Poll: When I couldn't find APOD online, I thought....

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When I couldn't find APOD online, I thought...

Poll ended at Wed Jul 04, 2012 3:36 pm

aliens had abducted its editors
someone had tripped over a power cord and hadn't plugged it back in
Congress had started a secret budget negotiation and was holding APOD hostage
the supply of images had dried up
my fondest dream had come true
GSFC had taken flight
I must still be asleep and having a nightmare
must have been some storm that hit the DC area
I needed more coffee
something; I'll tell you what in a comment below
Total votes: 2062


Re: Poll: When I couldn't find APOD online, I thought....

Post by thatwhichhasnolife » Tue Jul 03, 2012 1:34 am

Denial of Service attack.


Re: Poll: When I couldn't find APOD online, I thought....

Post by Jerreyki » Tue Jul 03, 2012 1:47 am

ICE had seized the Site due to a take down notice from the MPAA and Ridley Scott.


Re: Poll: When I couldn't find APOD online, I thought....

Post by dkp » Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:11 am

It was obvious to me - you were adsorbed by a rogue Higgs Boson spawned spinning black hole and would not again be seen in the current reality. This poll is happening in an otherwhen.


sofia tortilla

Not finding APOD

Post by sofia tortilla » Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:37 am

[quote][/quote]I thought I was being punished for being out of town and neglecting to check-in. That, or the storms back east 8-) . " You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? " Rumi


Re: Poll: When I couldn't find APOD online, I thought....

Post by aja » Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:44 am

I figured Google had hijacked my home page (APOD) again.


Re: Poll: When I couldn't find APOD online, I thought....

Post by g_delanuit » Tue Jul 03, 2012 3:01 am

HAL won :evil:


Re: Poll: When I couldn't find APOD online, I thought....

Post by DrJonTurner » Tue Jul 03, 2012 3:57 am

When I started to browse the internet in1995 on a Mac Color Classic, I came across APOD and made it my home page. That way, I would always know that the internet was still working (what a concept), plus it was like getting outside a little, plus I could find out the day and date. When APOD didn't come right up the other day, but C-Span and other pages kept streaming, that was a clue. By searching, I found APOD mirror sites which were working and up to date. Then I drew the inference between the heavy mid-Atlantic weather and suspected a local power outage at the main APOD server. Keep up the good work!


Re: Poll: When I couldn't find APOD online, I thought....

Post by spacenut » Tue Jul 03, 2012 4:51 am

How could this be? You are always there...... I only thought perhaps my day could not go on.

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Re: Poll: When I couldn't find APOD online, I thought....

Post by OzRattler » Tue Jul 03, 2012 5:06 am

Coming from the other side of this planet, my first instinct was web failure. We generally miss out on stuff down-under. Then perchance a fundamentalist group took exception to the science and following that, my ADSL Router. After all, it had been mucking around. So with other sites flying nicely, I rested on the second thought and began to plan my revenge.

Oh well. So much for the plans.

Bananas to that!!!


PS - Now I know how to vote.

PPS - I can see the spread of votes....

176 have a poor view of the editors. If they were taken, why did they get brought back?
305 think that the work place safety adjacent the server is low. Power cords for tripping?
208 Congress. Thankfully we don't have that over here. We have something worse. A Senate. But they don't have the imagination to take hostages.
35 thought that the images had dried up? Perhaps they are a little over-exposed themselves? ;)
7 have a dream that involved the end of AOPD? Ah.....fundamentalists. I wonder if they designed their dream?
9 seem to think that an entire space centre could be launched. We would have heard and felt it even down-under!!
121 science focussed people got a shock! Glad they have recovered to vote.
402 got it right and might have been within the area. Still, I suppose a quick scan if radar sites for the DC area might have assisted.
60 people rely on coffee and it is reasonable to postulate that 60 people voting that way are US based. ;)
102 are like me a bit and wanted to say more than the poll would permit. Expressive people are always handy to have around.
96 (I was the 97th at the time) people are a bit bent and like the shapely flavoursome fruit of the herd. As the famous B1 would have said........... "Are you thinking what I'm thinking B2?" (Google Bananas in Pyjamas.)

larry the ripper

Re: Poll: When I couldn't find APOD online, I thought....

Post by larry the ripper » Tue Jul 03, 2012 5:27 am

... it has become SO popular that their servers crashed. Simple!

Robin Debreuil

Re: Poll: When I couldn't find APOD online, I thought....

Post by Robin Debreuil » Tue Jul 03, 2012 6:25 am

We had finally run out of stars.

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Re: Poll: When I couldn't find APOD online, I thought....

Post by PDB11 » Tue Jul 03, 2012 6:40 am

... the server had crashed. I mean, most problems really come down to computer crashes, don't they? Actually, we'll need to do something about that before we start trusting our lives to them on long voyages...



Re: Poll: When I couldn't find APOD online, I thought....

Post by DanielShi » Tue Jul 03, 2012 7:58 am

I was like: Et tu, Brute?


Re: Poll: When I couldn't find APOD online, I thought....

Post by kiso » Tue Jul 03, 2012 8:51 am

DOS attack by the forces of banality.

anonymous in bristol

Re: Poll: When I couldn't find APOD online, I thought....

Post by anonymous in bristol » Tue Jul 03, 2012 11:19 am

My ISP is VirginMedia, so I preesumed that there was an internal configuration ptoblem within their network. They've got previous "form" in that regard, and have been demonstrably incompetent at soerign out such "minor issues"


Re: Poll: When I couldn't find APOD online, I thought....

Post by herky515 » Tue Jul 03, 2012 11:30 am

I thought the Mayans had miscalculated by 6 months... give or take a week.


Re: Poll: When I couldn't find APOD online, I thought....

Post by 10digit » Tue Jul 03, 2012 11:45 am

For some strange reason, someone had hacked into NASA's computers.


Re: Poll: When I couldn't find APOD online, I thought....

Post by kcp123 » Tue Jul 03, 2012 1:05 pm

I figured if Al Gore couldn't take credit for creating APOD, then he wasn't going to allow it to exist.


Re: Poll: When I couldn't find APOD online, I thought....

Post by Starbaby » Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:59 pm

When I couldn't access APOD I thought that they had changed the website address. Then I thought maybe they had run out of photos. Going cold turkey without my APOD was tough though, really tough.


Re: Poll: When I couldn't find APOD online, I thought....

Post by Chappie » Tue Jul 03, 2012 3:15 pm

Drat, cable's out again.


Re: Poll: When I couldn't find APOD online, I thought....

Post by vance@berkeley.edu » Tue Jul 03, 2012 4:32 pm

owlice wrote:...what? Please let us know. :D Thanks!
I thought your server was down. Prosaic I know...


Re: Poll: When I couldn't find APOD online, I thought....

Post by RaygunRon » Tue Jul 03, 2012 5:21 pm

What a rotten birthday present!

Submerged Atol

Re: Poll: When I couldn't find APOD online, I thought....

Post by Submerged Atol » Tue Jul 03, 2012 8:47 pm

I was certain that a roving black hole had consumed our bane with the tragic result of no more universe to report. Sad, Kiss the black hole goodbye! :!:

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Re: Poll: When I couldn't find APOD online, I thought....

Post by ruprecht147 » Tue Jul 03, 2012 9:33 pm

I wondered about the future of the Cloud.

I'd already heard that storms on the East Coast had crashed some servers, but somehow I never expected *APOD* to be down! I've been visiting this site since the pictures were ever so much smaller than they are now, and I can't remember any previous outages.

So glad you're back!

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Re: Poll: When I couldn't find APOD online, I thought....

Post by saturno2 » Tue Jul 03, 2012 11:30 pm

Hi, Owlice
My topics go to speed of the Voyager 2, but
your topics go to light speed

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