Astronomy Now: Was the Big Bang Born Rotating?

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Astronomy Now: Was the Big Bang Born Rotating?

Post by Ann » Sat Jul 09, 2011 8:37 pm

Fascinatingly, it seems possible that the universe as a whole may be spinning. Physicist Michael Longo and a team of undergraduates have used data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey to find that in the northern hemisphere and out to a distance of 600 million light-years, more galaxies seem to rotate counter-clockwise than clockwise. Why would galaxies have a preferred direction of rotation (if, indeed, they do)?

One possibility is that the entire universe is rotating. On the other hand, if our universe is all there is, then it can't be rotating, because then there would be nothing to "measure its rotation against". Therefore, if the universe is indeed rotating, then it follows that there are other universes beyond our own, and that our universe rotates in relation to the other universes.
Click to play embedded YouTube video.
Is that all there is (to the universe - a lonely non-rotating self-contained entity)?

To bolster the hypothesis that galaxies have a preferred direction of rotation because of the overall rotation of the universe in relation to other universes, astronomers need to check a large number of galaxies in the southern hemisphere, too. And these southern galaxies need to rotate preferentially in a clockwise direction if the hypothesis of a rotating universe is to hold up.

Read about it here:

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Re: Was the Big Bang Born Rotating?

Post by neufer » Fri Jul 15, 2011 7:09 pm wrote: Are The Galaxies In Our Universe More Right-Handed… Or Left-Handed?
by Tammy Plotner on July 14, 2011
[img3="A new study found an excess of counter-clockwise rotating or "left-handed" spiral galaxies like this one, compared to their right-handed counterparts. This provides evidence that the universe does not have mirror symmetry. Credit: NASA, ESA"] ... 80x580.jpg[/img3]
<<It’s called mirror symmetry and it has everything to do with a recent study done by physics professor Michael Longo and a team of five undergraduates from the University of Michigan. Their work encompasses the rotation direction of tens of thousands of spiral galaxies cataloged by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. What they’re looking for is the shape of the Big Bang… and what they found is much more elaborate than they thought.

By utilizing SDSS images, the team began looking for mirror symmetry and evidence the early universe spun on an axis. “The mirror image of a counter-clockwise rotating galaxy would have clockwise rotation. More of one type than the other would be evidence for a breakdown of symmetry, or, in physics speak, a parity violation on cosmic scales.” Longo said. However, there seems to be a certain “spin preference” when it comes to spiral galaxies toward the north pole of the Milky Way. Here they found an abundance of left-handed, or counter-clockwise rotating, spirals – an effect which extended beyond an additional 600 million light years.

“The excess is small, about 7 percent, but the chance that it could be a cosmic accident is something like one in a million,” Longo said. “These results are extremely important because they appear to contradict the almost universally accepted notion that on sufficiently large scales the universe is isotropic, with no special direction.”

On the other hand, be it left or right, Galaxy Zoo has done some very interesting research into mirror symmetry as well. In conjunction with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, the team also involved the public for their input – a total of 36 million classifications for 893,212 galaxies from 85,276 users. The GZ study is absolutely fascinating and took every variable into account.

“We wish to establish the large scale statistical properties of the galaxy spins. Although there is some level of uncertainty in the overall number counts, it is still possible to look for a dipole, for example, in the spin distributions.” says Kate Land, et al. “Curiously, the dipoles from these two analyses are in completely opposite directions. The samples cover different amounts and parts of the sky, with SDSS mainly in the Northern hemisphere and the sample of Sugai & Iye (1995) predominantly in the Southern hemisphere. In both cases the dipoles tend to point away from the majority of the data but neither analysis fits for a monopole or takes account of their partial sky coverage in assessing the dipole. With incomplete sky coverage the spherical harmonic decomposition is no longer orthogonal and for a sample covering less than half of the sky it is hard to tell the difference between a monopole (an excess of one type over the other) and a dipole (an asymmetry in the distribution).”

So what’s the end result? Well, chances are good that our universe was born spinning… but like any family, there isn’t much evidence one way or another that says most members have to be right – or left – handed. It’s more about how we, as humans, perceive them…>>
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Re: Was the Big Bang Born Rotating?

Post by bystander » Fri Jul 15, 2011 10:30 pm

neufer wrote:Are The Galaxies In Our Universe More Right-Handed… Or Left-Handed?
Universe Today | Tammy Plotner | 2011 July 14
The universe may have been born spinning, according to new findings on the symmetry of the cosmos
University of Michigan | 2011 July 07

Is the Universe Spinning?
Discovery Space News | Ray Villard | 2011 July 08

Detection of a dipole in the handedness of spiral galaxies with redshifts z~0.04 - Michael J. Longo Galaxy Zoo: The large-scale spin statistics of spiral galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey - K Land et al
  • > astro-ph > arXiv:0803.3247 > 22 Mar 2008 (v1), 28 May 2008 (v4)
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Re: Was the Big Bang Born Rotating?

Post by BMAONE23 » Sat Jul 16, 2011 2:38 am

Click to play embedded YouTube video.

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Re: Was the Big Bang Born Rotating?

Post by Nereid » Wed Aug 31, 2011 8:15 pm

There are an awful lot of steps to be investigated, and hypotheses tested, between the published Longo work and conclusions like those thrown around so easily in the articles referenced! :P

Perhaps the most basic is this: what does the apparent 'handedness' of a spiral galaxy tell you about its angular momentum vector? To some extent this question has already been (somewhat) answered; there is a way to tell if the arms are leading or trailing. Of course, this tells you nothing about the rotation of the galaxy halo, which is where most of the angular momentum may be (check this out, for example).

But even more basically, how robust is the Longo result?

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