APOD: QR Codes: Not for Human Eyes (2011 Oct 04)

Comments and questions about the APOD on the main view screen.

Re: APOD: QR Codes: Not for Human Eyes (2011 Oct 04)

Post by HelgeSkj » Tue Oct 04, 2011 3:57 pm

I don’t have a cell phone, because I'm deaf, and I’ve always wondered what these square things were, so thanks, APOD, for informing me — even though it’s provoked a storm of vituperative deprecation from many. I look forward to more genuine astronomy images for my desktop shuffle! Thanks.


Re: APOD: QR Codes: Not for Human Eyes (2011 Oct 04)

Post by somebeach » Tue Oct 04, 2011 3:59 pm

All of you unhappy people... !!! WOW!!!!... A little patience please. I agree this was not one of the better APODs, but come on. I have had APOD as my home page for nearly 10 years. Sometimes great, sometimes good, occasionally so-so... Out of a 10 year run, I can do nothing but applaud APOD. Are you guys perfect all the time!? :shock:

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Re: APOD: QR Codes: Not for Human Eyes (2011 Oct 04)

Post by NoelC » Tue Oct 04, 2011 4:03 pm

HelgeSkj wrote:I don’t have a cell phone, because I'm deaf.
No longer is that a valid reason for not having a portable computing device.

They aren't worth a damn anyway for having an audio conversation, between rearranged packets and dropped calls...


paco beretta

Re: APOD: QR Codes: Not for Human Eyes (2011 Oct 04)

Post by paco beretta » Tue Oct 04, 2011 4:04 pm

The heck... this QR is new to me but I know you're serious. This has to be with an astronomical or space image. Perhaps represent a new messages for the next generation of Voyagers, or is possible it is an astronomical image or something related to the Nobel prize about accelerating universe. Anyway, if it has nothing to do with astronomy, then this quote is completely wrong "Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer."

Saludos a todos!!


Re: APOD: QR Codes: Not for Human Eyes (2011 Oct 04)

Post by DrJoeS » Tue Oct 04, 2011 4:05 pm

I did not read all 202 previous posts but I read enough to see that planet Earth is in trouble.
People cannot appreciate the efforts of the APOD staff to mix it up once in awhile? If you can't live without your space photo fix, go to space.com and have at it.
For me, I much appreciate all of what APOD does and I say keep up the great work and ignore the complainers.


Re: APOD: QR Codes: Not for Human Eyes (2011 Oct 04)

Post by Sandy » Tue Oct 04, 2011 4:06 pm

Aliens from space are so much nonsense. Trying to contact them is even greater nonsense! Funny codes are interesting but are totally out of place on APOD. Weather phenomena are interesting too, but totally out of place, as are shuttle pics etc etc. Please stick to astronomy.


Re: APOD: QR Codes: Not for Human Eyes (2011 Oct 04)

Post by fidgety_sam » Tue Oct 04, 2011 4:12 pm

This has nothing to do with astronomy. What is it doing here? I expect more from you people. :( :x :cry: :?:


Re: APOD: QR Codes: Not for Human Eyes (2011 Oct 04)

Post by Guest » Tue Oct 04, 2011 4:12 pm

Hawk wrote:I tend to agree with other comments aboput the QR image, though I am essentially charitable in nature. APOD is a daily treat for me, something I look to first thing when I log on in the morning at work. I'll consider this is like getting the one cocoanut bonbon in the Russell Stover's candy box - just an unpleasant selection for me, today. I'll surreptitiously spit it out in a napkin, look back through a few archive images, and keep on hoping for for a raspberry cream tomorrow!
Not dark chocolate truffle? :lol:

Comic Book Guy

Re: APOD: QR Codes: Not for Human Eyes (2011 Oct 04)

Post by Comic Book Guy » Tue Oct 04, 2011 4:13 pm

Worst... APOD... Ever.


Re: APOD: QR Codes: Not for Human Eyes (2011 Oct 04)

Post by jimmy33 » Tue Oct 04, 2011 4:14 pm

I wondered what those curious patterns meant that are cropping up an many places. My suspicions are confirmed.


Re: APOD: QR Codes: Not for Human Eyes (2011 Oct 04)

Post by RMShelton » Tue Oct 04, 2011 4:20 pm

Judging from the responses, it appears to be a Rorschach blot.


Re: APOD: QR Codes: Not for Human Eyes (2011 Oct 04)

Post by Penny » Tue Oct 04, 2011 4:22 pm

SmartPhone wrote:Those who dont have smartphones are obviously stupid.They do way more than just play games and text idiots.Get your head out of your asses and move into the new age.
Again, can we be respectful? And a computer will do all your smartphone does. Better. And not everyone has money to waste on appliances, gimmicky technology items that will be obsolete in one year because a better one has come out. Some of us prefer to stay green, and give a little back instead.

Harry TenHerons

Re: APOD: QR Codes: Not for Human Eyes (2011 Oct 04)

Post by Harry TenHerons » Tue Oct 04, 2011 4:24 pm

Interesting. It sort of reminds me of yesterday's amazing image from the new equipment in Chile. I wonder how they work, so I will go find out. Thanks for continually baiting my curiosity.


Re: APOD: QR Codes: Not for Human Eyes (2011 Oct 04)

Post by Bobb » Tue Oct 04, 2011 4:26 pm

The real point of the QR code is not the web page it directs you to. You have to match the white spaces to star fields in the Milky Way to find the original source of this encrypted transmission.


Re: APOD: QR Codes: Not for Human Eyes (2011 Oct 04)

Post by StormyWeather64 » Tue Oct 04, 2011 4:28 pm

Yikes, what a lot of gripping and complaining about a service that you people have enjoyed FOR FREE for YEARS. Bunch of snot nosed spoiled brats. No, not the best APOD but it was mildly interesting and guess what, this site is here for everyone. Not just you! Stop complaining. :shock:


Re: APOD: QR Codes: Not for Human Eyes (2011 Oct 04)

Post by Alfonzostars » Tue Oct 04, 2011 4:30 pm

here here! I love all of the images that apod put up. Even the random ones! This was definitely one of the more random but i found it interesting. Chill out people!

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Re: APOD: QR Codes: Not for Human Eyes (2011 Oct 04)

Post by Ann » Tue Oct 04, 2011 4:31 pm

Speaking of smart phones. In Scandinavia, this girl, Nemi, is a popular comic strip character. In one of today's papers, the Nemi strip consisted of a single panel, where Nemi was going crazy over her smart phone. The text read: Smart phone... dumb girl!

Nemi, I sympathize! I don't have one of those smart phones, either.


P.S. I sympathize with the APOD people, too. Remember, all of you, that there is no way anyone can please everybody all the time.
Color Commentator

APOD admiration

Re: APOD: QR Codes: Not for Human Eyes (2011 Oct 04)

Post by APOD admiration » Tue Oct 04, 2011 4:32 pm

and I like QR codes.
Try harder next time

Tom Callahan

Re: APOD: QR Codes: Not for Human Eyes (2011 Oct 04)

Post by Tom Callahan » Tue Oct 04, 2011 4:35 pm

Fixed that for you: QR code AND pretty space picture:
Yes, I know that probably won't scan...


Re: APOD: QR Codes: Not for Human Eyes (2011 Oct 04)

Post by Disappointment » Tue Oct 04, 2011 4:36 pm

My username tells you what I think.
BTW: the anti-spam-filter spelled Hubble with 2 l's ?!


Re: APOD: QR Codes: Not for Human Eyes (2011 Oct 04)

Post by ducky » Tue Oct 04, 2011 4:41 pm



Re: APOD: QR Codes: Not for Human Eyes (2011 Oct 04)

Post by BrunoMcBain » Tue Oct 04, 2011 4:45 pm

I'm really P.O.'d that the FREE service I have been using has decided to use their webspace however they see fit. I'm sooooo hopping mad that I'm going to refuse to use this FREE service ever again!!! :roll:

Come on, APOD has a pretty valid point with this post, and I for one see it as a good thing that they shake things up every once in a while. I bet none of you complained yesterday when APOD posted a *shudder* MOVIE instead of a PICTURE!

Seriously, if you can't find another site to look at astronomy pictures when APOD has failed (for FREE) to please you, I just don't know what to say to you.

Keep up the good work here at APOD! I appreciate your efforts!


Re: APOD: QR Codes: Not for Human Eyes (2011 Oct 04)

Post by jwrenn29 » Tue Oct 04, 2011 4:47 pm

Not that fun to not only not put an astronomy image up, but then to link to itself? Boo! At least link to a real image.

Very bad attempt today folks. Very bad.


Re: APOD: QR Codes: Not for Human Eyes (2011 Oct 04)

Post by jqmcd » Tue Oct 04, 2011 4:51 pm

... I, too, am hard-pressed to see how a QR code qualifies as an APOD. Interesting technology that
we're going to see a lot more of in the future. And, it's your web site, so you can put up any pictures
you like, but this one is hardly relevant, is it?


Re: APOD: QR Codes: Not for Human Eyes (2011 Oct 04)

Post by Stuart » Tue Oct 04, 2011 4:53 pm

Dang! It's amazing how people these days have such an unbridled sense of entitlement, especially when it comes to things they get for free via the web.

One of the great things about APOD is that it has posts on a variety of topics. Inevitably, not every post will please every person. Grow up. Seriously. You people make me sick and depressed.

I love APOD, and I really appreciate the work that the authors put into it. Keep it up!
