Recent Submissions: 2012 June

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Bob Andersson

The Ant Nebula (Mz 3)

Post by Bob Andersson » Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:33 am

H-alpha - red plus 25% blue
NII - green but with shadows and mid-tones de-emphasised
OIII - blue
SII - red plus 25% green
SIII - stars

Strengths of the various contributions were driven partly by aesthetics but mostly to emphasise structure. Thanks to the Hubble Legacy Archive for providing the data to play with.


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Re: Recent Submissions: 2012 June

Post by FitzPhotos » Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:18 pm

Beautiful sunrise over a frozen lake in Northeast Ohio. The sun was just peaking over the horizon lighting the clouds & contrails and reflecting off the lake's ice. The trees are silhouetted by the red hue of the sunlight.
Photo taken by James Fitzgerald (Jim) 1/16/2011 @ 8:03 AM. Sunrise was 7:49 AM.
© 2012 James Fitzgerald — at Northeast Ohio.

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Re: Recent Submissions: 2012 June

Post by Rothkko » Wed Jun 06, 2012 11:14 pm

Preparing my 15 ' of Venus's transit for the Sun in Oropesa del Mar, Spain. Clouds, clouds, clouds... (
Equivalent to 1280mm.
Oropesa del Mar, Spain. 2012-06-04
Oropesa del Mar, Spain. 2012-06-04

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Re: Recent Submissions: 2012 June

Post by Photonhunter » Fri Jun 08, 2012 6:56 pm

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Re: Recent Submissions: 2012 June

Post by nuclearcat » Fri Jun 08, 2012 9:12 pm

Belt of Venus and Earth's Shadow as seen from TÜBİTAK National Observatory at 2500m peak of Bakırlıtepe in Antalya, Turkiye.
The Moon is set,
And the Pleiades.
Night's half gone,
Time's passing.
I sleep alone now. ”

— Sappho

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Celestial Motions, Eclipses & Transits

Post by abem » Sat Jun 09, 2012 7:27 pm

The sky has been a busy place these past few weeks!

It was amazing to have a solar eclipse and a venus transit just over two weeks apart. Since I photographed both events from the same location, I thought it would be interesting to superimpose the two images to visualize the motion of the path of the sun over those 16 days. ... nsit-2012/

Solar Eclipse - May 20, 2012 ... 0x1200.jpg

Venus Transit - June 5, 2012 ... 0x1200.jpg

Composite: ... 0x1200.jpg

Composite (Annotated): ... 0x1200.jpg


Lorenzo Comolli
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Re: Recent Submissions: 2012 June

Post by Lorenzo Comolli » Sat Jun 09, 2012 10:23 pm

Venus atmosphere
Composite image of transit egress. More info:
Copyright 2012 Lorenzo Comolli

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Re: Recent Submissions: 2012 June

Post by SkyViking » Mon Jun 11, 2012 12:08 pm

The Sombrero Galaxy and a Swarm of Globular Clusters
Copyright: Rolf Wahl Olsen Orbiting the Sombrero galaxy is one of the largest known populations of globular clusters, containing up to 1900 members. In comparison our own Milky Way galaxy has only around 150-200 such clusters.
Highlighted in this image are 136 of the Sombrero's brightest globulars, ranging in magnitudes from 17.5 to 22+. Some of these globulars are very large and one is classified as a separate Ultra Compact Dwarf galaxy, SUCD1, the closest known example of such an object. It is not known how the Sombrero amassed such a large number of globular clusters. This is normally a more typical feature of large elliptical galaxies. For example up to 12,000 globular clusters are orbiting the giant elliptical galaxy Messier 87.
In the background numerous distant galaxies can be seen, many of them clumped together in groups. Also, what appears to be a faint tidal tail of the Sombrero is visible near the middle of the bottom edge of the image (between globulars #82 and #99). This is likely an ancient remnant trail of a captured dwarf galaxy.

Link to annotated full resolution image (1MB) is here:
(Including list with details of all 136 globulars)

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Re: Recent Submissions: 2012 June

Post by ftherrmann » Mon Jun 11, 2012 9:33 pm

Gamma Cygnus Mosaic
Copyright: Fred Herrmann (2012)

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Markarian's Chain

Post by RafaRo » Mon Jun 11, 2012 9:56 pm

How many Galaxies you can count ?
Copyright: Rafael Rodriguez

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Re: Recent Submissions: 2012 June

Post by nuclearcat » Tue Jun 12, 2012 12:14 am

nuclearcat wrote:
The attachment _MG_4882-Panoramak.jpg is no longer available
The attachment shadowa.jpg is no longer available
Belt of Venus and Earth's Shadow as seen from TÜBİTAK National Observatory at 2500m peak of Bakırlıtepe in Antalya, Turkiye.
Another one.
The Moon is set,
And the Pleiades.
Night's half gone,
Time's passing.
I sleep alone now. ”

— Sappho

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Re: Recent Submissions: 2012 June

Post by frikosal » Tue Jun 12, 2012 8:55 pm

Summertime (in the Northern Hemisphere) approaches ! It is the best season to enjoy the night sky and our wonderful galaxy !

Panoramic image of the Milky Way above La Palma island (Spain): © Manel Soria

Milky Way above the moais in Rapa Nui (Chile): © Manel Soria
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Scott Stringham
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Re: Recent Submissions: 2012 June

Post by Scott Stringham » Wed Jun 13, 2012 3:06 am

Circumhorizon arc
Copyright: Scott Stringham

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Re: Recent Submissions: 2012 June

Post by Outters.Nicolas » Wed Jun 13, 2012 4:35 pm

What a mysterious object !
A new possible PN OU4.
Info : ... 2Hao3.html
Copyright: Nicolas outters


John Bunyan
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Re: Recent Submissions: 2012 June

Post by John Bunyan » Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:20 am

[attachment=0]bunyan.jpg[/attachment] ... ol6Qky.jpg
Imaged from Mauna Loa, Hawaii. 3130 images taken
Copyright: John Bunyan
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Re: Recent Submissions: 2012 June

Post by ViliMax » Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:31 am

Diffuse Nebula NGC 2237 (Sh2-275, LBN 948-9, The Rosette Nebula) and Open Cluster NGC 2244 in Monoceros in SII-Ha-OIII mapped HST color

Copyright: Velimir Popov
Big size is avaliable here

Thank you for looking...

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Re: Recent Submissions: 2012 June

Post by SkyViking » Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:58 am

Obscured Globuar Cluster Terzan 9 and Surrounds
Copyright: Rolf Wahl Olsen Link to high resolution version:

This image shows the heavily obscured globular cluster Terzan 9 in Sagittarius. Terzan 9 lies within the Milky Way's central bulge at a distance of 23,000 light years. The cluster is significantly reddened and heavily obscured by the massive interstellar dust clouds in the direction of the Milky Way centre. A solid dark dust lane nearly covers the cluster but still its faint combined glow of thousands of stars reach us from a place near the galactic centre.
Also visible in the upper right corner is the small bright blue planetary nebula IC4653 at a distance of 10,500 light years. A little below IC4653 another tiny purple planetary nebula is seen; ESO 521-14 which at 27,000 light years lies much further away than even Terzan 9.


Re: Recent Submissions: 2012 June

Post by Sibylle » Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:58 am

A False Sunrise over the Flensburg Fjord, Germany, June 6th
Copyright: Sibylle Machat
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Re: Recent Submissions: 2012 June

Post by Marco » Thu Jun 14, 2012 2:22 pm

noctilucent clouds over Germany
[attachment=0]Marco.jpg[/attachment] ... d_download

Copyright: Marco Ludwig

After the successful soccer game Germany vs Netherlands I recognozed some bright clouds in the north. So I started to take photos with a lake in the front (Einfeler See, Neumünster, Germany). ... d_download
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Rod Pommier

Re: Recent Submissions: 2012 June

Post by Rod Pommier » Thu Jun 14, 2012 2:50 pm

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Re: Recent Submissions: 2012 June

Post by Wolfgang » Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:15 pm

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Re: Recent Submissions: 2012 June

Post by Seantos » Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:03 pm

The McMath-Pierce solar telescope is the world's largest solar telescope, and the world's largest unobstructed-aperture optical telescope with a diameter of 1.6 meters. Permanent instruments include a dual grating spectrograph capable of extended wavelength coverage (0.3-12 microns), a 1-meter Fourier Transform Spectrometer for both solar and laboratory analysis, and a high-dispersion stellar spectrometer.
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Re: Recent Submissions: 2012 June

Post by lorenzi » Fri Jun 15, 2012 2:09 am

Henize2-111 and Alpha Centauri
Copyright: Marco Lorenzi Blazing brightly in the southern sky, the supergiant binary Alpha Centauri is the host of an expansive starscape sprinkled with numerous deep sky objects in this telescopic view. The most visually striking of its retinue of glittering jewels is the exotic and unique planetary nebula Hen 2-111, which is one of 468 planetary nebulae that were catalogued by Karl Henize in 1967. The main central part of Hen 2-111 is a bright peanut shaped core that measures only 29 x 15 arcseconds. However, its most visually striking aspect is a faint giant ionized halo that spans 10 x 5 arcminutes! This extreme structure was discovered by B. Louise Webster in 1978 in deep photographic plates taken with the (at the time) Anglo-Australian Observatory. Also barely visible in the glare of Alpha Centauri is a round broken roughly circular shell, which can be seen to the north of the halfway point between Alpha Centauri and Hen 2-111. This is the supernova remnant G315.4-0.3, which was discovered in a radio continuum survey by Anne Green in 1974 and identified as a supernova remnant in 1975. However, its extremely dim optical shell was discovered recently in 2011 in a search for new supernova remnants in SuperCOSMOS Ha Survey (SHS) images by Milorad Stupar and Quentin Parker.

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Re: Recent Submissions: 2012 June

Post by owlice » Fri Jun 15, 2012 11:00 am

Active Region 11494
Copyright: Dave Jurasevich
[attachment=4]AR 11494_06082012_APOD.jpg[/attachment]

N44 Superbubble Complex
Copyright: Moisés Lameiro Bergantiños

Rainbow Disk
Copyright: Francis Audet

Gum 14
http://www.martinpughastrophotography.i ... /Gum14.jpg
Copyright: Martin and Karen Pugh

LDN 673
Copyright: Adam Block/Mount Lemmon SkyCenter/University of Arizona Star Trails over Arches National Park ... hotostream
Copyright: Bret Dahl
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Re: Recent Submissions: 2012 June

Post by Wolfgang » Fri Jun 15, 2012 11:45 am

Copyright:Wolfgang Promper
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