Cassini Sees Huge Burp at Saturn after Large Storm

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Cassini Sees Huge Burp at Saturn after Large Storm

Post by bystander » Thu Oct 25, 2012 10:01 pm

Cassini Sees Huge Burp at Saturn after Large Storm
NASA | JPL-Caltech | Cassini Solstice Mission | 2012 Oct 25
NASA's Cassini spacecraft has tracked the aftermath of a rare massive storm on Saturn. Data reveal record-setting disturbances in the planet's upper atmosphere long after the visible signs of the storm abated, in addition to an indication the storm was more forceful than scientists previously thought.

Data from Cassini's composite infrared spectrometer (CIRS) instrument revealed the storm's powerful discharge sent the temperature in Saturn's stratosphere soaring 150 degrees Fahrenheit (83 kelvins) above normal. At the same time, researchers at NASA's Goddard Spaceflight Center in Greenbelt, Md., detected a huge increase in the amount of ethylene gas, the origin of which is a mystery. Ethylene, an odorless, colorless gas, isn't typically observed on Saturn. On Earth, it is created by natural and man-made sources.

Goddard scientists describe the unprecedented belch of energy in a paper to be published in the Nov. 20 issue of the Astrophysical Journal.

"This temperature spike is so extreme it's almost unbelievable, especially in this part of Saturn's atmosphere, which typically is very stable," said Brigette Hesman, the study's lead author and a University of Maryland scientist who works at Goddard. "To get a temperature change of the same scale on Earth, you'd be going from the depths of winter in Fairbanks, Alaska, to the height of summer in the Mojave Desert."

First detected by Cassini in Saturn's northern hemisphere on Dec. 5, 2010, the storm grew so large that an equivalent storm on Earth would blanket most of North America from north to south and wrap around our planet many times. This type of giant disturbance on Saturn typically occurs every 30 Earth years, or once every Saturn year.

Not only was this the first storm of its kind to be studied by a spacecraft in orbit around the planet, but it was the first to be observed at thermal infrared wavelengths. Infrared data from CIRS allowed scientists to take the temperature of Saturn's atmosphere and to track phenomena that are invisible to the naked eye.

Temperature measurements by the composite infrared spectrometer, first published in May 2011, revealed two unusual beacons of warmer-than-normal air shining brightly in the stratosphere. These indicated a massive release of energy into the atmosphere. After the visible signs of the storm started to fade, the instrument's data revealed the two beacons had merged. The temperature of this combined air mass shot up to more than minus 64 degrees Fahrenheit (above 220 kelvins).

According to Hesman, the huge spike of ethylene generated at the same time peaked with 100 times more of the gas than scientists thought possible for Saturn. Goddard scientists confirmed the release of ethylene using the Celeste spectrometer mounted on the McMath-Pierce Solar Telescope on Kitt Peak in Arizona.

The team still is exploring the origin of the ethylene, but has ruled out a large reservoir deep in the atmosphere.

"We've really never been able to see ethylene on Saturn before, so this was a complete surprise," said Goddard's Michael Flasar, the CIRS team lead.

A complementary paper led by Cassini team associate Leigh Fletcher of Oxford University, England, describes how the two stratospheric beacons merged to become the largest and hottest stratospheric vortex ever detected in our solar system. Initially, it was larger than Jupiter's Great Red Spot.

Their paper in the journal Icarus, which combines CIRS data with additional infrared images from other Earth-based telescopes, including NASA's Infrared Telescope Facility at Mauna Kea, Hawaii, also reports a powerful collar of clockwise winds -- encompassing a bizarre soup of gases -- around the vortex.

"These studies will give us new insight into some of the photochemical processes at work in the stratospheres of Saturn, other giants in our solar system, and beyond," said Scott Edgington, Cassini deputy project scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif.

After-Effects of Saturn’s Super Storm Shine On
ESA Space Science | 2012 Oct 25
The heat-seeking capabilities of the international Cassini spacecraft and two ground-based telescopes have provided the first look at the aftermath of Saturn’s ‘Great Springtime Storm’. Concealed from the naked eye, a giant oval vortex is persisting long after the visible effects of the storm subsided.

The ground-based observations were made by the Very Large Telescope of the European Southern Observatory in Chile, and NASA’s Infrared Telescope Facility at the summit of Mauna Kea in Hawaii.

The vivid cloud structures that wreaked havoc across wide swathes of the mid-northern latitudes of Saturn’s atmosphere captured the imaginations of amateur and professional astronomers alike, from its first appearance in December 2010 through much of 2011.

But in new reports that focus on the temperatures, winds and composition of Saturn’s atmosphere, scientists find that the spectacular cloud displays were only part of the story.

Much of the associated activity took place beyond the reach of visible-light cameras, and the after-effects are still continuing today.

“It’s the first time we’ve seen anything like it on any planet in the Solar System,” says Leigh Fletcher from the University of Oxford, UK, lead author of the Icarus paper.

“It’s extremely unusual, as we can only see the vortex at infrared wavelengths – we can’t tell that it is there simply by looking at the cloud cover.”

As the visible storm erupted in the roiling cloud deck of Saturn’s troposphere, waves of energy rippled hundreds of kilometres upwards, depositing their energy as two vast ‘beacons’ of hot air in the stratosphere.

The beacons were expected to cool down and dissipate, but by late April 2011 – by which time bright cloud material had encircled the entire planet – the hot spots had merged to create an enormous vortex that for a brief period exceeded even the size of Jupiter’s famous Great Red Spot.

Furthermore, the temperature of the vortex was far higher than expected, some 80ºC warmer than the surrounding atmosphere. At the same time, huge spikes in the amount of gases like ethylene and acetylene were detected.

Much like the Great Red Spot, Saturn’s vortex also cuts off the atmosphere in its core from the surrounding environment, constraining its unique chemistry and high temperatures within the walls of the powerful winds whipping around the edge.

“But Jupiter’s vortex is embedded deep down in the turbulent ‘weather zone’, whereas the vast vortex on Saturn is higher up in the atmosphere where, normally, you wouldn’t expect anything like it to have formed,” says Dr Fletcher.

“Although there are parallels to be drawn between the two, the mechanisms by which they were formed and the length of time they are going to exist seem to be very different.”

Jupiter’s famous vortex has raged for at least 300 years, but after traversing the planet once every 120 days since May 2011, Saturn’s large beacon is cooling and shrinking. Scientists expect it to fade away completely by the end of 2013.

The question now remains as to whether Saturn’s storm-generating energy has been sapped or if there will be a repeat performance.

The outburst already caught observers by surprise by arriving during the planet’s northern hemisphere spring, years ahead of the predictably stormy summer season.

“The beauty is that Cassini will be operating until the Saturn system reaches its summer solstice in 2017, so if there is another global event like this, we’ll be there to see it,” says ESA’s Cassini project scientist Nicolas Altobelli.

Saturn's giant storm reveals the planet's churning atmosphere
ESA Science & Technology | Cassini-Huygens | 2012 Oct 25

The origin and evolution of Saturn’s 2011–2012 stratospheric vortex - Leigh N. Fletcher et al
Giant “Invisible” Vortex Still Remains on Saturn Following Huge Storm
Universe Today | Nancy Atkinson | 2012 Oct 25

Saturn storm cranks the heat WAY up
Discover Blogs | Bad Astronomy | 2012 Oct 26
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Re: Cassini Sees Huge Burp at Saturn after Large Storm

Post by dougettinger » Fri Nov 02, 2012 2:30 pm

Nobody has ventured forward from NASA to propose the cause of this huge storm on Saturn.

My inductive reasoning leads me to believe it could only be the result of a large asteroid strike that has large amounts methane. To suggest that Saturn burped is very unlikely. What could be the conceivable reason for a burp?

Doug Ettinger
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Re: Cassini Sees Huge Burp at Saturn after Large Storm

Post by geckzilla » Fri Nov 02, 2012 2:44 pm

How big would that asteroid have to have been to have such an effect on Saturn, doug? How much methane would it have to contain? Would it have been easy for the large asteroid to strike Saturn without anyone noticing?
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Re: Cassini Sees Huge Burp at Saturn after Large Storm

Post by dougettinger » Fri Nov 02, 2012 3:08 pm

The size of the asteroid can be roughly estimated by the known size of the cometary pieces that caused certain size storms on Jupiter.

How much ethylene is required to be mixed into Saturn's atmosphere to cause its detection? I do not know the parts per million needed for detection by our probe. But scientists know that many solar system bodies possess methane ice that can be converted into other derivatives.

If the asteroid did not have a cometary tail and stuck Saturn on the opposite side from the probe, then it could be easily unnoticed. Also, I do not know whether NASA's probe sleeps for periods of time in order to re-charge its power.

So what caused the burp? Such volatiles as ethylene should have already been differentiated billions of years ago.

Please continue the discussion.
Doug Ettinger
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Re: Cassini Sees Huge Burp at Saturn after Large Storm

Post by neufer » Fri Nov 02, 2012 3:48 pm wrote: <<In 1819, Spanish artist Francisco Goya purchased a house on the banks of Manzanares near Madrid called Quinta del Sordo (Villa of the Deaf Man). It was a small two-story house which was named after a previous occupant who had been deaf, although the name was fitting for Goya too, who had been left deaf after contracting a fever in 1792. Between 1819 and 1823, when he left the house to move to Bordeaux, Goya produced a series of 14 works, which he painted with oils directly onto the walls of the house. At the age of 73, and having survived two life-threatening illnesses, Goya was likely to have been concerned with his own mortality, and was increasingly embittered by the civil strife occurring in Spain.

Although he initially decorated the rooms of the house with more inspiring images, in time he overpainted them all with the intense haunting pictures known today as the Black Paintings. Uncommissioned and never meant for public display, these pictures reflect his darkening mood with some intense scenes of malevolence and conflict.

Saturn Devouring His Son, a disturbing portrait of the titan Saturn consuming one of his children, was one of six works with which Goya decorated the dining room. According to Roman myth (inspired by the original Greek myth), it had been foretold that one of the sons of Saturn would overthrow him, just as he had overthrown his father, Caelus. To prevent this, Saturn ate his children moments after each was born. His wife Ops eventually hid his sixth son, Jupiter, on the island of Crete, deceiving Saturn by offering a stone wrapped in swaddling in his place. Jupiter eventually supplanted his father just as the prophecy had predicted.

Goya never named the works he produced at Quinta del Sordo; the names were assigned by others after his death, and this painting is also known as just Saturn, Saturn Devouring One of His Sons, Saturn Devouring his Children or by the Spanish names Saturno devorando a su hijo or Saturno devorando a un hijo.

Goya depicts Saturn feasting upon one of his sons. His child's head and part of the left arm has already been consumed. The right arm has probably been eaten too, though it could be folded in front of the body and held in place by Saturn's crushing grip. The titan is on the point of taking another bite from the left arm; as he looms from the darkness, his mouth gapes and his eyes bulge whitely. The only other brightness in the picture comes from the white flesh,the red blood of the corpse, the white knuckles of Saturn as he digs his fingers into the back of the body. There is evidence that the picture may have originally portrayed the titan with a partially erect penis, but, if ever present, this addition was lost due to the deterioration of the mural over time or during the transfer to canvas; in the picture today the area around his groin is indistinct. It may even have been overpainted deliberately before the picture was put on public display.

Various interpretations of the meaning of the picture have been offered: the conflict between youth and old age, time as the devourer of all things, the wrath of God and an allegory of the situation in Spain, where the fatherland consumed its own children in wars and revolution. There have been explanations rooted in Goya's relationships with his own son, Xavier, the only of his six children to survive to adulthood, or with his live-in housekeeper and possible mistress, Leocadia Weiss; the sex of the body being consumed can not be determined with certainty. If Goya made any notes on the picture, they have not survived; as he never intended the picture for public exhibition, he probably had little interest in explaining its significance. It has been said that the painting is "essential to our understanding of the human condition in modern times, just as Michelangelo's Sistine ceiling is essential to understanding the tenor of the 16th century".

Goya may have been inspired by Peter Paul Rubens' 1636 picture of the same name. Rubens' painting, also held at the Museo del Prado, is a brighter, more conventional treatment of the myth: his Saturn exhibits less of the cannibalistic ferocity portrayed in Goya's rendition. However, some critics have suggested that Rubens' portrayal is the more horrific: the god is portrayed as a calculating remorseless killer, who – fearing for his own position of power – murders his innocent child. Goya's vision, on the other hand, shows a man driven mad by the act of killing his own son. In addition, the body of the son in Goya's picture is that of an adult, not the helpless baby depicted by Rubens. Goya had produced a chalk drawing of the same subject in 1796-7 that was closer in tone to Rubens' work: it showed a Saturn similar in appearance to that of Rubens', daintily biting on the leg of one of his sons while he holds another like a leg of chicken, with none of the gore or madness of the later work.>>
Art Neuendorffer

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Re: Cassini Sees Huge Burp at Saturn after Large Storm

Post by dougettinger » Sun Nov 04, 2012 10:25 pm

Oh yes, now it get it. The burp was indigestion. Art, you seem to be knowledgeable of classical artists AND myths. I am hoping you can expand on a rumor of Roman and Greek myths. The myths are supposely derived from earlier times. The myths actually portray the actions between the planets told by a lost, intelligent civilization. Your offering of the Saturn myth possibly depicts Saturn accreting larger planetoids in its orbiting region to create its embryonic core. But, one large planetoid, Jupiter, was too far away and it began to accrete its own more dominant embryonic core.

Would you know other pieces of Roman and Greek myths that might actually be depicting major events of solar system formation?

Doug Ettinger
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Re: Cassini Sees Huge Burp at Saturn after Large Storm

Post by neufer » Mon Nov 05, 2012 5:20 pm

dougettinger wrote:
Oh yes, now it get it. The burp was indigestion. wrote:
<<Saturn has a very hot interior, reaching 11,700 °C at the core, and the planet radiates 2.5 times more energy into space than it receives from the Sun. Most of this extra energy is generated by the Kelvin–Helmholtz mechanism of slow gravitational compression, but this alone may not be sufficient to explain Saturn's heat production. An additional mechanism may be at play whereby Saturn generates some of its heat through the "raining out" of droplets of helium deep in its interior. As the droplets descend through the lower-density hydrogen, the process releases heat by friction and leaves the outer layers of the planet depleted of helium. These descending droplets may have accumulated into a helium shell surrounding the core.>>
Art Neuendorffer

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Re: Cassini Sees Huge Burp at Saturn after Large Storm

Post by dougettinger » Mon Nov 05, 2012 9:41 pm

Neufer, your reply explains the extra heat energy but not the burp. The burp is similar (i.e., unexplainable) to geologic hot spots on Earth except that Earth's hot spots are more like continuous farts. I think you're closer to the truth than you imagine. Saturn is still devouring its sons and daughters.

Art, can you produce any more Greek or Roman myths that may simulate solar system events? I am probing your vast junk pile of trivia.

Doug Ettinger
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Re: Cassini Sees Huge Burp at Saturn after Large Storm

Post by neufer » Mon Nov 05, 2012 10:38 pm

Click to play embedded YouTube video.
dougettinger wrote:
.... I think you're closer to the truth than you imagine.
  • Oh....THE HORROR :!:
dougettinger wrote:
Art, can you produce any more Greek or Roman myths that may simulate solar system events?
  • I am probing your vast junk pile of trivia. :arrow:
Art Neuendorffer

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