ~7,500 light years from Earth.
Taken November 8 and 9, 2012
Ocala, Florida
For full details of this image please see my web page

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Re: Submissions: 2013 January

Post by CapturingTheNight » Sat Jan 05, 2013 11:24 am


This is what happens when the moon is about to rise on the horizon and a bit of cloud is in the perfect spot.

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Re: Submissions: 2013 January

Post by stully » Sat Jan 05, 2013 11:05 pm

A Quadrantid in Moonlight
I captured this Quadrantid in bright moonlight just before 6am EST on 1/3/2013. Copyright: Scott Tully ... hotostream

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Re: Submissions: 2013 January

Post by hkumar » Sun Jan 06, 2013 2:20 am

Happy New Year to all,
Here's my submission for APOD:

The Ring Nebula - M57, NGC6720
The Ring Nebula, some 2,300 lights yars away, is the remainder of a sun-like star which has blown away its outer envelopes at the end of its evolution. Now it will start to cool down, shine as a white dwarf for several billions of years, and then eventually end as a cold black dwarf.

Image taken on a 6" newtonian telescope.

click image for the Flickr high res version:

or click this link for high res: (Astrobin)

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Re: Submissions: 2013 January

Post by f.lorand » Sun Jan 06, 2013 3:01 pm

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Re: Submissions: 2013 January

Post by philto » Mon Jan 07, 2013 10:45 am

happy new year 2013 from FRANCE !!!
HDR image with canon 300 mm F/2.8 fusion of 8 exposures
process by photomatix 4.2 pro
best regards
image Philippe TOSI from Pyrenees mountains

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