Recent Submissions: 2011 November 28-30

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Recent Submissions: 2011 November 28-30

Post by owlice » Fri Feb 04, 2011 4:56 am


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Horse Head Nebula B33

Post by ROSA » Mon Nov 28, 2011 5:50 pm

Hello List,

now you can see my last Horse Head Nebula with 33 h exposertime !!

from ROSA remote in the southern alps in europe.


i am in hope for my first APOD........ :-)

Knut Schäffner
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Re: Recent Submissions: 2011 November 24-

Post by Robert-Austria » Mon Nov 28, 2011 9:53 pm

NGC 1333
Copyright: Robert Pölzl click here for better resolution and information ... Itemid=134

best regards from Austria - circuit is now with the beautiful weather
Robert Pölzl
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Re: Recent Submissions: 2011 November 24-

Post by theisey » Mon Nov 28, 2011 11:35 pm

Sliver Moon and Venus Setting
Copyright: Tom Heisey

Nikon D5100, 8 sec, ISO 1600, F/5.6. The thin, new Moon and Venus are setting into a thick layer of atmospheric dust after a roaring dust storm hit Lubbock, Texas. The Moon is low enough that the street lights and dust have tinted the Moon orange and greatly dimmed its light. It's down between an antenna tower and Texas Tech University's experimental wind generator on Reese Redevelopment district.

Additional images from this event:

Image ... 184313573/



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Re: Recent Submissions: 2011 November 28-30

Post by owlice » Tue Nov 29, 2011 4:22 am

IC5146 and Friends
Copyright: Filippo Ciferri

Moon, Venus and the Canton Tower
Copyright: Josselin Desmars

November Partial Solar Eclipse
Copyright: Mark Mayo

Sun and Moon Set through Distorting Atmospheric Layers
Copyright: Jean-Marc Mari

Crescent Moon over Barcelona
Copyright: Oriol Rigat

Copyright: Moisés Lameiro Bergantiños
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Re: Recent Submissions: 2011 November 28-30

Post by owlice » Tue Nov 29, 2011 4:53 am

Emission Nebula IC 1871
Copyright: Leonardo Orazi

Cederblad 30
Copyright: Adam Block/Mount Lemmon SkyCenter/University of Arizona Sunset with Crescent Moon
Copyright: Mark D. Hale
[attachment=2]Halloween Sunset with Crescent moon.jpg[/attachment]

Perseus Cluster Abell 426 ... 284468.jpg
Copyright: Mr. Karel Bůna & Martin Bůna

Moon and Venus with the Magellan telescopes ... ellans.jpg
Copyright: Igor Chilingarian M33: Triangulum Galaxy in Ha and Ha-RC (Red Continuum)
Copyright: Serge Theberge
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Re: Recent Submissions: 2011 November 28-30

Post by VegaStar » Tue Nov 29, 2011 9:29 am

The Hunter of the Night Sky: ORION
(Central with its Nebula about 1500 light years) ... hotostream
Copyright : VegaStar Carpentier
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Re: Recent Submissions: 2011 November 28-30

Post by Emil Ivanov » Tue Nov 29, 2011 5:47 pm

NGC 7538 - the home of the largest known protostar
Copyright: Emil Ivanov Hi-res image and object and image details

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Re: Recent Submissions: 2011 November 28-30

Post by Tucker512 » Tue Nov 29, 2011 8:07 pm

M77 & NGC1055
Copyright: Scott Tucker Webpage for this image with description and details

Full-resolution version

- Hyperion 12.5" f/8
- Apogee U16M
- Astro-Physics 900GTO
- Tucson, AZ

Thanks for looking!

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Re: Recent Submissions: 2011 November 28-30

Post by Lorenzo Comolli » Tue Nov 29, 2011 10:06 pm

The galactic center
Copyright: Lorenzo Comolli, Luigi Fontana, Giosuè Ghioldi, Emmanuele Sordini
Processing: Lorenzo Comolli
(hires 4000x4000 pix)
Webpage with mouseover labels and description:

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Re: Recent Submissions: 2011 November 28-30

Post by owlice » Wed Nov 30, 2011 1:58 am

MSL's Last Earth Sunset ... 9428_o.jpg
Copyright: Nathan Hubbard

H-alpha Sun Drawing ... 112011.htm
Copyright: Michael Wendl

Christmas Tree Cluster and the Cone Nebula
Copyright: Christoph Puetz

Moon and Venus over Twin Peaks
Copyright: Jimmy Westlake
[attachment=2]1 Moon-Venus 112611(sm).jpg[/attachment]

M27: Dumbbell Nebula
Copyright: Bill Snyder

Sun and Dog
Copyright: Fernando Piña Reina
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Re: Recent Submissions: 2011 November 28-30

Post by lodrigj » Wed Nov 30, 2011 7:41 am

Hubble's Variable Nebula - NGC 2261
Copyright 2011 Jerry Lodriguss

Click on the image to see a higher resolution version with more information about the object and how the image was shot.

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Re: Recent Submissions: 2011 November 28-30

Post by owlice » Wed Nov 30, 2011 8:53 am

NGC 6960: Supernova Remnant in Cygnus in SHO
Copyright: JP-Brahic

Sh2-155 Region with the Cave Nebula ... 184730.jpg
Copyright: Karel Bůna & Martin Bůna

Cygnus X ... ocoon.html
Copyright: NASA/IPAC/MSX

M45 Star and Stripes
Copyright: Marco Angelini and Fabio Tagliani (acquisition); Francesco Antonucci (processing)

NGC 7479: Barred Spiral Galaxy in Pegusus
Copyright: Bob Franke Moon and Venus over a Reservoir Dam ... 187227141/
Copyright: Benjamim Ribeiro

Widefield of the Cocoon Nebula
Copyright: Charles Lillo
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Re: Recent Submissions: 2011 November 28-30

Post by geissi » Wed Nov 30, 2011 8:39 pm

Cirrus Nebula aka Veil Nebula

Have fun!

Rolf Geissinger

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Re: Recent Submissions: 2011 November 28-30

Post by Ann » Fri Dec 02, 2011 6:12 pm

As usual, there are many great images in this thread! :D

I have to start off by the one I like best - NGC 7538 the largest known protostar, by Emil Ivanov. What a fantastic, powerful, delightfully colorful portrait this is of this rare gem in the Milky Way, a truly massive baby star being born! I can't remember having seen a picture of NGC 7538 before. Thank you so much for photographing it, Emil, and for making this stellar infant look so splendid!

Knut Schäffner, you said that you hope that your image of the Horsehead Nebula will become your first APOD. If it was up to me, I would gladly bestow that honour on you. I love how you bring out wonderful details of the nebulosity without playing down the blue blaze of Alnitak. It's so great that your image reminds us what a blindingly powerful star Alnitak really is, the brightest-looking of all O-type stars in the sky! And please remember that the red nebulosity that everyone loves so much is usually a product of hot blue stars.

Speaking of blue details, Christoph Puetz, I love how your image brings out delightful structural detail in the blue reflection nebulosity in the Christmas Tree Cluster near another O star, S Monocerotis. That much detail in this nebula is not often seen.

And speaking even more about blue details, Marco Angelini and Fabio Tagliani (acquisition); Francesco Antonucci (processing) have produced their own delightful portrait of the Seven Sisters and their tangled "hair". Great astrophotographer David Malin once described the appearance of the reflection nebulosity around Pleiads Maya and Merope as "combed hair". David Malin explained that dust align near these stars along magnetic lines. I very much like the "stars and stripes" designation, too!

Lorenzo Comolli, your image of the Galactic center sure is very beautiful. We really live in a handsome galaxy!

Michael Wendl, your sketch of the Sun in H-alpha is less beautiful, but quite fascinating. The creepy crawlies of the Sun are attacking, perhaps?

Karel Bůna & Martin Bůna, I really like your image of the Perseus Cluster. I really like how you bring out the cluster's elongated shape. It reminds me of the overall filamentary structure of the universe, where galaxy clusters form long "chains". Your image is like seeing a closeup of such a galactic "filament"!

VegaStar Charpentier, I like the serene beauty of your Orion's Belt and Sword.

Scott Tucker, that's a very fine image of galaxies M77 and NGC 1055. M77 is one of the really fascinating nearby galaxies with its active nucleus and large starforming faint outer arms, and it is fun to be reminded that NGC 1055 is M77's neighbour. The details of NGC 1055 are interesting, too: the galaxy contains very large amounts of dust, and some of this dust has given birth to bright localized star formation.

Bill Snyder, your portrait of the Dumbbell Nebula looks very fine.

Fernando Piña Reina, I like the title of your image, "Sun and Dog". I really like how both the Sun and the Dog make reflections in the water!

Bob Franke, I'm always very happy to see a new galaxy image from you!

There are many "Moon and Venus" images here, and I like them all. I must say the Canton Tower looks impressive. My favorite among these images, however, is Jimmy Westlake's Moon and Venus over Twin Peaks. Jimmy, your image makes me think that the Moon is an exasperated parent who is scolding her child! :D

Thanks to everyone who contributed images to this thread! :D

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